Columbia ®nit)trjsiftj)
sionally even in expression, from another copy, in the
library of the late Lord Hailes, which has been used in
revising the proof-sheets. These copies contain no inter-
nal evidence of the precise dates of their publication, which
must, however, have been very near to the periods as-
signed by Herbert. Davidson was appointed Royal Print-
er in 1540, and the Statutes of James the Fifth, which he
printed at the command of that monarch, bear the date
of 1541.^
There is no information to be obtained respecting the
engraver of the curious wood-cut which ornaments the last
leaf of Bellenden's work, and of which a fac-simile has been
executed, for the present reprint, by ISIr Lizars. We can
scarcely venture to attribute the original to a Scottish, or
even to an English artist, among whose works, at this time,
we rarely discover either tolerable design or careful exe-
cution. It is more than probable that Davidson procured
the block from Germany, where the Formschneiders had
made considerable progress in the art of engraving upon
wood, at an early period. The copy of the Acts of two
Parliaments of James the Ffth, printed upon vellum by
him, in 1541, and preserved in the Advocates' Library,
contains a fine impression of the same print, to which is
subjoined the following monkish distich :
En ego, justicie typus atq. figura, tribunal
Sic ascendo nieuni : dextra assertoribus alta
Astipulor veri, quibus hec mea lilia merces ;
At si quis contra sentit, demissa sinistra
In stygios jubet ire lacus, gladioq. feriri.
' The only copy of this book knoMn to exist, is printed upon vellum,
and preserved in the Advocates' Library.
The subject of the print scarcely requires any descrip-
tion. Within a circle of roses are the ordinary emblems
of the Trinity ; on the right and left appear the Virgin,
with an infant Jesus in her arms ; Moses, and the Royal
Psalmist ; St Peter, with the keys of heaven ; St Paul,
and the Lion of St Mark ; with a large assembly of pro-
phets, apostles, martyrs, pilgrims, popes, cardinals, vir-
gins, and matrons. The lower part of the engraving ex-
hibits a scene in purgatory. A more minute descrip-
tion may be found in Herbert's edition of Ames's Typo-
graphical Antiqidties. The general design is full of spi-
rit; and the execution of the engraving has not been
surpassed by the most skilful of modern Xylographers.
The original title-page has also been accurately copied
upon a reduced scale, for this Work. It exhibits a rude
engraving of the Arms of Scotland, a favourite ornament
with our early printers. The original may have been exe-
cuted in Scotland, and its merit is not diminished in the
copy by !Mr Lizars. The blooming letters used in the
course of these volumes were designed and engraved by
this ingenious artist. The two small wood-cuts which
occur in the fourth and twelfth Books were executed by
Mr Bewick.^
^ There are in Scotland two copies of Bellenden's Boece, printed upon
vellxim. One of these is preserved in the library of the Duke of Hamil-
ton ; and a more splendid specimen of early typography, and of antique
binding, cannot well be imagined. The vellum upon which it is printed
is stainless — and the breadth of the margin would satisfy the most fasti-
dious and princely Collector. The boards bear the following inscription.
Jacobus Quintus Rex Scotorum — and on the title-page, the initials
J. R'^ appear in manuscript. They are, in all probability, in the hand-
wi'iting of that monarch, to whom the volume appears to have belonged. The
There are several manuscript copies extant of Bellen-
den's Translation of Boece. The most ancient and au-
thentic of these belongs to Sir Alexander Boswell of
Auchinleck. It differs materially from the printed work;
and the Editor regrets extremely that the arrangement^
for the present publication did not admit of collating
them. The earlier part, as far as the end of the table
to the fourth Book, is wanting. What remains of the
table differs in many respects from the printed copy.
Then follows the list of Kings, which is a fuller transla-
tion of Boece's catalogue. This is succeeded by " Ane
Ballat," which is the same with the " Prohem of the
History ;" but concludes, " Heir endis the ballat, and
" beginnis the Preface direkkit to our Soverane Lord
" King James the Fyft." The preface occupies four pages
and a half of the IMS. It is just the Epistle which con-
cludes the printed volume under the title of" The Epis-
" tie direckit be the translatour to the Kingis grace ;" but
concludes with the following date, which is material, as
ascertaining the period at which the translation must have
been executed : " At Edinburgh, the last day of August,
" the year of God, one thousand five hundreth and
" thretty-ane yeiris."
It would be vain to attempt an enumeration of the dis-
crepancies that occur in the historical part of the narrative ;
other, which is inferior, belongs to the library of the University of Edin-
burgh. The title-page bears the following quaint inscription : " Thomas
" Willson Mercator, me Bibliothecae Edinburgensse done dedit, Auo-dom.
" 1669." This valuable volume seems to have been heedlessly committed
to the hands of a tasteless bookbinder, and has, in consequence, suffered
much from those operations known by the name of cobbling.
but a few of them may be noticed. In the third chapter of
the Fourteentli Book, the passage beginning, " It was said
" be thame that followit the opinion of Ballial," runs thus
in the IMS. : " It is said that Robert Bruse wes the causs of
" the discomfit of this last feild at Dunbar ; for in the be-
" ginning of the battel, he permittit to King Edward to
" come from King Balial, with all his freindis and kynnis-
" men," and then he goes for his reward to the English
monarch. A very remarkable variation occurs in the fifth
chapter of the same Book. In the MS., Wallace's speech
to Bruce is literally translated from Boece ; while, in the
printed copy, all his abuse of Bruce is omitted, and an
apology introduced.
In the printed work, the Fifteenth Book commences
with an account of the proceedings of Sir James Douglas,
which is omitted in the MS., where this Book begins
as follows : —
" A7id hegy7iis ye xv Buke of ye samyne. How David
*' Bruse was maid King of Scotland ; and hoiv Erie
" Thomas Randaill was maid Governor yairof. Of his
^* gret justice ; and of his deith. Ca. Primo.
" QuHEN King Robert was deceissit in yis maner, his
" sone, David Bruse, was maid king ; and becaus he was
" unable to govern ye realme for his non age, Erie Tho-
" mas Randaill was maid governor ; for nane was yat
" day compair to him in manheid and prudence, except
" Schir James Douglass, quhilk was, as we have schawin,
** votit to ye Haly Land. Erie Thomas was governour
VOL. I. b
'' als, iiij zeris, during ye infirmite of King Robert ;
" and becaus ye peple was brokin with lang warris, he
" thocht best, quhill yai war refreschit, to mak peace
" with Ingland. Sic thingis done, he set his besiness to
" governe ye reahne in peace, comanding his officiar to
" do justice in all partis. And yat yai suld not remane
" unmyndfull of yair warris, he comandit yame to have
" yair wappynnis & harnes ay reddy to battell ; foryer, to
•'• nuriss gud men injustice, and to puniss ewill men,
•' (quhilks repugnant yairto.) He comandit yat saidillis,
" bridillis, and all uyer instruments pertenand to ye use of
" husbandry, suld ly yairfurth bayth day and nycht ; and
" gif ony thing war tane away, yat ye shereff of ye schir
" suld outher causs it to be restorit to ye aunaris, or ellis
" to pay it one his awin burss. Finalie, sic extreme puni-
" tionis was maid one thevis, yat baith thift and pikry
" war dantit in all partis ; and mony broken men* dantit
" of yair wild insolence, howbeid yai beleiffit to use sic
*' oppressionis one ye peple in tyme of peace, as yai usit
" afore, quhen ye cuntre was troublit be civill conten tionis.
" Attour, yat vertue suld be autorist in yis realm e, he
" comandit yat na vagabound peple, menstralis, nor jug-
" gillouris, be ressavit in ony touns, without yai had sum
" craft to debait yair leving, (becaus yai war proffitable
" allanerlie in tyme of battell.) Be yis way, he purgit ye
" realme of mony ydill lymaris."
The corresponding passage in the printed copy is ma-
terially different. If Bellenden personally superintended
the publication, he must have had some purpose, which
cannot now be detected, in garbling his original composi-
tion. In the Auchinleck MSS. there is considerably more
of the vernacular language of Scotland than in the printed
The Editor is indebted to Sir Alexander Boswell for
these collations. He is also indebted to Mr George Chal-
mers for a variety of particulars relative to Boece and
Bellenden ; extracted by that gentleman from an unpub-
lished work of his own, on the Printing and Printers of
Scotland, which, it is hoped, he will not long withhold
from the world.
He early part of the Literary History
of Scotland is involved in much ob-
scurity, and has not been investigated
with a due share either of care or of
candour. Many eminent writers who
adorned the reigns of the Stuarts du-
ring the fifteenth and sixteenth centu-
ries, are now in a great measure unknown or forgotten.
The difficulties these early writers had to encounter, from
the limited sources of information which they possessed,
—-the absence of authentic records to guide them in their
researches,— the romantic and fabulous times of which they
wrote, and the want of science to operate as a check up-
on credulity, seem entirely to have escaped those critics
by whom their labours have been depreciated, and their
claims to the gratitude of posterity denied.
John Barbour, the father of Scottish Historians, com-
posed his celebrated historical poem upon the exploits of
Robert the Great, about the year 1375 ; and, looking to
the remote period at which it was written, it is a work of
great merit. The subject is well selected and skilfully
managed. TJie Bruce was truly the hero of Scottish chi-
valry ; and Barbour relates his mighty deeds with all the
enthusiasm of a Scottish poet. His narrative is remark-
able for simplicity, and his style is by no means deficient
in fancy. He appears to have been acquainted with an-
cient literature ; but it is to be regretted, that the taste
of the age should have led him to study Statius and Clau-
dian, rather than Virgil and Horace. He certainly, how-
ever, improved the language of his country, " by a strain
of versification, expression, and poetical images, far supe-
rior to the age in which he lived." ' It is difficult to ar-
rive at any satisfactory conclusion as to the credit due to
his historical details, but the researches of Lord Hailes
leave a favourable impression of their accuracy.
The Scotichronico7i, the earliest general history of Scot-
land that has reached our time, was compiled during the
reign of Robert the Second, by John of Foiidun, — so
named from the supposed place of his birth, a village in
Kincardineshire. This venerable Chronicler flourished
about the year 1380. His Latinity is barbarous ; but he is
admitted to have been a useful compiler of history, by a
writer" who is never disposed to bestow unmerited com-
mendation upon the early historians of Scotland. Lord
Hailes, too, avails himself liberally of the materials fur-
' Warton's History of English Poetry, I. 318.
^ Pinkerton.
iiished by Fordun, and appears to have set considerable
value upon them.
The Scotkhronicon was continued by Walter Bo-
war, Abbot of St Colm, to the end of the reign of James
the First. His materials are valuable and authentic, but
they are ill- digested, and his style possesses no attraction.
Andrew Winton, Prior of Lochleven, was a con-
temporary of Bowar. He composed his Metrical Chro-
nicle of Scotland about the year 1420, during the regen-
cy of Murdoc, Duke of Albany. This curious work re-
mained in manuscript, till that part of it which relates to
the affairs of Scotland was introduced to the notice of the
world by the late Mr David ;M'Pherson, in a publication
which appeared in 1795. It contains much genealogical
information relating to many of the noble families of
The period during which Bowar and Winton flourished,
was followed by a long pause in the progress of historical
writing in Scotland, while considerable advancement was
made in the fine arts. James the First, who had not ne-
glected the culture of his mind during the gloom of his
tedious captivity, indulged with great success in poetical
composition. His grandson was devoted to architecture
and painting ; and the great hall in the Castle of Stirling,
with Roslyii's proud ChapeUe, attest the taste of the mo-
narch and of the age. The unfortunate hero of Flodden
Field was fonder of the ways of strife than of the paths
of peace ; yet, true to the character of his race, he was
not regardless of the interests of literature. His famous
statute relative to Education ^ deserves to be commemo
rated, as an enactment worthy of an enlightened legislator.
Although it related only to the children of the higher
orders, it may be viewed as in some measure the com-
mencement of that system which ultimately resulted in
the establishment of Parish Schools, by an act of the
Privy Council, in I6l6. It was under the auspices of
James the Fourth, too, that the typographical art was in-
troduced into Scotland, and that the excellent Bishop
Elphinston founded the University of Aberdeen.
With the reign of James the Fifth commenced the
golden age of the early literature of Scotland. The cha-
racter of this monarch is familiar to every reader of his-
tory. Eminent as a poet, and remarkable for his love of
learning, his court was filled with accomplished scholars,
and his praises were sung by the poets of his own as
well as of foreign lands.
And ye, my soverenej be lyne coutinuall.
Ay come of kingis your progenitouris.
And writis in ornate style poetically
Quick-flowand vers of rhethorik cullouris,
Sa freschlie springand in youre lusty flouris.
To the grete comforte of all trew Scottismeu —
was the address of a Scottish poet to James ; and it is sup-
posed that Ariosto " glaunceth at his worth in the per^
son of Zerhino, whom he nameth Prince of Scotland"
1 1494, c. 54.
2 Drummond's History of Scotland, Edin. l682, p. 348.
The earliest historian during this reign, whose writ-
ings have come down to us, is John Mair. His work,
De Gestis Scotorum, was written in 1518, and first print-
ed at Paris, in 1521, by Badius Ascensius, with the
usual elegance which distinguished his press. JMair was
less credulous than the historians who preceded him,
and corrected many of the figments^ as he calls them,
of Scottish history. His narrative closes with the mar-
riage of James the Fourth, in 1495. *• He wrote," says
Archbishop Spottiswood, " howbeit in a sorhonkJc and
*' barbarous style, yet very truly, and with a great liberty
*• of spirit." ^ He was followed by a writer of distinguish-
ed talents, and unquestionably one of the most accom-
plished scholars of his age.
Hector Boece ^
was descended from an honourable family in the county
of Angus, who possessed the barony of Panbride for a
long period of years. David the Second, having appointed
a council to meet at Perth, commanded the names of all
those who had done good service to their country, or
whose fathers had been slain at the battles of Duplin and
Halydonhill, to be communicated to him, in order that
he might have an opportunity of rewarding them. His
^ History of Church of Scotland, p. 68.
2 The name is variously written, Boyis, Boyes, Boiss, Boice, and Boece.
The last has been adopted as the more usual orthography. It came origi-
nally from France, and never appears to have been common in Scotland.
It occurs only once in the General Index to the Retours— .Bariarf/o
Boyes hicola in Dundee. Inquis. Generales, 7528.
rewards consisted chiefly of gold, silver, and jewels ; but
Boece informs us, that the heiress and barony of Pan-
bride, or Balbride, were bestowed upon Hugh Boece, his
grandfather, in consequence of his father having fallen at
the battle of Duplin. This property still belonged to the
family, during the reign of James the Fifth.
Boece was born at Dundee, about the year 1465-6;
and hence he assumed the sirname of Deidonanus. His
education commenced at his native place. It was con-
tinued at Aberdeen, and afterwards completed at Paris,
where, in 1497, he became a Professor of Philosophy in
the college of JNIontacute. During his residence in that
university, he had an opportunity of forming an intimacy
with many of the most eminent scholars of the time.
Among these was Erasmus, with whom, during the after-
part of his life, he maintained a regular correspondence.
As a mark of his esteem, Erasmus dedicated a Catalogue
of his works to Boece, and accompanied the transmission
of it with a very eloquent and affectionate letter, in which
he reflects, with much complacency, upon his intellectual
intercourse with him at Paris, when they were both ac-
tively engaged in literary pursuits. ^
^ This letter was in answer to one which Erasmus had previously re-
ceived from the Scottish historian, dated at Aberdeen, on the 7th of June
1528. By some accident, it appears not to have reached him till the month
of February, 1530. After assigning this circumstance as the cause of his
apparent long delay in replying to Boece's communication, Erasmus pro-
ceeds,— " Quam, mihi tua consuetudo jucuuda fuit Hector eruditissime,
" quum ante annos triginta duo Lutetiae in literarum stadio pariter cur-
" reremus, licet te pro ingenii tui singulari felicitate multis passibus prse-
In 1500, Boece was invited, by Bishop Elphinston, to
become Principal of King's College, Aberdeen, which he
had a short time before founded, under the patronage of
James the Fourth. This invitation was at first unfavour-
ably received, but, allured by " gifts and promises,"^ Boece
at last yielded to the solicitations of his countryman. He
left Paris and his learned friends with regret. Upon
returning to his native country, he experienced a kind
reception from the Canons of Aberdeen, and immediate-
ly entered upon the discharge of his professorial du-
ties. His associate in these was William Hay, a person
of whom he speaks with respect and affection. They
were both natives of Angus; they had spent their youth
together in Dundee ; and they had afterwards stu-
died at Paris, under the same masters. By their joint
exertions. King's College acquired great celebrity, and
became a nursery of excellent scholars. Boece discharged
the duties of Principal and Professor with zeal and fide-
lity. His annual revenue, at this period, amounted to
40 Scottish marks, about L.2, 4s. 6d. of Sterling money,
— a sum which, as Dr Johnson observes, was then pro-
bably equal, not only to the needs, but to the rank of the
President of King's College."
" ciirrente : tam mihi gratum fuit earn voluptatem ex tanto intervallo
" mihi tuis Uteris refricari." At the close of the letter, Erasmus expresses
great satisfaction in learning that Scotland was making rapid progress in
the liberal arts. For this she was indebted, in no inconsiderable degree^,
to Hector Boece.
* Muneribus et pollicitationibus. Fitce Episc. Murth. et Aberd. fol. 27.
^ Tour to the Hebrides.
After the death of Bishop Elphinston, in 1514, Boece
undertook a work, intended, chiefly, to give an account
of the life and character of that excellent Prelate, and
which was published at Paris in 1522, in a small quarto
volume, now of great rarity, entitled, Vitoe Episcojyo-
rum jyiurthlacensium et Aherdonens'mm. It begins with
the life of Bean us, the first Bishop of Aberdeen, and
ends with that of Gawin Dunbar, who filled the See at
the time the book was published. Nearly one-third of the
whole, however, is occupied with the Memoirs of Boece's
patron, which contain an interesting account of his early
education, and of his gradual advancement to the high
literary and political situations he afterwards filled.
The narrative is particularly minute regarding the
foundation and endowment of King's College. The build-
ing is described as magnificent in ornament and extent.
The Church attached to the College is represented as
having been built of hewn stone, and as containing suit-
able accommodations for Priests and Students. It was
richly furnished with marble altars, graven images, pic-
tures, statues, tapestry, garments of gold and purple, can-
delabras, vases of curious workmanship, vessels for frank-
incense and holy water, coverings for the altars em-
broidered with gold, and a chest of cypress-wood, adorn-
ed with pearls and gems, in which the relics of the saints
were deposited. These were chiefly the gift of Bishop
Elphinston. A few of the ornaments were bestowed by
Arthur Boece, a brother of our historian,^ who does not
^ Boetius (Artliurus) Hectoris fi'ater juris canonici Professor in acade-
mia Aljerdonensi. Scripsit Excerpta ex jure Pontijicio, lib. 1. Claruit
himself appear to have been wealthy enough to make do-
nations to the Church of his College ; but it is recorded,
that a magnificent altar, with suitable ornaments, was
erected by his executors.^
There were four Professorships in King's College ; the
first of Divinity, to which all the others were subordi-
nate,— the second of Canon Law, — the third of Civil Law,
— and the fourth of Physic. Ten Bachelors were employ-
ed in attending the lectures of the Professors, and in ex-
plaining them to the younger students. Similar duties
were performed by fourteen students of philosophy ; and
there was also a Teacher or Professor, whose duty it was
to initiate the members of the college in Grammar, pre*
vious to the study of the higher and more important
branches of education. In Boece's time, this last depart-
ment was filled by John Vaux, a scholar of great learning
and intense application.'
The endowments of Bishop Elphinston were not con-
fined to his own College and Church. He adorned the
original Cathedral of Aberdeen with rich gifts, and com-
pleted the great Tower, which Henry Leighton, a for-
mer Bishop, had left unfinished. He also commenced
rebuilding the choir, in a style of splendour consistent
with the other parts of the cathedral ; but this work was
anno mdxx. Tanner's Bib. Brit. Hih. The name of Arthur Boyes, the
Laird of Balwery, (probably this person,) occurs in the original nomina-
tion of the Lords of Session in 1532 ; but it does not appear that he ever
acted. — Acts of Par. vol. II. SS6. Hailes' Catalogue of Lords of Session,
p. 1.
^ Orem's I>is. of King's College, p. l66.
* Vitce Epis. Murth. et Aber. folio 29.
not completed at his death. A bridge over the Dee was
planned by him ; and he left a large sum for the purpose
of carrying it into execution. Nothing can be more de-
lightful than Boece's account of the old age of the Bishop.^
It was devoted to religion, to learning, and to the plea-
sures of society. His table, which was splendid, was fre-
quented by the noble and the learned; and, although
abstemious himself, his love of music and of gaiety made
him a very agreeable companion. He died, after havingfiUed
the See of Aberdeen for 30 years,^ full of age and of ho-
nour. It is to be regretted that no part of his historical
collections has yet been made public. They are preserved
among the manuscripts of Sir Thomas Fairfax, in the
Bodleian Library.
Boece, as already mentioned, concludes his Lives of
the Bishops with a short notice of Gawin Dunbar, to
whom he dedicated the book. He urges upon this Pre-
late the propriety of following out the plans of Elphin-
ston, for finishing King's College, and for erecting a
bridge over the Dee. Dunbar adopted these suggestions,
and completed much of what his predecessor had left
unfinished. It has been said that Boece prevented him
from placing his name and armorial bearings upon a part
of King's College, of which he had commenced the build-
ing. In consequence of this, the Bishop, in a fit of humour,
directed it to be completed, " roughly, without good work-
" man ship or contrivance." ^
^ Senectus ei jucunda et veneranda, non morosaj non auxia^ non difficilis,
non tristis. Viioe Episc. Miirth. et Aberd. fol. 31.
^ 1450.
^ Orem's Dis. of King's College, p. 175.
During his long residence in King's College, Boece de-
voted much of his leisure to the composition of a General
History of Scotland, which was destined to estabUsh his
fame. It was published at Paris, in 1526, in a folio vo-
lume, under the title of " Scotorim HistoricB, a prima
'' gentis origine, cum aliarum et rerum et gentium> illustra-
" tione non vulgari:' ^ This edition contains seventeen
Books. A second was printed at Lausanne, and publish-
ed at Paris in 1574, about forty years after the death
of Boece. In this, were added the eighteenth, and part
of a nineteenth Book, written by himself; and a con-
tinuation of the history to the end of the reign of James
the Third, by Ferrerius, a learned Piedmontese, w^ho
came to Scotland, in 1528, in the train of Robert Reid,
Abbot of Kinloss, and afterwards Bishop of Orkney.
Soon after the publication of his History, James the
Fifth bestowed upon Boece a pension of L.50 Scots year-
ly ; as appears from the following notices in the Record :
" 1527, July 14th, Grant to Maister Hector of a pension
" of L.50 Scots yearly, to be paid him by the sheriff of
" Aberdeen out of the King's casualties.'" This grant
was repeated, two years afterwards, with a variation of the
source of payment :— " 1529, July 26th, Precept for a let-
1 The printing was executed, " Jodoci Badii Ascensii typis et opera,
" impensis autem nobilis et proedocti viri Hectoris Boethii, DeidoTiatii." The
title-page contains a curious engraving of the Ascensian Press, Avithin a
border of fantastic devices, and surmounted by a medallion figure of a monk,
crowned with laurel, and seated at a writing-desk ; which Mr Herbert
supposes to be a portrait of the author. — Typographical Antiquities, vol.
III. p. 1471.
2 Privy Seal, Reg. vi. fol. 70.
" tre to Mr Hector Boys, professor of theology, of a pen-
" sion of L.50 Scots yearly, until the King promote him
" to a benefice of 100 marks Scots of yearly value ; the
" said pension to be paid him by the customers of Aber-
" deen."^ As the King's customs of Aberdeen were pro-
bably inadequate to answer all the assignments upon them,
Boece's pension was afterwards, in 1533 and 1534, paid,
the one-half by the King's Comptroller, and the other half
by the Treasurer. There was paid in this manner one
year's pension, from Whitsunday 1532 to Whitsunday
1533 ; and another, from Whitsunday 1533 to Whitsun-
day 1534.
As the payment of the pension does not appear in the
Treasurer's accounts after 1534, it is probable, that, about
this period, the King carried into effect his intention, inti-
mated in the grant of 1529, of giving Boece a benefice in
lieu of it. The benefice so given, was the Rectory of
Tyrie, in Buchan, Aberdeenshire, which he held at his
death, in 1536 ; as appears from the record of the presen-
tation of his successor : — " 1536, November 22d. The king
" presented ]Vlr John Gardin to the Rectory of Tiry, in
" the diocese of Aberdeen, vacant by the death of the late
" Mr Hector Boiss."^
No particulars are known respecting the latter years of
Boece ; but the notice just quoted from the Record, shews
that he died in 1536,^ when he must have been about
^ Privy Seal, Reg. viii. 75.
2 Privy Seal, Reg. x. 177-
■■' Tlie authors of the Biographia Britannica have erroneously supposed,
that Boece died only a short time previous to the year 1550. The only
sevent)'- years of age. According to Gordon of Straloch,
this event happened at Aberdeen.
The merits of Boece, as a historian, have been keenly
disputed. It was formerly supposed, that the severity
of his treatment, by some of the older English writers,^ ori-
ginated in passion and malice ; but their example has been
followed by two modern critics of his own country. Lord
Hailes and Mr Pinkerton. In speaking of our historian,
the former seems to lose his usual caution ; and Mr Pinker-
ton inveighs against him as " the most egregious historical
*' impostor that ever appeared in any country !" He would
have done well to have recollected an observation of his
own, when attempting to justify his favourite hero, James
the Fifth, for sanctioning the judicial murder of the young
and lovely Lady Glamis upon a charge of witchcraft, —
" that it is no crime not to have been a philosopher before
" philosophy revived."
reasou given for this conjecture is, that, in that year, they find his death
lamented by Latonius and Wolfius, two learned foreigners, with whom he
had been intimately acquainted at the university of Paris.
^ Lluyd, Lloyd, and Stillingfleet. " This furious regicide," says the late
Mr David M'Pherson, in a MS. note on his copy of the Origines Britan-
nicoe, " in his hurry to demolish the fictitious kings of the Scots, whom no
" sensible Scotsman wishes to rescue out of his hands, sacrifices along with
" them all the real and well authenticated sovereigns whose names he does
" not find in the genealogy of the direct ancestors of Alexander the Third ;
" so that all the branches of the royal family which failed of issue, are, by
" this new kind of argument, proven never to have existed." It is not to
be supposed, that, with such views as these, Stillingfleet could treat Hector
Boece with much lenity or candour.
VOL. I. d
Lord Hailes sarcastically remarks, " that, although re-
" formed from Popery, we are not reformed from Boece ;"
and it is perhaps true, that the charms of his narrative may
have given currency to fables, even after the progress of
knowledge, and the light of science, had exposed their
absurdity. But what is the conclusion to be drawn from
thence ? Certainly not that he is unworthy of all credit,
but merely that, in estimating the credit \vhich is due to
him, it is necessary to make an allowance for those parts
of his works that can be traced to the credulity of the age
in which he lived, and of which, with all his learning and
accomplishments, it must be admitted that he largely par-
Anxious to support the claims of his country to a high
degree of antiquity, he listened readily to the most extra-
vagant traditions, provided they supported his favourite
delusion, and enabled him to add another name to the
long line of Scottish monarchs. Many statements were
thus hazarded upon authority which modern discrimina-
tion would scornfully reject. The dynasty of Scotland was
carried far beyond the birth of Christ ; and every reign
was full of battles never fought, and of events which never
existed, save in the dreams of Monkish tradition.
Boece prefixed to his Chronicles a geographical descrip-
tion of Scotland, accompanied by a short account of the
manners of the ancient inhabitants. Here, also, we dis-
cover symptoms of great credulity, but none whatever of
a disposition to deceive. He was fond of Natural His-
tory, a science at this period in its infancy. The accuracy
which experimental investigation has now acquired was
wholly unknown, and many of the great arcana of nature,
which have since been explained, were the subject of igno-
rant astonishment in the days of Boece. Phenomena which
are now common and intelligible, were then viewed as
marvellous, and surpassing all comprehension. This may
explain the readiness with which Boece, in common with
such writers as Herodotus and Livy, lent a willing ear to
every report of events deviating from the ordinary course
of nature. If an account had been transmitted to him
of such a machine, as that invented by Bramah, ena-
bling a single individual to root out a forest-tree, it would
have been as difficult for him to believe this as the story
told by Sir Duncan Campbell, of the terrible heist of
Loch QsixXoW, futit lik cine ganar, which was capable of
striking down the largest oak with the dint of her tail.
His account of the sea monks at the isle of Bass, and of
the wild men of Norway, with all the accumulation of
prodigies which are scattered throughout his History, ad-
mit of a similar explanation. We may smile at his sim-
plicity in believing them, but there seems no reason for
imputing to him the character of a contriver of fables.
His geographical knowledge appears to have been in-
considerable; and, accordingly, his description of Scot-
land is inaccurate. It is not surprising that he should
give an erroneous account of the boundaries of the Roman
provinces ; but it does seem remarkable, that he should
represent the Clyde and the Forth as rising among the
same mountains.
His account of ancient manners is curious and interest-
ing ; tinged though it be with the fables of a golden age.
Many amiable traits of character are attributed to the
ancient inhabitants of Scotland. Every mother nursed
her own child ; and an inabiUty to discharge this ma-
ternal duty afforded a presumption of infidelity. The
soldier who was found in battle with an unbelted sword,
was scourged ; and the w^arrior who sold his armour,
or laid it to iced, w^as degraded. Victory w^as never
sought by treason or falsehood ; and the highest impu-
tation against the character of a chief, was to conquer
in any "way but by force of f editing. The number of
stones with -vvhich the sepulchre of a w^arrior was adorn-
ed, depended upon the number of enemies he had slain. In
peace, justice Avas strictly administered, and so great a
degree of liberality regulated the mercantile transactions
of the ancient Scots, that a purchaser was not bound to
adhere to his bargain unless the seller gave him something
above just measure.
It is generally admitted, that, at a remote period, the
Monastery of lona not only contained a valuable li-
brary ,i but was the general repository of the Scottish
records.' Indeed, one of the least enthusiastic of modern
writers, has indulged the pleasing reflection, that, from
this distant island, the barbarians of the west, in ancient
times, " derived the benefits of knowledge, and the bles?-
" ings of religion." The ultimate fate of the literary trea-
sures of Icolmkill is unknown, nor is it now possible to
ascertain of what they consisted. Our regret for their loss
would be aggravated in no ordinary degree, could we
believe that a manuscript of Livy or of Sallust existed
amon.o; them.
^ Jamieson's Ciddees.
' Pennant's Tour in Scotland^ vol. II. p. 296.
An attempt has been made to convict Boece of de-
liberate mistatement, by contrasting his account of the
removal of the public Records and Manuscripts from
Icolmkill to the Priory of Restennet, in Angus, by Al-
exander the First, with the allegation in a different part
of his work, that at a later period a variety of Historical
Writings were transmitted to him from lona. But sup-
posing it to be true, that the Monastery of Saint Colum-
ba was pillaged by Alexander, it is not improbable that
a portion of the manuscripts may have been concealed and
retained by the JNIonks ; and that Boece may have been
enabled to avail himself of these remains in compiling
his History.
The circumstances connected with the alleged transmis-
sion of the Manuscripts to Aberdeen, strongly confirm the
accuracy of his statements. A tone of great sincerity distin-
guishes his narrative. He claims no merit for his investi-
gations, into which indeed he was led, from a desire to follow
out an inquiry commenced by a Legate of the Pope, a cen-
tury before. The tradition of the time was, that Fergus the
Second, in assisting Alaric the Goth, in sacking Rome,
brought away a chest of books which he presented to the
Monastery at lona. In consequence of a belief in the
truth of this story, ^Eneas Silvius^ intended, when he was
in Scotland, to have visited Icolmkill in search of the lost
books of Livy, but was prevented by the death of James
the First. His scheme was resumed by Boece, who
makes no mystery as to the mode in which he procured
access to the Manuscripts. This was effected by the in-
1 Pius II.
terposition of the Earl of Argyle, and his brother, the
King's Treasurer. Boece's History was published while
these persons were alive ; and if he referred to unknown
or imaginary authorities, he did so before living witnesses,
by whom his statements might have been contradicted
and refuted.
But the heaviest charge against the veracity of Boece,
arises from his reference to the writings of Veremundus,
an author whose works are unnoticed by the other ancient
Chroniclers of Scotland. Bale, Chambres of Ormond,
Paulus Jovius, Buchanan, and Sir Richard Baker, are
supposed to quote Veremundus upon the authority of
Boece alone, who is thus made answerable for all the fa-
bles which have found their way into the early history ot
Scotland. Now, had it been his deliberate intention to
forge an authority, his natural sagacity would have pre-
vented him from adopting the name of an obscure Spa-
niard, which could carry no weight with it, and could not
therefore answer the purpose which he must have had in
view. Again, he states that he received the JNIanuscripts
from Zona only in 1525, the year before his History was
published ; and hence it has been said that his narrative
carries its own refutation with it, because he could not
possibly, during this short interval, have made the use
which he pretends of the Chronicle of Veremundus. This
is no doubt a difficulty, but its existence is much in fa-
vour of our author's honesty, who must be acknowledged
to have had a better invention than to have forged so im-
probable a falsity, especially in a matter where he was
^ Mackenzie's Anti(i. of Royal Line, chap. III.
liable to be contradicted by Argyle, the Treasurer, the
whole Monks of lona, and his cotemporaries in the Uni-
versity of Aberdeen. In short, had the account which he
gives of the Manuscripts been fabulous, it is plain that it
would have been more skilfully devised, and free from
those objections of improbability which have been urged
against it, and which are only to be explained upon the
supposition that the narrative is true.
It has been inferred that his account of Veremundus is
false, because this writer is not quoted by Fordun. But
this is really a very lame conclusion. Fordun is not
referred to by Boece,^ and his Chronicle remained in
manuscript for about two centuries after the publication
of the History of the latter. The silence of Boece, how-
ever, would have been a very singular reason for pre-
suming against the existence of Fordun, yet it might have
been relied on as leading to this conclusion, with quite as
much safety as we can depend upon the silence of the lat-
ter in evidence of the inaccuracy of Boece's statements
respecting Veremundus. Fordun quotes authors whose
writings are no longer extant, yet credit is attached to
them, and there is no reason why the positive assertions
of Boece should not carry the same weight. It has been
suggested by a respectable writer, that Fordun does refer to
Veremundus, although under a different name.^ The true
explanation of the matter seems to be this : Boece sup-
pressed the name of Fordun in order that he might ac-
1 The various references to the Scotichronicon in the Croniklis are in^
troduced by Bellenden.
2 Nichol. His. Lib. p. 26.
quire the credit of being the earliest general historian of
Scotland ; and for the same reason, Fordun did not direct-
ly avow the extent to which he transcribed the writings
of the earlier Chroniclers.'
The ingenious author of the Historical Account of the
Ancieiit Culclees, hazards a supposition not much to the
credit of Boece, that he may have " destroyed the manu-
" scripts which he had used, that his own history might
" be in greater request."" This notion derives some sup-
port from a passage which occurs in the writings of Gor-
don of Straloch.^ The theory, however, is not very proba-
ble in itself, and the motive assigned is scarcely sufficient
to account for such an act of treason against the inte-
rests of literature, on the part of the good and the grave
It is not at all surprising, that, in transcribing from
the Ionian Manuscripts, he should have exercised little
of the discrimination necessary for separating truth from
falsehood. His anxiety to illustrate the high antiquity,
and to perpetuate the fame of his country, made him a
ready listener to tales which a writer of a less sanguine
temperament would have rejected. But it does appear
a harsh inference, that these must have originated en-
^ Antiq. of the Royal Line, chap. III.
2 P. 305.
^ Audivi adolescens Abredoniae ubi Boethius Academiae preftiit^ et fato
functus est, ilium exemplaria eorum authorum manuscripta delevisse ad
conciliaudum Historise suae gratiam ut nostrae antiquitates solum inde
haurientur, Misellus homo ! Quantum acceperit gratiae in dubio est — Ni-
chol. Hist. Lib. p. 27-
tirely in his own imagination, or to conclude, with Mr
Pinkerton, that he filled up every interval of authentic
detail, with an expedition from the isles, headed by a
Donald, the " constant ghost of his pages."
Every person who has looked with any degree of at-
tention into Boece's History, must be satisfied that the
narrative is conducted with simplicity, although the state-
ments are enforced with zeal. They obviously come from
an author who appears to be not only deeply impressed
himself with the truth of what he writes, but anxious to
convey the same impression to his readers. There is no
apparent exertion of skill in devising incidents. Every
circumstance is related as it appears to have been report-
ed to the writer. Many of his statements, too, are made
with the hesitation of a man anxious to be accurate.
Quis rem tarn vetustam pro certo affirmet, is an expression
we frequently meet with in the course of his History.
These views are strongly supported by the favourable
opinion entertained of his moral character by his contem-
poraries. We have already seen that he was the intimate
friend of Erasmus, who had ample opportunities of ob-
serving his personal character. They studied long toge-
ther at Paris, and in after-life maintained a regular cor-
respondence. Such, indeed, Avas the opinion w^hich this
eminent man entertained of the integrity of our historian,
that he says of him, he " knew not what it was to make
" a lie." ^ His continuator Ferrerius, Buchanan, and Arch-
^ General Dictionary, vol. III. p. 435. Mackenzie's Defence of Royal
Line. — In the letter formerly referred to, Erasmus, in addressing Boece,
takes occasion to remark, Quod a tuts moribus semper fuit alienissimum
VOL. I. e
bishop Spottiswood, speak of him in similar terms ; yet
the wicked wit of an English antiquary has likened the
multitude of his falsehoods to the waves of the sea, and
the stars of heaven ! i
His intellectual attainments were of a high character.
He has been represented as skilled in classical and polite
literature, divinity, and philosophy ;^ and Erasmus invari-
ably speaks of him as a man of an extraordinary and hap-
py genius, and great eloquence.^ He drank deeply from
the well-sp7'ings of ancient learning, and thus acquired
a style, which has been said, a little perhaps in the strain
of panegyric, to combine the elegance of Livy with
the conciseness and simplicity of Caesar .^ His merit as a
restorer of classical literature, has been universally admit-
ted ; and, from this source, he imbibed a large portion of
that fine spirit of independence, which constitutes the
great charm of the Greek and Roman writers.
Respecting the opinions of Boece upon matters of go-
vernment, the Bishop of Carlisle remarks, " That his
" principles of polity are no better than those of Bucha-
" nan." That Buchanan should be no favourite with
this Prelate, is not w^onderful, considering the freedom
^ Hectoris historic! tot quod mendacia qxiaeris
Si vis ut numerem (lector amici) tibi ;
Idem me jubeas fluctus numerare marinos
Et liquidi Stellas denumerare poli.
2 Non solum artium libefalium cognitione^ supra quam ilia ferebant
tempora insignem ; sed humanitate et comitate singulari praeditum. —
Buchan. Lib. II.
3 Vir singularis iugenii, faelicitatis, et facundi oris.
^ Lesley, Lib. IX.
with which he treats of Kings and of JMonarchy. On
these topics, however, the older historian writes with
more caution than his successor ; and it is surely much
to his honour, that his History, written at the commence-
ment of the l6th century, and addressed to the reigning
Prince, contains not one slavish thought, nor the slight-
est trace of a servile spirit. He neither disguises the
vices nor palliates the profligacy of former Monarchs ; but
paints them in their most odious colours, as objects of
avoidance to succeeding Princes. Indeed, he dwells with
perhaps too much satisfaction upon the detail of royal
crimes, and the punishments which generally followed
them, during the earlier periods of the Scottish dynasty.
In forming a final estimate of the literary character of
Boece, we must bear in mind, that when scholar-craft, in
this country at least, was rare, he was a scholar, and con-
tributed, by reviving ancient learning, to dispel the gloom
of the middle ages ; — and that, while the history of his
country existed only in the rude page of the Chroniclers
who preceded him, or in the fading records of oral tradi-
tion, he embodied it in narrative so interesting, and lan-
guage so beautiful, as to be worthy of a more refined
John Bellenden.^
The accounts given of this accomplished Scholar are
very imperfect, and it is doubtful if materials now exist,
from which it is possible to extract any satisfactory his-
tory of his life.
It has been generally supposed that he was a man of
honourable descent, and in some way connected with the
ancient family of Achinoul. The authors of the Bio-
gi-aphia Britannica, upon the authority of Mackenzie,
dignify him with the title oi Sir John; and add, that his
father, Mr Thomas Bellenden of Achinoul, was Director
to the Chancery in 1540, and Clerk Register in 1541.-
There is no sufficient authority, however, for this account
of his genealogy. He appears to have been born in the
Lothians, towards the close of the 15th century .^ His
education was unquestionably liberal ; and in 1508, we
find his name entered, as follows, in the Records of the
University of Saint Andrews : " 1508. Jo. Balletijn nac
" Lau{clonice.)" It is probable that he remained there
for several years, which was necessary before he could
be laureated. His education was afterwards completed
^ This author's name has been variously written, Ballantyne, Ballentyne,
Ballendync, Ballendene, and Bellenden. In the Auchinleck MS. the
translator is styled, " Maister John BallentjTie, Channon of Ross." At
the end of the same MS. the name is spelled " Ballantyne."
2 Vol. I. p. 460.
^ ■Rale says of him, " Ex orientali Scotia oriundus."
at the University of Paris, where he took the degree of
Doctor of Divinity ; and the effects of his residence upon
the Continent may be traced both in his idiom and lan-
He returned to Scotland during the minority of James
the Fifth ; and his writings contain internal evidence of
his having been early introduced to the notice of that
Monarch. Sir David Lindsay had been his fellow-stu-
dent at Saint Andrews, and he seems to have been asso-
ciated with this eminent person in directing the educa-
tion of his Prince. He addresses James as " your humyl
" servitor sen your first infance ;" and his remarkable Let-
ter, recommending to the attention of the King his trans-
lation of Boece, is written very much in the tone of a
zealous preceptor. It explains the kingly duties with a
freedom which no other character could have warranted
the writer in using.^
There is some reason to suppose, that, about the year
1528,Bellenden held the situation of Secretary to the Earl
of Angus, The circumstances under which James the
Fifth was detained at Falkland by that nobleman, with
the subsequent escape of the Monarch, are well known.
Angus lost no time in pursuing the fugitive, but he was
met upon his route to Stirling by a Herald with a royal
proclamation, declaring that no member of the family of
Douglas should, on pain of treason, approach within six
miles of the Court. This order was obeyed by the Earl,
and from that hour may be dated the fall of his princely
house. He retired to Tantallon, and was soon afterwards,
along with his principal adherents, attainted in Parlia-
1 Croniklis, rol. II. p. 515, 51 6.
The Rolls exhibit the following entry relative to this
" Quarto, Sepfemher 1528.
" In presence of the Kingis grace, and Lordes, and the
" estatis of Parliament, comperit Maisfer Joknne Ballen-
" tyne, servitour and secretar to Archibald Erie of An-
" gus. And gaif in the resonis underwritten. And pro-
" testit efter the forme and tenour of the samin, off the
" quhilk the tenour follows. — Thir are the reasonis that
" we, Archibald Earle of Angus, George Douglas his
'* brother, and Archibald Douglas of Kilspindy, allegis for
" us, quhy we suld not be accusit nor compellit to an-
" swer at this time to the summondis of treasone made
" on us, at our Soverane Lordis instance."
There is a subsequent entry on the same day, from
which it appears that " Maister Jolinne Bcdienfijne, Se-
" cretar to the Erie of Angus, comperit," and gave secu-
rity, that the Earl should appear and underly the sentence
of the Parliament.
It would not, however, have suited the purposes of
James, to trust the fate of Douglas to the Great Council
of the nation. A jury of his sworn foes was according-
ly selected, to which the decision of the question was
committed. Forfeiture followed as a matter of course,
and the hroad lands of the Douglas were gifted to those
by whom he had been condemned, as the reward of their
guilty subservience to the wishes of their Sovereign.
Bellenden, in all likelihood, shared at first in the dis-
grace of the family of Douglas ; and this was probably
the dismissal to which he alludes in " the Proheme of the
Cosmographer His poetical talents, however, seem speed-
ily to have restored him to royal favour, and in 1530, he
is thus celebrated as a Court poet by Sir David Lindsay,
in his Preface to the Testament, and the Complaint of
King James's Papingo : —
But now of late has start up heastily,
A cunning clerk, which writeth craftily ;
A plant of poets, called Ballanten,
Whose ornat wi'its my wit cannot defyne ;
Get he into the Court authority.
He Avill precel Quiutin and Kenedy.*
In 1530 and 1531, Bellenden was employed, by the
command of the King, in translating Boece's History ;
and he delivered a manuscript copy of his work to his
royal employer, in the summer of 1533. About the
same period, he translated a portion of Livy. These
dates are ascertained from the following notices in the
Treasurer's accounts. In the end of 1530, or beginning of
1531, there is a payment —
" To Maister John Ballentyne, be the Kingis precept,
for his translating of the Cronykill, £30."
" 1531. Oct. 4.— To Maister John Ballentyne, be the
Kingis precept, for his translating of the Croniclis,
" Item thaireftir to the said Maister Johne, be the
Kingis command, £6."
« 1533. Jtdy 26.— To INIeister Johne Ballantyne, for
ane new Cronikle gevin to the Kingis Grace, £l2."
" Item to him in part payment of the translation of
Titus Livius, £8."
" Aug. 24). — To IMaister John Ballentyne, in part
payment of the second buke of Titus Livius, £8."
" Nov. 30.— To Maister John Ballentyne, be the
Kingis precept, for his lauboris done in translating
of Livie, £20."
' Lindsay's Works, 1806. Vol. I. 287-
The literary labours of Belleiiden were still farther re-
warded by his royal master. The Archdeanery of Mo-
ray having become vacant, while the See of INIoray was
also vacant, the patronage devolved upon the King. Sir
John Duncan, parson of Glasgow, Alexander Harvey, a
churchman, and Sir Patrick INIuir, chaplain, having en-
deavoured to purchase from the Pope the appointment of
Mr James Douglas to the Archdeanery, they were put
under prosecution for this misdemeanour, about August
1536. In the subsequent year, Duncan and Harvey were
found guilty, and denounced rebels ; upon which, the fol-
lowing: grant of the Escheat of their benefices for 1536,
was given to Bellenden.
1537. Sept. 9. — " Grant to Maister Johne Bellendene
" of all the fruits of the parsonage and chantory of Glas-
" gow, and other pensions and benifices, pertaining to Sir
" John Duncan parson of Glasgow, for the year last past,
" and of all other property which pertained to the said Sir
" John, and to Alexander Harvey, with the fruits of the
" said Alexander's benefices and pensions for the said year,
'' all escheat to the King, by their being denounced rebels
" on a decree of the Lords of Council, for having broken
*' the Acts of Parliament, in purchasing and pleying of
" the Archdenery of ^Murray, in the Court of Rome, in
" prejudice of the King's privilege and patronage of the
*' said Archdenery, the See of Murray being vacant." ^
Bellenden paid for this grant a composition of 350
1 Privy Seal Register, XI. 31.
He got a similar grant of the Escheat of the benefices
and pensions of these two persons for the year 1537,
and of all their other property, forfeited to the King.
This second grant is dated the 8th of April, 1538 ; and
Bellenden paid a composition of £300 Scots for it.^ He
was afterwards presented by the King to the vacant
Archdeanery of Moray, and he also got a Prebend in the
Cathedral of Ross ; but the date of these appointments is
Mackenzie, in his Life of John Leslie, Bishop of Ross,'
has given a very indistinct and erroneous account of Bel-
lenden, in which he is followed by Goodall.^ These wri-
ters confoundthetranslatorof theChronicles,with Sir John
Bellenden of Achinoul, who was Justice Clerk in the reign
of Queen Mary. Mackenzie states that our author was
nominated a Senator of the College of Justice in 1554, by
the title of Lord Achinoul. Lord Hailes justly remarks,
that, laying aside the similitude of names, the only reason
for identifying Lord Achinoul with the translator of
Boece, arises from the following lines in the " Proheme
of the Cosmography ;"
And fyTst occurit to my remembering.
How tliat I wes in service with the King,
Put to his Grace in yeris tenderest.
Clerk of his Compiis.
" Dr Mackenzie," continues Lord Hailes, " gravely
1 Vol. XI. 69.
2 Vol. 11. p. 595-600.
^ Scotstar vet's Staggering State, p. 130.
VOL. I. f
says that Clerh of the Comptis, is Clerk Register r^ Indeed
the whole of Mackenzie's account of Bellenden must be
received with distrust. It is at variance with that of
Dempster, and other writers, who state the period of his
death to have been four years before the date of Lord
Achinoul's appointment.
Bellenden appears to have enjoyed the royal favour
for a longer period than generally falls to the lot of those
who devote themselves to the service of Princes. But
he at length, excited, and suffered from the envy of his
competitors. Subsequent to his disgrace at Court, he
became, in conjunction with Dr Laing, an active oppo-
nent of the Reformation, and so deeply involved in the
disputes to which it led, that he resolved to retire to a
country, where his opinions were likely to be more gene-
rally popular than they were, at this period, in his native
land. The ardent spirits with whom the Reformation
in Scotland originated, v/ere unwearied in their exertions ;
and the conflict which their opponents had to sustain,
was fierce and relentless. To escape from these troubles,
" Bellenden went to Rome, where he died in 1550. Both
Bale and Dempster attest this fact, — the latter, how-
ever, who misnames him James, with some liesitation :
Ohiit Homes, anno iit puto, 1550.^
The writings of Bellenden justify our regret that so
little is known of their author. That he was a man of
* Catalogue of Lords <yf Session. Note l6th.
' Coneus, Be Duplici Statu Religiotiis apud Scotos, p. l6.
^ P. 107.
genius, and great acquirements, is indubitable. Demp-
ster celebrates him as skilled in every department of
divine and human learning. " Laboriosa cura, et incre-
" dibili studio artes omnes, humanas atque etiam divinas
" percepit." The commendation of the Bishop of Ossory
is equally ample ; and there can be no doubt that he was
held in respect amongst his contemporaries, as a Poet, a
Historian, and a Scholar. The first of these characters re-
commended him, as we have seen, to James the Fifth, and
secured his advancement to situations of honour and emo-
lument. His poetry abounds in lively sallies of imagi-
nation, and discloses the workings of a rich and exuberant
fancy. According to his early Biographers,^ he wrote
many poetical pieces, consisting of Visions and Miscel-
lanies, which are now lost. Those which have reached
us, are principally Proems prefixed to his prose works.
They are generally allegorical, and distinguished rather
by incidental beauties, than by the skilful structure of
the fable. The story, indeed, is often dull, the allusions
obscure, and the general scope of the piece unintelligible.
These faults, however, are pretty general characteristics
of allegorical poets ; and they are atoned for, in him, by
the striking thoughts, and charming descriptions in which
he abounds ; and which, " like the threds of gold, the
rich Arras, beautify his works quite thorow."
The most considerable of his Poems is the Proheme of
the Cosmographe, which the reader will find reprinted in
the present Work. The principal incidents of this piece
^ Bale and Dempster.
are borrowed from the classical allegory of the CJioice of
Hercules. Its original title was Vertue and Vijce, and
it was addressed to James the Fifth. The Poet feio;ns,
that worn out with the fatigue of study, he retired to a
flowery meadow, to meditate upon the vanity of human
pursuits, and upon the vicissitudes of his own fortune.
His first disgrace at Court, which, as we have seen, was
probably consequent upon the fall of the family of Dou-
glas, is attributed to the baleful and malicious influence
of the stars. Wearied, at length, with his melancholy
musings, he sinks into a profound slumber, during which,
the vision of a young and glorious ^Monarch, seated
upon a throne, rises to his fancy. Two Goddesses ap-
pear, sparkling with beauty and rubies, and contend-
ing for the favour of the Prince, — the name of the one
Delight, and of the other Virtue. After exhibiting
opposite views of the sources of human happiness, and
while they are waiting the decision of the ^lonarcb,
the Poet awakes, afraid to violate truth, by disclosing
the royal selection. The CJioice of Hercules is not close-
ly followed, and the merit of the poem, as we have it,
may be almost entirely attributed to Bellenden. It
must have been written between 1528 and 1530, when
James the Fifth was in his nineteenth year. The piece
is, throughout, full of fancy and poetry, and the meta-
phors are generally drawn from the most agreeable ob-
jects in nature. The transitory character of human hap-
piness is illustrated, by comparing it to the early decay
of the rose, the lily, and the violet ; and the utter no-
thingness of an inactive life is likened to the trackless
path of a vessel, which leaves no print upon the waves ; or
of a bird, whose busy wing pierces the air, leaving no
trace of its course. The effect of virtue upon the mind
of man, is compared to the healing influence of precious
balm upon disease, — to the breath of flowers, — and to the
departure of darkness before the resplendent beams of
The Prolieme of the History is of a graver and less poe-
tical cast. Perhaps the most striking passage it contains
is the descant on Nobility. It appears from this piece,
that the translation of Boece's history was not intended
for general circulation, but for the young nobles, in whose
behalf the Statute of Education was passed in the previous
Tharefore tliow ganis, for na catyve wichtis
AUanerly, bot unto nobyll meu.
The Prolong apoun ye Traduction of Titus Livius,
is of a moral, but not very poetical character. It has
been printed in the Dissertation, prefixed to Dr Ley-
den's edition of the Complaint of Scotland. After con-
ciliating Bellona and Apollo, the Poet invokes the ac-
complished James to be " the Muse and Ledare of his
" pen ;" and perhaps the principal interest of the Prolong,
consists in representing the Monarch as a patron of li-
An unpublished Poem of Bellenden's, on the Con-
ception of Christ, is to be found in the Hyndford Manu-
script ; but the poetical merit of this piece is inconsider-
1 This MS., which is preserved in the Advocates' Library, bears the
Bellenden's Chronicle, which closes with the death
of James the First, is rather a free version than a literal
translation of Boece ; and possesses in several respects
the character of an original work.^ Many of the histori-
cal errors of the latter are corrected — not a few of his re-
dundancies retrenched — and his more glaring omissions
supplied. The general structure of the History, however,
remains untouched ; and the line of the Kings of Scot-
land is maintained in all the antiquity and splendour
which Boece assigns to it.
Among the more striking passages of the Transla-
tion, we may refer to the story of Caractacus. After
an interesting detail of his unsuccessful warfare against
the Romans, which was closed by the treason of his step-
mother Cartumandia, the British Prince appears as a cap-
tive at Rome, attended by his wife, and all his kindred.
His horses and chariots are exhibited before him, as the
date of 1558 ; a great part of it, however, has evidently been written at a
more recent period.
^ Bellendeu not unfrequently introduces into his narrative passages of
considerable length, of which no trace is to be found in the original. In-
stances of this occur in vol. 2d, pages 297^ 299, 373, and 479- The story
of the White Hart, which attacked David the First, while hunting on
Rude-day ; the animadversions on that king's excessive liberality to the
church ; the remark which it drew from James the First ; the defence of
Robert Bruce from the suspicion of having occasioned the capture of Dun-
bar, by withdrawing his vassals from its defence ; and the information as
to the nickname, and losses of Archibald, Earl of Douglas, are all sup-
plied by the translator. Numerous other instances occur throughout the
work. In general, however, Bellenden has rather abridged his author ; but
he has done it judiciously ; the uninteresting passages being those upon
which this liberty has been most freely exercised.
monuments of his defeat ; and the spectacle is gazed up-
on by the Roman people, with a mixture of triumph and
of pity. The heart of the warrior is unsubdued even by
the presence of the Emperor. He addresses the Roman
Potentate with the courage of a patriot King ; and Ro-
man magnanimity immediately rewards him by pardon
and freedom.^
The terror of the Roman army during the first night
after their victory over Eugenius, is also powerfully de-
lineated ; and the passage affords an admirable specimen
of the force and variety of the ancient language of Scot-
land.^ It has been often quoted. The animating speech
too of the Scottish general to his army, on the eve of the
conflict with ISIaximus, is worthy of notice.^
Many characters are described by Bellenden with a vi-
gour and conciseness superior to the original. Of this,
his account of Constantine, the third brother of Eugenius,
and of " King Culine and his vicius life," afford in-
stances.* The unfortunate expedition of the English
princes, Osbret and Ella, to the North, with the subse-
quent terror and desolation of Scotland, exhibits a fine
piece of historical painting.
Bellenden is remarkably successful in the translation of
Speeches. There are few better specimens of simple and
ancient eloquence, than the two orations of Kenneth ;
the first, said to have been delivered to a convention of
1 B. III. C. xvi.
2 B. VI. ch. xvii. 3 Id.
* B. VIII. ch. vii.— B. XI. ch. vi.
his nobles at Scone,i for the purpose of procuring their as-
sistance in purging " his realme of all misdoaris ;" — and
the second,^ delivered in a similar situation, in order to in-
duce his nobles to concur in an alteration of the ancient
Scottish law, relative to the succession to the crown. The
speech of Bruce to his army previous to the battle of
Bannockburn, and that of Alexander Seaton's wife, " ane
wise woman, above the spreit of man," are of a diiFer-
ent and higher character, and present fine examples of
hortatory eloquence.
The wild tale of Macbeth, and the Weird Sisters, to
which the genius of Shakespeare has given historical
reality,^ does not lose its interest in the translation of the
Arch dean of Moray .^ The tragic poet borrowed liberal-
ly from HoUingshed's English version of the Cro7iiMis,
adopting, in many instances, not only the thoughts, but
the language even of the Scottish historian. This is par-
ticularly observable in Malcolm's feigned account of his
own profligacy ; in JNIacdufF's pathetic valedictory address
to Scotland ;^ and in the circumstances of that fearful con-
flict, which terminated in the death of the usurper.'' The
character of Lady Macbeth, is but obscurely hinted at in
the CroniJclis; and to Shakespeare alone are we indebted
for that splendid personification of guilty ambition. In
the structure of his drama, the poet avails himself of in-
1 B. XI. ch. vii.
2 B. XI. ch. ix.
^ Lord Hailes.
* B. XII. ch. iii. iv. v. vi. vii.
5 Macbeth, Act \\. Sc. 3. Croniklis, B. XII. C. vii.
^ Macbeth, Act. v. So. 7- Croniklis, Id.
cideiits which are to be found in Bellenden's account of
the murder of Duffus by Donevald.^
It was not till the beginning of the 16th century that
the art of printing was introduced into Scotland. In
1507, Chapman and IMillar established a press at Edin-
burgh, under a patent. They printed a variety of Poeti-
cal Tracts in 1508 ; and the first volume of the Breviary
of the Church of Aberdeen in 1509. The second volume
of this work was printed in 1510. Bellenden's Chroni-
cle was certainly the next work of any consequence
printed in Scotland. It has been already stated, that
the precise date of its publication is unknown. As-
suming, however, that there were more editions of the
work than one, and that they must have been printed
previous to 1541, when Davidson obtained the situation
of King's Printer ; we may safely conclude, that it is one
of the earliest and most considerable specimens of Scottish
Typography which exists.
It is, besides, the purest specimen we possess of the
early prose of Scotland ; and it affords a mine, from which
the richest ore of the ancient language of the Lowland
Scots may be extracted. The invaluable Dictionary of
Dr Jamieson has rescued that language from the oblivion
into which it was hastening ; and, in it, liberal use has
been made of the stores of Bellenden. That the Lowland
Scotch has claims to a high degree of antiquity, seems
now generally admitted. The notion that it is derived
* Book XI. chap. iv.
VOL. I. e-
exclusively from the Anglo-Saxon, has been discarded,
while its origin has been successfully traced to the ancient
Gothic. It is a rich, varied, and powerful dialect. The
mixture of French words is easily accounted for, by the
early intercourse which existed between the two nations.
Indeed, many families of French and Norman extraction,
settled in Scotland as early as the reign of Malcolm Can-
more ; and at subsequent periods, migrations of this sort
became extremely frequent. The natives of France
brought their language along with them ; and as the dia-
lect of the court and of the provinces of Scotland was the
same, the use of Norman-French became prevalent. The
language of the Continent was thus directly imported
into Scotland ; and, accordingly, we find many French
words and phrases in our early prose writers, which at no
period have formed any part of the dialect of England.
This subject might be farther illustrated by a reference to
the similarity between the early Romances of France and
of Scotland. IMany of the tales collected in the Fcibliaux
of Le Grand, were familiar to the peasantry of Scotland
in the early part of the Sixteenth Century. But what
has been already stated, goes far to establish, that we are
not indebted to our Southern neighbours for the earlier
Continental contributions to our language. These came
to us directly from France, while the stock upon which
they were grafted, was of Gothic origin.
Among the works of Bellenden, Bale enumerates a
tract on the Pythagoric liCtter, and a discourse upon
Virtue and Pleasure, neither of which are extant. Other
writers state that he wrote a Life of Pythagoras. With
respect to the discourse upon Virtue and Pleasure, it
is not at all improbable, that Bale may refer to the Pro-
heme of the Cosmogrcqihe, the allegorical character of
which has been already explained. The Epistle to James
the Fifth, which has also been mentioned as a distinct
work, is obviously the letter subjoined to the translation
of Boece. This sufficiently appears from the first words of
it, as given by Bale, Erasmus JRotei'odamus, in Vibro cle.
The epistle " Direckit be ye translatoure to the kyngis
grace," commences " Erasmus Roterodamus, in his buke."
Bale seems to imagine that Bellenden composed a
piece, supe?' qiiodam somnioy but it is more than probable
that this too refers to the Proheme of the Cosmographe^
which assumes the form of a vision. The last article in
Bale's Catalogue of the writings of Bellenden, is a book
said to contain Diversi generis Carmina. This is not ex-
tant ; nor is there any satisfactory evidence that such
a work was ever published. Dr Campbell states that
several of Bellenden's poems were in the possession of Mr
Lawrence Dundas, Professor of Humanity in the Uni-
versity of Edinburgh ; and others are still supposed to
exist in the repositories of private families.^ Bale men-
tions it as a report, without, however, giving any opinion
as to its truth, that Bellenden continued the History of
Boece to the year 1536. This certainly was at one pe-
riod his intention. After alluding, in the Proheme of
the History, to what he has already done, he continues.
And yet becaiis my time hes bene so schort ;
I think qulieu I have opportunite
To ring thair bell into ane othir sort.
* " It is certain that many of his writings are in the hands of persons of
distinction in Scotland, who are careful preservers of such kind of curiosi-
ties "—5?o^rop/i. Britan.
The classical acquirements of Bellenden are attested
by a translation of the First five Books of Livy, execu-
ted at the command of James the Fifth. A copy of this
manuscript work, which is not noticed by our author's
earlier biographers, was presented to the Advocates' Li-
brary, by the late Lord Elliock, to whom it appears to
have belonged in 1730. It is in excellent order ; and the
hand-writing may be attributed to the early part of the
Sixteenth Century ; but whether it is that of the Arch-
dean of JNloray, must remain a matter of doubt. The
notices which have already been quoted from the Trea-
surer's Accounts, shew that the Translation of Livy was
executed in 1533.
The version of the Roman Historian, seems to be ren-
dered with the same freedom and spirit which distin-
guishes that of Boece ; and it is to be hoped, that at no
very distant period, so A^aluable a relict of our early li-
terature will be rescued from the obscurity in which it at
present remains. To the specimens of it which are already
before the public in Dr Ley den's Introduction to the Com-
plaint of Scotland, may be added, the appeal of the elder
Horatius in behalf of his son, which is very happily
translated :
" O Romanis (said he) have ze sa feirs and innative
" cruelte in zoure hartis, yat ze may se him bound under
" ye galloas w* grete torment and punycioun : quhom
" ze saw laitlie decorit and triumphand, w* hie victorie of
" zorinemyies. Ibelief yeAlbanis hisunmerciful fais my
" nocht behald sa terribil sicht and cruelte done to him.
" Pas yow Burreo, and bynd yai handis, quhilkis latelie
" quhen yai war armit, conquest sa hie empire to Romane
" pepill : Pas yow Burreo, and covir ye hede of yat cam-
" pioiin, quhilk is ye deliverare of yis ciete fra thirldome:
" Hing up his body in ane unchancy tre : Skurge him now
" within ye Pomerie, amang ye horaciane Pillaris ; and
" spulezeis conquest be him of inemyis ; or ellis skurge
" him utouth ye Pomerie amang ye sepulcuris of Cura-
" cianis. Ze can have him to na maner of placis within
" zoure senzeorie ; bot his grete meritis, and glore of vic-
" torie, sail ay deliver him fra sic schamefull and vile puny-
" tioun."
It appears from the poetical Prologue^ that it was Bel-
lenden's original intention to have translated the whole
of Livy ; but the following verses subjoined to it in a
later hand, in the copy already referred to, lead to the in-
ference, that the translator never completed more than
five Books of his task :
Fyve buikes ar here by Ballantyne translated ;
Restis zet ane hundred threttie fyve beliind, —
Quhilkis if ye samyn war alsweill compleated,
Wald be ane volume of ane monstrous bind. —
Ilk man perfytes not (juliat they ance intend,
Sij fraill and brittle ar our wretched dayes :
Let sume man then begin q'' he doeth end,
% Give him ye first, tak yame ye secund praise :
No, no ! to Titus Livius give all.
That peerles prince for feattis historical!.
^ A. Home, «S'/ Leonardes.
In giving to the Public this reprint of the CroniMis of
Scotland, it may be safely stated, that the lover of antique
lore will find it rich in harbaric pearl arid gold. The for-
mer may be rudely set, and the latter coarsely wrought ;
but the intrinsic value of the gem and of the metal re-
mains the same. The rust of age has not obscured the
fancy and imagery with which the work abounds; and
if all the inaccuracies of Boece are not corrected, and all
his fables not discarded, it can only be said, in apology
for the venerable Archdean, that some degree of credu-
lity may he excused, in an age when all men were credit-
Rev. L. Adamsox, Cupar, Fife.
Library of the Faculty of Advocates.
Gabriel Alexander, Esq. Advocate.
Thomas Allan, Esq.
Joseph Bain, Jun. Esq. Glasgo\r.
The Hon. Lord Bannatyne.
Robert Bell, Esq. Advocate.
The Most Noble the Marquis of Bute.
Alexander Campbell, Esq.
Elias Cathcart, Esq. Advocate.
William Cathcart, Esq.
James Cheape, Esq. of Stratyrum.
Andrew Clephane, Esq. Advocate.
John Clerk, Esq. of Eldon, Advocate.
Henry Cockburn, Esq. Advocate.
John Cockburn, Esq.
George Cranstoun, Esq. Advocate.
Patrick Crichton, Esq.
The Hon. John Leslie Cuming, General.
John Cunningham, Esq. Advocate.
J. G. Dalyell, Esq. Advocate.
Captain Davidson.
James Dundas, Esq. W.S.
Robert Dundas, Esq. of Arniston, Advocate.
Alexander Dunlop, Esq. Advocate.
Robert Ferguson, Esq. of Raith.
The Right Hon. the Earl of Fife.
John Fullerton, Esq. Advocate.
J. T. Gibson, Esq.
George Gordon, Esq. of Hallliead.
Robert Gr.eme, Esq. Advocate.
Peter Halkerston, LL.D.
Alexander Henderson, Esq. Surveyor-Gen. of the Post-
The Hon. Lord Hermand.
Laurence Hill, Esq. Glasgow.
David Irving, LL.D.
Henry Jardine, Esq.
Francis Jeffrey, Esq. Advocate.
James Keay, Esq. Advocate.
Viscount Keith.
Sir Alexander Keith, of Ravelston and Dunnottar,
T. F. Kennedy, Esq. of Di^ure, M.P.
John Kerr, Esq. Glasgow.
John Kirkpatrick^ Esq. Advocate.
Mr David Laing.
Sir Thomas Dick Lauder, of Fountainhall, Bart.
Mr W. H. Lizars.
J. G. LocKHART, Esq. Advocate.
^NEAS Macbean, Esq. W.S.
William M'Dowall, Esq. of Barr.
William M'Dowall, Esq. Advocate.
J. W. Mackenzie, Esq. W.S.
J. N. Macleod, Esq. of Macleod.
James Maidment, Esq. Advocate.
Thomas INIaitland, Esq. yr. of Dundrennan, Advocate.
Gilbert Laing Meason, Esq. of Lindertis.
Mr Alexander Milne, Forres.
James Moncrieff, Esq. Advocate.
J. S. More, Esq. Advocate.
J. A. Murray, Esq. Advocate.
James Nairn e, Esq. W.S.
R. A. Oswald, Esq. of Aiichencniive.
Alexander Osv^^ald, Esq. Advocate.
Messrs Payne & Foss, Pall Mall, London.
Robert Pitcairn, Esq. W.S.
James Rennie, Esq. Civil Engineer.
John Richardson, Esq. London.
Patrick Robertson, Esq. Advocate.
Andrew Rutherfurd, Esq. Advocate.
Sir Walter Scott of Abbotsford, Bart.
Charles Selkrig, Esq. Accountant.
Sir Samuel Shepperd, Lord Chief Baron.
Thomas Sivwright, Esq. of Meggetland.
Andrew Skene, Esq. Advocate.
Right Hon. Earl Spencer, K.G., Large Paper.
Sir Samuel Stirling, Bart. Advocate.
William Stirling, Esq.
James Tait, Esq.
Mr a. Thomson, Large Paper.
Alexander Thomson, Esq. Banchory.
Thoaias Thomson, Esq. Advocate.
Mr Robert Triphook, London — 3 Copies.
James Tytler, Esq. of Woodhouselee, W.S.
P. F. Tytler, Esq. Advocate.
George Veitch, Esq. W.S.
James Wedderburn, Esq. His Majesty's Solicitor-
Robert Whigham, Esq. of Lochpatrick, Advocate.
Mr Isaac Wils<in, Hull — 3 Copies, Large Paper.
Thomas Guthrie Wright, Esq. W.S.
Library of Writers to his Majesty's Signet.
fl The Excusation of the Prentar.
lI3gj)ne of man lie incltnattoun
31n find?5 ixij?fe li5 geutn> ajs tue fe,
^um men ar geutn to Dettacttoun>
31nu|)> tiifplefetv, or malancolfe,
and to ttjait n^ctjliouvtjs fjejs no cljmtt,
%u\n tit fo nolJiU and fnll of genttlnejj,
Cliag luf no tf)xng 6ot 3lo|? anti nitt^mss,
f ^um av at t)ntitt% anti fum matO up of nocfjt*
^nm men luffijs peate> and fum Oefmjs tueit*
^um tj5 fo iJl^tD in to f)tj$ met^ tljocljt,
fpt rurijs noctit; j5o fie ma^ perfeueir
3\n gtace and fauouv of fjtss lati^ tiea%
^um fioltitn at otfjir tn matft tmtil feid
2Bttfj lance and dagar rpnnijs to tf)e detd.
0^ ane fted tljat mprj^t ane fjund^ettj metl fufiene,
and letfe in too and pennante at DtsJ tafile*
and of gud fallotjs eompttss noc&t ane fiene,
^10 to^ectjit m|?nd i& fo tndactafile,
ass fjeuin and tjell toev no tljing fiot ane fable
^e fixvnisi a|>, fiut fgrljt to gud o? eutl,
and t^nniiS toitlj all 1)1^ fiaggijs to tlje deutl,
f and 31 tlje pventar t^at doisj tonfidtt; ttiexl
Cl]tt (ind?p m^ndig of men in tljm leutng,
2)e(xd0 norljt fiot on mj? laufiout letl
Cliat 31 ni^tljt letf, and of m^ 31«fi tn^nn^ng
^i^rljt fivfl pletjj (^od> and f^ne out nofile l^^ng^
and t^at ^e t:edet0 fioufum and attent
Wtt of m^ laufioui; and fief|)ne0 content*
and tn t^isi tuack t&at 31 Ijaue Ijeic aflTaxl^eft
Co filing to ipcljt, maifl Ijumelj) 3[ tvijtitt
^otu nofiill tedetd, quljare tljat 31 Dane fatl^eit
3ln letter, fillafie, po^ntiss lang, o? fc^oU*
Cljat ?e toill of ^our gentrice it fuppoU*
and tafe tlje fentence ttje fiefl in^fe ^e ma^,
31 fall do fietter (toill (^od) ane otljir da^.
f JTinisJ*
N the first, the Proheme apon the Cosmographie ; schaw-
and the fine of vicius and \Trtewis leiffing, and causis
quhy the translatoure tuke this werk on hand.
The discriptioun of Scotland ; devidit in rubrikis and
Ane compendious narratioun of the auld institutionis, maneris,
and leving of Scottis ; with ane morall doctrine, deploring sindry re-
cent and evill conswetudis brocht in this realme, to the gret diffor-
mite of the pepill now present in the samin.
Ane schort recapitulation of all kingis of Britane, fra the first be-
gimiing thairof, to the empire of King Hary the VIII., regnand now
with gret felicite abone Inglismen.
The table of the historic ; contenand every buke and cheptour
craftely severit be thaimself.
The names of all kingis and governouris of Scotland sen the realme
began ; schawing, in quhat bukis and cheptouris of the historic fol-
lowing, thair livis and marciall dedis sal be esalie foundin.
The proheme apon the historic; schawand, breiffelie, the con-
tentis and maist notable thingis in this buke.
The beginning of Scottis, and quliy thay wer callit with that name;
thair happy cuming out of Egipt to Spanye, Ireland, the His of Al-
bion, and to ,that regioun that wes callit be thaim Scotland.
The vailyeant and weirlie dedis of all kingis, princis, governouris,
and chiftanis of Scotland ; with maist dangerus and terribil battallis
fochtin, be sindry chancis of fortoun, aganis the Britonis, Pichtis,
Saxonis, Inglismen, and Danis.
The beginning of Pichtis; thair confideratioun with Scottis in
amite, blud, and freindschip; thair weris lang contine%ving aganis
the Romanis, be support of Scottis ; thair exterminioun and finall
expulsioun out of Albion be the weris of Scottis.
The beginning of Britonis; thair lang weris, persevering aganis'
the Romanis. How thai wer subdewit, and thair realme maid tri-
butar in forme of province ; and, finalie, doung out of Britane in
Walis be weris of Saxonis.
The cuming of Saxonis in Britane ; thair weris, slichtis, and mar-
ciall dedis, wrocht, be sindry chancis, aganis the Britonis, Scottis,
and Pichtis.
The weris of Inglismen, eftir the cuming of Saxonis.
Mony uncouth merveillis and wounderfuU thingis, schawin ay in
the samin season as thay fell ; with the names of maist notable Clerkis
and Sanctis, levand for the time in the warld.
Mony grave concionis, orisonis, consultationis, and epistillis, con-
tenand richt fructuus and morall doctrinis ; with sa resolute and de-
gest responses, that na othir buke sal be foundin mair proffitable
nor pleasand to the reders.
Ane epistill, direckit be the translatoure to the Kingis grace, in
the letter end of this buke ; inducing his Hienes to frequent reding of
the historic precedent.
Folhwis the Proheme apon the Cosmographie.
Uhen silvir Diane, ful of bemis bricht,
Fra dirk eclips wes past, this othir nicht,
And in the crab, hir propir mansion, gane ;
Artophilax contending at his micht,
In the gret eist, to set his visage richt ;
I mene, the ledar of the Charle-wane ;
Abone our heid wes the ursis twane :
Quhen sterns small obscuris in our sicht,
And Lucifer left twinkland him allane :
The frosty nicht, with hir prolixit houris,
Hir mantill quhit spred on the tender flouris:
Quhen ardent lauboure hes addressit me
Translait the story of our progenitouris,
Thair gret manheid, hie wisdome, and honouris ;
Quhen we may cleir, as in ane mirroure, se
The furius end sum time of tirannie ;
Sum time the glore of prudent governouris :
Ilk stait apprisit in thair faculte.
My wery spreit desiring to repres
My emptive pen of frutles besines,
Awalkit furth to tak the recent aire ;
Quhen Priapus, with stormy weid oppres,
Raqueistit me, in his maist tendernes,
To rest ane quhile amid his gardingis bare.
Bot I no maner couth my mind prepare
To set aside unplesand hevines,
On this and that contempHng solitare.
And first occurrit to my remembring,
How that I wes in service with the King ;
Put to his Grace in yeris tenderest,
Clerk of his Comptis, thoucht I wes inding,
With hart and hand, and every othir thing
That micht him pleis in ony maner best ;
Quhill hie invy me from his service kest,
Be thaim that had the Court in governing,
As bird but plumes heryit of the nest.
Our life, our giding, and our aventuris,
Dependis from thir hevinlie creaturis
Apperandlie be sum necessite.
For thoucht ane man wald set his besy curis,
So far as laboure and his wisdome furis,
To fle hard chance of infortunite ;
Thoucht he eschew it with difficulte ;
The cursit weird yit ithandlie enduris,
Gevin to him first in his nativite.
Of erdlie stait bewaling thus the chance.
Of fortoun gud I had na esperance.
So lang I swomit in hir seis deip.
That sad avising with hir thochtful lance,
Couth find na port to ankir hir firmance ;
Quhill Morpheus, the drery god of sleip,
•For very reuth did on my curis weip.
And set his sleuth and deidly contenance
With snorand vanis throw my body creip.
Me thocht I was in to ane plesand meid,
Quhare Flora maid the tender ble\vniis spreid,
Throw kindlie dew and humouris nutrative ;
Quhen goldin Titan, with his flammis reid,
Abone the seis rasit up his heid ;
DifFounding down his heit restorative
To every frute that nature maid on Hve,
QuhUk wes afore in to the winter deid.
For stormis cald and frostis penitrive.
Ane silver fontane sprang of watter cleir
In to that place quhare I approchit neir.
Quhare I did sone espy ane fellown reird
Of courtly gallandis in thair best maneir,
Rejosing thaim in season of the yeir,
As it had bene of Mayis day the feird.
Thair gudlie havingis maid me nocht afFeird.
With thaim I saAV ane cro^vTiit King appeir,
With tendir downis rising on his beird.
Thir courthe gallandis settand thair intends
To sing, and play on divers instrumentis,
According to this Princis appetit ; ,
Two plesand ladyis come pransand ouir the bentis ;
Thair costlie clethin schew thair michty rentis.
Quhat hart micht wis, thay wantit nocht ane mit ;
The rubeis schone apone thau* fingaris quhit ;
And, finalie, I knew, be thair consentis,
This ane, Virtew ; that othir, hecht DeHte.
Thir Goddesses arrayit in this wise.
As reverence and honoure hst devise.
Afore this Prince, fell down apon thair kneis ;
Sine dressit thaim in to thair best a^^se,
So far as wisdome in thair power lyis.
To do the thing that micht him best appleis,
Quhare he rejosit in his hevinly gleis;
" Gif thow desiris in the seis fleit
" Of hevinly blis, than me thy lady treit ;
" For it is said be clerkis of renoun,
" Thair is na plcseir in this eii'd so gret
" As quhen ane luffar dois his lady meit,
" To quikin his life of mony deidly swon.
" As hiest pleseir but compai'ison,
" I sail the geif, into thy yeris swete,
" Ane lusty halk with mony plumis broun;
" Quhilk sal be found so joyus and plesant,
" Gif thow unto hir mery flichtis hant,
" Of every blis that may in erd appeir,
" As hart will think, thow sail no plente want ;
" Quhill yeris swift, with quhelis properant,
" Consume thy strenth, and all thy bewte cleir."
And quhen Delite had said on this maneir,
As rage of youtheid thocht malst relevant,
Than Vii'tew said, as ye sail eftir heir :
" My landis braid, mth mony plentuus schire,
" Sail gif thy Hienes, gif thou list desire,
" Triumphant glore, hie honoure, fame devine;
" With sic pissance, that thaim na furius ire,
" Nor werand age, nor flame of birnand fire,
" Nor bitter deith, may bring unto rewine.
" Bot thow mon first insuffer mekill pine,
" Abone thy self that thow may have empire :
" Than sail thy fame and honoure have na fine.
" My realme is set among my fois all ;
" Quhilkis hes ^vith me ane weir continewall,
" And evir still dois on my bordour ly ;
" And, thoucht thay may no wayis me ouirthrall,
" Thay ly in wait, gif ony chance may fall
" Of me sum time to get the victory.
" Thus is my life ane ithand chevalry.
" Laubour me haldis Strang as ony wall,
" And no thing brekis me bot slogardy.
" Na fortoun may aganis me availl,
" Thoucht scho with cludy stormis me assaill.
*' I brek the streme of scharp adversite.
" In weddir louin and maist tempestius haill,
" But ony dreid, I beir ane equall saill ;
" My schip so Strang that I may nevir de.
" Wit, reason, manheid, governis me so hie,
*' No influence nor sterris may prevaill
" To regne on me with infortunite.
" The rage of youtheid may nocht dantit be,
" But gret distres and scharp adversite ;
" As be this reason is experience :
" The finest gold or silver that we se,
" May nocht be wrocht to our utilite,
" But flammis kene and bitter violence.
" The more distres, the more intelligence.
" Quhay salis lang in hie prosperite,
" Ar sone ouirset be stormy violence.
" This fragill life, as moment induring,
" But dout, sail the and every pepill bring
" To sickir blis, or than eternall wo.
" Gif thow be honest lauboure dois ane thing,
" Thy panefull laubour sail vanes but tarying,
" Howbeit thy honest werkis do nocht so :
" Gif thow be lust dois ony thing also,
" The schamefull deid, without dissevering,
" Remanis ay, quhen pleseir is ago.
" As carvell ticht fast tending throw the see,
" Levis na prent amang the wallis hie ;
" As birdis swift, with mony besy plume,
" Peirsis the aire, and wait nocht quhare thay fle ;
" Siclik our life, without activitej
" Giffis na frut, howbeit ane schado blume.
" Quhay dois thair life into this erd consume
" Without virtew, thair fame and memorie
" Sail vanis soner than the reky fume.
" As watter purgis and makis body is fair;
" As fire be nature ascendis in the aire,
" And purify is with heitis vehement;
" As floure dois smell ; as frute is nurisare ;
" As precius balme revertis thingis sare,
" And makis thaun of rot impacient;
" As spice, maist swete ; as ros, maist redolent ;
" As stern of day, be moving circulare,
" Chasis the nicht with bemis resplendent :
" Siclik my werk perfitis every wicht
" In fervent luf of maist excellent licht,
" And makis man into this erd but peir ;
" And dois the saule fra all corruptioun dicht
" With odoure dulce, and makis it more bricht
" Than Diane fuU, or yit AppoUo cleir ;
" Sine rasis it unto the hiest speir,
" Immortaly to schine in Goddis sicht,
" As chosin spous, and creature most deir.
" This othir wenche, that clepit is Delite,
" Involvis man, be sensuall appetite,
" In every kind of vice and misei'ie ;
" Becaus na ^vit nor reason is perfite,
" Quhare scho is gide, bot skaithis infinite,
" With doloure, schame, and urgent poverte.
" For scho wes get of frothis of the see ;
*• Quhilk signifies, hir pleseir vennomit
" Is midlit ay with scharp adversite.
" Duke Hanniball, as mony authouris wrait,
" Throw Spanye come, be mony passage strait,
" To Italy in furour bellicall ;
" Brak doun the wallis, and the montanis slait,
" And to his army maid ane oppin gait,
" And victory is had on the Romanis all :
" At Capua, be pleseir sensuall,
" This Duk wes maid so soft and deligait,
" That with his fois he wes sone ouirthrall.
" Of feirs Achill, the weirhe dedis sprang
" In Troy and Grece, quhill he in virtew rang ;
" How lust him slew, it is bot reuth to heir.
" Siclik the Trojanis, with thair knichtis Strang,
" The vailyeant Grekis fra thair roumes dang ;
" Victoriuslie exercit mony yeir :
" That nicht thay went to thair lust and pleseir,
" The fatall hors did throw thair walhs fang,
" Quhais prignant sidis wer full of men of weir.
'• Sardanapall, the prince efFeminat,
"Fra knichtlie dedis wes degenerat ;
" Twinand the thredis of the purpur lint
" With fingaris soft, amang the ladyis sat;
" And with his lust couth nocht be saciat,
" Quhill of his fois come the bitter chnt.
" Quhat nobill men and ladyis hes bene tint
" Quhen thay with lustis wer intoxicat,
" To schaw at lenth, my toung suld nevir stint.
" Thairfore Camil, the vailyeant chevaleir,
" Quhen he the GalUs had dantit be his weir,
" Of heritable landis wald have na recompence ;
" For, gif his barnis and his freindis deir
" Wer virtewis, thay couth nocht fail ilk yeir
" To have ineuch be Romane providence ;
" Gif thay wer gevin to vice and insolence,
" It wes nocht neidfull for to conques geir,
" To be occasioun of thair incontinence.
" Sum nobill men, as poetis list declare,
" Wer deifeit ; sum goddis of the aire ;
" Sum of the hevin : as Eolus, Vulcan,
" Saturn, Mercury, Appollo, Jupitare,
" Mars, Hercules, and othir men preclare,
" That glore immortall in thair livis wan.
" Quhy wer thir peple caUit goddis than ?
" Becaus thay had ane virtew singulare,
" Excellent, hie abone ingine of man.
" And otheris ar in reik sulphurius;
" As Ixion, and wery Sisiphus,
" Eumenides the Furyis richt odibill,
" The proud giandis, and thristy Tantalus ;
" With huglie drink, and fude most vennomus ;
" Quhare flammis bald and mirknes ar sensibill.
" Quhy ar thir folk in panis so terribill ?
" Becaus thay wer bot schrewis vicius,
" Into thair life, with dedis most horribill.
" And thoucht na frute wer eftir consequent
" Of mortall life, bot for this warld present
" Ilk man to have allanerlie respect ;
" Yit virtew suld fra vice be different,
" As quik fra deid, as riche fra indigent.
" That ane, to glore and honour ay direct ;
" This othu', saule and body to neclect :
" That ane, of reason most intelligent ;
" This othir, of beistis following the affect.
" For he that nold aganis his lustis strive,
" Bot leiffis as beist of knawlege sensitive,
" Eildis richt fast, and deith him sone ouir halis.
" Thairfore the mule is of ane lan^ar live
" Than stonit hors ; also the barant wive
" Apperis young, quhen that the brudie falis.
" We se also, quhen nature nocht prevails,
" The pane and dolour ar sa pungitive,
" No medicine the pacient avails.
" Sen thow hes hard baith our intentis thus,
" Cheis of us two the maist dehtius :
" First to sustene ane scharp adversite,
" Danting the rage of youtheid furius ;
" An sine posseid triumphe innumerus,
" With lang empire, and hie felicite :
*' Or half, ane moment, sensualite
" Of fuliche youth, in life voluptuous ;
" And all thy day is full of miserie/''
Be than, Phebus his firy cart did wry
Fra south to west, declinand besaly
To dip his steidis in the occeane ;
Quhen he began ouirsile his visage dry,
With vapouris thik, and cloudis full of sky ;
And Notus brim the -svind meridiane.
With \nngis donk, and pennis full of rane,
Awalkenit me ; that I micht nocht aspy
Quhilk of thaim two was to his lady tane.
Bot sone I knew thay war the Goddesses
That come in sleip to vailyeant Hercules,
Quhen he was young, and fre of every lore
To lust or honour, poverte or riches ;
Quhen he contempnit lust and idilnes,
That he in virtew micht his life decore ;
And werkis did of maist excellent glore.
The more incressit his panefull besines,
His hie triumphe and loving was the more.
Than, throw this raorall eruditioun
Quhilk come, as said is, in my visioun,
I tuke purpos, or I forthir went,
To write the story of this regioim,
With dedis of mony illuster campioun.
And, thoucht the pane apperis vehement,
To make the story to the redaris more patent,
I will begin at the discriptioun
Of Albion, in maner subsequent.
How all thing'is is subdewit to alteratioun and deith ; and na thing
permanent in the erd.
Thai ST nane hes sa dirk intelligence, bot
knawis Cosmographie maist necessar to the
knawlege of historyis ; and yit to discrive the
samin, is the office of na smal ingine. At-
toure, all the auctouris, that hes writtin apon
the discription of the warld, ar patent and
knawin to ilk regioun and pepill ; aniang
quhome hes bene mony crafty and resolut
men, schawing mony gret thingis above ingine of men, with so pro-
found sentence, that the samin is na thing different fra the verite, in
discription of mony uncouth and divers thingis succeding continew-
ally, to the gret commodite and pleseir of reders. Yit sen the mater
that thay treit is not solide nor permanent in the samin forme and
image as it was first found, apperis baith to unletterit pepil and
utheris quhilkis hes na sicht to the continewal alteration of materis,
that the verite is not schawin to thaim in al partis. And sen all
thingis quhilkis ar comprehendit within the speir of the mone, ar sa
thirlit to deith and alteration, that thay ar othir consumit afore us,
VOL. I. c
or ellis -vve afore thame ; apperis na thing mair corruptible, nor vit of
mairalteratioun, than the erd and situatioun thairof ; becaiis it changis
sa mony figuris be lang age and proces of yeris. For we nocht al-
lanerly may se presently be our ene, bot findis be mony crafty and
profound historicianis, that quhare sum time bene maist notable
cietes, or maist plentuous lesuris and medois, now, throw erdquaik
and trimbling, or ellis be continewall inundation of watteris, nocht
remanis bot othir the huge seis, or ellis unproffitable ground and
sandis. Attoure the see, be alluvioun and pres of rageand watters,
cuniis in on sum landis and gangis furth on utheris, as daily occurris
be experience ; for baith seis and watteris gevis, be injust merchis,
als mekle to sum landis as thay reif fra utheris. Heirfore I belief,
be sindry chances and lang proces of time, that every thing sail not
be respondent to the samin perfection and knawlege as it was dis-
crivit be auld cosmographouris, in the figure and situation of the erd.
Thairfore na man suld have admiration, howbeit recent authouris
discrive the warld in sum uthir figure and sort than it hes bene dis-
crivit afore be Pomponius !Mela, Ptholome, and othir auld cosmo-
graphouris ; for the erd is now mair frequent in pepil than it was in
tliay dayis, and the passage in al cuntreis mair knawin ; throw quhilk
the situation of all regionis,be exact and scharp deligence of authouris,
is the mau- patent. Attoure, gif tliir auld cosmographouris war bot
men as we ar, followis na admii'ation, howbeit thay had na sicker
cognosance and ful erudition of al thingis ; and, for that cans, thay
micht not A\Tit forthu- than thay saw be thair awin inquisition, or
ellis be experience of utheris authouris past afore thame. For thir
reasonis, we think it litil wrang sum times nocht to follow al thair
opinionis : for thay had not knawlege nor experience of all materis ;
and, thairfore, we dar the mair baldly writ sum thingis for the com-
mon proffet, specially concernyng the figure and situation of Scot-
land, with the maneris of the pepill thairof, in sum utliir sort than
hes bene schawin afore be uthir autliouris : for we have not onely
sene the samvn, bot hes knawlege thairof be lang experience and
use ; throw quhilk, this our quhatsumevir werk sal not be unprofi-
tabil nor yit unplesand to the reders, for in it sal be schawin the
maneris and conditioun of the pepill of Scotland, with the situation
thairof. Attoure, to mak the reders more bowsum and attent, we
promit faitlifullie to writ na thing in this werk bot allanerhe sik thing
as bene maist patent and knawin to us, othir be our awin exact de-
hgence and industrie, or ellis be rehers of otlieris richt trew and
faithful auctouris ; and, thairfore, gif this our werk be found pie-
sand to the reders, we sail writ sum othir tim mair largelie of othir
materis, baith to thair eruditioun and pleseir.
CJjap. Second*
The Discriptioun of Albion, and quhy it wes callit with that Name.
The beginning qfBritonis and Scottis.
He hail He of Albion, quhilk contenis baith the realmes
of Ingland and Scotland, as is discrivit be the Latine
and Greik cosmographouris, is enveronid on every side
Avith the gret occeane ; havand on the eist side, the Al-
mane seis; on the south side, the Franche and Britane seis ; on the
west side, the Ireland seis ; and on the north side, the Norroway seis.
This He is extendit be lang passage fra the south-south-eist to the
north-nor-west, and is mair extendit to the lenth than breid, nocht
far different fra the figure of ane triangle. This He, be auld cosmo-
graphouris, wes callit Albion, and remanis yit undir the samin name.
Sum auctouris sayis, this He wes callit Albion, ab albis montibus ;
that is to say, fra the quhit montanis thairof, full of calk : Utheris
allegis, it wes callit Albion, fra ane lady namit Albyne ; quhilk his-
tory is nocht unlik the fabulis that ar writin of the fiftie douchteris
of Danaus, King of Argives. This Albyne, as is allegit, with hir
fiftie sisteris, eftir that thay had slane al thair husbandis, pullit up
salis, and come out of Grece throw the seis of Hercules to Spanye ;
and, fra Spanye, come throw the Franche and Almane seis but ony
impediment to the said He ; and, eftir hir arriving in the samin,
namit it Albion fra hir name. This Albyne, with hir fiftie sisteris,
eftir thair cuming in the said He, conversit with devillis in forme of
men, and consavit childrin be naturall commixtion. Thir childrin
increscit of sa huge stature and pissance, that thay wer callit be the
peple giandis ; and inhabit the said regioun continewalhe to the time
of Brutus, the first beginner of Britonis. This Brutus wes nepot,
or elUs pronepot, to the gret Trojane Eneas; and, becaus he wes
exiht and banist for slauchter and othir gret offencis done be him in
Itahe, he wes constranit to depart with the residew of Trojanis, his
fallois, to serche sum new dwelhng. Eftir lang travell be tempes-
tious and storme seis, he arrivit in Albion, fra the beginning of the
warld MMMM.xxvii yeris. This Brutus and his fallowis, eftir thair
cuming in Albioun, invadit the giandis afore rehersit with sindry
chancis of battall ; and, finahe, brocht thaim to sa hie rewine, that
- baith thair landis and guddis fell in pray to Brutus and his fallowis :
and sa the cuntre wes callit Britane, and the pepill Britonis. Bot
the beginning of Scottis wes in ane uthir maner. It is writtin be
our anciant historiographouris, that Gathelus, ane richt illuster and
vailyeant knicht, discending be lang progressioun and linage of the
blud riall of Grece, maryit Scota, douchter to King Pharo of Egipt ;
"Sind, thoucht raony riche landis fell to him, with gret honouris be
singulare manheid, in the realme of Egipt, yit he wes so astonist be
mony terrible and grevus plagis appering, be prophecy of Moises,
in plane eversioun of the realme and peple of Egipt, that he thoucht
na thing sa gud nor proffitable as to be maist remote and distant
thairfra. Gathelus, movit for thir causis, come furth of the mouth
of Nile, with his wife, his freindis, and servandis, Grekis and Egip-
tianis, throw the seis Mediterrane; and, finalie, brokin with lang
and incredible danger of uncouth chancis, he ai'rivit in the north
part of Spanye : and to conques the more benevolence of his wife,
he namit his pepill Scottis, eftir hir name. Thair vulgar langage wes
calht Gathelik. Gathelus, eftir his cuming in Spanye, sent ane band
of weirmen in Ireland ; quhilkis, be singulare manheid and prudence,
dantit so the pepill thairof, that thay gat the hail empire of the said
He, and rang in it mony yeris eftir, with gret honoure and glore of
How the Scottls and Pichtis come in Alh'wwi. Oftha'ir sindry Lhi-
nage and Maneris ; aiid how the said He was inhabit be thre sin-
dry Pepill.
Othesay, ane of the kingis sonnis of Ireland, come,
schort yeris eftlr, with ane cumpany of young and har-
dy pepill, in the His of Albion ; and, becaus he fand
the samin waist and nocht inhabit as than with ony em-
pire of Britonis, he sat doun with his remanent fallowis, wiffis, and
barnis, in the said His, and namit thaim Hebredes, fra the name
of Hibernia, or ellis fra the name of Hiber, the first son of Gathelus.
This Rothesay come sone eftir, with his freindis out of the said His,
in Albion ; and, sa mekil as he gat possessioun of, he callit it Scot-
land. The day that Scottis come first in Albion, wes fra the be-
ginning of the warld mmmm.dc.xvii yeris. Mony yeris eftir thair
cumming in Albion, thay wer callit Re-Albinis, that is to say, Kingis
of Albioun ; to mak thaim sum thing different fra the remanent
kingis that inhabit the said land eftir or afore thau- cuming. For-
thir, thoucht the Scottis, be thair singulare manheid and prudence,
rang continewallie but ony interruption baith in Spanye and Ire-
land, yit thair name is perist in thai partis ; othir be thair commix-
tion with uncouth blud, or ellis be roust and lang proces of yeris ;
throw quhilk remanis na Scottis in memory, bot thay that inhabitis
the last boundis of Albion. Attoure the Spanyeartis, that dwellis
yit in the montanis and uthir desertis of Spanye, knawis na thing of
the Romane weris ; and ar litill different fra Ireland men, baith in
thau- maneris, habit, and langage. The Britonis, becaus thay wer
mony yeris afore us in Albioun, occupyis the south and maist plen-
tuus boundis thairof : and we inhabit the north partis, full of mon-
tanis ; quhilk ar nocht sa fertil and commodius as the said landis oc-
cupyit be Britonis. Eftir the cuming of Scottis and Britonis on this
maner in Albioun, ane uncouth peple namit Pichtis, uthirwayis
naniit Agathirsanis, quhilkis were banist out of Sarmathia, come in
Denmark, quhair thay sone eftir gat schippis, with all provisioun
efFering thairto ; and, eftir thair finall arriving in Albioun, thay sat
doun in the waist and middil boundis betwix Britonis and Scottis,
and maid wid marchis betwix baith thair realmes. The cuming of
Pichtis in Albioun wes eftir the cuming of Scottis in the samin, ccl
yeris; yit amang sum authoviris risis ane fuliche dout, quhidder the
Scottis or Pichtis come first in this regioun. Sum of thir authouris
allegis, that Rewther wes the first beginnar of Scottis in Albioun.
Bot this opinioun is far different fra the treuth of our historic ; for
five Scottis kingis rang continewallie, ilk ane succeding to uthir, afore
P^wther ; as apperis cleirlie in the historie follo^^ing. And sa this
He of Albioun wes inhabit, fra the beginning thairof, A\dth thre sin-
diy pepill ; that is to say, Britonis, Scottis, and Pichtis. The first
part of this He, becaus it Aves inhabit be Brutus and his posterite,
wes namit Britane ; the secound and mid part, becaus it wes inha^
bit be Pichtis, wes namit Penthland; and the remanent boundis
thairof wer inhabit be Scottis, and namit Scotland. Yit the Romane
historicianis and Ptolome, quhen thay treit ony thing concerning
this He of Albioun, callit the hail ile, Britane ; and all the peple thair-
of, Britonis. Thir thre peple, namit all under ane name Albianis,
inhabit the said lie ; yit the Romanis, in all partis quhare thay come
within this Ile, namit the peple thairof with sindry names : for thay
namit the men of Walls, Tegenianls, fra Tegenia ; the men of An-
gus, Horrestianis, fra Horrestia ; the men of Cauder and Callender
wod, Cahdonianis, fra Calidonia ; the men of Galloway, Brigandis,
fra Brigantia ; as apperis be Cornehus Tacitus, quhilk wrltis, that
beyound the Britonis dwellis in Allbion, to the gret north, two peple
richt different fra uther in maneris and nature ; that ane, for thair
yallo hair, calHt Pichtis, discending of Albianis ; and this uthir, for
thair blak and curland hair, calHt Scottis, na thing different fra
Spanyeartis in nature and conditionis. This Ile, m our dayis, is in-
habit allanerlie be two peple, Inghsmen and Scottis ; the south partis
ar inhabit be Inglismen, and the north part be Scottis. Now have
we schawin the causis quhy the Britonis wer calht with that name,
and the maner of thair cumming in Albioun ; and we sail schaw, in
the end of this cosmographie, with quhat peple the realme of Britane
hes bene inhabit continewalHe, unto the time of King Hary the VIII.,
regnand now with gret feheite abone Inghsmen.
The Boundts of Albioun ; with the sindry Commoditeis tliairgfin
generaU. Of the gnet infirmiteis that fallis to the Peple tha\roJ\
for thair intemperance ; and of the Religion iisit he thaim in auld
He He of Albioun contenis, in the hail circumference
and compas circular, mm mihs ; havand in lenth dcc
mills, and in breid cccl miles ; as apperis weill be the
fute thairof fornence the Franche seis. And fra the
fute thairof'it procedis ay the more small, quhill it come to the uter
marchis and last boundis baith of Ingland and Scotland : for betwix
the Mule of Galloway, fornence the Ireland seis, to Sanct Ebbis
Held, fornence the Almane seis, ar skars clx mills in breid ; and
fra thens it gaderis ay mair small, quhill it be cumin to the last boundis
thairof, quhare it hes skarslie xxx mills in breid. It is ane richt pro-
fitable He ; full of peple ; and nocht onlie richt plentuus of store and
bestiall, bot of all kind of cornis in every boundis thairof, saiffing
allanerlie thay boundis quhair God, of his singulare gudnes, hes or-
danit maist riche minis of gold, silver, tinne, bras, copper, and quik-
silver, wath sic fouth and aboundance of metallis, that the samin ar
nocht onlie sufficient for all maner of necessaris to the peple of the
said He, bot ar sufficient to all uthir oure nichtbouris that dwellis
about us, gif our peple had perfite craft and Industrie to win the sa-
min. Bot the superflew aboundance of all uthir thingis necessar to
the use of man, quhilk nature hes producit in oure regioun, makis
the peple the les industrius and crafty, dehting ay mair in sleuth
than ony exercitioun ; for beside the gret fouth of gers, cornis, and
bestiall in our landis, beside the gret aboundance of fowlis in the air,
sa gret plente is of fische in all partis of our seis, specially towart the
north, that the samin is sufficient ineuch to nuris all our peple, how-
beit thair wer na frutis growand on oure land ; as apperis be expe-
rience : for all landis that lyis about us, as France, Flanderis, Zeland,
Holland, and mekill of Almany, cumis with sindry flotis, sekand fische
yeirlie in our seis ; and nocht allanerlie, be thair prudent industry,
winnis fische sufficient to sustene thaimself, bot, be generall mar-
chandice of thir fische, thay sustene the peple of all uthir cuntreis ;
passand, in the time of Lentroun, throw the seis Mediterrane, ay
selland thair fische, to thair gret proffet and winning. Mony uthir
riche and precius thingis ar to be gottin in the said He, haldin in
gret delit to the eist peple of the warld. Quhat may be said of our
wol ? quhilk is sa quhit and small, that the samin is desirit be all
peple, and coft with gret price, speciallie with marchandis quhair it
is best knawin. Of this woll is maid the fine skarlettis, with mony
uthii- granit and deligat clathis. Heirfore I dar baldlie affirme, gif
the Albianis had sic grace that thay micht leif with concord amang
thaimself, or gif thair realmes, be ony honest way, micht cum under
the empire and senyorie of ane king ; thay micht nocht allanerlie haif
all necessaris within thaimself, uncoft; bot, with small difficultie,
micht dant all nichtbouris and cuntreis Hand thaim about, quhen ony
externe or uncouth weris hapnit to invaid thaim. Thay have sa
elegant stature, sa fair and lusty bodyis, that na uthir peple may be
preferrit to thaim. Thay ar richt ingenius and abill, als well to let-
teris as uthir virtewis and corporall exercitioun of the handis ; richt
hardy and reddy to all jeoperdyis baith in weir and peace, in sic
maner that na thing may be difficill to thaim, gif thay leiffit tempe-
ratlie. Thairfore the provident Beginnar of the warld hes nocht but
gret resoun maid thair region nakit and bair of winis ; knawing, be
his eterne wisdome, that winis, howbeit the samin ar richt necessar
to all uthir peple, ar richt skaithfull to the nature of Albianis : for
thay ar gevin to sic unnaturall voracite and desire of uncouth metis
and drinkis, that thay can nocht refrene thaimself fra immoderat ex-
cesse, as apperis weill be experience ; for, throw thair crapulus and
schamfull glutone, thay ar strikin oftimes with sa dangerus and irre-
mediable infirmiteis, that howbeit thow wer accumpanit with thaim
all thair tender age, thow sail find thaim, throw thair intemjierance
and surfet diet, sa fowsumlie growin in thair mid or latter age, that
thay sail appeir als uncouth to thy sicht as thow had nevir knawin
thaim in thair tender age ; quhairthroAv thay sal appeir erar misfas-
sonit monstouris than ony naturall peple. Sindry of thaim, throw
surfet diet, growls furius in thair latter age, Avith mony soroAvfull
maledeis following thaim ; for, as the proverbe sayis, sendill ar men
of gret glutonie sene have lang dayis, or agit with proces of yeris,
becaus thair excessive and intemperat diet consumis al the substan-
ciall humouris of thair bodyis. Bot we wil return to our purpos.
The Albianis, as A^Titis Cesar, in his Commentaris, and Cornelius
Tacitus, wer richt religious, eftir the rite that wes in thay dayis ; for
in thay dayis wer the preistis of Britane, namit Driades, richt ex-
pert baith in naturall and morall philosophic. Be thair doctrine,
come the first sculis of thair sect and opinion in France. The prin-
cipall sect of thir preistis wes in the lie of IVIan, quhilk wes in that
time the spectacle and fontane of all honest eruditioun and letteris ;
and, fra thir preistis wer anis profest in Catholik faith, thay perse-
verit with gret Constance in it, but ony spot of herise.
The Discripticmn of Est , West, and Middill Bordouris of Scotland ;
with the maist notable Townis and Fludis thairqf.
He Pichtis had sum time the principall and maist plen-
teus boundis of al the landis that ar now under the em-
pire of Scottis ; eftir that thay had rongin in the samin,
M.CLi yeris, under ane blude, amite, and freindschip with
Scottis; concurrand with thaim equalie in every danger and jeoper-
de of battall aganis the Romanis and Britonis ; and sum times fecht-
and aganis the Scottis, thair aw in confiderat freindis, be unprudence
of young and suspect personis : quhil at last, be outragius and exer-
bitant haitrent, rais sic slauchter and murdir on all sidis, that thay
wer l^rocht to uter rewine, and doung out of Albion, be the weris of
Scottis. And thocht the Scottis hes bene oftimes brokin with maist ter-
rible and dangerus weris of mony scharp ennimes, yit, be divine be-
nevolence, thay fluris hail unto thir dayis, and hes dantit al thair
enninies. Thir commodites, quhilkis ar now schawin generalie of
Albion, ar patent, with mony uthir singulare prerogativis, speciallie
amang the Scottis in the Hieland : for the peple thairof hes na re-
pair with marchandis of uncouth realmes ; and, becaus thay ar nocht
corruppit, nor mingit with uncouth blude, thay ar the more Strang
and rude, and may suffir mair hungir, walking, and distres, than
ony uthir peple of Albion ; maist hardy at jeoperdyis ; richt agill
and deliver of bodyis; richt ingenius to every new inventioun;
maist sichty in craft of chevalrie ; and kepis thair faith and promes
Avith maist severite and constance. Scotland hes the Mers, quhilk
wes sum time the maist plenteus regioun of Pichtis, for thair marche,
fornence the Almane seis. This regioun, sa lang as it wes inhabit
be Pichtis, wes namit Deere ; and, eftu* the expulsioun of Pichtis,
it wes namit the Mers, that is to say, the marchis ; for the Scottis,
eftir the expulsioun of Pichtis, ekit thair marchis to Tweid, quliilk
devides Northumbirland fra the Mers. On the tothir side, sindry
small burnis discendis fra the hillis of Cheviot, and uthir montanis
hand thair about, deviding Qumbir fra Annandail, and fallis in the
watter of Sulway. This watter of Sulway rinnis in the Ireland seis,
and is the marche of Scotland, fornence the west bourdouris. The
hilhs of Cheviot, fra quhilk springis mony small burnis on ilk side,
raakis the middil marche of Scotland. The Mers hes sindry marchis
at sindry partis quhair it is extendit. Sum time it hes the Almane
seis ; sum time, Eist Loutliiane ; sum time, Tweid ; and sum time,
Forth, for the marchis. Amang mony Strang castellis in the Mers
is the town and castell of Berwik, sum time namit Ordolutium, and
the inhabitantis thairof namit Ordoluce. Tweid first springis fra
ane small fontane, and, be agmentation of uthir watteris that fallis
in it, it discendis with braid stremes in the Ahnane seis. Beyound
Tweid, to the middill marche under Cheviot, lyis Tevidale, that is
to say, the vale of Tyf. Beyound it lyis Esdail, the vale of Esk ;
for Esk rinnis throw the middis thairof. Fornens Esdail, on the
tothir side, lyis Eusdail, namit fra the watter of Eus, and fallis in
the watter of Annand : bot Tyf and Esk fallis in Tweid. On the
tothir side, fornence the Ireland seis, lyis Annandail, fra the watter
of Annand. It marchis sum times with the out boundis of Nidis-
dail, quhair all thir tlire rivers forsaid, Eus, Annand, and Sulway,
discendis togidder, under ane streme, in the Ireland seis. In Annan-
dail is ane loch namit Lochmaben, five mills of lenth, and foure of
breid, full of uncoulh fische. Beside this loch is ane castell, under
the same name, maid to dant the incursion of thevis. For nocht al-
lanerlie in Annandail, bot in all the dalis afore rehersit, ar mony
Strang and wekit thevis, invading the cuntre with perpetuall thift,
reif, and slauchter, quhen thay se ony trublus time. Thir thevis,
becaus thay have Inglismen thair perpetuall ennimes, liand dry
marche apon thair nixt bordour, invadis Ingland with continewal
weris, or ellis with quiet thift ; and leiffis ay ane pure and miserabill
life. In the time of peace, thay ar so accustomit with thift that thay
can nocht desist, bot invadis the cvmtre, (liowbeit thay ar ay misera-
bihe put doun,) with itliand heirschippis. Mony riche and plentuus
boundis of Scotland lyis waist, for feir of thair invasion. Nocht far
fra Sulway ar mony sinkand sandis, sa peiilus, that na peple may
transport thaim self throw the samin, but gret difficulte and danger
of thair livis. This vale of Annand wes sum time namit Ordovitia,
and the pepill namit Ordovices ; quhais cruelteis wes sa gret, that
thay abhorrit nocht to eit the flesche of yoldin prisoneris. The wivis
usit to slay thair husbandis, quhen thay wer found cowartis, or dis-
comfist be thair ennimes; to gif occasioun to otheris to be more
bald and hardy quhen danger occurrit : Quhill at last thay wer fina-
lie distroyit be the weris of Romanis. On the west borduris, to the
gret north, lyis Nidisdail, namit fra the water of Nith. It beginnis
with ane narow and strait hals, and incressis mair braid, quhair it
lyis to the middil marchis of Scotland. In Nidisdail is the toun of
Dunfreis, quhair mony small and dehgat quhitis ar maid, haldin in
gret dainte to marchandis of uncouth realmes.
The Discription ofGalloxoay^ Kyle, Carrik, and Cunninghame ; zcith
the 7iotahill Tozmiis^ Lochis, and Revers in the samin.
Bone Nidisdaill is Galloway, namit sum time, Bi'igantia,
and the peple tliairof namit Brigandis. This region is
devidit be the watter of Cre in two partis : the part that
lyis nerest to Nidisdaill, is callit Nethir Galloway ; the
tothir part, that lyis abone Cre, is callit Uvir Galloway. In Nethir
Galloway is Kirkcoubrie, ane riche toun, full of marchandice. In
Uver Galloway is the abbay of Quhittern, dedicat to the haly bischop
Sanct Niniane ; quhair his blissit body restis in gret veneratioun of
peple. Abone Quhittern is the toun of Wigtoun; and nocht far
fra it, is the loch of Myrtoun. The half of this loch fresis be na-
tnrall congelatioun, as utheris lochis dois ; the tothir half fresis nevir.
In Galloway ar two uthir lochis, Salset and Newtramen, of sik hke
lenth and breid as Loch Myrtoun. Galloway rinnis, with ane gret
snout of craggis, be lang passage, in the Ireland seis. This snout is
calht be the peple, the Mulis Nuk ; and, be the crukin of it in the
seis, it makis two gret lochis, namit be the pepil. Loch Reane, and
Lowis. Sum of thir lochis ar xxx, and sum xvi, milis of lenth.
Thay ar baith ful of ostreis, hering, congir elhs, mussillis, and coklis,
with mony uthir fische. Sum men haldis, that Brigance wes the
samin regioun of Ingland that is now callit Walls, quhair the Bri-
tonis leiffit mony yens eftir that thay wer doung out of Britane : bot
this opinion is vane ; for the Romane auctouris sayis, the He of Man
lyis fornence Brigance, and is mid passage betwix it and Ireland, as
yit apperis be experience. And howbeit the brayis, be alluvioun
and flux of seis, ar worne, and mair distant fra uthir than thay wer
afore, yit the samin latitude and elevatioun of the pole that Ptolome
assignis to Brigance, correspondis weil to the elevatioun of the pole
abone Galloway, quhilk is distant and severit be lang jurnay fra
Walls ; for the He of Man lyis thre hundreth milis fra WaUs, in the
sicht of Galloway. Attoure, be testimoniall of sindry auctouris, we
say, that out of Brigance, the toun of Spanye quhilk is now namit
Conipostella, come ane new cumpany of peple in Ireland, and wer
namit Spanyeartis ; and out of Ireland come ane gret cumpany of
the same pepill, with King Fergus, in Albioun ; and, in remembrance
of the ciete of Brigance, quhilk wes sum time be thaim inhabit in
Spanye, thai war all callit Brigandis. To this opinion applaudis
Cornelius Tacitus, saying, the Brigandis wer discendit of the Span-
yeartis, and dwellis in the remot and last boundis of Britane ; for
he callis Britane the hail He of Albioun. Thir regionis afore re-
hersit, that is to say, Annandail, Nidisdail, and Galloway, nocht
allanerlie aboundis in fine woll and store of bestiall, bot ar richt prof-
fitable in all maner of cornis, except quhiet. Abone Galloway is Car-
rik, ane part of Silurie ; for Silurie is devidit in thre partis, that is
to say, Carrik, Kyle, and Cunninghame. In Carrik wes sum time
ane riche ciete under the same name ; quhais minus walhs schaAvds
the gret magnificence thairof. In this cuntre ar mony Strang cas-
tellis, richt strenthy baith be nature and craft of men. In this re-
gion ar mony fair ky and oxin, of quhilk the flesche is richt delicius
and tender ; the talloun of thair wambis is sa sappy, that it fresis
nevir, bot flowis ay, be nature of the self, in maner of oulie. Be-
yound Carrik is Kyle, namit fra Coyll, King of Britonis, quhilk wes
slane in the said regioun. In Kyle is ane stane, nocht xii milis fra
the toun of Air, xxx fut of hicht, and thre ellis of breid, callit be the
peple the Deif Stane ; for quhen ane man is at the fut of it, he may
nothir heir quhat is said nor done on the tothir side, howbeit ane
cannon wer schot at it ; nochtheles, ay the more he standis a di'eich
fra it, he heris ay the better. Nixt Kyle is Cunninghame, the thrid
part of Silurie; quhais peple wer maist noisum to Romanis. In
Kyle is ane loch namit Doune, fra quhilk discendis the watter under
the same name, and rinnis in the Ireland seis. In Cunninghame is
ane loch namit Garnoth, nocht unhke to Loch Doun, full of fische ;
and nocht far fra it is the toun of Largis, quhare sum time faucht
King Alexander the Thrid, with gret glore of victorie, aganis the
The Discription of Renfrew^ Clyddisdail, Lennox, Lowmond,Argyle,
Louchquhahir, Lome, and Kmtyre ; with all 7iotabiU thing'is con-
tenit in the same.
He waiter of Clyde devides the Lennox, on the north side,
fra the barony of Renfrew ; and risis out of the samin
montane within the wod of Cahdone, fra quhilk risis
Annand ; and discendis with lang passage in the Ireland
seis. Not far fra the fontanis of Clyde springis the fontanis of
Forth, quhilk discendis, with ample and braid boundis, in the Al-
mane seis. On the tothir side, the watter of Clyde, eftir that it hes
roun lang towart the north, crukis ay inwart, quhill it come to the mon-
tanis of Granyebane ; sine discendis Avith lang passage to the sovith,
quhill it fall in the Ireland seis. The cuntre, quhair it rinnis, is callit
Clydisdail. Betwix Clyde and Lennox lyis the baronie of Renfrew ;
in the quhilk ar twa lochis, nan lit Quhynsouth and Leboth, sum xx
and sum xii mills of lenth, richt plentuus and full of fische. Abone
Renfrew, to the Occeane seis, lyis the Lennox, namit, be Ptolome,
Lelgonia ; in quhilk is ane gret loch namit Lochmond, xxiv mills of
lenth, and viii mills of breid. Within this loch ar xxx His, well big-
git with kirkis, temphs, and housis : and in this loch ar thre notable
thingis ; fische swomand but ony fin ; ane richt dangerus and storrae
wal, but ony wind ; and ane He that fletis heir and thair as the wind
servis. This loch standis at the fute of the montanis of Granyebene,
quhilkis wer sum time the gret marchis betwix the Scottis and Pichtis,
and gangis fra Lochlowmond to the mouth of Dee. The Pichtis
had na landis beyound the montanis of Granyebene, nor yit hand
to the Ireland seis ; for thir boundis wer ay inhabit be Scottis. Viii
mills fra Lochlowmond is the castell of Dunbritane, namit sum time,
Alcleuch ; quhair the watter of Levin fallis in Clyde. Beyound Loch-
lowmond is Argyle, ane cuntre ful of rochis, craggis, and montanis.
In it ar twa lochis, Lochfine and Lochquho. The land is devidit
in thre partis ; the land that lyis in middis thairof is callit Knapdail.
In Lochfine is mair plente of hering than is in ony seis of Albion.
In Lochquho ar mony fische, sik as leiffis on fresch watter. In Ar-
gyle ar twa castellis, Glennunquhart and Enconell ; and in it ar xii
His : hot thay ar mair proffi table in store of bestial, than ony cornis.
In Argyle ar mony riche minis, full of metall ; bot ye pepill thairof
hes na craft nor industry to win the samin. It is said, in this cun-
tre is ane stane of sic nature, that it kendlis cauld stra, or hardis in
fire, quhen it is involvit thairwith. In Argyle ar vii uthir lochis ;
sum XXX milis in lenth and breid, and sum les. It wes said be Schir
Duncane Campbell to us, that out of Garloll, ane loch of Argyle,
the yeir of God m.dx yeris, come ane terrible beist, als mekil as ane
grew-hound, futit lik ane ganar, and straik doun gret treis with the
dint of hir tail; and slew thre men quhilkis wer at thair hountis
with thre straikis of hir tail : and wer not the remanent huntaris clam
up in Strang aikis, thay had bene all slane in the samin maner. Ef-
tir the slauchter of thir men, scho fled speidlie to the loch. Sindry
prudent men belevit gret trubill to follow in Scotland, be appering
of this beist ; for scho was sene afore, and ay trubil following thair-
efter. Marcheand with Argyle lyis Lorn, quhilk wes sum time bot
ane part thairof; for it lyis in maner of ane toung within the Ire-
land seis, with ane lang hals, lx milis of lenth and breid. This toung,
that rinnis sa far within the seis, wes sum time namit Novantia ; bot
now is it callit Kintyre, that is to say, the Heid of Lorn. The out-
maist part of this toung is not xvi milis fra Ireland. Sum auctouris
.sayis, baith Argyle and Kintyre wer namit Novantia ; for Ptolonie
makis na mention of Argyle in his cosmographie. In Lorn growis
beir with gret plente. Beyound Lome is Lochquhabir, quhilk wes
sum time ane part of Murrayland. It is full of minis, sic as irne and
leid, and richt proflitabill in store of bestiall. In it ar mony woddis,
lochis, and rivers, full of salmond and uthir fische, swomand sa plen-
teuslie, that the samin is tane but ony craft. The principal! rivers
of Lochquhabir ar Lochtie and Spanye ; howbeit the cause thairof
be uncertane. Lochtie risis nocht viii milis fra Lochness, and falhs,
under the same name, in the Almane seis. Beside it is ane roche
crag, dippand with ane lang hals in the seis, namit Hardnomorth.
Tn the mouth of Lochtie wes ane riche toim namit Inverlochtie,
quhair sum time wes gret change, be repair of uncouth marchandis ;
quhill at last it wes sa uterhe destroyit be weris of Danis, that it
come nevir to the honour and magnificence as it had afore: and
quhiddir the samin procedis be sleuth of our pepill, or be invy of
limmers, quhilkis may suffir na wallit tounis in this cuntre, it is un-
certane. Beyound Lochtie is the castell of Dunstafage, sum time
namit Evonium. Beyound Dunstafage is the mouth of the watter
of Spanye, quhair it fallis in the Almane seis.
The Discription o/Ros, Stranavern, and Murrmjland ; with the
Louchh, Fludis, and Notable Toicnis thairqf.
Eyound the watter of Spanye lyis Ros, sum time namit
Luffia : risino; with ane strait narow hals, and thaireftir
is cassin furth, with mair braid lesuris, valis, and mon-
tanis ; circuht, baith on the ta syde and the tothir, with
the occeane. This cuntre, quhair it lyis maist approchand to the
Ireland seis, hes richt difficill passage, and ganis mair for store of
bestiall than ony habitatioun of man. It is best manurit fomence the
Almane seis : richt plentuus baith of gers and corn ; for thir hailsum
valis, quhare the rivers discendis, makis the herbis richt delicius
and nurisand. In Ros ar sindry lochis, bot Lochbroun is maist.
Mony rivers ar in Ros, full of fische. In Ros is Cromarte, ane firth
and sicker port to all shippis, to saif thame fra danger of tempest,
namit be the peple, the Heil of Schipmen. In Ros is the toun of
Thane, quhair the bUssit banis of Sanct Dutho restis in gret vene-
ratioun of peple. In ane vale of Ros ar twa housis, round in forme
of ane bell ; and ar saiffit to our dayis in memory of sum antiquiteis
of our eldaris. Merchand with Ros lyis Stranavern, the outmaist
boundis of Scotland ; of quhilk the se cost ]yis north-north-west,
and crukis in agane sum time fornens the Almane seis, havand for-
nens it, on the gret north, Cathnes; on the gret eist, Sutherland;
on the gret south, Ros ; and, on the gret west, the north-nor-west
seis. Thre gret craggis lyis on the outmaist side of Stranavern,
namit Hoy, Howbroun, and Downisbie ; and becaus thir thre rochis
schutis far in the see, thay mak twa gret firthis and lochis, severit
fra uthir. Merchand with Cathnes lyis Sutherland, ane profitable
cuntre baith for store and comis. On the yond side of it lyis Mur-
ray, sum time namit Vararis. Bot it hes nocht the samin marchis
now as it had than ; for all the boundis betwix Spay and Xes to the
Ireland seis, wer namit Murray : bot now it lyis sum time beyound
the watter of Spay and Kissok, quhil it cum to the Ireland seis.
Betwix Ros and Murray, the land crukis in with ane gret discens
and vale, in quhilk falhs five rivers, Nes, Nardyn, Findorn, Los,
and Spay. Spay rinnis with sa feirs and violent streme, that the
see tide, quhen it cumis in maist swiftlie, may nocht resist the violent
discens and streme of this watter, bot is, with the preis and streme
thairof, born doun per force to the seis. Nes risis fra ane loch un-
der the same name, nocht viii mills fra the samin loch that Lochtie
cumis fra, and rinnis in the Ireland seis. Nothir fresis the water of
Lochtie, nor yit the loch that it cumis fra, in ony storme of winter ;
and, to the greter admiratioun, ony frosin thing that is cassin in it,
meltis and resolvis hastelie : it is, thairfore, richt proffitable to al
frosin beistis. In the mouth of Nes standis the toun of Inner nes ;
quhare sum time wes gret plente and tak of herying, howbeit thay
be now evanist, for offence that is maid aganis sum Sanct. Treuth
is, quhen ony avaricius and unhappy men fechtis for the fische that
God sendis, be his infinit gudnes, to the sustentatioun of the peple,
and diffoulis the see be thair blude ; mony yeris eftir, na fische swomis
in that place. Beside Lochnes, quhilk is xxiv mills of lenth, and
XII of breid, ar mony wild hors; and, amang thame, ar mony mar-
trikis, bevers, quhitredis, and toddis ; the furringis and skinnis of
thaim ar coft with gret price amang uncouth marchandis. In ]Mur-
ray is nocht allanerlie gret aboundance and fouth of quheit, lieir,
aitis, and siclik comis, with gret plente of nutis and appillis, bot in
it ar gret fouth of fische, and speciallie salmond. In this cuntre is
ane uncouth maner of fisching : for the peple makis ane lang mand,
narow halsit, and wyid mouthit, with mony stobis inouth, maid vnth
sik craft, that the fische thrawis thameself in it, and can nocht get
furth agane ; and als sone as the see ebbis, the fische ar tane dry in
the crehs. In Murray is ane loch namit Spynee, quhair gret plente
is of swannis. The cause quhy the swannis muhiplyis sa fast in this
loch, is throw ane herbe namit Olour, quhilk burgeonis with gret fer-
tilite in the said loch, and the seid of it is richt nurisand and deli-
cius to swannis. This herbe is sa brudy, that quhair it is anis sawin
or plantit, it can nevir be distroyit ; as may be provin be experience :
for, thoucht this loch be v. milis lang, and wes sum time, as the me-
morie of man yit beris, full of salmond and uthir gret fische, yit, fra
this herbe began to burgeon in it, the watter is growin sa schauld,
that ane man may waid throw the maist partis thairof ; and, thair-
fore, all maner of gret fische is quit evanist out of it. In Murray
land is the Kirk of Pette, quliare the banis of Litill Johne remanis,
in gret admiratioun of pepill. He hes bene fourtene fut of hicht,
with square membris eft'ering thairto. Vi yeris afore the cvmiing of
this werk to licht, we saw his hanche bane, als mekill as the haill
bane of ane man ; for we schot our arme in the mouth thairof : be
quhilk apperis how Strang and square pepill grew in our regioun,
afore thay wer effeminat with lust and intemperance of mouth. In
Murray is the toun of Elgin, nocht far fra the mouth of Spay ; in
quhilk is the nobill cathedrall kirk of Murray, decorit richelie with
the college of Channonis. Sindry riche abbayis ar in JMurray : as
Killos, of the ordoure of Cestuus ; and Pluscardie, of the ordoure
The Discriptioiin of Boene, Anye, Buchguhane, Mar, Mernis, Fife,
and Angus ; with the Lochis, Fludis, Abbai/is, Tounis, and uthir
notable thingis thairqf.
Archeand wdth Murray, lyis Boene and Anye ; twa
plentuus regionis in store of bestiall, Hand, with ample
and roume boundis, to the seis. Thir regionis ar full of
scheip and nolt, for the sindry lesuris and woddis in the
samul ; and throw the middis thairof rinnis the watter of Dovern.
In the mouth of this watter standis the toun of Bamf. Under thir
two regionis afore namit, lyis Buchquhane, ane proffi table land for
scheip ; for it passis all cuntreis, hand about it, in riches of quhit
and dehgat wolL Mony watteris ar in Buchquhane ; all full of sal-
mond, except Rattra, in quhilkis ar nane. In Buchquhane is the
castell of Slanis, the Constabhs hous, of Scotland : beside quhilk is
ane mervellus cove ; for the watter that droppis in it, growis, with-
in schort time, in maner of ane hard quhit stane ; and, wer nocht
the cove is oft temit, it wald be filht sone with stanis. Na rattonis
ar sene in this cuntre ; and, als sone as thay ar brocht thair, thay de.
In Buchquhane growis aitis but ony tilth or seid. Quhen die peple
passis with set purpos to scheir thir aitis, thay find nocht but tume
hulhs ; yit quhen thay pas but ony premiditatioun, thay find thir
aitis ful and weil ripit. Thir thingis cumis nocht be nature, but erar
be illusioun of devillis, to the dissait of blind and supersticius pepill.
Under Buchquhane lyis Mar ; ane plentuus region in store of bes-
stiall, Lx mills in lenth and breid, fra the Almane seis to Badyenoch.
In it is the ciete of Abirdene, the bischoppis seit ; with generall Uni-
versite, flurising in all science ; and wes foundit, be the nobill Bischop
William Elphinstoun, with ane riche and magnificent college. This
ciete lyis betwix two riche rivers. Done and Dee ; in quhilkis ar
mair fouth of salmond, than in ony part of Albioun. Maixhand
with Mar lyis the Mernis, to the see ; ane riche cuntre for store of
bestiall : in it is Dunnothir, the Marschel of Scotlandis hous. In the
INIernis is the toun of Fordoun ; quhare the bhssit banis of Sanct
Paladie restis, in gret veneratioun of peple. On the out-marchis of
INIernis rinnis the watter of Esk, uthirwayis namit Northesk ; ane
dangerus watter, quhare mony passingeris perisis for fait of ane brig.
Bordorand with the Mernis lyis Angus ; quhilk was sum time ane
part of Horrestia, and is dividit with thre rivers, Northesk, Soutli-
esk, and Tay. In Angus is ane hie montane, dippand in the Al-
mane seis, calht the Reid Brayis. Tay risis, far beyond the montanis
of Granyebene, fra Loch Tay, quhilk is xxiv mills of lenth, and x
mills of breid ; and discendis, with gret plente of fische, quhill it cum
in the Almane seis, beside Dunde, the toun quhair Ave wer born ;
quhair mony virtewus and lauborius pepill ar in, making of claith.
In Angus ar mony uthir gud townis, as Montroys, Brechin, and
Forfair ; with sa gret noinner of castellis, that it wer ouir tedius lau-
bour to writ thaim all. In Angus ar mony lochis, full of fisclie :
and in it ar mony abbayis ; as Resteneth, of Channons regulare, ef-
tir the ordour of Augustine ; Aberbrothak, and Coupar : the first,
of the ordour of Turoncn ; and the nixt, of the ordour of CistuUvS.
In the vale of Esk is sa quhit and small wol, that it hes na compair
in Albioun. Beside Tay is Fiffe, sum time ane part of Octolyne.
In it growls all maner of cornis, with als gret plente as dois in ony
part of Albioun ; and, quhare na cornis ar, it is richt proffitable in
store of bestial. In Fiffe ar won blak stanis, quhilk hes sa intolle-
rable heit, quhen thay ar kendillit, that thay resolve and meltis irne,
and ar thairfore richt proffitable for operatitm of smithis. This kind
of blak stanis ar won in na part of Albion, bot allanerlie betwix Tay
and Tyne. In Fiffb is maid gret plente of quhit salt. In Fiffe ar
mony noble townis; as Sanct Androis, the archebischopis seit of
Scotland, Kirkcawde, Disart, Kingorne, Cowpar, and Dunferme-
ling ; quhare ane riche abbay is decorit Avith generall sepulturis of
kingis. Mony uthir abbayis ar in Fiffe, dedicat to the Blissit Vir-
gine ; as Culros, Bawmerinoch, Petmoyg, and PettinAveme. In
Fiffe ar sindry lochis ; as Loch Torre, LochleA'in. In Lochlevin is
ane castell, Avith mony ills ; and in ane of thaim is the kirk of Sanct
Phillane. Fiffe is devidit fra Louthiane be the reveir of Forth,
quhilk rinnis, Avith ane braid firth, in the Almane seis. This firth
is richt plentuus of coclis, osteris, miischellis, selch, pellok, nier-
swine, and quhalis ; with gret plente of quhit fische. Amang iiiony
uthir ills in this firth is the lie of May, decorit with the bhide and
martirdome of Sanct Adriane and his fallowis. In the niiddis of
this lie, springis ane fontane of fresche and purifyit watter outhrow
ane roche crag ; to the gret admiratioun of peple, considerin it Ivis
in the middis of the seis. Beside this lie is ane wounderful crag,
risand within the see, with sa narro and strait hals, that na schij)
nor l)ait may arrive hot allanerlie at ane part of it. This crag is
callit the Bas ; unwinnabill be ingine of man. In it ar coves, als
proffitable for defence of men, as thay wer biggit be crafty industry.
Every thing that is in that crag is ful of admiration and woimder.
In it ar incredible noumer of Soland Geis ; nocht unlik to thir fowlis,
that Plineus callis See Ernis ; and ar sene in na part of Albion, hot
in this crag and Ailsay. At thair first cumin, quhilk is in the spring
of the yeir, thay gadder sa gret noumer of treis and stikkis to big
thair nestis, that the samin micht be sufficient fewell to the keparis
of the castell, howbeit thay had na uthir provision ; and thocht tb.e
keparis tak fra thir fowlis thir stikkis and treis, yit thay tak litil in-
dingnation thairof, bot bringis haistelie agane als mony fra uthir
placis (pihair thay fle. Thay nuris thair birdis with maist delio-at
fische; for, thocht thay have ane fische in thair mouth abone the
seis, quhair thay fle, yit gif thay se ane uthir bettir, thay lat the first
fal, and doukis, with ane fellon stoure, in the see, and bringis hais-
telie up the fische that thay last saw ; and thoucht this fische be reft
fra hir be the keparis of the castell, scho takkis litill indingnation,
bot fleis incontinent for ane uthir. Thir keparis, of the castell for-
said, takis the young geis fra thaim with litill impediment; thus
cumis gret proffet yeirlie to the lord of the said castell. Within the
bowellis of thir geis, is ane fatnes of singulare medicine ; for it helis
mony infirmiteis, speciallie sik as cumis be gut and cater disceding
m the hanches or lethes of men and wemen. In this crag growis
ane richt delicius herbe; and, quhen it is transportit or plantit in
ony othir part, it is of litill sapor or gust. In this crag wes sum time
ane stane, full of ene and hobs, like ane watter spounge, holkit in
the middis; of sik nature, that all salt watter that is waschin tliair-
with, becumis incontinent fresche and delicius to the mouth. We
heir, now, that this stane is in Fast Castell. In ane He of Forth,
is the abbay of Sanct Colme, of Channons regulare, eftir the ordour
of Sanct Augustine. Mony othir Ihs ar in this firth, full of cun-
ningis. Oftimes are sene in this firth uncouth and wounderfull fische,
with coulis hinging ouir thair hedis, like monkis ; and signifyis ay
mortalite of men and beistis quhare thay ar sene.
C^ap^ Cent[i»
The Discriptioun ofLoutldane, Striveling, Menteith^ Calidone Wod,
Bowgexcall, Gareotli ; zcith the notable Cietets, Castellis, and Fludis,
N the south side of Forth lyis Louthiane ; callit, with
that name, fra Loth, ane of the principall kingis of
Pichtis. Louthiane is maist plentuus ground of Scot-
land. In it ar mony abbayis, castellis, and tounis ; as
Hadingtoun, Dunbar, North Berwik, Leith : bot Edinburgh passis
thaim all, baith in polese, reparation, wisdome, and riches : and abone
it is the castell undir the same name, sum time callit The Madin
Castell, and yit remanis undir the same name. Nocht two mills fra
Edinburgh is ane fontane, dedicat to Sanct Katrine, quhair sternis
of oulie springis ithandlie with sic aboundance, that, howbeit the sa^
min be gaderit away, it springis incontinent with gret aboundance.
This fontane rais throw ane drop of Sanct Katrinis oulie, quhilk wes
brocht out of ]\Iont Sinai, fra hir sepulture, to Sanct Margaret, the
blissit Quene of Scotland. Als sone as Sanct Margaret saw the oulie
spring ithandlie, be divine miracle, in the said place, scho gart big
ane chapell thair, in the honour of Sanct Katherine. This ouhe hes
ane singulare virtew aganis all maner of cankir and skawis. Nocht
far fra the mouth of Forth is the castel of Dunbar ; quhilk, be na-
ture and crafty industre of man, is the strenthiest hous, this day, of
Albion. Dunbar wes sum time the cheif chemis of the Erlis of
^larche. Nocht far fra it is ane toun undir the same name, with
ane magnificent and riche college of Channons, foundit and honora-
bily dotal be the said Erlis. On the eist side of Louthiane lyis the
Mers ; the cuntre qvihilk by vis is first discrivit. Under the Mers
lyis Tevidail ; and abone it lyis T^vedail. Under Twedail lyis Dry-
isdail, Waulcopdail, Douglasdail, and Clydisdail. All thir dahs beris
the name of that rever that discendis throw thaim. The principal 1
toun of Clydisdail is Glasqu, the archebischoppis seit ; quhare ane
nobill kirk is dotat richelie in the honour of Sanct Muno-ow. and
biggit with gret magnificence. In Glasqu is ane generall Univer-
site, and study of all liberall science. In Clydisdail is ane riche
mine of gold and asure, won but ony laubour : sum times ai- won in
it, sindry precious stanis of variant hewis. This goldin mine wes
found in the time of King James the Feird ; quhilk had so mony
singulare virtewis, diat he had decorit his realme with infinite riches
be this mine, gif God had fortunit him to have had dayis. Now, be
sleuth and necligence of uncrafty peple, this mine dois small proffet.
Fra Glasqu, north, lyis Menteith, and Strivehngschire, marcheand
with Argyle and Lennox. In Strivehngschire is the toun of Strlvel-
ing; and abone it standis the castel under the samin name, sum time
namit the Dolorus Montane. At this toun began the gret wod of
Calidon. This wod of Calidon ran fra Striveling throw Menteith
and Stratherne to Atholl and Lochquhabir; as Ptolome writtis, in
his first table. In this wod wes sum time quhit bullis, with crisp
and curland mane, like feirs honis ; and, thoucht thay semit meik
and tame in the remanent figure of thair body is, thay wer mair Avild
than ony uthir beistis, and had sic hatrent aganis the societe and
cumpany of men, that thay come nevir in the woddis nor lesuris
quhair thay fand ony feit or haind thairof ; and, mony dayis eftir,
thay eit nocht of the herbis that wer tmchit or handilhtt be men.
Thir bullis wer sa wild, that thay wer nevir tane but slicht and crafty
laubour ; and sa impacient, that, eftir thair taking, thay deit for
importable doloure. Als sone as ony man invadit thir bullis, thay
ruschit with so terrible preis on him, that thay dang him to the eird ;
takand na feir of houndis, scharp lancis, nor uthir maist penitrive
wappinnis. It is said. King Robert Bruce, eftir his coronatioun,
went to ane hunting in this wod, havand bot ane quiet cumpanie
with him, and eschapit narowlie of his lief; for ane of the bullis, ef-
tir that lie wes salr woundit be the huntaris, ruschit feirslie on the
king, howbeit he had na wapinnis in his hand to debait himself fra
the dint thairof : Incontinent, ane man of gret spreit, quhilk wes
standing neir by, lap afore the king ; and nocht allanerlie kest the
bull be manifest force to the erd, bot held him, quhill the remanent
liuntaris slew him with thair wappinnis. This man, that rescoursit
the king, wes callit Turnbull, and wes rewardit with riche landis be
the king. And thoucht thir bullis wer bred in sindry boundis of
the Callidon Wod, now, be continewal hunting and lust of insolent
men, thay ar distroyit in all partis of Scotland, and nane of thaim
left bot allanerlie in Cumarnald. On the eist side of Menteith lyis
Strathern ; and marchis on the samin side with Fiffe. Out throw
the valis of this regioun rinnis the watter of Em, and fallis in Tav.
And, nocht four mills fra the place quhare Ern fallis in Tay, is ane
stane of small quantite, howbeit it be of mervellus nature ; for thair
is nothir preis nor ingine of man that may transport it out of the
place quhair it lyis : attoure ane man, and ane hundreth, movis it
elik. On the tothir side of Tay, beyound Angus and Gowrie, lyis
Stermond ; ane plentuus regioun, baith of gers and cornis. Nocht
far fra Stermond lyis Athole ; in quhilkis ar mony lusty valis, and
fludis, ful of fische ; and the ground sa riche, that it beris cornis but
ony lauboure. In it is ane toun namit Lud ; of quhilk the land is
sa plentuus, that, gif it be weil manurit, it beris gud beir but ony
seid. -fn Athole ar uthir landis, of mair contrarius nature; the
quheit that is sawin in it degeneris, and turnis in ry. Under Buch-
cjuhane and Boene, to the west, lyis Bostgewell, and Gareoth ; richt
plentuus regionis, baith in gres and cornis. In Gareoth is ane hill
namit Doundore, that is to say, the Goldin Montane. The scheip
that gangis on this montane ar yallo ; thair teeth ar hewit like gold ;
thair flesche reid, as it wer littit with safron ; thair woll is on the same
maner. In this regioun is ane carnell of stanis, hand togidder, in
maner of ane croun ; and ringis, quhen thay ar doung, as ane bell.
Ane temple wes biggit, as sum men belevis, in the said place, quhare
mony auld ritis and superstitionis wer maid to evill spretis. Mony
uthir regionis ar in Scotland ; as Bradalbane, Strabraun, and Bad-
yenoth, with sindry uthir small landis and fludis ; howebeit thay ar
nocht sa notable as thir landis that we have schawin.
Cfiap* (2Bletientfi»
Of the gret plente of H arts, Hartis, and uthir mid Bestiall in Scot-
land. Of the mervelliis nature of sindry Scottis Doggis ; and.
Of the nature of S almond.
EcAUS we have discrivit all regionis of Scotland in spe-
ciall, we will schaw sum thing concerning thaim in ge-
neral. And, first, we say, that in all boundis of Scot-
land, except thay partis quhair continewall habitatioun
of pepie makis impediment thairto, is gret plente of haris, hartis,
hindis, dayis, rais, wolffis, wild hors, and toddis. Thir wild hors ar
not tane but crafty shcht : for, in time of winter, the landwart peple
puttis certane tame cursouris and meris amang thir wild hors ; and,
be thair commixtioun and frequent cumpanie, makis thaim so tame,
that thay may be handillit. The wolffis ar richt noisum to the tame
bestiall, in all partis of Scotland, except ane part thairof namit Glen-
mores, in quhilk the tame bestiall gettis litill dammage of wild bes-
tiall, specialie of toddis ; for ilk hous of this cuntre, nurisis ane young
tod certane dayis, and mengis the flesche thairof, eftir that it be slane,
with sic meit as thay gif to thair fowhs, or uthir smal beistis ; and
sa mony as etis of this meit ar preservit twa monethis eftir fra ony
dammage of toddis : for toddis will eit na flesche that gustis of thair
a\vin kind; and, be thair bot ane beist or fowU that hes nocht gustit
of this meit, the tod will cheis it out amang ane thousand. In Scot-
land ar doggis of mervellus nature : for abone the commoun nature
and conditioun of doggis, quhilkis ar sene in all partis, ar thre ma-
ner of doggis in Scotland, quhilk ar sene in na uthir partis of the
warld. The first is ane hound, baith wicht, hardy, and swift. Thir
houndis ar nocht allanerlie feirs and cruell on all wild beistis, bot on
thevis and ennimes to thair maister, on the same maner. The se-
cound kind is ane rache, that sekis thair pray, baith of fowlis, beistis,
and fische, be sent and smell of thair neis. The thrid kind is na
mair than ony rache ; reid hewit, or ellis blak, with small spraingis
of spottis ; and ar callit be the peple, Sleuthoundis. Thir doggis lies
sa mervellus wit, that thay serche thevis, and followis on thaim al-
lanerlie be sent of the guddis that ar tane away ; and nocht allaner-
lie findis the theif, bot invadis him with gret cruelte : and, thoucht
the thevis oftimes cors the watter, quhah' thay pas, to cans the hound
to tine the sent of thaim and the guddis, yit he serchis heir and thair
with sic deligence, that, be his fut, he findis baith the trace of the
theif and the guddis. The mervellus nature of thir houndis wil have
na faith with uncouth peple ; howbeit the samin ar richt frequent
and rife on the bordouris of Ingland and Scotland : attour it is sta-
tute, be the lawis of the Bordouris, he that denyis entres to the
sleuthound, in time of chace and serching of guddis, sal be haldin
participant with the crime and thift committit. Of fowlis, sic as
leiffis of reif, ar sindry kindis in Scotland ; as ernis, falconis, gois-
halkis, sparhalkis, marlyonis, and sik like fowlis. Of watter fowlis
is sa gret noumer, that it is wonder to heir. Mony uthir fowlis ar
in Scotland, quhilkis ar sene in na uthir partis of the warld ; as ca-
percailye, ane foul mair than ane ravin, quhilk leiffis allanerlie of
barkis of treis. In Scotland ar mony mure cokis and hennis, quhilk
etis nocht bot seid, or croppis of liadder. Sic like ar gret noumer
of blak cokis and hennis, nocht unlike to ane fasiane, baith in quan-
tite and sapoure of thair flesche ; bot thay have blak fedderis and
reid ee-breis. And beside thir thre uncouth kind of fowlis, is ane
uthir kind of fowlis in the Mers, mair uncouth, namit gustardis, als
mekle as ane swan ; bot in the colour of thair fedderis, and gust of
thair flesche, thay ar litil different fra ane pertrik. Thir last fowlis
ar not frequent, bot in few noumer ; and sa far haitis the cumpany
of man, that gif thay find thair eggis aindit or twichit be men, thay
leif thaim, and layis eggis in ane othir place. Thay lay thair eggis in
the bair erd. All othii* kind of fowlis ar in Scotland, on the same
maner as thay ar in ony othir realmes. Of fische is mair plente in
Scotland, speciallie of salmond, than is in ony uthir partis of the
warld. And, becaus the procreation and nature of salmond is un-
couth and strange, we have inserit the maner thairof in this buke.
Thir salmond, in the time of hervist, cumis up throw the smal wat-
teris, speciallie quhare the watter is maist schauld and loun, and
spawnis, with thair wamis plet to uthir. The hie fische spawnis his
meltis, and the scho fische hir rounis, and incontinent coveris thaini
ouir with sand in the reveir ; and, eftir thair spawning, thay grow
sa lene and small, that na thing apperis on thaim hot skin and bane ;
and hes sa warsche gust, that thay ar unprofRtable to eit. Sum men
sayis, all othir salmond that metis thaim eftir thair spawning growis
lene on the same maner as thay ar ; for sindry of thaim ar found
lene on the ta side, and fat on the tothir. Forthir, of thu- rounis
and meltis, quhilkis ar hid, as said is, under the sandis, growis, at
the spring of the nixt yen-, small tender fische, na gretar thaji ane
mannis thoume ; and, gif thay be handillit, thay melt away like ane
blob of watter. Alwayis, at the first streme of watter that risis, thay
discend to the see ; and, within xx dayis eftir, thay grow in mer-
vellus quantite, and, with maist fervent desire and appetite, returnis
to the samin placis quhair thay wer generit. Forthir, becaus mony
of the watteris of Scotland ar full of linnis, als sone as thir salmond
cumis to the lin, thay leip ; and sa mony as ar wicht, or lepis weil,
thay get up throw the Un, and returnis to the place quhair thay wer
bred, and abidis thair quhil the season cum of thair generatioun.
Utheris, quhilkis lepis nocht cleirlie ouir the lin, brekis thaimself be
thair fall, and growis mesall. Utheris ar keppit in cawdrounis ; for
the landwart peple settis oftimes cawdrounis, playand with hait wat-
ter, at the cheik of the lin. Thus, quhen the salmondis failhs thair
loup, thay fall callour in the said caldrounis, and ar than maist de-
litius to the mouth. It is defendit be our lawis, ta sla ony salmond
fra the viii day of September, to the xv day of Novembre. Na man
knawis quhair on thu' fische leiffis ; for na thing is found in thair
wambe, quhen thay ar oppinnit, bot ane thik grosse humour.
Of the sindry Mndis of MussiUis and Codes in Scotland. Of the
Perils that ar gotthi in thame. Of sindry uncouth and strange
Fische. Of the nature of H adder.
Ow we will schaw the nature of mussillis and coclis, of
quhilkis mony kindis ar amang us. Sum ar small, with
the meit thairof richt delieius to the mouth : utheris ar
mair, nocht unlike, in forme and quantite, to the samin
mussillis that lies the purpure; and, howbeit thay have na thing
thairof, thay ar yit richt delieius to the mouth : utheris ar lang and
greter, callit Hors MussiUis, and ar gottin in sindry reveris, specialie
in De and Done ; and in thir mussillis ar generit the perUs. Thir
mussillis, airlie in the morning, quhen the lift is cleir and temperat,
opnis thair mouthis a litill abone the watter, and maist gredelie
swellis the dew of the hevin ; and, eftir the mesure and quantite of
tlie dew that thay swellie, thay consave and bredis the perle. Thir
mussillis ar sa doyn gleg of twiche and hering, that howbeit the voce
l)e nevir so small that is maid on the bra beside thaim, or the stane
be nevir sa small that is cassin in the watter, thay douk haistelie at
anis, and gangis to the ground, knawing weill in quhat estimatioun
and price the frute of thair wambe is to al peple. Als sone as the
fischaris findis thir mussillis, thay thrist thaim fast togidder. The
maner of thair taking followis : First, four or five personis passis in
the rever togidder, and standis in maner of ane round cirkill within
the watter to thair schulderis. Ilk ane of thaim hes ane staffe in
ihair hand, that thay sail nocht slide ; and sine thay luke and viseis
throwe the cleir and purifyit watter, quhill thay se the mussillis ; and,
becaus thay may nocht tak thaim up with thair handis, thay cleik
thaim up with thair tayis, and slingis thaim to the nixt brayis. The
perils that ar gottin in Scotland ar nocht of littill valoure ; for thay
hav-e ane cleir schinand quhitnes, round and licht ; and sum times
ar als mekle as the naill of ane mannis fingar : of quhilkis we have
had part. It wes schawin to us, be thaim that come fra Sanct James,
that thair is siclike miissillis in Spanye ; bot thay have na perle, for
thay leif in salt watter. In all the see-costis of Scotland ar coclis and
mussillis on the same maner ; thoucht tha be mair proffitable to the
mouth, than ony procreatioun of perils. Mony uncouth forme and
figuris of fische ar in Scotland : sum of thaim armit with schellis ;
sum ^vith hard skalis ; and sum of thaim ar round as ane ball, bakkit
like ane hurcheon, havand bot ane conduct baith to purge thair
wambe and ressave thair meit. To schaw every kind of fische that
is in Scotland, it wer bot ane faschious and vane lauboure ; for the
samin ar kna^^^n to al cuntreis. Of al othir kindis of fische is sa
gret plente throw all partis of our seis, that, howbeit infinit noumer
of thaim wer tane away on the ta day, na thing thairof sal be mist on
the morow. Attoure ane thing is, that cumis not but singulare pro-
vidence of God ; for ay the mair derth and penurite of vittallis is in
Scotland, the fische swoumis with the more abundance and plente.
Attoure in all the desertis and muris of this realme growis ane herbe,
namit hadder, but ony seid, richt nutritive baith to beistis and fowlis ;
specialie to beis. This herbe, in the moneth of July, hes ane floure
of purpure hew, als sweit as huny. The Pichtis maid of this herbe,
sum time, ane richt delicius and hailsum drink. Nochtheless, the
maner of the making of it is perist, be exterminioun of the said
Pichtis out of Scotland ; for thay schew nevir the craft of the mak-
ing of this drink bot to thair awin blud. Attoure thair is na part
of Scotland sa unproffitable, bot it producis othir irne, or ellis sum
othir proffitable kind of metal ; as may be notabilly provin throw all
the His of Scotland.
The Dlscriptioun of the His of Scotland ; and of the maist notabill
thin ff is thairof.
En we ar now falling in commoning of the His, we will
disci'ive the same, in maner and forme as followis. For-
nens Scotland, to the Ireland seis, lyis xliii His; of
quhilkis sum ar xxx milis lang, utheris xii mills, utheris
mair, and utheris les. Thir His wer callit be sum auctouris, Ebonie ;
and be utheris ar callit Hebredes. The principall He is the He of
Man, quhilk lyis fornens Galloway, and wes sum time the principall
seit of the preistis namit Driades ; as Cornelius Tacitus, Cesar, in
his Commentaris, and mony othir Romane auctouris testifyis. North
fra the He of Man lyis Arrane, uthirwayis namit Botha. This se-
cound name wes gevin to it be Sanct Brandane ; for he biggit sum
time ane hous in it, namit Both. Fra Arrane lyis Helaw, and
Rothesay, namit fra the first Scot that brocht the Scottis out of Ire-
land in Albioun. Nocht far fra thir His is Ailsay ; quhair siclik
plente of soland geis is, as we schew afore in the Bas. Fra Ailsay
lyis mony uthir His, devidit and severit be thair aAvin names, full of
minis ; sik as irne, tin, leid, and uthir metallis : Yit the maist no-
table He of Scotland is Ha, quhilk lyis, beyound the toung of Lome,
in the sicht of Lochquhabir ; ane riche cuntre, xxx milis of lenth,
richt plentuus of corne, and full of metallis, gif thair wer ony craf-
ty and industrius peple to win the samin. Nocht far fra Ha lyis
C umbra, and Mula, als mekill as Ha, baith in lenth and breid. In
this He of Mula is ane cleir fontane, two milis fra the see : fra this
fontane discendis ane litil burne, or strip, rinnand ful of rounis to
the seis. Thir rounis ar round and quhit, schinand like perle, full
of tliik humour ; and, within two houris eftir that thay come to see,
thay grow in gret codes. Schort gait fra thir His is lona, othir-
wayis namit Colmekill ; in quhilk is ane abbay, full of devot religius
men. This abbay wes the commoun sepulture of all Scottis kingis,
fra the time of King Fergus the Secound, to the time of King Mal-
cohne Canmore, quhilk biggit the abbay of Dunfermling ; quhair
the maist part of our kingis lyis, sen the fundatioun thairof. Pass-
and forthwart to the north-nor-west seis, fornens Ros, is ane He
namit Lewis, lx mihs of lenth. In this He is bot ane reveir. It is
said, gif ony woman waid throw this watter at the spring of the yeir,
thair sail na salmond be sene for that yeir in the said watter : other-
wayis, it sail abound in gret plente. Beyound the Lewis lyis two
His, namit Sky and Rona. In this last He is incredible noumer of
selch, pellok, and meirswine, na thing astonist for the sicht of men.
The last and outmaist He is namit Hirtha; quhare the elevatioun of
the pole is lxiii greis. And, sen the elevatioun of the pole abone
the He of Man is lvii greis, ilk gre extending to lxii mUis and ane
half in distance, as Ptolome and uthir astronomeris nowmeris, I con-
clude, that fra the He of Man, the first He of Albion, to Hirtha, the
last He thairof, ar ccclxxvii mills. This last He is namit Hirtha,
quhilk, in Irsche, is callit ane scheip ; for in this He is gret nowmer
of scheip, ilk ane gretar than ony gait buk, with hornis lang and
thikkar than ony home of ane bewgill, and hes lang talis hingand
down to the erd. This He is circulit on every side with roche crao-ffis ;
and na baitis may land at it bot allanerly at ane place, in quhilk is
ane strait and narow entres. Sum time thair micht na pepill pas to
this He but extreme dangeir of thair livis ; and yit thair is na pas-
sage to it bot quhen the seis ar cawme but ony tempest. In the
moneth of Juny, ane preist cumis out of the Lewis in ane bait to this
He, and ministeris the sacrament of baptisme to all the barnis that
hes bene borne in the yeir afore. Als sone as this preist hes done
his office, with certane messis, he ressavis the tindis of all thair com-
moditeis, and returnis hame the same gait he come. In the He of
Lewis ai* two kirkis ; ane dedicat to Sanct Peter, and the tother de-
dicat to Sanct Clement. The fame is, als sone as the fire gangis
furth in this He, the man that is haldin of maist clene and innocent
life layis ane wosp of stra on the alter; and, when the pepill are
gevin maist devotly to thair praers, the wosp kindellis in ane bleis.
Beyound thir Ihs is pt ane uthir He, bot it is not inhabit with ony
pepill. In it ar certane beistis, nocht far different fra the figure of
schiep, sa wild that thay can nocht be tane but gu'nis : the hair of
thaim is lang and tattie, nothir like the woll of scheip nor gait. Be-
twix thir His is oftinies richt dangerus passage : for the see, be con-
trariiis stremes, makis coUision ; sum times yettand out the tid, and
sum times swelleand and soukand it in agane, with sa forcy violence,
that quhen the schippis ar saland throw thir dangerus veilis, oftimes
tliay ar othir drownit, or ellis brokin on craggis. The gretest vele
heirof is namit Corbrek ; for it v-ill othir sink, or ellis draw ane schip
to it, howbeit it be distant thairfra ane mile.
Cljap* jToiitteentD*
Of the nature qfClaik Geis, and of the s'lndry maner of thair pro-
creation ; and, Of the lie of Thide.
EsTis now to speik of the geis generit of the see, namit
Clakis. Sum men belevis, that thir clakis growis on
treis be the nebbis ; bot thair opinioun is vane. And, be-
caus the nature and procreatioun of thir clakis is strange,
wf ha\ e maid na litill lauboure and deligence to serche the treuth
and verite thau'of. We have salit throw the seis quhare thir clakis
ar bred ; aixl findis, be gret experience, that the nature of the seis
is mair relevant cans of thair procreatioun than ony uthir thing.
And howbeit thir geis ar bred mony sindry wayis, thay ar bred ay
allanerly be nature of the seis : for all treis that ar cassin in the seis,
be proces of time apperis first worme-etin, and in the small boris and
hollis thairof growis small wormis : first, thay schaw thair heid and
feit, and last of all thay schaw thair plumis and wingis ; finaly, quhen
thay ar cumin to the just mesure and quantite of geis, thay fle in
the aire as othir fowlis dois : as was notably provin, in the yeir of
God M.cccc.xc, in sicht of mony pepill, beside the castell of Petsle-
go. Ane gret tre was brocht, be alluvion and flux of the see, to land.
This wonderfull tre was brocht to the Lard of the ground, quhilk
sone efter gart devide it be ane saw, Apperit than ane multitude of
wormis thrawing thaim self out of sindry hollis and boris of this tre.
Sum of thaim war rude, as thay war bot new schapin ; sum had baith
held, feit, and wingis, bot thay had na fedderis ; sum of thaim war
perfit schapin fowlis. At last the pepill, havand ilk day this tre in
niair admiration, brocht it to the kirk of Sanct Androis, beside the
town of Tyre, quhare it remanis yit to our dayis. And, within tM'o
yeris efter, hapnit sic ane lik tre to cum in the firth of Tay, beside
Dunde, worme-etin and hollit, full of young geis in the samin ma-
ner. Siclike, in the port of Leith, beside Edinburgh, within few
yeris efter, hapnit sic ane like cais. Ane schip, namit the Cristofir,
efter that scho had lyin in yeris at ane ankir in ane of thir His, wes
brocht to Leith ; and becaus hir timmer, as apperit, failyeit, scho
was brokin down : incontinent apperit, as afore, al the inwart partis
of hir worme-etin, and all the hollis thau'of full of geis, on the samin
maner as we have schawin. Attoure, gif ony man wald allege, be
vane argument, that this Cristofir was maid of sic treis as grew al-
lanerly in the His, and that all the rutis and treis that growis in the
said His, ar of that nature to be finaly, be nature of the seis, resolvit
in geis ; we preif the cuntre thairof be ane notable example, schawin
afore our ene. Maister Alexander Galloway, Person of Kinkell,
was with us in thir His, gevand his mind, with maist ernist besines,
to serche the verite of thir obscure and misty dowtis ; and, be adven-
ture, liftet up ane see-tangle, hingand full of mussill schellis fra the
rute to the branchis. Sone efter, he opnit ane of thir mussill schellis :
bot than he was mair astonist than afore ; for he saw na fische in it,
bot ane perfit schapin foule, smal and gret ay effering to the quan-
tite of the schell. This Clerk, knawin us richt desirus of sic uncouth
thingis, come haistely with the said tangle, and opnit it to us, with
all circumstance afore rehersit. Be thir, and mony othir reasonis
and exampHs, we can not beleif that thir clakis ar producit be ony
nature of treis or rutis thairof, bot allanerly be the nature of the
occeane see, quhilk is the caus and production of mony wonderful
thingis. And becaus the rude and ignorant pepil saw oftimes the
frutis that fel of the treis, quhilkis stude neir the see, convertit with-
in schort time in geis, thay belevit that thir geis grew apon the treis,
hingand be thair nebbis, siclik as appillis and uthir frutis hingis be
thair stalkis. Bot thair opinioun is nocht to be sustenit ; for, als sone
as thir appillis or frutis fallis of the tre in the see flude, thay grow
first worme-etin, and, be schort proces of time, ar akerat in geis.
Now we have schawin sufficienthe ineuch of the Ihs of Scotland, gif
we had schawin ane thing ; that is to say, nocht allanerhe wes the lie
of Thule, with all the remanent His of Scotland sene by us, bot als
wer sene be mony Romane auctouris : for Cornelius Tacitus sayis,
the Romane navy, quhilk wes send about the His be command of
Julius Agricola, saw this He of Thule, with the remanent Ihs hand
thairabout. And thoucht Ptolome writtis, that the He of Thule lyis
amang the His of Scotland, yit his writing, be provin experience,
may have na faith : for Thule is mony milis distant fra Schetland;
for Schetland lyis beyound Orknay, approechand to Noroway. Sum
auctouris sayis, that Thule is the samin He that we call Island : for
thir auctouris sayis, that Thule is the last He of the occeane see ;
and sa is Island ; quhilk lyis in the cauld and frosty seis beyound
the cirkill artik to the north pole. The peple of Island, becaus na
cornis growis in it, leiffis allanerhe of fische. Thay bray dry fische
als small as meil, and baikis thaira Avith watter at the fire, and usis
it in maner of breid.
The Discriptioun of Orhnay, Schetland, with sindry uthir small His;
and of the maneris and condltionis of the Peple thairof.
Eyound all the His of Scotland lyis Orknay ; sum part
to the north-nor-west seis, and sum part to the Almane
seis. The principall He of Orknay is Pomonia, the
bischoppis seit, in quhilk ar two strong castellis. In
Orknay growis na quheit ; and it is nakit of wod : all othir cornis
growis in it with gret plente Orknay hes na vennomus beistis, more
than Ireland ; na beist, ennime to the nature of man, may leif in
Orknay. And sen we ar now fallin in speking of Ireland, howbeit
it pertenis na thing to the purpos we tuke on hand, we will schaw
ane wonder thairof, quhilk passis all wonderis that evir we red
afore in ony othir bukis. In Ireland is ane loch, and about the sa-
min, be mony mills, growls nothir herbe nor tre. And, gif ony tre
be affixit and set doun in this loch, within the space of ane yeir eftir,
this tre alteris : for sa mekle of it as is hid within the erd, turnis in
ane hard stane ; it that is hid in the watter, turnis in irne ; and sa
mekle as is abone the watter, kepis the nature of the tre : and so the
tre, stane, and irne, ar junit togidder under ane stok. Bot we wiU
returne to Orknay, to schaw litill les wonderis of it. And, first,
howbeit the pepill be gevin to excessive drinkin, and, be plente of
beir, makis the starkest ail of Albioun, yit nane of thaim ar sene
wod, daft, or drunkin : als thay come haill and feir in thair bodyis
to extreme age, but ony use of medcinary, with Strang and fair bo-
dyis. The yowls of this cuntre hes ay two lammis, or ellis thre, at
anis ; and of wild foull and tame, is mair fouth in Orknay than in
ony part of Albioun. Thair hors ar litill mair than asinis ; bot thay
may indure mair labour than ony othir hors. To speik of fische,
thair is mair aboundance thairof than ony uncouth peple may be-
leif. In Orknay is ane gret fische, mair than ony hors, of mervellus
and incredible sleip. This fische, quhen scho beginnis to sleip, fesnis
hir teith fast on ane crag abone the watter. Als sone as the mari-
neris findis hir on sleip, thay cum with ane stark cabill in ane boit ;
and, eftir that thay have borit ane gret hole throw hir tale, thay
fesne hir be the samin. Als sone as this fische is awalknit, scho makis
hir to leip with gret force in the see ; and, fra scho find hirself fast,
scho writhis hir out of hir awin skin, and dels. Of the fatnes that
scho hes, is maid oulie in gret quantite ; and of hir skin, becaus it
induris lang, is maid strong cabellis. Ane hundreth mills beyound
Orknay lyis Schetland ; of quhilk the riches standis onlie in fische,
dryit be son. Mony hidis and skinnls of oxin, scheip, gait, and
martrikis, dryit with the sonne, cumis out of this cuntre in Scotland ;
and, on the same maner, the marchandis of Holland, Zeland, and
Almanie, cumis yeirlie to Schetland, to interchange uthir marchan-
dyis with the peple thairof; quhilkis ar of the same nature and con-
ditionis as the peple is of Orknay. Beyound Schetland ar mony
His, quhilkis leiffis on the same maner as it dois. And, thoucht the
peple of thir Islis be pure, yit thay leif langer, and ar better content
of thair livis, than thay that hes mair welth and riches of the warld.
Na contentioun is amang thaim for singulare proffet. Ilk man pro-
vidis for sa mekle fische, in the simer, as may sustene his hous agane
the winter. Thir peple ar nakit of all ambitioun and vice, and ne-
vir trublit -with uncouth weris. Amang all pleseiris, quhilkis ar
josit be mankind, thay think na thing sa gud, as to leif in concord
and peace, havand ane quiet life but ony uthir displeseir. This per-
fection of life cumis to thaim onlie throw thair simplicite ; and fol-
lowis, be the samin, the futsteppis of Crist. Ilk yeir, anis cumis to
thaim ane preist out of Orknay, and ministris to thaim the sacra-
ment of baptisme ; and, eftir that he haif done his devore, he res-
savis his teindis justlie, and returnis, the samin gait he come, to
Orknay. Forthir, glf ony giftis of nature may be noumerit amang
wardly guddis, I say thir His hes may feliciteis and guddis than ony
uthir cuntreis : for the peple thairof ar fair, lusty, and strong of
l)ody ; dotat with mony giftis of nature ; and hes gud heill of body,
quhilk may be preferrit to all riches, as weil knawis thir men that
hes experience of lang infirmiteis. Forthir, gif the peple be m^ist
riche, that standis sa content with thair awin guddis, that thay ^-•
vet na utheris, I say thir peple ar als happy as ony uthir peple of
the warld. Forthir, gif ony man wald say thir thingis that I writ
ar vane, considrin I wes nevir in thir Ihs ; I say, I wes weil informit
of thame be ane noble man, Edward, sum time Bischop of Orknay :
for to this Bischop come ane man out of thir IHs, and nocht alla-
nerlie schew thir thingis, with all circumstance afore rehersit, bot als
verifyit thaim be himself ; for he passit the commoun stature of men,
and sa wicht, that na man durst contend nor wersle with him ; and
he wes fairer of vis-ige and hide, than wes ony lady of the warld.
Be thir reasonis apperis, that the auctorite of thay auctouris is na
worth, that sayis, all peple far fra the sonne ar harbour and miser-
able ; for thair is na happiar creaturis in the warld than thir peple
of thir landis forsaid. Amang the rochis and craggis of thir His
growis ane maner of electuar and goum, hewit like gold, and sa at-
tractive of nature, that it drawis stra, flox, or hemmis of claithis to
it, on the samin maner as dois ane adamont stane. This goume is
generat of see froith, quhilk is cassin up be continewal repercussion
of craggis aganis the see wallis ; and, throw ithand motioun of the
see, it growis als teuch as glew, ay mair and mair ; quhill, at last, it
fallis doun of the crag in the see. It is said, be thaim that hes ex-
perience thairof, that this goum, quhen it lyis on the crag, is like
ane froith and blob of watter ; becaus it is nocht than sufficientlie
wrocht be motioun of the see. Oftimes the see tangle is found in-
volvit with this goume ; becaus it is doung heir and thair sa mony
wayis be alluvion of watter, and, sa lang as it fletis, it is sone invol-
vit with ony thing that it metis. Twa yeir afore the cumin of this
buke to licht, arrivit ane gret lomp of this goum in Buchquhane,
als mekle as ane hors ; and wes brocht hame be the hirdis, quhilkis
wer kepand thair beistis, to thair housis, and cassin in the fire. And,
becaus thay fand ane smelland odour thairwith, thay schew to thair
maister, that it wes ganand for the sens that is maid in the kirkis.
Thair maister wes ane rud man as thay wer ; and tuke bot ane litill
part thairof, and left the remanent behind him, as mater of litill ef-
fect. All the partis of this goum, quhen it wes brokin, wes of the
hew of gold, and schane like the licht of ane candill. The maist
part of this goimi and electuare wes distroyit be rud peple, afore it
come to ony wise mannis eris ; of quhome may be verifyit the pro-
verb. The sow curis na balme. Als sone as I wes advertist thairof,
I maid sic dihgence, that ane part of it wes brocht to me at Abir-
dene. Thir ar the maist notable thingis that we culd find concern-
ing the His of Albioun, Orknay, and Schetland.
Thus, it wer neidfull to put ane end to our Cosmographie, wer
nocht ane uncouth and wounderfuU historic taris a litill our pen.
Maister James Ogilby, with uthir noble men, wes send as ambassa-
touris fra the maist noble prince King James the Feird to the King
of France ; and, be tempest of see, thay wer constranit to land in
Norroway, quhare thay saw, nocht far fra thaim, mony wild men,
nakit and roch, on the same maner as thay ar paintit : and, at last,
thay gat advertising be landwart peple, that thay wer doum beistis,
under the figure of men. In time of nicht, thay usit to cum in gret
cumpanyis to landwart villagis ; and, quhair thay find na doggis,
thay brek up durris, and slayis al the peple that thay find thairin-
till. Als sone as thay heir the nois of doggis, thay evanis, and dar
nocht abide. Thay ar of sa huge strenth, that sum times thay pull
up treis be the rutis, and fechtis thairwith amang thaim self. The
ambassatouris wer astonist be thir monstouris, and maid stark waches,
Na contentioun is amang thaim for singulare profFet. Ilk man pro-
vidis for sa mekle fische, in the simer, as may sustene his hoils agane
the winter. Thir peple ar nakit of all ambitioun and vice, and ne-
vir trublit vriih uncouth weris. Amang all pleseiris, quhilkis ar
josit be mankind, thay think na thing sa gud, as to leif in concord
and peace, havand ane quiet life but ony uthir displeseir. This per-
fection of life cumis to thaim onlie throw thair simplicite ; and fol-
lowis, be the samin, the futsteppis of Crist. Ilk yeir, anis cumis to
thaim ane preist out of Orknay, and ministris to thaim the sacra-
ment of baptisme ; and, eftir that he haif done his devore, he res-
savis his teindis justlie, and returnis, the samin gait he come, to
Orknay. Forthir, gif ony giftis of nature may be noumerit amang
wardly guddis, I say thir Ihs hes may fehciteis and guddis than ony
uthir cuntreis : for the peple thairof ar fair, lusty, and strong of
l)ody ; dotat with mony giftis of nature ; and hes gud heill of body,
quhilk may be preferrit to all riches, as weil knawis thir men that
hes experience of lang infirmiteis. Forthir, gif the peple be m^ist
riche, that standis sa content with thair awin guddis, that thay ^-
vet na utheris, I say thir peple ar als happy as ony uthir peple of
the warld. Forthir, gif ony man wald say thir thingis that I writ
ar vane, considrin I wes nevir in thir Ihs ; I say, I wes weil informit
of thame be ane noble man, Edward, sum time Bischop of Orknay :
for to this Bischop come ane man out of thir Ihs, and nocht alla-
nerlie schew thir thingis, with all circumstance afore rehersit, bot als
verifyit thaim be himself ; for he passit the commoun stature of men,
and sa wicht, that na man durst contend nor wersle with him ; and
he wes fairer of vis-ige and hide, than wes ony lady of the warld.
Be thir reasonis apperis, that the auctorite of thay auctouris is na
worth, that say is, all peple far fra the sonne ar harbour and miser-
able ; for thair is na happiar creaturis in the warld than tliir peple
of thir landis forsaid. Amang the rochis and craggis of thir His
growis ane maner of electuar and goum, hewit like gold, and sa at-
tractive of nature, that it drawis stra, flox, or hemmis of claithis to
it, on the samin maner as dois ane adamont stane. This goume is
generat of see froith, quhilk is cassin up be continewal repercussion
of craggis aganis the see wallis ; and, throw ithand motioun of the
see, it growis als teuch as glew, ay mair and mair ; quhill, at last, it
fallis doun of the crag in the see. It is said, be thaim that hes ex-
perience thairof, that this goum, quhen it lyis on the crag, is like
ane froith and blob of watter ; becaus it is nocht than sufficientlie
wrocht be motioun of the see. Oftimes the see tangle is found in-
volvit with this goume ; becaus it is doung heir and thair sa mony
wayis be alluvion of watter, and, sa lang as it fletis, it is sone invol-
vit with ony thing that it metis. Twa yeir afore the cumin of this
buke to licht, arrivit ane gret lomp of this goum in Buchquhane,
als mekle as ane hors ; and wes brocht hame be the hu'dis, quhilkis
wer kepand thair beistis, to thair housis, and cassin in the fire. And,
becaus thay fand ane smelland odour thairwith, thay schew to thair
maister, that it wes ganand for the sens that is maid in the kirkis,
Thair maister wes ane rud man as thay wer ; and tuke bot ane litill
part thairof, and left the remanent behind him, as mater of litill ef-
fect. All the partis of this goum, quhen it wes brokin, wes of the
hew of gold, and schane like the licht of ane candill. The maist
part of this goum and electuare wes distroyit be rUd peple, afore it
come to ony wise mannis eris ; of quhome may be verifyit the pro-
verb, The sow curis na balme. Als sone as I wes advertist thairof,
I maid sic diligence, that ane part of it wes brocht to me at Abir-
dene. Thir ar the maist notable thingis that we culd find concern-
ing the His of Albioun, Orknay, and Schetland.
Thus, it wer neidfull to put ane end to our Cosmographie, wer
nocht ane uncouth and wounderfull historie taris a litill our pen.
Maister James Ogilby, with uthir noble men, wes send as ambassa-
touris fra the maist noble prince King James the Feird to the King
of France ; and, be tempest of see, thay wer constranit to land in
Norroway, quhare thay saw, nocht far fra thaim, mony wild men,
nakit and roch, on the same maner as thay ar paintit : and, at last,
thay gat advertising be landwart peple, that thay wer doum beistis,
under the figure of men. In time of nicht, thay usit to cum in gret
cumpanyis to landwart villagis ; and, quhair thay find na doggis,
thay brek up durris, and slayis al the peple that thay find thairin-
till. Als sone as thay heir the nois of doggis, thay evanis, and dar
nocht abide. Thay ar of sa huge strenth, that sura times thay pull
up treis be the rutis, and fechtis thairwith amang thaim self. The
ambassatouris wer astonist be thir monstouris, and maid stark waches.
with gret firis birnand all nicht ; and, on the morow, thay pullit up
salis, and departit. Forthir, thir Norrowav men schew to the said
ambassatouris, that thair wes nocht far fra thaim ane peple that
swomit all the simer like fische in the see, leiffand ay on fische; and
in the winter, becaus the watter is cald, thay leif of wild beistis that
discendis fx-a the montanis ; and sum time bringis thir bestis hame
to thair covis.
And sa endis heir the Cosmographie and Discriptioun of Scot-
rB 1^
S il^SSM^
Ane prudent doctrine maid be the Auctonre, concerning baiih the
new Maneris and the auld of Scottis.
EcAUs sindry nobill men hes desirit me to schaw the
auld maneris of Scottis, quhilkis ar skatterit in sindry
partis of this Buke, under ane compendius treit, that it
may be knawin, how far we, in thir present dayis, ar
different fra the maneris and leiffing of our auld faderis : and thoucht
I knaw na thing bettar, bot the schawing thairof will draw me in
hatrent of sindry gret personagis ; for few ar, that may suffir thair
vices to be taxit, or thaimself to be repi'evit ; yit, becaus I stand sum
part under the reverence of thir nobill men forsaid, I have condis-
cendit, as I may, to thair desiris. For thay allege, it will be prof-
fitable to the rederis ; speciallie to sik men, that ar nocht gevin ouir
immoderatlie to thair awin affectioun, nor yit ouir mekill sopit in
sensuall pleseir ; for sik men may be reducit fra thair errouris.
And, thairfore, I intend, first, to schaw, quhat maneris hes bene
amang our eldaris, baith in time of weir and peace ; and be quhat
ingine, wisdome, and chevelrie, thay have debatit aganis sa mony
strong ennimes, howbeit thair ennimes come oftimes in this realme
with maist dangerus incursionis: and, finalie, we will schaw, how
the notable strenth, vigour, and soverane virtew, failyeit ay the mair
amang thaim, that thay declinit fra the temperance of thair eldaris :
quhill, at last, it is cumin to thir dayis, in quhilkis we leif in gret
tranquillite ; howbeit the samin is mair be benevolence and sleuth
of our nichtbouris, than ony manlie prowis of our self. Now will I
schaw, the schortest way I may, how we, in thir present dayis, ar
drownit in all maner of avarice and lust. Yit I belief, that sic men
as ar of severe life, following the temperance of thair eldaris, sail
rejose to heir the honourable maneris of thair eldaris ; utheris, that
ar of mair brutall and vicius life, seing thair vices taxit with sic dis-
honour, sail dres thaim plesandlie to revert, fra thair evil and schame-
full dedis, to better life. First, I suppone, that the thing that I say,
in repreving the corruppit maneris of the warld now present, be nocht
takin in repreif of every man; bot allanerlie to sik men that leiffis
with intemperance: for sik men deservis mair repreif than I may
gif thaim at this time. And gif ony man findis his bile opnit for
purgatioun be me, that he hide nocht liis infirmite, bot erar seik the
best rameid he may, to amend his life.
Our eldaris, howbeit thay wer richt virtewis baith in weir and
peace, wer maist exercit with temperance ; for it is the fontane of all
virtew. Thay wer of temperat sleip, meit, and drink, and sic re-
fectionis as wer preparit with htill laubour or cost. Thair breid wes
maid of sic stuf as grew maist esalie on the ground. Thair vitallis
wer nocht siftit, as we do now, to mak thaim delicius to the mouth ;
, bot wer all ground togidder under ane forme. The flesche maist
frequent amang thame, wes othir wild flesche, won on the fellis be
thair hunting, quhilk maid thaim of incredible strenth ; or ellis it
wes of thair awin tame bestial, specially beif, as we do yit in our
dayis: howbeit we ar richt far different fra the use and custome of
all uthir nationis. The steirkis, quhen thay ar bot young vehs, ax
othir slane, or ellis libbit to be oxin, to manure the land ; bot the
quiokis war nevir slane quhill thay wer with calfe, for than thay ar
fattest, and maist dehcius to the mouth. The common meit of our
eldaris was fische ; nocht for the plente of it, bot erar becaus thair
landis lay oftimes waist, throw continewal exercition of chevelry, and
for that caus thay leiffit maist of fische. Thay disjunit airly in the
morning with smal refectioun, and sustenit thair liffis thairwith quhil
the time of sowper ; throw quhilk thair stomok was nevir surfetly
chargit, to empesche thaim of uthir besines. At the sowper thay
war niair large ; howbeit thay had bot ane cours. Quhen thay kest
thaimself to be mery, thay usit maist aqua vite ; nocht maid of cost-
ly spicis, bot of sic naturall herbis as grew in thair awin yardis. The
common drink that thay usit was aill ; and, in time of weir, quhen
thay lay in thair tentis, thay usit nocht bot watter. Ilk man hatl
als mekill mele as micht suffice him for the day, and maid breid
thairof at the fire ; on the samin maner as the Romanis did, specialy
Antonius Caratallus, Empriour. Thay had sendill flesche in thair
campis, bot gif it war w(m be pray of ennimes. Thay eit, for com-
mon, flesche half raw ; for the saup is maist nurisand in that maner.
Attoui'e, thay had ay with thaim ane gret vessell, wrocht full of
butter, cheis, mele, milk, and vinacre, temperit togidder ; be quhilk
thay saiffit thair liffis mony dayis fra extreme hungar, soukand the
jus and humouris thairof, quhen na vittallis, throw incursionis of
ennimes, micht be found. And, howbeit thay had peace with thair
ennimes, thay suflf'erit nocht thair bodyis to be corruppit with sleuth ;
bot wer exercit othir in continewall hunting ; for in that game was
gret honour amang our eldaris ; or ellis thay had exercition of rin-
ning, sum times fra the planes to the montanis, and fra the mon-
tanis to the planis ; or ellis thay war exercit in wirsling, or utliir
corjiorall exercition. Thay had thair hedis ay cowit, as the Span-
yeartis usis ; but ony bonet or cover, les than thay war trublit with
infirmite. Nane of thame, throw ithand cowing of thair hedis, grew
beld. Thay yeid commonly bairfutit ; and, gif thay had ony schone,
thay dippit thaim first in the watter or tha,y put thaim on, specialy
in winter quhen maist schill and persand stormes apperit, that thair
soUis, quhilkis war hardin with the hetis of the semer and snawis of
winter, suld be the mair abil to sustene laubour. Thair abulyement
was not maid be motion of insolence, bot erar efter the general gise
of the cuntre. Thair hois war maid of smal lint or woll, and yeid
uevir above thair kne, to make thaim the mair waldin and sowpill.
The mantillis that thay usit in winter wes maid of gros woll ; and
in semer wes maid of small and finest woll that thay micht get. Thay
slepit on benkis, or bonchis of stra, bot ony cover ; and lernit thair
sonnis, fra thair first yeris, to eschew eis, and to sleip on the samin
maner. Ilk moder wes nurice to her awin barne. It was ane sus-
pition of adultre aganis ony woman, quhare hir milk failyeit. The
wemen thocht thair barnis war not tender nor kindly to thaim, bot
gif thay war nurist als weill with the milk of thair breist, as thay
war nurist afore with the blude of thair wambe. Attoure, thay held
that thair barnis war degenerat fra than' nature and kind, gif thay
war nurist with uncouth milk. Thay war sa accustomit with ithand
pine and laubouris, that thay curit nothir the fervent heites of the
semer, nor yit the schil frostis in the winter. Thay traveht maist
on thair fute ; and, in the time of weir, thay had thair cariagis and
vittallis turst with thaim on thair hors : and, quhen dangeir occurrit,
thay refusit na maner of besines nor laubour that micht pertene to
forsy campionis. Gif it hapnit thaim, be mischance, to be vincust,
thay fled with sic spede to the montanis, that na horsmen micht
ouirtak thaim. The injure done to ony ane of thaim, was repute
sa common to thaim al, that thay wald nevu* evoid the displeseir
thairof out of thair hertis, quliill the samin war recompansit with
the blude of thair ennimes. He that wes maist noble, desirit erest
to fecht in the wangard, quhare his vassalage and manlieid micht be
maist knawin. The nobillis and commonis contendit quhay suld be
maist faithful to othir ; and quhen the capitane, throw his fers spreit
and hardines, apperit in ony extreme dangeir of ennimes, all the
band that was of his opinion, ruschit sa fersly to his defence, that
othir thay dehverit him out of that present dangeir, or ellis all at
anis lois thair lives with him. The sepulturis of all nobillis war de-
corit with als mony hie stanis, rising about the same, as he had slane
afore of ennimes in his life. He that was found in the army but
flint and furisine, or but his swerd beltit fast to his sidis, was schame-
fully scurgit ; and he that said his swerd, or laid it to wed, was de-
gradit of auctorite, and banist, as unworthy creature, out of thair
cumpany. He that fled in time of battall, or departit fra the army
without command of the capitane, was slane, but ony dowme, quhare
evir he micht be apprehendit ; bot his gudis war gevin to his sonne.
The wemen war of litil les vassalage and strenth than was the men ;
for al rank madinnis and wiffis, gif thay war nocht with child, yeid
als Weill to battall as the men. Als sone as the army was passand
forthwart, thay slew the first levand beist that thay fand ; aud nocht
allanerly baithit thair swerdis with the blude thairof, bot taistit the
samiti with thair mouth, with na les rehgion and faith, than thay
had bene than sicker of sum fehcite following. Gif thay saw thair
awin blude in battall, thay grew nocht astonist; bot, boldin in maist
brime fury, set thaim to revenge the samin. In all battallis assail-
yeit be tliaim, thay socht nevir victory be treason, falset, nor slicht ;
and thocht ay degrading to thair nobilite, to vincus thair ennimes
with ony othir thing bot force of fechting. Thay held it for gret
febilnes to revenge ony displeseir, hatrent, or slauchter, be treason ;
attour, sencerite and simpilnes was equaly honorit amang thaim all.
Quhen thay war to pas on thair ennimes, ilk man yeid, as we do now,
apon his awin cost, except sa mony as war wagit. He that was tru-
blit with the falling evil, or fallin daft or wod, or havand sic infir-
mite as succedis be heritage fra the fader to the son, was geldit;
that his infeckit blude suld spreid na forthir. The wemen that was
fallin lipper, or had ony othir infection of blude, was banist fra the
cumpany of men ; and, gif scho consavit barne under sic infirmite,
baith scho and hir barne war buryit quik. AD dronkattis, glutonis,
and consumers of vittallis, mair than was necessar to the sustenta-
tion of men, were tane, and first commandit to swelly thair fouth of
quhat drink thay plesit, and incontinent thairefter was drownit in
ane fresche rever. Forthir, howbeit thay had na administratioun of
justice in time of weir, yit sic justice was ministerd in time of peace,
that oftimes thay war ouir severe in thair punition ; for thay knew
weil, fra thair pepil wer drawin fra battall to peace, thay suld be
gevin to sa mony enormiteis, that the samin micht nocht be dantit
but gret punition. For the pepill war of sic nature, als sone as thay
knew thaimself gilty of ony offence committit aganis the kingis
majeste or commounweill, thay set thaim to rais divisioun amang
the gret princis of the realme : nochtheles, quhen thay ar tretit
with soft and moderat empire, thay ar found richt humane and meke
pepil, richt obeysand to reason ; and nocht allanerly kepis thair faith
efter the reason of thair contract, bot gevis ane go\vpin, or ellis sum
thingis mair abone the just mesure that thay sell. This consuetude
is sa straitly kepit, that gif the samin be nocht done, the biar wiU
nocht stand to the contract of merchandice. Thay usit the ritis and
maneris of Egyptianis, fra quhome thay tuk thair first beginning.
In all thair secret besines, thay usit not to writ with common letteris
usit amang othir pepil, bot erar with sifars and figuris of beistis
maid in maner of letteris ; sic as thair epithafis, and superscriptioun
abone thair sepulturis, schawls: nochtheles, this crafty maner of
writing, be quhat sleuth I can not say, is perist ; and yit thay have
certane letteris propir amang thaimself, quhilkis war sum time vul-
gar and commoun. Forthir, thay that spekis with the auld toimg
of that cuntre, hes thair asperatioun, thair diptongis, and thair
pronunciation, better than ony othir pepill. The commonis ar
nocht exercit thairwith ; bot allanerly thay that dwellis in the hie
partis of the land : and, becaus thir men hes thair langage mair elo-
quent and propir than the commonis hes, thay ar callit poetis ; and
makis poetis, effering to thair eruditioun and science, with mony
gret cerimonyis. Beside mony craftis and science, quhilkis thay
have translatit in thair awin toving, thay profes maist the science of
medcinary, and ar richt excellent in it ; for thay knaw the nature of
every herbe that growis in thay cuntreis, and curis all maner of ma-
ledyis thairwith. Heirfore I say, thair is na region in the warld sa
barrant nor unfrutfull, be distance fra the sonne, bot, be providence
of God, all maner of necessaryis, to the sustentatioun of man, may
be gottin plesandly in it, gif thair war sic pepill that culd laubour
it, effering to the nature thairof. Nochtheles, as our eldaris, quhilkis
dwelt con tine wally merchand with the realme of Ingland, lernit the
Saxonis toung, be frequent jeoperdeis and chance of battall, sustenit
mony yeris aganis thaim ; sa the pepill, now present in Scotland,
hes tint baith the langage and maneris of writing usit sum time be
our eldaris, and hes now ane new maner of writingris and lano-a£re :
howbeit, the Hieland hes baith the writingis and langage as thay had
afore, mair ingenius than ony othir pepill. How may thair be ane
greter ingine, than to make ane bait of ane bull hid, bound with na
thing bot wandis ? This bait is callit ane currok ; with the quhilk
thay flsche salmond, and sum time passis ouir gret rivers thairwith ;
and, quhen thay have done thair fisching, thay beir it to ony place,
on thair bak, quhare thay pleis. Bot we wil return to the maneris
of our anciant freindis.
Be chance of sindry seasonis, specialy about the time of King
Malcolme Canmore, al thingis began to change. For quhen oure
nichtbouris, the Britonis, war maid effeminat be lang sleuth, and
doung out of Britane be the Saxonis in Walls, we began to have al-
hance, be proximite of Romanis, with IngUsmen ; specially efter the
exterminioun of Pichtis : and, be frequent and daily cumpany of
thaim, we began to rute thair langage and superflew maneris in
oure breistis ; throw quhilk the virtew and temperance of our eldaris
began to be of litil estimation amang us. Than we war gevin, ef-
ter the arrogance and pride of Inglismen, to vane glore and ambu-
tion of honouris, and began that time to seke new names of nobilite ;
howbeit, afore thay dayis, he was maist nobil, that was decorit mair
with virtew than riches, confiding mair in his awin dedis, than in
ony dedis of his eldaris. Than began, in Scotland, the maneris of
Dukis, Erlis, Lordis, and Baronis ; for afore thay dayis, the prin-
cipal! men of Scotland under the king war callit Thanis, that is to
say, Gadderaris of the Kingis malis ; and war ay rewardit be the
king, as thair faith and virtew deservit. Bot now I beleif nane lies
sic eloquence, nor fouth of langage, that can sufficiently declare,
how far we, in thir present dayis, ar different fra the, virtew and tem-
perance of our eldaris. For quhare our eldaris had sobriete, we
have ebriete and dronkinnes ; quhare thay had plente with sufficence,
we have immoderat cursis with superfluite ; as he war maist noble
and honest, that culd devore and swelly maist : and, be extreme de-
ligence, serchis sa mony deligat coursis, that thay provoke the sto-
mok to ressave mair than it may sufficiently degest; throw quhilk
we ingorge and fillis our self, day and nicht, sa full of metis and
drinkis, that we can nocht abstene, quhill our wambe be sa swon,
that it is unabil to ony virtewis occupation. And nocht allanerly
may surfet dennar and sowper suffice us, abone the temperance of
oure eldaris, bot als to continew our schamefull and immoderit vo-
)-acite with duble dennaris and sowparis ; throw quhilk mony of us
ganis to na othir besines bot to fil and teme our wembe Attour to
continew this schamefull intemperance, abone the necessar sustenta-
tion of nature, we geif us to sic unhappy laubour, that na fische in
the see, nor foule in the aire, nor best in the wod, may have rest ;
bot socht heir and thair, to satisfy the hungry appetit of glutonis.
Nocht allanerly ar winis socht in France, bot in Spainye, Italy, and
Grece ; and, sum time, baith Aphrik and Asia socht, for new deli-
cius metis and winis, to the samin effect. Thus is the warld sa uter-
ly socht, that all maner of droggis and electuaris, that may nuris the
lust and insolence of pepill, ar brocht in Scotland, with maist sump-
tuus price, to na les dammage than perdition of the pepill thairof :
for, throw this immoderat glutony, our wit and reason ar sa blindit
within the presoun of the body, that it may have no knawlage of
hevinly thingis ; for the body is involvit with sic clowdis of fatnes,
that, howbeit it be of gud complexioun be nature, it is sa opprest
with superflew metis and drinkis, that it may nothir weild, nor yit
ouir the self; bot, confessand the self vincust, gevis place to all in-
firmiteis, quhill it be miserably distroyit : as apperis be sindry expe-
rience. For mony of our pepill, in remot and in maist cauld region,
ar strikin oftimes with maist vehement fever, thair inwart bowellis
blesand as thay war in ane ithand fire ; quhilkis cumis of sic spicery
and uncouth droggis, brocht out of remot cuntreis in this regioun.
Utheris of thaim ar sa swoUin, and growin full of humouris, that
thay ar strikin haistely deid in the poplesy ; and, howbeit thay re-
cover for ane schort time efter, thay ar bot ane deid pepill ; levand,
and buryit in sepulture, havand bot ane schadow of life. The young
pepill and barnis, following thir unhappy customis of thair faderis,
gevis thameself to lust and insolence, havand all virtuus occupation
and craftis in contemptioun ; and, becaus thay ar lang customit and
hantit thairwith, quhen time occurris of weir to defend the cuntre,
thay ar sa efFeminat and soft, thay pas on hors as hevy martis ; and
ar sa fat and growin, that thay may do na thing in compare of the
soverane manheid of thair eldaris. Als sone as thay ar returnit hame,
becaus thair guddis ar not sufficient to nuris thame in voluptuus life
and pleseir of thau- wambe, thay ar gevin to all maner of avarice ;
and othir castis thame to be Strang and maistrifull thevis, or ellis
sawaris of dissention amang the nobillis.
Thir, and mony othir enormiteis following thaim, procedis origi-
naly fra the fontane of voluptuus leving and intemperance. Nocht-
theles, wald we refrene us thairfra, I wait thair is na region under
the Sonne mair halsum, nor les subdewit to pestilence ; nor yit mair
commodius and nurisand of the hfe of man. Yit I am nocht sa dis-
parit, bot traistis, within schort time, that all corruppit maneris of
our pepill sal be reparit to ane better fassoun : for nocht allanerly,
in sindry partis of this realme, remanis yit the futsteppis of mony
auld virtewis usit sum time amang our eldaris, bot als risis every day
new fervent devotioun, to the ornament of Cristin faith. Ane thing
I will say, under reverence of uthir realmes ; thair was nevir pepill
mair sicker in the Cristin faith, nor yit mair constant in thair faith-
ful promis, than the Scottis hes bene, ay sen thair first beginning ;
and, thairfore, I say ane thing finaly, nocht allanerly for thair lov-
ing, bot als in exhortation of thair perseverance : In sa far as our
pepill, presently levand in this region, passis thair eldaris in sump-
tuus and riatus abulyement, in sa far thay ar mair eligant and ho-
nest in thair housis and letteris, and mair magnificent than afore in
ornament of thair kirkis and templis. Thus want thay na maner of
virtew that thair eldaris had, except the temperance of thair bodyis :
to quhilk mot bring thame haistely the blissit Lord ! Amen.
Followis, Ane Compendius Recapitulation of all Kingis of Britane ;
sen the first beginning thairqf, to the time of King Henry the
He history of Scotland is sa implicat with the history
of Ingland, that it is difficill to knaw. And becaus the
crown of Ingland hes bene josit with sindry pepill, be
sindry chances and variance oftimes, I thocht expedient,
for commodite and pleseir of rederis, to nowmer thair genelogy first
fra Brutus ; be quhom the Britonis war brocht out of Grece in this
He of Albion, fra the beginning of the warld, mmmm.xxvit yeris;
and josit the crown of Britane be the space of M.c.xvi yeris. In
quhilk time, thay war invadit cruelly be JuKus Cesar ; and not on-
ly vincust, bot thair realm maid tributar, in forme of province. And
howbeit thir Britonis had kingis lang time namit of the Britonis blud,
yit thair realme was governit ay be Romanis, to the yeir of God,
cccc. XXXVI yeris : and in that season thay war subdewit to Scottis
and Pichtis ; and nocht allanerly maid tributaris to thaim xxx yeris,
bot o-aif ouir mekill of thair landis to the empire of Scottis and
Pichtis : as Paulus Diaconus, Beda, Sabellicus, and mony othir re-
cent authouris, schawis at lenth in thair historyis. Nochtheles, thir
Britonis, impatient to sustene the empire of barbar pepill, becaus
thay war accustomit afore with Romane pleseiris, chesit Constantine,
the son of Androenus, Duke of Bertanye, to be king, in hatrent of
Scottis and Pichtis. This Constantine come with sic pissance and
army in Britane, that he dehverit the Britonis of all servitude, and
recoverit than- realme fra our redemption, cccc.lxv yeris. Efter
Constantine, rang Constantius, his son ; and efter Constantius, rang
Vortigern, the space of xxii yeris. In the mene time, the Scotti?
and Pichtis rais with sic army, chat thay almaist subde^vit the
Britonis agane to servitude. Throw quhilk, Vortigern wes con-
stranit to seke support of Saxonis ; and, be thair weris, resistit cer-
taiie yeris, al invasion of Scottis and Pichtis : quhiU, at last, he was
tane be slicht of Hengist, and brocht to extreme servitude ; and ba-
nist, with aU the Britonis, in Walis. Thus come the remanent
boundis of Britane under the empire of Hengist, and called Hen-
gisUand, and the pepiU thairof Hengistis men ; hot now, be cor-
ruption of langage, the realme is caUit Ingland, and the pepill In-
glismen. The Britonis war not onely disparit be this trubil, bot,
mony yeris efter, faucht aganis Inglismen be King Arthure,' with'
sindiy chancis of fortoun ; bot, efter his deith, thay war subdewit
agane, and content to be callit Inghsmen, under ane name with
Saxonis. Fra the deith of King Arthure, quhilk was in the yeir of
God D.xLii yeris, to the yeir of God m.xvi yeris, the realme of Ing-
land was gidit be Inglismen ay under the empire of ane king • bot
sone efter it was devidit in vii sindry kingdomes ; and brocht ao-ane
to the empire of ane king, under the samin marchis that it hes no^^
And not lang efter, it was subdewit and conquest be Danis • and
v kingis of thair blud, continewaUy efter othir succeding • of q'uhom
the last was namit Hardy Canute; quhilk maid mony proude lawis
abone Inglismen, and rang with sic tiranny, that the Ino-hsmen fi
naly rebelht, and slew all the Danis within the space of line niclu
Hardy Canute, invadit on al sidis, slew himself be disperation
The Inghsmen, efter his slauchter, creat Edward, the son of Kino-
Eldrede, thair king; for this Eldrede rang abone thame afore the
cummg of Danis. Nochtheles the Inglismen, efter the slauchter of
King Edward, quhilk was ekit, for his haly lif, to the nowmer of
Sanctis, dred that the Danis suld cum on thame with new battall
and thairfore creat Herald thair king ; for he was discendit baith of
the linnage of Inglismen and Danis. Thus was Edward, nevo to
Sanct Edward, and bruthir to Sanct Margaret, the haly Quene of
Scotland, disherist of the crown of Ingland. This Herald, gevin to
rage and insolence of lust, maryit the douchter of William, Bastard
of Normandy, and, within few dayis efter, brocht hir in Ingland. At
last, he tuk sic hatrent aganis hir, and hir blud, that he causit hir to be
schamfully defo wlit with rebaldis and limmaris of his cuntre. William,
the Bastard and Duk of Normandy, impatient to sustene this odius
offence, come in Ingland with gret army, and deprivit King Herald
baith of his life and realme at anis, the yeir of God m.lxvi yeris ;
efter the first conques made on thame be Danis, l yeris. William,
the Bastard and Concreour of Ingland, tuk the crown efter the
slauchter of King Herald ; and causit the Normanis and Inglismen
to incres togidder under ane blud, but ony memory of the name of
Danis. The posterite of this William perseveris yit, with gret ho-
nour and victory, to thir dayis: regnand abone Inglismen at this
time, King Hary the VIII. ; quhilk, for his illuster and vailyeant
dedis, sal be put in gret renoun and memory be our posterite.
Followis, the Table of the History ; contenand the mater of every
Buke, crqftely severit be thaimself.
How Gathelus, our first progenitour, left the land of Grece, and
come in Egypt; and maryit Scota, douchter to King Pharo.
And of his cuming to Spanye. Chap. I. p. 1.
How Gathelus beildit the Ciete of Brigance, and namit al his pepil
Scottis. How he send his ii sonnis in Ireland ; and of his deceis.
Chap. II. p. 4.
How Hemecus governit Ireland ; and how Symon Brek was maid
King efter his deith. Chap. III. p. 7.
Of the gret posterite of Scottis regnand in Ireland, efter Simon
Brek. Of the first cuming of Scottis and Pichtis in Albion ; and
how the Pichtis war alliat with Scottis. Chap. IV. p. 10.
How the Britonis, be thair quent shchtis, dissolvit the band of alli-
ance betwix Scottis and Pichtis. Of the trubil that fel thairthrow.
Chap. V. p. 12.
How the Pichtis and Scottis maid thair ordinance to invaid othir
be battal. How Ferquhard, King of Ireland, send his son, Fer-
gus, with ane army, in support of Scottis, aganis the Pichtis ; and
how the said Fergus was maid King. Chap. VI. p. 15.
VOL. I. i
How King Fergus come with gret ordinance aganis the Pichtis.
How the dissait of Britonis was discoverit baith to Scottis and
Pichtis. And of the Orisoun maid be Fergus to the King of
Pichtis. Chap. VII. p. 17.
Of sindry consultationis maid be Pichtis ; and how thay war recoun-
saht with the Scottis. Chap. VIII. p. 19.
How Coil, King of Britonis, was slane, and his army discomfist be
Scottis and Pichtis. Chap. IX. p. 22.
Of King Fergus Orison to his nobhs; and how the crow^n of Scot-
land was tailyeit to him and his successouris. — Chap. X. p. 24.
How King Fergus partit the landis of Scotland amang the noblis
of his realme. And of the maneris of brigandis.
Chap. XL p. 26.
How King Fergus maid concord betwix the princis of Ireland ;
and how he perist returnand be the Ireland Seis.
Chap. XII. p. 28.
How the Scottis, efter King Fergus deith, contendit for the crown.
And how it was inhibit that young childrin sal be Kingis.
Chap. I. p. 30.
Of King Ferithais ; and of his deith. Chap. II. p. 84.
How Ferlegus was banist for the slauchter of King Ferithais. And
of King Maynus. Chap. III. p. 37.
Of King Dorvidilla ; and of his constitutionis, maneris, and deith.
Chap. IV. p. 38.
Of the tyrane King Nathak ; and of his slauchter. Chap. V. p. 40.
How Rewthar, ane young child, was maid King, contrar the lawis.
How Ferquhard, Capitane of Lome, was chasit be Dowall in the
His ; and of his orison maid to the pepill thairof.
Chap. VI. p. 41.
TABULA.— VOL. I. Ixvii
How Ferquhard and Dowal, recountering othlr be plane battal, war
baith slane, with al the nobilite of Scottis and Pichtis ; the King
of Pichtis slane, and the King of Scottis tane. Chap. VII. p. 43.
How the Scottis and Pichtis war doung out of Albion be the Bri-
tonis. Chap. VIII. p. 44.
How the Scottis and Pichtis recoverit thair landis, and discomfist
Sisill, King of Britonis. And of the residew of King Rewtheris
life. Chap. IX. p. 46.
Of King Rewtha, and his lawis and governance. How Ptolome,
King of Egypt, send his oratouris, to se the situation of Scotland
Chap. X. p. 47.
Of King Thereus ; and how he was exilit for his tyranny. How
Conane, cheiftane of brigandis, was maid Governour during his
proscriptioun. Chap. XI. p. 49.
Of King Josyne. And of the experience and preching of two phi-
losophouris. Chap. XII. p. 5L
Of King Fynnane, and his lawis. And of the college of clerkis in
the He of Man. Chap. XIII. p. -53.
Of King Durstus ; and how he was slane for his cruel tyranny.
Chap. XIV. p. 55.
Of gret contention amang the capitanis. Of the orison maid be
Charon, Capitane of Argyle. And how Ewin, the first of that
name, was maid king. Chap. XV. p. 58.
How Gillus, bastard son to King Ewin, slew two sonnis and two
nepotis of Durstus, to make himself king ; and how the thrid
nepot, Edeir, eschapit. Chap. XVI. p. 61.
How King Gillus was banist. How Cadall, cheiftane of Brigandis,
was maid Governour, and slew Gillus in Ireland. And how
EAvin the Secound was maid king. Chap. XVII. p. 64.
How Cadal, returnand out of Ireland, lost the raaist part of his ar-
my be rage of seis ; and of the consolation maid to him be King
Ewin. Chap. XVIII. p. 66.
How the Kingis of Scottis and Pichtis war alliat togidder be ma-
nage. How Balus, King of Orknay, slew himself be disperation.
Of the wise counsall gevin be King Ewin to Edeir.
Chap. XIX. p. 68.
Of King Edeir ; and how he revengit the heirschippis maid be the
tratour Bredus in the His. Chap. I. p. 71.
How the Britonis send ambassatouris to King Edeir, for support
aganis Juhus Cesar. Of thair orison ; and of King Ederis an-
swer. And how the said Julius was doung out of Albion, be
support of Scottis. Chap. II. p. 72.
How Julius returnit in Britane, and maid it tributar to Romane
Empire. Chap. III. p. 76.
Of sindry messagis send be Julius to Scottis and Pichtis ; and of
thair answer. Of Julius Hoif ; and sindry opinionis concerning
the first foundaris thairof. Chap. IV. p. 78.
How the tratour Murket, and his complicis, war punist. Of the
deith of King Edeir. Of the vicious King Ewin the Thrid ; and
of his lawis and deith. Chap. V. p. 82.
Of King Metellane. Of the nativite of Crist, our Salvioure. Of
gret fouth of poetis, oratouris, and philosophouris, that flurisit in
his time. Chap. VI. p. 84.
Of King Caratak ; and how he dantit sindry conspiratouris of his
realme. How the Britonis, rebelland aganis the Romanis, war
discomfist ; and of thair message send to the Scottis.
Chap. VII. p. 86.
Of Cai-atakis answer. How the Britonis solistit Normanis and Pi-
cardis to rebellion ; and how the said Britonis war discomfist be
Romanis, and thair king slane. Chap. VIII. p. 89-
How Claudius, Emprioure, come in Britane, and subdewit Orkenay
to his empire. Of Sanct Peteris first cuming in Italy ; and of
the Assumptioun of the glorius Virgine Mary.
Chap. IX. p. 92.
How sindry princis of Britane, conspirand aganis Arviragus, war
discomfist. How the confiderat kingis come to support thir princis
of Britane aganis the Romanis. Chap. X. p. 95.
Of the message send to Caratak be Plancius, and his answer. Of
the deith of Genissa. And how Vespasian was send in Britane,
to dant the Britonis. Chap. XI. p. 99.
How the thre kingis of Albioun, movand weir aganis Vespasian,
war discomfist. How Vespasian ressavit Arviragus to his mercy,
and maid his laudis tributar to Romane Empire.
Chap. XII. p. 101.
How Vespasiane wan the town of Camelon, and discomfist Caratak.
Of his message send to Caratak ; and of Caratakis answer.
Chap. XIII. p. 103.
How Caratak cumand with new army aganis Romanis, was vin-
cust. Of the deith of PJancius ; and how Ostorias Avas send in
his place ; and dantit the Britonis. Chap. XIV. p. 106.
How Caratak fechtand, with new army, aganis the Romanis, was
discomfist, and maid presoner to Ostorius, be treason of Cartu-
mandia, his stepmoder. Chap. XV. p. 108.
How Caratak was brocht to Rome, and how he returnit in Scot-
land. Of uncouth mervelhs sene in Albioun ; and of sindry no-
bil clerkis ; and of the deith of Caratak. Chap. XVI. p. 110.
How Corbrede was maid King of Scottis. How the Pichtis rebellit
aganis the Romanis, and slew Ostorius, thair capitane.
Chap. I. p. 113.
How Manlius Valens, capitane of Britane, was discomfist be the
Pichtis. How Didius was send in his place. Of the message
send be Pichtis to Corbrede, and of his answer.
Chap. II. p. 115.
How Cartumandia, Quene of Scottis, was buryit quick. How the
Scottis and Pichtis faucht aganis the Romanis, with uncertane
victory, and war constranit to tak peace; and of the deith of
Didius. Chap. III. p. 116.
How Veranius was maid capitane of Britane, and of his deith.
How Swetonius, his successoure, put the He of Man to sak.
How Britonis maid new rebellion on the Romanis ; and of sindry
prodigies and mervellis sene in Albion. Chap. IV. p. 1J9.
Of the complaint maid be Voada, Quene of Britonis, to Corbrede.
Of his message send to Cattus. Of Cattus answer. Of sindry
incuvsionis maid be Scottis on the Romanis ; and of the first
cuming of the Murrayis in Scotland. Chap. V. p. 122.
Of the orisoun maid be Voada, Quene of Britonis, to the confiderat
Kingis ; and how scho vincust the Romanis, and finaly slew hir-
self ; and of the deith of King Corbi'ede. Chap. VI. p. 124.
Of sindry nobil clerkis. How Petir and Paule war martirit. How
Dardannus was maid King of Scottis, and slane for his tyranny.
Chap. VII. p. 128.
How mony Romane capitanis, for thair febill administration, war
interchangit in Britane. How Galdus wes maid King of Scottis,
and how he wes discomfist by Petulius. Chap. VIII. p. 131.
How the noble lady, Vodicia, invadit the Romanis with battall.
How scho was finaly slane, and hir army discomfist.
Chap. IX. p. 135.
How Julius Frontinus was maid capitane of Britane. Of his mes-
sage to Pichtis, and of thair answer; and how the said Julius in-
vadit the Scottis with gret injuris. Chap. X. p. 137.
How Julius Agricola was send in Britane. Of his frequent vic-
toryis maid on Scottis and Pichtis ; and how he subdewit sindry
of thair landis to Romane empire. Chap. XI. p. 139.
How the King of Pichtis send his ambassatouris to Scottis, desiring
support aganis the Romanis. How Agricola invadit the Scottis,
baith be see and land. How the King of Pichtis was slane, be
seditioun of his army. Chap. XII. p. 141.
How Galdus pecifyit al sedition amang the Pichtis ; and how he
faucht aganis the Romanis, and was discomfist.
Chap. XIII. p 144.
How sindry Almanis and Danis come in support of Scottis and
Pichtis. How the Romane navy perist in Pentland Firth.
Chap. XIV. p. 145.
How Agricola brocht his army ouir Tay. How Galdus come in
defence of the Pichtis, with xl.m Scottis ; and of his orison
maid to exhort his army to battal. Chap. XV. p. 148.
Of the orisoun maid be Agricola to his army ; and of the huge vic-
tory falling to Romanis, be discomfitour of Scottis.
Chap. XVI. p. 151.
How Agricola reparit his navy, to pas about the His of Albion, and
brint sindry schippis of Danis. Of uncouth mervellis sene in
Albion ; and of the deith of Agricola. Chap. XVIL p. 154.
How Tribellius was send in Britane. How the llomanis fell in gret
divisioun amang thaimself ; and of the huge victory gottin on
thaim be Galdus. Chap. XVIII. p. 155.
How the Romanis war doung out of all partis of Scotland, and sin-
dry times vincust, be the vailyeant Galdus.
Chap. XIX. p. 157.
Of the message send be Romanis to the confiderat Kingis, and of
thair answer. How the confiderat Kingis gaif peace to Ro-
manis. Chap. XX. p. 160.
How all the strenthis of Scotland war recoverit fra the Romanis, be
condition of peace ; and of the deith of Galdus.
Chap. XXI. p. 162.
Of the vicius King, Lugtak ; and how he was slane for his unhappy
life and tyranny. Chap. I. p. 164.
Of King Mogallus ; and how he come with ane army aganis the
Romanis. Of his orison maid to the sepulture of Galdus.
Chap. II. p. 166.
How the confiderat kingis come vnth thair armyis aganis the Ro-
manis. Of the orison maid be Mogallus, and Lucius Antonius,
to thair armyis ; and how the Romanis war discomfist.
Chap. III. p. 168.
How Adriane, Empriour, come in Britane ; and biggit ane Strang
wall, to saif the Britonis and Romanis fra Scottis and Pichtis.
How he returnit in France, and left Victorine to be capitane of
Britane. Chap. IV. p. 17L
Ixxii TABULA.— VOL. I.
How Scottis and Pichtis partlt the landis beyond the wall of
Adriane. How King Mogallus was degenerit, m corrupplt life,
and slane for his tyranny. Chap. V. p. 173.
Of sindry nobill clerkis. Of the vicius King, Conarus ; and how he
wes degradit of all auctorite, and his servandis hingit for thair
wickit counsall. Chap. VI. p. 175.
How Argadus was maid Governour of Scotland, during the time of
Conarus in presoun ; and of his life and governance.
Chap. VII. p. 177.
Of King Ethodius the First ; and how he pecifyit the His. How
the Scottis and Pichtis brak down the wal of Adriane, and faucht
aganis the Romanis, with sindry chancis of victory.
Chap. VIII. p. 179.
How Victorine was deprivit of auctorite ; and Calphurnius Agricola
send in his place. How Calphurnius reparit the wall of Adriane,
and returnit to Rome. Chap. IX. p. 181.
How Trebellius wes send in Britane, and was vincust be the Scottis
and Pichtis. Of the rebellioun of Britonis aganis him ; and of
his message send to the Empriour. Chap. X. p. 182.
How Argadus, lieutenand to King Ethodius, was slane, and his ar-
my discomfist in the His. Of sindry lawis and actis maid be
Ethodius ; and of his slauchter. Chap. XL p. 185.
Of mony nobil clerkis. How Britane tuke the faith of Crist. Of
the vicious King, Satrahell ; and of his deith.
Chap. XII. p. 187.
Of King Donald the First. How the Britonis war inhibit be the
Romanis, to have ony king of thair blude ; and how thay solistit
the Scottis and Pichtis to assist to thair rebellion.
Chap. XIII. p. 188.
How Severus, emprioure, come in Britane, to revenge the oppres-
sionis done to Romanis. How the Britonis fled in Scotland.
How the Scottis and Pichtis fechtand in support of Britonis, war
discomfist. Chap. XIV. p. 190.
Of gret cruelteis done be Severus, empriour, aganis the noblis of
Britane. Of his weris aganis Scottis and Pichtis. How An-
thonius reparit the wall of Adriane; and of the Empriouris deith.
Chap. XV. p. 192.
TABULA— VOL. I. Ixxili
How Anthonius slew his brothir, Getus, to make himself Empri-
oure. How Scotland tuke the faith of Crist, and cunyeit money.
Of mony nobill clerkis, in sindry partis of the warld ; and of
King Donaldis deith. Chap. XVL p. 194.
Of King Ethodius the Secound ; and how the noblis, finding him
unabil to gide the realme, governit the samin, be thair auctorite,
in gret justice. Chap. XVII. p. 196.
How Athirco was maid King of Scottis. How the noblis conspirit
aganis him, for his cursit tyranny ; and how he slew himself, be
disperatioun. Chap. I, p. 198.
How Nathalak usurpit the crown, and persewit al the linnage of
Athirco with gret cruelteis ; and, finaly, was slane be his fami-
liar servand. Chap. II, p. 200.
Of King Findok ; and how he dan tit the His, and was slane be two
men thairof. Chap. III. p. 204.
How Carance was banist for his brotheris slauchter, and Donald the
Secund, maid King. Of his deith, and of sindry noble clerkis.
Chap. IV. p. 206.
How mony haly men war martyrit for the faith of Crist. How Do-
nald of the His, the thrid of that name, usurpit the crown, and
was slane be Craithlint. Chap. V. p. 207.
Of King Craithlint; and how the Scottis and Pichtis fell in conten-
tion, be thair hunting, and faucht, with gret slauchter. on al sidis.
Chap. VI. p. 209.
How Carance, brothir to Findok, returnit out of Italy, with gret
riches, in Albion. How he conquest Westmureland, and maid
peace betwix Scottis and Pichtis. Chap. VII. p. 211,
How Carance, be support of Scottis and Pichtis, slew Bassiane,
capitane of Britane, and tuk the crown thairof; and of his deith.
And how the crown of Britane was restorit to Romanis.
Chap. VIII. p. 215.
VOL. I. k
Ixxiv TABULA.— VOL. I.
Of gret cruelte, done be Dioclesiane, Emprioiir, aganis Cristin pe-
pil. How Coill vincust the Romanis, and conquest the crown of
Britane. How he was alliat with Constantius, Emprioure ; and
of the nativite of gret Constanthie. Chap. IX. p. 217.
How Fincormak was maid King of Scottis, and Octavius, King of
Britonis. How Herculeus, Romane capitane, was slane be Oc-
tavius, and the Romanis vincust. How the Scottis and Pichtis
come in support of Octavius, and chasit Traherus in France.
Chap. X. p. 220.
How Octavius was put fra the crown of Britane, be Traherus, Ro-
mane capitane. How the said Traherus was slane, and Octavius
restorit to the crown ; and of Fincormakis deith.
Chap. XI. p. 222.
How the heresy is of Arrius was condampnit. How Ireland tuke the
faith of Crist. How Romak, Fethelmak, and Angusiane, con-
tendit for the crown. How Romak was maid King, and slane
efter for his tyranny. Chap. XII. p. 224.
How Angusiane was maid King of Scottis. How Maximus sub-
dewit the Britonis, be sindry victory is. How Scottis and Pichtis
in^adit othir, with set batal. How baith thair Kingis war slane,
and the Scottis discomfist. Chap. XIII. p. 227.
How Fethelmak was maid King of Scottis ; and how he slew Nec-
tane, King of Pichtis, and wes slane efter, be thair treason, and
of mony nobill clerkis. Chap. XIV. p. 230.
How Sanct Roule brocht Sanct Androis arme in Scotland; and how
the Kirk of Sanct Androis was dotat, be Hergest, King of
Pichtis ; and of the loving thairof. Chap. XV. p. 231.
How Eugenius wes maid King of Scottis. How Hergest, King of
Pichtis, wes confiderat with Romanis for distruction of Scottis.
How Maximus, Capitane of Britane, invadit the Scottis with gret
cruelteis and slauchter. Chap. XVI. p. 233.
How Maximus returnit in Galloway, to revenge the injuris done be
Scottis aganis Pichtis. How Eugenius come, with l.m men, to
resist the Romanis, Pichtis, and Britonis. How he was slane,
his brothir tane, and his army discomfist. Chap. XVII. p. 236.
How the Scottis, be gret cruelte of Pichtis, war exilit out of Albion.
How the Abbay of Comekil was foundit. Chap. XVIII. p. 240.
Of sindry mervellis sene in Albion. How the Scottis that fled in
Ireland and the His, returnit in Scotland with gret power ; and
how thay war discomfist and slane. Chap. XIX. p. J^43.
How Maximiis conquest, be his liberalite, the crown of Britane.
How he slew Gratiane, Emprioure ; and was slane be Theodosius.
Chap. I. p. 247.
How Octavius wes maid king of Britonis. How Mercius and Vic-
torine war send in Albion, to dant the Britonis. How the Pichtis
war thirlit to gret servitude ; and how thair king slew himself.
Chap. II. p. 249.
Of Etheodius, brothir to Eugenius afore rehersit. Of his gover-
nance in Denmark ; and of his succession. How Rome was tane
be Gothis ; and how sindry spulyeis thairof fell to Fergus the
Secund. Chap. III. p. 252.
Of sindry clerkis and Sanctis flurising in the warld. Of the first
message send be Pichtis to Scottis. Chap. IV. p. 255.
How Gratiane, King of Britonis, and Mercius, Romane capitane,
war slane, and Constantine put in Mercius place ; and of his deith.
Of the secund message send be Pichtis to Fergus ; and how lie
come in Albion, and was aggreit with Pichtis, and recoverit his
realme. Chap. V. p. 256.
How the Romanis, fechtand aganis the Scottis and Pichtis, war
severit be ane schoure of hail. Of sindry vassalage done be the
vailyeant Grahame, at the wal of Abircorne. Of his linnao-e and
allia with King Fergus. Chap. VI. p. 259.
Of sindry consultationis maid be the Scottis, for thair defence
aganis the Romanis and Britonis. How Victorine conquest the
croun of Britane ; and how he was punist thairfore, to the deith.
Chap. VII. p. 261.
How Placidus, Romane capitane, was discomfist, with his army, be
Scottis and Pichtis. How King Fergus recoverit al his landis,
be condition of peace, fra Romanis. Of his civill and religious
industry, for the weill of his pepill. Chap. VIII. p. 262.
Of the deith of Placidus. Of the message send be Castius, capitane
of Britane, to Fergus ; and of Fergus answer. How the Ro-
manis war discomfist, and Castius slane. Chap. IX. p. 264.
How Maximiane, capitane of Britane, come, with huge army, aganis
the Scottis and Pichtis. Of Fergus orison to his army ; and
how baith the kingis of Scottis and Pichtis w^ar slane, and thair
army discomfist be Romanis. Chap. X. p. 26*6.
How the Romanis wrocht gret injurison Scottis and Pichtis. How
Maximiane wes alliat with Dioneth, Prince of Wahs, and tuke
the crown of Britane, contrar the auctorite of Romanis.
Chap. XI. p. 269.
Of King Eugenius the Secound. Of grete vassalage done be Maxi-
miane in Britane and France. How Ursula and hir fallowis war
martyrit. Chap. XII. p. 271.
How the confiderat kingis come with gret armyis aganis the Britonis.
Of Eugenius orison. Of the gret heirschippis maid on Britonis.
How Gallio Revennas was send in suport of Britonis; and of
his vassalage. Chap. XIII. p. 273.
How the Scottis and Pichtis kest down the wall of Abircorne, and
wrocht gret cruelteis on the Britonis. Of the message send be
Britonis to Etius ; and of his answer. Chap. XIV. p. 276.
How Conanus, Prince of Walis, exhortit the Britonis to tak peace
with Scottis and Pichtis; and was slane. How the Britonis, ef-
ter his slauchter, faucht amang thameself. Chap. XV. p. 278.
Of gret vassalage done be the nobill Grahame at the wallis of Abir-
corne and Adriane ; and how the Scottis conquest all landis be-
twix Tyne and Humber. Of the epistill send be Britonis to
Etius; and of his answer. Chap. XVI. p. 280.
How the Britonis war vincust, and maid tributar to Scottis and
Pichtis. And of the conditionis of peace gevin to the said Bri-
tonis. Chap. XVII. p. 283.
Of mony nobil clerkis and Sanctis in sindry partis of the warld. Of
sindry prodigies and mervellis sene in Albioun. And of Finmak-
coule. Chap. XVIII. p. 286.
How mony Romane provinces fel in pray to sindry pepill ; and how
sindry realraes began thairthrow. Chap. I. p. 5.
How Conanus exhortit the Britonis to recover thair hberte. Of the
message send be Scottis and Pichtis to Britonis ; and how the
nobhs and commonis of Britane iavadit othir be battall.
Chap. II. p. 7.
Of sindry afflictionis and plagis quhilkis fell on the Britonis, for thair
iniquite and corruppit life. Of the deith of King Eugenius.
Chap. III. p. 10.
Of King Dongard ; and of the secund orison maid be Conanus to
the Britonis. And how thay send ambassatouris to Androenus,
King of Bertanye, for support aganis Scottis and Pichtis.
Chap. IV. p. 11.
Of the deith of Conanus ; and of the orison maid be Guitelline to
the King of Bertanye. How Constantine, his son, was send with
ane army in Britane, and maid king thairof. Chap. V. p. 14.
How Dongard, King of Scottis, come with gret power aganis Con-
stantine, King of Britonis. Of his orison to his army. How he
was slane, and the Britonis discomfist. Chap. VI. p. 17.
How Constantine the First, and thrid brothir to Eugenius, was maid
King of Scottis. Of his unhappy hfe and tyranny; and how
Constantine, King of Britonis, was slane be gile of Pichtis.
Chap. VII. p. 20.
Of King Congallus ; and of his administratioun. How the monk
Constantius was maid king of Britonis. How Vortigern^ be
slauchter of Constantius, tuke the crown of Britane.
Chap. VIII. p. 22.
How Ambrose and Uter, the sonnis of King Constantine, fled in
Bertanye. How Gwitel, Prince of Walls, was slane be the Scottis,
and his army discomfist. Chap. IX. p. 25.
Ixxviii TABULA.—VOL. II.
How Vortigerne send ambassatouris in Almany, to fe wageouris in
his support. How Hengest and Orsus come in Britane with x
thousand Saxonis ; and of thair cruelteis and vassalage done aganis
Pichtis. Chap. X. p. 27.
Of the secound message send be Pichtis to the Scottis, How Scottis
and Pichtis faucht aganis the Saxonis and Britonis, and war dis-
comfist. Chap. XI. p. 29.
How Hengist was richely rewardit for his victorius dedis. How xv
thousand Britonis war slane, be weris of Scottis and Pichtis. How
Hengistis wife and douchter arrivit in Britane, with new army of
Saxonis. Chap. XII. p. 31.
How Hengist and Vortimer come with gret armyis to invaid the
confiderat pepil. Of sindry quent slichtis devisit be Scottis, to
constrane thair ennimes to battall. Of sindry chancis of victory
thairefter following. Chap. XIII. p. 33.
How Hengist AAas maid Protectour of Britane; and how he brocht
his son Occa, with x.m Saxonis, to resist the armyis of Ambrose
and Uter. How Vortigern come to ane banket, with Hengist ;
and maryit Roxena, his douchter. Chap, XIV. p. 36.
How Vodine, Bischop of London, with monv preistis, war slane be
tyranny of Saxonis. How Hengist maid himself King of Kent.
How Vortigerne was deprivit, and Vortimer, his sonne, maid King
of Britane. Chap. XV. p. 39.
How Scottis and Pichtis war confiderat with Kinff Vortimer aganis
the Saxonis, and discomfist Occa in North umbirland. How Hen-
gist and Occa war vincust in Kent, and doung out of Britane.
How King Vortimer was slane be poisoun. Chap. XVI. p. 42.
How the Britonis, efter deith of King Vortimer, fell in gret dispu-
tatioun quhay suld be king. And how Vortigern w^as restorit to
the crown of Britane. Chap. XVII. p. 45.
How Hengist and Occa returnit with new power of Saxonis in Bri-
tane, and slew mony nobillis thairof; and tuke Vortigerne preso-
nere. How Vortigern was banist in Walis, and Hengist maid
King of Britane. Chap. XVIII. p. 46.
How Vortigerne demandit the prophete Marline, of the end of his
life ; and of Marlinis answer. How Ambrose and liter come in
AValis, and brint Vortigern, with his sonne and riches.
Chap. XIX. p. 50.
Of sindry illusionis and dissaitis of evill spretis. Chap. X X. p. 52.
How Ambrose was confiderat with Scottis and Pichtis. And how
he slew Hengist, and dang the Saxonis out of Britane. How his
two sisteris war niaryit on the confiderat kingis. And of sindry
haly men. Chap. XXI. p. 54.
Of King Conrannus ; and how he maid lawis to punis extorsionis.
How Occa and Passentius arrivit Avith new power of Saxonis in
Ingland ; and how thay war vincust be Ambrose.
Chap. I. p. 59.
Of gret cruelteis done be Occa to Britonis. How Scottis and Pichtis
war frustrat of thair voyage. Of gret mervellis sene in Albion.
Of the interpretation of thaim be Merhne. Chap. II. p. 62.
How Uter wes maid King of Britonis ; and how he was discomfist
be Saxonis, and chasit in Wahs. How Saxonis and Britonis war
^ggreit. Chap. III. p. 64.
How Uter slew the Prince of Cornewal, and gat Arthure on his
wife. How Loth, King of Pichtis, clamit the crown of Britan ;
and how Britonis war purgit of thair herisyis. How Terdix and
Kenrik come to Occa with new power of Saxonis ; and how the
Saxonis war discomfist be mirakill. Chap. IV. p. 6o.
How Occa and Nathaleodus, invading othir be battal, war baith
slane, with xv.m Britonis. How young Occa was maid King of
Ingland ; and of his ordinance aganis the Scottis and Pichtis.
And how thay war vincust, and King Uter slane be poisoun.
Chap. V. p. 69.
Ot the Romane Boece ; and of his werkis and martyrdome. Of the
institutionis of the ordour of Sanct Benedict; and how superflew
rentis makis evlll, religious men. How Loth, King of Pichtis,
clamit the crown of Britane. Chap. VI. p. 72.
How the Saxonis war sindi-y times vincust, and maid ti'ibutaris to
King Arthure. How Occa arrivid with new power in Northum-
berland, and chasit Arthure in Walis. How the surfet cheir
of Yule was evil institute. How Pichtis and Britonis war aggreit.
Chap. VII. p. 74.
How the Scottis and Pichtis war confiderat with King Arthure,
aganis the Saxonis. How the Saxonis war vincust be the Al-
bianis, and doung out of Albion. Chap. VIII. p. 76.
How the Scottis and Pichtis come with xx thousand men, in sup-
port of King Arthure, aganis Saxonis ; and how the Saxonis war
discomfist. Chap. IX. p. 78.
How Tonset, Chancellar of Scotland, was slane, for his wrangus
administration of justice. Of King Conrannus deith. Of Jus-
tiniane, Empriour, and of his prudent constitutionis, fame, and
chevelry ; and of sindry captiviteis of Rome.
Chap. X. p. 80.
Of King Eugenius the thrid, and his lawis. Of Conrannus wife.
How scho fled, with hir sonnis, in Ingland. Of King Arthuris
fame, chevelry, and round table. How the Britonis, contrar
thair promes, maid Constantine Prince of Britane.
Chap. XL p. 82.
Of the message send be Pichtis to Britonis, and of thair answer.
How King Arthure was slane, with mony of al the nobillis of
Britane, be Scottis and Pichtis. How Guanora, his wife, was
brocht in Angus ; of hir sepulture ; and of the calamite that fell
to Albianis be this battal. Chap. XII. p. 84.
How Constantine, King of Britonis, slew the sonnis of Modrede.
Of uncouth merveUis sene in Albioun. How Eugenius gaif sin-
dry landis, with armis, to nobill men of his realme. How Con-
stantine, King of Britonis, was maid monk, in Ireland ; and of
Eugenius deith. Chap. XIII. p. 87.
Of King Conwallus, and his lawis and deith. Of the cuming of
Sanct Colme in Scotland ; and of Sanct Mungo.
Chap. XIV. p. 89.
Of King Kinnatill, and how he resignit the crown to Aidane. Of
the orisoun maid be Sanct Cohue. How Scottis and Pichtis
faucht amang thaimself, and war aggreit be Sanct Cohne.
Chap. XV. p. 91.
How the Saxonis devidit Ingland, in sevin sindry kingdomis. How
Pichtis and Saxonis war confiderat togidder, and discomfist the
Scottis and Britonis. Of the orison maid be King Aidane, to his
army. How the said Aidane was vincust be Saxonis, and his
Sonne slane. Chap. XVI. p. 94.
How Saxonis and Pichtis war discomfist in Northumberland, be
Scottis and Britonis. Of the deith of Sanct Cohne, and Sanct
Aidane. Of the vengeance that come on the Saxonis, for ding-
ing of Sanct Austine. And of sindry haly men.
Chap. XVII. p. 96.
Of King Kenneth. Of Eugenius the feird. How the King of
Britonis was doung out of this realrae, be Saxonis, and recoverit
the samin. How Ethelfreid, King of Northumberland, was
slane. Of sindry haly men. Chap. XVIII. p. 99.
Of the vicius tyrane, King Ferquhart, and how he slew himself;
and of the haly man, Fiacre. Chap. XIX. p. 101.
Of King Donevald ; and of the deith of Edwine, King of Northum-
berland. How Eufred and Osrik, Kingis of Northumberland,
war punist for thair tyranny done to Cristin pepill. And how
King Oswald convertit the Saxonis to the faith of Crist.
Chap. XX. p. 103.
Of the unhappy prophete, Machomete, and his fals lawis. Of sin-
dry haly men. Of King Ferquhart, and his extorsionis done
aganis the pepill ; and of his misea^able end.
Chap. XXI. p. 107.
Of King Mald^v^ne, and how he was slane be his wife, and his wife
brint. Of gret mortalite, be rage of pest, in sindry partis of the
warld ; and how the Scottis war preservit fra the samin.
Chap. XXII. p. 110.
Of Eugenius the Fift ; and of the message send to Edfred, King of
Northumberland ; and of the peace takin thairefter. How King
Edfred was slane be Eugenius, with xx thousand Saxonis ; and
of the haly man, Sanct Cuthbert. Chap. XXIII. p. 111.
Ixxxii TABULA.— VOL. II.
Of gret trubill done be Sarayenis to Cristin pepill. Of King Eu-
genius the Sext, and his ai*tis. Of uncouth mervellis sene in
Albioun. Chap. XXIV. p. 113.
Of the vicius tyrane, Amberkeleth ; and of his deith. Of King
Eugenius the Sevint. How the Scottis and Pichtis war recoun-
saht togidder, be affinite ; and of the slauehter of Eugenius wife.
Of sevin haly virginis, dotat be the King of Pichtis, in Abir-
nethy. Chap. XXV. p. 115.
Of King Mordak, and his werkis ; and of his deith. Of foure sin-
dry pepill in Albioun. Of the gret mirakillis of Sanct Niniane ;
and of Sanct Bede. Chap. XXVI. p. 117.
Of King Ethfine ; and how he maid foure regentis to govern his
realm. Of gret cruelteis done be Donald of the His ; and of the
deith of King Ethfine. Chap. XXVII. p. 119.
Of King Eugenius the viii, and how he was slane for his tyranny ;
and his evill counsallouris hingit on jebatis.
Chap. XXVIII. p. 120.
Of the vicius King Fergus the Thrid; and how he was slane be
his wife. Of hir orisovm maid to the counsall ; and how scho slew
hirself. Chap. XXIX. p. 121.
Of King Solvathius ; and how he dantit sindry gret limmaris of his
realm. Of his deith, and of mony haly men.
Chap. XXX. p. 123.
Of King Achaius ; and how he aggreit his nobillis of all conten-
tionis. Of his message send to the princis of Ireland; and of
thair answer. How mony Ireland-men perist in the seis. How
the Scottis and Ireland-men war aggreit. Chap. I. p 126.
How King Charlis send his ambassatouris to be confiderat with
Scottis and Pichtis. Of thair orisoun maid to King Achaius;
and of the orison maid aganis thaim be Culmane.
Chap. II. p. 128.
Of the answer maid to this last orison be Albiane. How France
and Scotland wer perpetuallie confiderat. How Pichtis refusit to
be confiderat with France ; and of the articlis contenand the band
betwix Scotland and France. Chap. III. p. 132.
How Paip Leo the Thrid, and the Florentinis, wer restorit to thair
honour and liberie, be King Charlis. Of sindry abbayis foundit
be Scottis Guilliam. How the universite of Paris began be
Scottis. Of the loving of the samin. Chap. IV. p. 136.
How the Scottis and Pichtis wer confiderat be mariage, and slew
Athelstane, King of Ingland, and put his army to flicht. Of
King Hungus lawis, and liberte to kirkmen. Of the deith of
King Charlis, and King Achaius ; and of sindry noble clerkis.
Chap. V. p. 139.
Of King Conwallus, and of his deith. Chap. VI. p. 143.
Of King Dongallus, and how he punist certane conspiratouris.
How Alpine, Prince of Scotland, clamit the croun of Pichtis, as
nerest heritoure thairto. Of the Pichtis answer. How the
Scottis concludit to move wxir on the Pichtis, for denying of the
croun. Chap. VII. p. 143.
Of King Alpine ; and how he slew Feredech, King of Pichtis.
How Brudus and Kenneth, Kingis of Pichtis, wer baith slane;
and Brudus the feirs, maid King. How King Alpine wes slane,
and the Scottis discomfist. Chap. VIII. p. 146.
How Kenneth the Secound wes maid King of Scottis. Of the deith
of Brudus, Kins of Pichtis : and how Donskene wes maid Kins-.
How the heid of King Alpine wes brocht in Scotland. How the
Pichtis wer discomfist. Chap. IX. p. 150.
Of the message send be Donskene to Kenneth, and of his answer.
Of the orison maid be Donskene to Kenneth, and of his answer.
How the Pichtis wer discomfist, and King Donskene slane.
Chap. X. p. 154.
How the swerd and cote armour of King Donskene wer send to
Colmkill. Of the orisoun maid be King Kenneth to his nobillis.
How the Pichtis wer slane, and banist out of Scotland ; and how
the Dunbaris tuke thair beginning. Chap. XI. p. 159-
Of uncouth mervellis sene in Albioun. How the chiar of merbill
wes brocht out of Argyle to Scone. Of the lawis maid be Ken-
neth, for the commoun well of Scottis ; and of his deith.
Chap. Xn. p. 162.
Of the vicious King Donald. How Osbret and Ella, with gret
noumer of Inglismen, wes discomfist. How xx.m Scottis wer
slane; and King Donald tane be Inglismen and Britonis. Of
the message send be Scottis to Osbret ; and of his answer.
Chap. XIII. p. 166.
Of the orison maid be Calenus. How Scottis tuke peace with In-
glismen and Britonis. How King Donald wes put in preson for
his vicis, and slew himself. Of sindry mervellis sene in Albioun.
Chap. XIV. p. 170.
Of King Constantine the Secund ; and of his lawis. Of the hevy
regrait maid be Evanus of the lUs to his folkis; and how the
said Evanus wes punist for his rebellioun. Chap. XV. p. 173.
How Gadanus, King of Danis, send his two brethir, Hungar and
Hubba, with gret armyis, to invade the Scottis ; and how the said
Hubba was vincust, and his army put to flicht.
Chap. XVI. p. 175.
How King Constantine was slane, and his army discomfist be the
Danis. Chap. XVII. p. 177.
Of King Ethus, and his actis. How Osbret, King of Ingland, with
mony othir pepill, was slane be cruelte of Danis. Of sindry mer-
vellis sene in Albioun ; and of the deith of Ethus.
Chap. XVIII. p. 179.
Of King Gregoure and his lawis. How he recoverit sindry landis
of his realme ; and discomfist Herdeut,with all the army of Danis.
How Rasine, gret capitane of Danis, was slane be Inglismen.
Chap. XIX. p. 18L
How Gregoure recoverit sindry landis of his realme, and slew Con-
stantine, King of Britonis. How Scottis, Britonis, and Inglis-
men war confiderat aganis the Danis. Chap. XX. p. 184.
How King Gregoure come in Ireland, to revenge certane injuris
done in Galloway ; and how he dantit the samin with sindry vic-
toryis, and was governoure thairof mony yeris. Of his loving
and deith. Chap. XXI. p. 188.
Of King Donald the Sext. How the realme of Normanis and duche-
ry of Flanderis tuke beginning. Of the grot chevelrie of Danis
in sindry partis of the warld ; and of his deith.
Chap. XXII. p. 193.
Of King Constantine the Thrid. How Danis and Inghsmen war
confiderat be mariage ; and how the peace was dissolvit. How
the Scottis war discomfist be the Danis. And of the deilh of
King Constantine. Chap. I. p. 197.
Of King Malcolme the First. How Cumbir and Westmureland
was annexit to the Prince of Scotland. Of the slauchter of Kins
Malcolme, and punitioun tane for the samin. Of the deith of King
Athelstane. Chap. II. p. 201.
Of King Indulphe. How Avalassus, King of Danis, was discomfist
be King Edmond, be support of Scottis. How sindry Danis war
discomfist in Buchquhan, and King Indulphe slane.
Chap. III. p. 208.
Of Kinge DufFus; and how he was trublit with gret infirmite, be
wichecraft. How he punist certane conspiratouris, and was slane.
Chap. IV. p. 205.
How Culine, Prince of Scotland, punist the slauchter of King Duf-
fus. Of sindry mervellis sene in Albion. Chap. V. p. 209-
Of King Culine, and his vicius life. Of the trubill that fell in the
realme be his evill ministratioun. Chap. VI. p. 211.
Of King Kenneth the Thrid, and his governance. Of his orison
maid to the nobillis ; and how he constranit thaim to bring sindry
thevis to his justice. Chap. VII. p. 213,
How the Danis, invading the Scottis with gret cruelteis, war dis-
comfist be King Kenneth. And how the Hay is tuk thair first
beginning and armis. Chap. VIII. p. 216.
How King Kenneth slew the Prince of Scotland, that his sonne micht
Ixxxvi TABULA.— VOL. II.
succede to the crown. Of the message send be Sanct Edward to
King Kenneth ; and of Kennethis orisoun maid to his nobillis.
Chap. IX. p. 221.
How the auld lawis war abrogat be Kenneth, concerning the elec-
tioun of kingis; and new lawis, contrar to thaim, institute. Of
the visioun that come to him in his bed ; and of his deith.
Chap. X. p. 225.
Of King Constantine the Feird ; and of sindry mervellis sene in
Albioun. How Constantine and Malcohne contendit for the
crown. How Inglismen and Danis war aggreit be Malcohne,
Lord of Cumbir. How Constantine and Kenneth, recountering
othir be set battall, wer baith slane. Chap. XI. p. 228.
Of King Grime ; and of gret trubill that fell betwix him and Mal-
colme, Prince of Cumbir, for contentioun of the crown. And
how thay Avar finaly aggreit. Chap. XII. p. 230.
How gret nowmer of Danis war slane be slicht of Inglismen. Of
the orisoun maid to King Grime be the nobillis ; and how he was
slane be Malcolme, Prince of Cumbir. Chap. XIII. p. 234.
Of Kino- Malcolme the Secound. How Sueno, King of Norroway,
with double victory, chasit King Eldreid of Ingland, and opprest
Inglismen with gret cruelteis. Chap. XIV. p. 237.
How Olavus and Onctus come in Scotland, Avith gret army of Danis.
And how King Malcolme Avas discomfist. Chap. XV. p. 240.
How the Castell of Name Avas tane, and the soudjouris thairof trea-
sonabilly slane, be Danis ; and hoAV the Danis war discomfist at
Murthlak. Chap. XVI. p. 242.
How Camus, Prince of NorroAvay, cumand with ane flote of Danis
in Angus, Avas slane, and his army discomfist, be King Malcolme,
at Barre. And how the surname of Keithis tuke thair beginning.
Chap. XVII. p. 245.
How V hundreth Danis Avar slane be the Thane of Buchquhane.
How Canute come Avith neAV army of Danis in Scotland, and Avas
discomfist. How Scottis and Danis war finaly aggreit on all de-
baitis. Chap. XVIII. p. 247.
How King Malcolme devidit his realme in baronyis. How the
nobillis saif to him the Avardis, rcloiffis, and mariage of thair airis,
TABULA.— VOL. II. Ixxxvii
quhen thay vaikit. How the salt of Abirdene first began. Of
the deith of King Malcohne ; and of sindry mervelUs sene in
Albioun. Chap. XIX. p. 249.
Of King; Duncane. How the surname of Stewartis tuke thair first
beginning ; and how Makbeth punist sindry enormiteis done in
King Duncanis time. Chap. I. p. 252.
How Edmond Irneside and Canute devidit betwix thaim the realme
of Ingland. How Sueno, King of Norroway, come in Scotland
with ane army, and vincust King Duncane. How the foresaid
Sueno was, eftir, vincust be ane uncouth shcht.
Chap. II. p. 255.
Of the weirdis gevin to Makbeth and Banquho. How Makbeth
was maid Thane of Cawder ; and how he slew King Duncane to
mak himself king. Chap. III. p. 259.
How jNIakbeth usurpit the crovm, and chasit the sonnis of King
Duncane in Cumbir. How he punist sindi'y limmaris, and maid
lawis for the commoun weill. Chap. IV. p. 261.
How Banquho was slane be Makbeth, and his sonne Fleance slane
in Walis. How Walter, the sonne of Fleance, come in Scotland.
And of the genelogy of Stewartis. Chap. V. p. 264.
How Makbeth slew his lordis, for proffet of thair landis and guddis.
How he biggit the Castell of Dunsinnane, and slew Makduffis
wife and his barnis. Of the orison maid to Malcolme Canmore
be Makduf. Chap. VI. p. 268.
How Malcolme Canmore schew himself unabill to be king, for his
sindry vicis. And how he come in Scotland, and was maid king
thairof. And of Makbethis deith. Chap. VII. p. 271.
Of the deith of Edmond, Canute, Herald, and Hardy Canute, Kingis
of Ingland. How the crown of Ingland was recoverit fra Danis ;
and Godowine weryit for the innocent slauchter of Alarude.
Chap. VIII. p. 274.
succede to the crown. Of the message send be Sanct Edward to
King Kenneth ; and of Kennethis orisoun maid to his nobillis.
Chap. IX. p. 22L
How the auld lawis war abrogat be Kenneth, concerning the elec-
tioun of kingis; and new lawis, contrar to thaim, institute. Of
the visioun that come to him in his bed ; and of his deith.
Chap. X. p. 225.
Of King Constantine the Feird ; and of sindry mervelhs sene in
Albioun. How Constantine and Malcohne contendit for the
crown. How Inghsmen and Danis war aggreit be Malcohitie,
Lord of Cumbir. How Constantine and Kenneth, recountering
othir be set battall, wer baith slane. Chap. XL p. 228.
Of King Grime ; and of gret trubill that fell betwix him and ]\Ial-
colme, Prince of Cumbir, for contentioun of the crown. And
how thay war finaly aggreit. Chap. XII. p. 230.
How gret noAvmer of Danis war slane be slicht of Inglismen. Of
the orisoun maid to King Grime be the nobillis ; and how he was
slane be Malcolme, Prince of Cumbir. Chap. XIII. p. 234.
Of King Malcolme the Secound. How Sueno, King of Norroway,
with double victory, chasit King Eldreid of Ingland, and opprest
Inglismen with gret cruelteis. Chap. XIV. p. 237.
How Olavus and Onetus come in Scotland, with gret army of Danis.
And how King ]Malcolme was discomfist. Chap. XV. p. 240.
How the Castell of Name was tane, and the soudjouris thairof trea-
sonabilly slane, be Danis ; and how the Danis war discomfist at
Murthlak. Chap. XVI. p. 242.
How Camus, Prince of Norroway, cumand with ane flote of Danis
in Angus, was slane, and his army discomfist, be King IVIalcolme,
at Barre. And how the surname of Keithis tuke thair beginning.
Chap. XVII. p. 245.
How V hundreth Danis war slane be the Thane of Buchquhane.
How Canute come with new army of Danis in Scotland, and was
discomfist. How Scottis and Danis war finaly aggreit on all de-
baitis. Chap. XVIII. p. 247.
How King Malcolme devidit his realme in baronyis. How the
nobillis gaif to him the wardis, releiffis, and mariage of thair airis.
TABULA.— VOL. II. Ixxxvii
quhen thay vaikit. How the sait of Abirdene first began. Of
the deith of King Malcohne ; and of sindry mervelUs sene in
Albioun. Chap. XIX. p. 249.
Of Kino; Duncane. How the surname of Stewartis tuke thair first
beginning ; and how Makbeth punist sindry enormiteis done in
King Duncanis time. Chap. I. p. 252.
How Edmond Irneside and Canute devidit betwix thaim the realme
of Ingland. How Sueno, King of Norroway, come in Scotland
with ane army, and vincust King Duncane. How the foresaid
Sueno was, eftir, vincust be ane uncouth shcht.
Chap. II. p. 255.
Of the weirdis gevin to Makbeth and Banquho. How Makbeth
was maid Thane of Cawder ; and how he slew King Duncane to
mak himself king. Chap. III. p. 259.
How Makbeth usurpit the croun, and chasit the sonnis of King
Duncane in Cumbir. How he punist sindry limmaris, and maid
lawis for the commoun weill. Chap. IV. p. 261.
How Banquho was slane be Makbeth, and his sonne Fleance slane
in Walis. How Walter, the sonne of Fleance, come in Scotland.
And of the genelogy of Stewartis. Chap. V. p. 264.
How Makbeth slew his lordis, for proffet of thair landis and guddis.
How he biggit the Castell of Dunsinnane, and slew Makduffis
wife and his barnis. Of the orison maid to Malcolme Canmore
be Makduf. Chap. VI. p. 268.
How Malcolme Canmore schew himself unabill to be king, for his
sindry vicis. And how he come in Scotland, and was maid king
thairof. And of Makbethis deith. Chap. VII. p. 271.
Of the deith of Edmond, Canute, Herald, and Hardy Canute, Kingis
of Inffland. How the crown of Ingland was recoverit fra Danis ;
and Godowine weryit for the innocent slauchter of Alarude.
Chap. VIII. p. 274.
How King William recoverit his landis. How Richard, King of
Ingland, and Philhp, King of France, went with gret armyis in
Jowry. Of thair vassalage and trubill. How Erie David re-
turnit out of the Haly Land, and foundit Lundoris.
Chap. VII. p. 323.
How King Richard returnit in Ingland. How King William pu-
nist ffret limmaris in his realme. Of the nativite of Prince Alex-
ander. Of the coronation of King Johne. How the Pape send
ane swerd to King William. Chap. VIII. p. 326.
How King William and King Johne war confiderat togidder be
mariage. Of King Williamis haly life, and liberalite to the kirk.
How the town of Perth tuke beginning. Chap. IX. p. 328.
How King Johne subdewit Ireland and Walls. How King Wil-
liam punist sindry conspiratouris. How Ingland and Ireland
war maid tributaris to the Pape. Of King Williamis deith ; and
how sindry ordouris of freris began. Chap. X. p. 330.
Of King Alexander the Secound, and his actis. How King Johne
of Ingland invadit the kirk with gret exactionis. How the Pape
and kirkmen war corruppit, be his money, to assist to his opinioun.
How King Alexander renewit the band of France ; and of the
deith of King Johne. Chap. XI. p. 333.
Of the Generall Counsall haldin at Rome be Paip Innocent ; and
how the Kingis of Scotland and Ingland invadit aithir realmes
with gret heirschippis and slauchter ; and how thay war aggreit.
Chap. XII. p. 336.
How King Hary and King Alexander war alliat be mariage. Of
the translation of Sanct Thomas of Canterbury. Of sindry le-
gatis send in Scotland be the Pape, to conques money.
Chap. XIII. p. 838.
How King Alexander punist sindry conspiratouris in his realme.
Of the first cuming of Blak and Gray Freris in Scotland.
Chap. XIV. p. 340.
How King Alexander punist sindry conspiratouris, and aggreit
King Hary of Ingland and his nobillis. Of his new mariage ;
and of the nativite of his sonne Alexander. How mony noblis of
Scotland war slane in Jowry. Chap. XV. p. 342.
How the reliques of Sanct Margaret war translatit. How King-
Alexander was haldin in captivite Avith the Cumingis. Of his
mariage with King Hary the Thrid ; and of the bigging of Sanct
Mungois Kirk. Chap. XVI. p. 344.
Of gret derth in Albioun. How Acho, King of Norroway, invadit
Scotland with gret cruelteis. Of the orisoun maid to him be am-
bassatouris of King Alexander. Chap. XVII. p. 347.
How King Alexander come with ane army aganis King Acho. Of
the orisonis maid be the two kingis to thair armyis; and how
King Acho Avas discomfist at Largis. Chap. XVIII. p. 349-
Of the nativite of Alexander the Feird. Of the message send be
Magnus, King of Norroway, to King Alexander the Thrid ; and
of his ansAver. And how the said Alexander recoverit the His of
Scotland fra the Danis. Chap. XIX. p. 353.
Of the ansAver maid to the Papis legat be King Alexander. Of the
nativite of Robert Bruce, the vailyeant conqueroure. Of the
deith of King Alexanderis Avife, and hir barnis.
Chap. XX. p. 354.
Of sindry actis done be King Alexander; and of his deith. Of
Thomas Rymoure. Of sindry merA'eliis sene in Albioun ; and of
mony nobill clerkis. Chap. XXI. p. 357.
How Scotland was gidit be vi Governouris. How the mariage be-
twix the Madin of NorroAvay and King Edward, failyeit. How
Bruce and Ballioll contendit for the croAvne. How the decisioun
thairof was committit to King Edward ; and hoAv he maid the
BaUioll king. Chap. I. p. 360.
How the Ballioll come in gret trubill, for the making of homage to
King Edward. Of his allia Avith King Phillip of France. How
King Edward wan Berwik be treasoun, and slew al Scottis in the
samin. Chap. II. p, 364.
How King Ballioll Avas discomfist at Dunbar, and tint all the strenthis
xcii TABULA.— VOL. II.
of Scotland. How he gaif ouir the crown to King Edward, and
fled in France. Chap. III. p. 366.
How Kinge Edward come with ane army aganis France. Plow the
Erie of Buchquhane maid gret heirschippis in Ingland. Of Wil-
liam Wallace, and his vassalage aganis Inglismen.
Chap. IV. p. 368.
Of King Edwardis message send to Wallace. Of AVallace answer ;
and of his gret prudence in chevelry. How the Scottis Avar dis-
comfist at the Falkirk ; and how the King of France purchest
peace to Scottis. Chap. V. p. 370.
How Inglismen war discomfist at Rosling. How King Edward con-
quest gret rowmes in Scotland ; and how the Forbessis tuk thair
first beginning. Chap. VI. p. 374.
Of sindry gret cruelteis done be King Edward aganis Scottis. How
the Bruce and Cumin war confiderat; and how the Cumin was
slane. Chap. VII. p. 377.
How Wallace was betraisit be Schir Johne Menteith. Of King-
Robert Brucis coronatioun ; and of his gret misery. How he
conquest Scotland; and how the Douglas tuk thair beginning.
Chap. VIII. p. 380.
Of the deith of the tyrane, King Edward Langschankis ; and how
Edward Carnaver, his son, was maid King of Ingland. How
King Robert gat sindry victoryis on his ennimes; and of gret
derth in Scotland. Chap. IX. p. 384.
Of the condition of trewis tane betwix Edward Bruce and the capi-
tane of Striveling. How King Edward come, with iii.c thousand
men, to reskew Striveling. Of the victory fallin to Erie Thomas
Randale. Chap. X. p. 386.
How the two kingis exhortit thair armyis to battall. How Inglis-
men war discomfist at Banochburn, and King Edward chasit be
the Douglas to Dunbar. Of gret riches that fell to Scottis be
this victory. How the town of Handwarp and Flemingis tuke
thair beginning. Chap. XI. p. 390.
How the crown of Scotland was tailyeit to King Robert and his
airis. How Edward, his brothir, Avas maid King of Ireland, and
slane be Inglismen. How King Robert sufferit gret distres in
Ireland. Chap. XII. p. 395.
How King Edward was discomfist be Schir James Douglas. Of
gret vassalage done be William Sinclar, Bischop of Dunkeld,
aganis Inglismen ; and how Berwik was recoverit.
Chap. Xin. p. 397.
Of the Blak Parliament. How King Edward complanit to the Paip
for injuris of Scottis. Of the orison maid be the Papis legat to
King Robert; and of his answer. Chap. XIV. p. 398.
How King Edward, efter gret cruelteis done be his array in Scot-
land, Avas discomfist be King Robert at Byland. How the Ham-
miltonis tuke thair beginning ; and of King Edwardis deith.
Chap. XV. p. 401.
How Johne BallioU transferrit all richt that he had to the crown of
Scotland, in King Robert. How the crown was new tailyeit to
David Bruce. How Schir James Douglas and Erie Thomas
Randale did gret vassalage in Scotland. Chap. XVI. p. 403.
Of the deith and loving of King Robert Bruce ; and of his testament
and legacy. How Schir James Douglas was chosin to pas with
his hart in the Haly Land. Chap. XVII. p. 406.
How Schir James of Dowglas past, with King Robertis hart, to the
haly graif. Of the coronation of King David Bruce ; and how
the Erie, Thomas Randale, was maid governour ; and of his
deith. Chap. I. p. 409.
How the Erlis of Marche and Mar was maid governouris of Scot-
land. How Edward Ballioll come in Scotland, to conques the
crown ; and of the battal of Duphne. Chap. II. p. 414.
How Edward Balliol was crownit at Scone. How King David fled
in France. How Perth was recoverit, and the Ballioll vincust be
the Douglas ; and how King Edward segit Berwik.
Chap. III. p. 417.
Of the orison maid be Alexander Seytonis wife ; and how his son
was slane be tyranny of King Edward. Chap. IV. p. 420.
xciv TABULA.— VOL. II.
How the Scottis war discomfist at Halidon hill ; and Berwik ran-
derit to Inglismen, with mony othir strenthis and munitionis of
Scotland. Chap. V. p. 422.
Of the contention betwix Alexander Mowbray, and Hary Bew-
mont ; and how Inglismen perist at the sege of Lochlevin.
Chap VI. p. 425.
How Robert Stewart and Johne Randall recoverit sindry strenthis
of Scotland. How David Cumin was brocht to gret trubill for
his rebellion aganis Scottis ; and how he wes tane in favour.
Chap. VII. p. 427.
How King Edward come in Scotland with gret armyis, baith be see
and land. How the Duke of Gilder was discomfist, and how Erie
David Cumin was slane. Chap. VIII. p. 429.
How Andro Murray was maid Governoure of Scotland. How
King Edward returnit with new army in Scotland ; and how
Inglismen war discomfist at Panmore. Chap. IX. p. 431.
How William Talbot, and Richard Montagew war vincust be
Scottis. Of the deith of Andro Murray. Of sindry vassalagis
done be William Douglas ; and of gret derth in Albion.
Chap. X. p. 433.
How the BaUioll fled in Ingland. Of gret vassalage done be Ro-
bert Stewart, and AVilliam Dowglas. How King David returnit
in Scotland ; and how William Douglas was banist.
Chap. XL p. 435.
How King David rewardit the airis of thaim that war slane at Dup-
hne, and Halidon hill ; and how he invadit Ingland, sindry
times, with gret injuris. Chap. XI I. p. 438.
How King David, at the request of France, invadit Ingland mth
gret displeseris ; and how he was takin at Durame. How Ing-
lismen conquest gret boundis in Scotland.
Chap. XIII. p. 440.
How William Dowglas recoverit sindry landis out of Inglismennis
handis, and invadit Ingland with gret displeseris ; and how King
Edward wrocht gret trubill in Scotland.
Chap. XIV. p. 444.
Of the battall of Poiteris. How King David was redemit ; and how
he punist his baronis for thair fleing fra him at Durame.
Chap. XV. p. U6.
Of gret trubill that fell in Scotland, be King Davidis seeound ma-
nage. Of his deith. Of sindry gret clerkis and mervellis sene
in Albioun. Chap. XVI. p. 449.
How Robert Stewart was maid King of Scottis. Of his sonnis and
douchteris ; and how the realm was tailjeit to thaim.
Chap. I. p. 45L
How the Erie of Marche brint Roxburgh; and how Inglismen
war sindry times discorafist be Scottis. Chap. II. p. 453.
Of gret pest in Scotland. How Inglismen was discomfist at Sulway.
Of the message send be Charlis of France ; and how the surname
of Lyonis tuke thair beginning. Chap. III. p. 455.
Of gret cruelteis done be Inglismen aganis Scottis. How the King
of France send gret support to Scottis. Chap. IV. p. 457.
How King Richard invadit Scotland, with gret cruelteis. Of gret
vassalage done be William Douglas. Chap. V. p. 459.
How Robert Stewart and William Douglas did gret vassalage in
Ireland. How James, Erie of Douglas, vincust Hary Perse, in
singulare battall ; and how he segit the New Castell.
Chap. VI. p. 461.
How Inglismen war discomfist at Otterburn, the Erie of Douglas
slane, and the Perse brocht presoner in Scotland. How the
Hepburnis tuke thair beginning. Chap. VII. p. 464.
How Robert, Erie of FifFe, was maid Governour of Scotland. How
Alexander, bastard sonne to King Robert, was punist for his
tyranny; and of King Robertis deith. Chap. VIII. p. 467.
Of King Robert the thrid. Of the deith of William Douglas, lord
of Niddisdale. How the clannis of Clankayis and Glenquhat-
tanis faucht at Perth. Chap. IX. p. 468.
How King Robert maid his son Duke of Rothesay, and his brothir
Duke of Albany. Of gret vassalage done be the Erie of Craw-
furd. Chap. X. p. 470.
How Schir Robert Morlo was vincust be Hew Traill. How Hary,
Duk of Longcastel, conquest the croun of Ingland, and deprivit
King Richard. Chap. XL p. 472.
How the mariage betwix the Duk of Rothesay and the Erie of
Marchis douchter, was dissolvit. Of the trubill that come thair-
throw. Chap. XII. p. 474.
How King Hary come in Scotland with gret army. Of the deith
of the Duke of Rothesay ; and how the Scottis war discomfist at
Nesbet, be the Erie of Marche. Chap. XIII. p. 475.
How the Scottis war discomfist at Homildoun. How Hary Hait-
spur, and Thomas Perse, his brothir, wes slane at Schrewisbery,
and the Erie of Douglas tane. Chap. XIV. p. 477.
How James, secound son to King Robert, wes tane be Inglismen.
Of the tennour of the letteris send with him.
Chap. XV. p. 480.
Of the gret lamentation maid be King Robert the thrid, for the
taking of his sonne; and of his deith. Chap. XVI. p. 483.
How the Universite of Sanct Androis tuk beginning. How gret
virtew and police was brocht in Scotland, be King James the First.
How gret skaith fallis in this realine, be promotion of vitius pre-
latis. Chap. XV XL p. 485.
How the Erlis of Buchquhane and Wigtoun went, with gret ar-
myis, in support of France ; and of the deith of Duk Robert.
Chap. XVIII. p. 488.
How the Duke of Clarence was slane, with mony othir lordis of
Ingland, at Bawge. Of the deith of King Hary and King
Charlis. Chap. XIX. p. 490.
How ambassatouris war send in Ingland, for redemption of James
the First. How the Franchemen and Scottis war discomfist at
Vernoll ; and of gret vassalage done be the madin of France.
Chap. XX. p. 493.
How James the First was redemit. Of his coronation and actis.
Chap. I. p. 496.
How Duke Murdo, and his two sonnis, war justifyit be King James.
How the Erie of Cathnes was slane at Inverlochty, and the Erie
of Mar vincust. Chap. II. p. 499.
Of gret justice done be King James the First, in al partis of Scot-
land. Of the nativite of James the Secund. Of sindry actis
done be the said nobill prince, James the First.
Chap. III. p. 501.
How the Bischop of Sanct Androis, be lang precheing, dissuadit
the riatus custome of bankettis. Chap. IV. p. 503.
Of the sege of Roxburgh. How the King brocht mony craftismen
in this realme. How Paule Craw was brint, and the charturaris
of Perth foundit. Chap. V. p. 505.
How the Erie of Marche was forfaltit. Of sindry vassalage done
be the Erie of Mar ; and of his gret industry and wisdome.
Chap. VI. p. 507.
How Denmark and Scotland war aggreit of all debaitis. How
King James douchter, Margaret, was maryit on the Dalphine of
France ; and how the Perse was discomfist be the Douglas, at
Piperdene. Chap. VII. p. 508.
Of the slauchter of King James the First ; and of the punitioun
that was maid thairfore ; and of sindry mervellis sene in Albioun,
Chap. VIII. p. 510
^ 1
Ergus, the First King of Scottis; in the First Buke,
Chap. VI. p. 15.
Ferithais, the secund king ; in the Secund Buke, Chap.
II. p. 34.
Maynus, the thrid king; in the Secund Buke, Chap. III. p. 37.
Dorvidilla, the feird king; in the Secund Buke, Chap. IV. p. 38.
Nathak, the v king; in the Secund Buke, Chap. V. p. 40.
Rewtar, the vi king; in the Secund Buke, Chap. VI. p. 41.
Rewtha, the vii king; in the Secund Buke, Chap. X. p. 47.
Therius, the viii king; in the Secund Buke, Chap. XL p. 49-
Josyn, the ix king; in the Secund Buke, Chap. XII. p. 51.
Fynnane, the x king; in the Secund Buke, Chap. XIII. p. 53.
Durstus, the xi king; in the Secund Buke, Chap. XIV. p. ^^.
Ewin the First, and xii king; in the Secund Buke, Chap. XV.
p. 58.
Gillus, the xiii king; in the Secund Biike, Chap. XVI. p. Gl.
Ewin the Secund, and xiv king ; in the Secund Buke, Chap. XVII.
p. 64.
Edeir, the xv king; in the Thrid Buke, Chap. I. p. 71.
Ewin the Thrid, and xvi king ; in the Thrid Buke, Chap. V. p. 8^2.
Metellane, the xvii king; in the Thrid Buke, Chap. VI. p. 84.
Caratak, the xviii king; in the Thrid Buke, Chap. VII. p. 86.
Corbreid, the xix king; in the Feird Buke, Chap. I. p. 113.
Dardannus, the xx king; in the iv Buke, Chap. VII. p. 128.
Galdus, the xxi king; in the iv Buke, Chap. VIIL p. 131.
Lugtak, the xxii king ; in the v Buke, Chap. I, p. 164.
Mogallus, the xxiii king; in the v Buke, Chap. II. p. 166.
Conarus, the xxiv king; in the v Buke, Chap. VI. p. 175.
Ethodius the First, and xxv king; in the v Buke, Chap. VIIL
p. 179.
Satraell, the xxvi king; in the v Buke, Chap. XII. p. 187.
Donald the First, and xxvii king; in the v Buke, Chap. XIII.
p. 188.
Ethodius the Secund, and xxviii king ; in the v Buke, Chap. XVII.
p. 196.
Athirco, the xxix king; in the vi Buke, Chap. I. p. 198.
Nathalak, the xxx king; in the vi Buke, Chap. II. p. 200.
Findok, the xxxi king; in the vi Buke, Chap. III. p. 204.
Donald the Secound, and xxxii king; in the vi Buke, Chap. IV.
p. 206.
Donald the Thrid, and xxxiii king ; in the vi Buke, Chap. V.
p. 207.
Craithlint, the xxxiv king ; in the vi Buke, Chap. VI. p. 209.
Fincormak, the xxxv king ; in the vi Buke, Chap. X. p. 220.
Romak, the xxxvi king; in the vi Buke, Chap. XIL p. 224.
Angusiane, the xxxvii king; in the vi Buke, Chap. XIII. p. 227.
Fethelraak, the xxxviii king; in the vi Buke, Chap. XIV. p. 230.
Eugenius the First, and xxxix king; in the vi Buke, Chap. XVI.
p. 233.
Fergus the Secund, and xl king ; in the vii Buke, Chap. V. p. 256.
Eugenius the Secund, and xli king; in the vii Buke, Chap. XII.
p. 271.
VOL. 11.
DoNGARD, the xLii king; in the viii Buke, Chap. IV. p. 11.
Constantine the First, and xliii king ; in the viii Buke, Chap. VII.
p. 20.
Congallus, the xliv king; in the viii Buke, Chap. VIII. p. 22.
Conrannus, the xlv king ; in the ix Buke, Chap. I. p. 59.
Eugenius the Thrid, and xlvi king ; in the ix Buke, Chap. XI.
p. 82.
Conwallus, the xlvii king; in the ix Buke, Chap. XIV. p. 89.
Kinnatill, the xlviii king; in the ix Buke, Chap. XV. p. 91.
Adane, the xlix king; in the ix Buke, Chap. XV. p. 91.
Kenneth the First, and l king ; in the ix Buke, Chap. XVIII. p. 99.
Eugenius the Fourt, and li king ; in the ix Buke, Chap. XVIII.
p. 99.
Ferquhard the First, and lii king; in the ix Buke, Chap. XIX.
p. 101.
Donevald, the liii king; in the ix Buke, Chap. XX. p. 103.
Ferquhard the Secund, and liv king ; in the ix Buke, Chap. XXI.
p. 107.
Maldwine, the Lv king; in the ix Buke, Chap. XXII. p. 110.
Eugenius the Fift, and lvi king; in the ix Buke, Chap. XXIII.
p. 111.
Eugenius the Sext, and Lvii king ; in the ix Buke, Chap. XXIV.
p. lis.
Amberkeleth, the lviii king; in the ix Buke, Chap. XXV. p. 115.
Eugenius the Sevint, and lix king ; in the ix Buke, Chap. XXV.
p. 115.
Mordak, the lx king; in the ix Buke, Chap. XXVI. p. 117.
Ethfine, the Lxi king; in the rx Buke, Chap. XXVII. p. 119.
Eugenius the Aucht, and lxii king; in the ix Buke, Chap.
XXVIII. p. 120.
Fergus the Secund, and lxiii king ; in the ix Buke, Chap. XXIX.
p. 121.
Solvathius, the lxiv king; in the ix Buke, Chap. XXX. p. 123.
Achaius, the lxv king; in the x Buke, Chap. I. p. 126.
Conwallus, the lxvi king; in the x Buke, Chap. VI. p. 14f3.
Dongallus, the lxvii king ; in the x Buke, Chap. VII. p. 143.
Alpine, the lxviii king; in the x Buke, Chap. VIII. p. 146.
Kenneth the Secound, and lxix king; in the x Buke, Chap. IX.
p. 150.
Donald the Feird, and lxx king ; in the x Buke, Chap. XIII. p.
Constantine the Secound, and lxxi king ; in the x Buke, Chap.
XV. p. 173.
Ethus, the lxxii king; in the x Buke, Chap. XVIII. p. 179.
Gregoure, the lxxhi king; in the x Buke, Chap. XIX. p. 181.
Donald the Fift, and lxxiv king ; in the x Buke, Chap. XXII.
p. 193.
Constantine the Thrid, and lxxv king ; in the xi Buke, Chap. I.
p. 197.
Malcolme the First, and lxxvi king ; in the xi Buke, Chap. II.
p. 201.
Indulphe, the lxxvii king; in the xi Buke, Chap. III. p. 203.
Duffus, the Lxxviii king ; in the xi Buke, Chap. IV. p. 205.
Culine, the Lxxix king ; in the xi Buke, Chap. VT. p. 211.
Kenneth the Thrid, and lxxx king ; in the xi Buke, Chap. VII.
p. 213.
Constantine the Feird, and lxxxi king ; in the xi Buke, Chap. XI.
p. 228.
Grime, the lxxxii king, in the xi Buke, Chap. XII, p. 230.
Malcolme the Secound, and lxxxiii king; in the xi Buke, Chap.
XIV. p. 237.
Duncane the First, and lxxxiv king; in the xii Buke, Chap. I.
p. 252.
Makbeth, the lxxxv king; in the xii Buke, Chap. IV. p. 26J.
Malcolme the Thrid, and lxxxvi king ; in the xii Buke, Chap. VII.
p. 271.
Donald the Sext, and lxxxvii king ; in tlie xii Bake, Chap. XTII.
p. 288.
Edgar, the lxxxix king; in the xii Buke, Chap. XIIL p. 288.
Alexander the First, and xc king; in the xii Buke, Chap. XV.
p. 293.
David the First, and xcr king; in the xii Buke, Chap. XVI. p.
Malcolme the Fourt, and xcii king; in the xiii Buke, Chap. L
p. 307.
William, the xciii king ; in the xiii Buke, Chap. IV, p. 314.
Alexander the Secound, and xciv king; in the xiii Buke, Chap.
XI. p. 333.
Alexander the Thrid, and xcv king; in the xiii Buke, Chap. XVI.
p. 344.
Johne Ballioll, the xcvi king ; in the xiv Buke, Chap. I. p. 360.
Robert the First, and xcvii king; in the xiv Buke, Chap. VIII.
p. 380.
David the Secound, and xcviii king; in the xv Buke, Chap. I.
(p. 409}) to the end thairof.
Robert the Secound, and xcix king ; in the xvi Buke, Chap. I.
p. 45L
Robert the Thrid, and c king ; in the xvi Buke, Chap. IX.
p. 468.
James the First, and ci king; in the xvii Buke, Chap. I. to the
end thairof, p. 496.
James the Secound, son to James the First, was the cii King of
Scottis. He had gret trubill, certane yeris in the beginning of his
regne, be conspiratioun of his principall baronis, aganis him : bot,
at last, he dantit thaim all. And efter that he had rong xxiv yeris,
and brocht all his subdittis to gret tranquillite and peace, he was
slane at Roxburgh, be sklice of ane gun, that brak be ouircharge-
ing, the xvii day of August, the yeir of God, mcccclx. And for
certane reasonable causis moving us, we have left the history un-
writtin, baith of James the Secund, Thrid, and Feird, quhill time
mair ganand occur.
't) •
James the Thrid, son to James the Secound, wes the cm kin
richt different fra the chance and fortoun of his fader, in govern
ance of his realme : for he began with gret tranquiUite, with peace
and justice ; bot, at last, be conspiration of the maist part of his
baronis, aganis him, he was slane, the xi day of Juny, the yeir of
James the Fourt, son to James the Thrid, was the civ kin<r : and
had his reahne mony yeris in gret tranquiUite, be equall ministra-
tion of j ustice, throw al partis of his realme : all theift, reif, and
slauchter, dantit be his soverane justice. Quhil, at last, fortoun
began to invy his gret felicite, and causit him to move weir aganis
Ingland, for the action allanerly of France, that he micht, be his
battal, draw the King of Ingland out of France, quhilk was invad-
ing it, for the time, with maist awfuU and dangerous weris ; and
come to the bordouris Avith ane hundreth thousand armit men.
And efter that he had won the castell of Norame, with mony othir
strenthis of the bordouris of Ingland, he abaid xx dayis, but ony
battall, quhill the two part of his army war skalit fra him. At last,
ruscheand ouir feirsly on his ennimes, but ordour, was slane at
Floddon, with mony of all his nobillis, the ix day of September, the
XXV yeir of his regne, the yeir of God, mdcxiii.
James the Fift is the cv King of Scottis, regnand now, with gret
felicite and honour, abone us ; the maist noble and vailyeand prince
that evir rang afore his time : quhom God conserve, and grant him
grace to persevere in j ustice, with lang empire, and gud successioun
of his body ! Amen.
C^ Tf ^tix tntiiQ tje Itamis of tje itinsis*
^rofjeme of tfje Itistorg,
How Marciall Buke, pas to the nobill Prince,
King James the Fift, my soverane maist preclare.
And gif sum time thow gettis audience,
In humill wise, unto his grace declare
My walkrife nichtis, and my lauboure sare:
Quhilk ithandly hes for his pleseir tak ;
Quhill goldin Titan, with his birnand chare,
Hes past all signis in the Zodiak ;
Quhill besy Ceres, with hir pleuch and harrois,
Hes fild hir grain gis full of every corne ;
And stormy Chiron, with his bow and arrois,
Hes all the cloudis of the hevinnis schorne ;
And schill Triton, with his windy home,
Ouirquhemlit all the flowand occean;
And Phebus turnit under Capricorne
The samin greis quhare I first began.
Sen thow art drawin sa compendius,
Era flowand Latine into vulgar prose ;
Schaw now quhat princis bene maist vicius,
And quhay hes bene of chevelry the rose :
Quhay did thair kiiigrik in maist honour jois,
And with thair blud our hberteis hes coft ;
Regarding nocht to de amang thair fois,
Sa that thay micht in memory be brocht.
Schaw, be quhat dangeir and difficill wayis
Our antecessouris, at thair uter michtis,
Hes brocht this realme with honour to our dayis;
Ay fechtand, for thair hberteis and richtis,
With Romanis, Danis, Inghsmen, and Pichtis :
As curtas reders may throw thy proces ken.
Thairfore, thow ganis for na cative wichtis ;
Allanerly, bot unto nobill men,
And to sic personis as covettis for to heir
The vailyeand dedis of our progenitouris ;
And how this cuntre, baith in peace and weir,
Bene governit unto thir present houris :
How forcy cheiftanis, in mony bludy stouris,
(As now is blawin be my vulgar pen,)
Maist vailyeandly wan landis and honouris ;
And, for thair virtew, calUt nobill men.
For nobilnes sum time the loving is,
That cumis be meritis of our eldaris gone.
As Aristotill writis in his Rethorikis,
Amang nobillis, quhay castin thaim repone,
Mon dres thair hfe and dedis one be one ;
To mak thaim worthy to have raemore,
For honour to than- prince or nation,
To be in glore to thair posterite.
Ane othir kind thair is of nobilnes,
That cumis be infusion naturall ;
And makis ane man sa full of gentilnes,
Sa curtes, plesand, and sa liberall,
That every man dois him ane nobill call.
The lion is sa nobill, as men tellis,
He cannot rage aganis the bestis small,
Bot on thaim quhilkis his majeste rebellis.
The awfull churle is of ane othir strind.
Thoucht he be borne to vilest servitude,
Thair may na gentrice sink into his mind,
To help his freind or nichtbour with his gud.
The bludy wolf is of the samin stude :
He feris gret beistis, and ragis on the small ;
And leiffis in slauchter, tyranny, and blud,
But ony mercy, quhare he may ouirthrall.
This man is born ane nobil, thow will say,
And gevin to sleuth and lust immoderat ;
All that his eldaris wan, he puttis away ;
And fra thair virtew is degenerat :
The more his eldaris fame is elevat,
The more thair life to honour to approche,
Thair fame and loving ay interminat ;
The more is ay unto his vice reproche.
Araang the oist of Grekis, as we hard,
Two knichtis war, Achilles and Tersete ;
That ane maist vailyeand, this othir maist coward.
Better is to be, sayis Juvinall the Poete,
Tersetis son, havand Achilles sprete.
With manly force his purpos to fulfill ;
Than to be lord of every land and strete^
And syne maist cowart, cumin of Achill.
Man, callit ay maist nobill creature,
Becaus his life maist reason dois assay,
Ay sekand honour with his besy cure,
And is na noble quhen honour is away.
Thairfore, he is maist nobill man, thou say,
Of all estatis, under reverence,
That vailyeantly doith close the latter day,
Of native cuntre, deand in defence.
The glore of armis and of forcy dedis,
Quhen thay ar worthy to be memoriall,
Na les be wit than manheid ay procedis.
As Plinius wrait in Story Naturall,
Ane herd of hertis is more strong at all,
Havand ane lion aganis the houndis foure,
Than herd of lionis arrayit in battall,
Havand ane hert to be thair governoure.
Quhen fers Achilles was be Paris slane,
Amang the Grekis began ane subtell plede ;
Quhay was maist nobill and prudent capitane,
Into his place and armour to succede ;
Quhay couth thaim best in every dangeir lede,
And saif thair honour as he did afore :
The vailyeant Ajax wan not for his manhede,
Quhen wise Ulysses bure away the glore.
Manhede but prudence is ane fury blind,
And bringis ane man to schame and indegence.
Prudence but manhede cumis oft behind,
Howbeit it have na les intelligence
Of thingis to cum than gone, be sapience.
Thairfore, quhen wit and manhede doith concurre,
Hie honour risis with magnificence ;
For glore to noblis is ane groundin spurre.
Sen thow contenis mo vailyeand men and wise,
Than evir was red in ony buke, but dout ;
Gif ony churle or velane the dispise,
Bid hence him, harlot : he is not of this rout ;
For heir ar kingis and mony nobillis stout,
And nane of thaim pertenand to his clan.
Thou art so full of nobilnes per tout,
I wald nane red the, bot ane nobill man.
Thus to all nobillis sen thow art dedicat,
Schaw breifly how, be my gret deligence,
Ilk story be the self is seperat.
To mak thaim bowsome to thine audience.
Schrink nocht, thairfore, bot bide at thy sentence,
Sen thow art armit with invincible trewth.
Of gentill reders, take benivolence,
And cure of otheris na invy nor rewth.
Pas now to licht, with all thy sentence hie ;
Groundit, but feid or assentatioun.
In naturall and morall philosophic ;
With mony grave and prignant orisoun.
Maid to the reders eruditioun,
Be the renowmit Hector Boetius ;
Supportit oft with Scoticronicon,
To make thy mater more sententius.
Bring nobill dedis, of mony yeris gone,
Als fresche' and recent to our memorie,
As thay war bot into our dayis done ;
That nobill men may have baith laud and glorie,
For thair excellent brut of victorie.
And yit, becaus my time lies bene so schort,
I think, quhen I have oportunite.
To ring thair bell into ane othir sort.
Leir kingis to halt all peple vitius,
And na sic personis in thair hous ressave ;
And suffir na servandis avaritius,
Ouir scliarp exactionis on thair subditis craif ;
That not be done without thair honour saif :
Sekand na conques be unleful wanis.
Schaw mony reasonis, how na king micht haif
His baronis hartis and thair geir atanis.
Schaw how the kingis life and governance,
The murrour of leving to his peple bene ;
For as he luffis, be his ordinance,
The same maneris ar with his peple sene :
And, thairfore, kingis lies na oppin rene,
To use all pleseiris as thaim likis best.
The hiear honour and office thay sustene,
Thair vice is ay the hiear manifest.
Schaw now quhat kind of sovmdis musicall
Is maist semand to vailyeand cheveleris :
As thondran blast of trumpat bellicall,
The spretis of men to hardy curage steris ;
So singing, fidling, and piping, not efferis
For men of honour nor of hie estate,
Becaus it spoutis swete venome in thair eris.
And makis thair mindis al effeminate.
Be mony reasonis of gret experience,
Schaw how na thing into this erd may be
So gud, so precius, as ane virtuus prince :
Quhilk is so nedefull to this realme, that we.
But him, lies noclit bot deith and poverte.
Schaw how na gard, nor armour, may defend
Unhappy life and cursit tyranne,
Gif thay continew, but mischevus end.
Persuade all kingis, gif thay have ony sicht
To lang empire or honour singulare,
To conques favour and luf of every wicht,
And every wrangis in thair realme repare :
For quhen thair subditis are oppressit sare,
And findis na justice in thair actionis ;
Than risis nois and rumour populare,
And drawis the noblis in sindry factionis.
Schaw quhat punition, be reason of justice,
Efferis to thay unhappy creaturis
That nurisis kingis in corrupit vice.
And schaw quhat truble, quhat vengeance, and injuris
Continewaly into this realme enduris,
Quhen men obscure and avaritius
Hes of the king the giding in thair curis,
And makis the nobillis to him odius.
Schaw how gret baronis, for thair evill obeisance,
Aganis thair prince, makand rebellion ;
Dejeckit bene fra thair hie governance.
And brocht to finall exterminion.
Schaw how na hous of gret dominion,
Na men of riches nor excellent micht.
May lang continew in this region ;
Becaus the pepill may not suffer hicht.
Schaw how of kirkis the superflew rent
Is ennime to gud religion,
And makis preistis more sleuthfull than fervent
In pietuus werkis and devotion ;
And not allanerly, perdition
Of commoun weill, be bullis sumptuus,
Bot to evill prelatis gret occasion
To rage in lust and life maist vicius.
Schaw how young knichtis suld be men of weir,
With hardy sprete at every jeoperdie,
Like as thair eldaris bene sa mony yeir,
Ay to defend thair reahne and hberte ;
That thay not, be thair sleuth and cowartre,
The fame and honour of thair eldaris tine.
Apprise ilk stait into thair awin degre,
Ay as thay leif in morall discipline.
Schaw furth ilk king, quhill thow come to the prince
That regnis now in gret felicite :
Quhais anciant blud, be hie preeminence,
Decorit is in maist excellent gre.
Without compare, of hie nobilite ;
With giftis mo of nature to him gevin,
Gif nane abusit in his youtheid be,
Than evir was gevin to noble under hevin.
Thocht thow pas furth, as bird implume, to hcht,
His gratius eris to my werke implore :
Quhare he may se, as in ane raurrour bricht,
So notable story is baith of vice and glore,
Quhilk nevir was sene into his toung afore ;
Quhairthrow he may, be prudent governing,
Als Weill his honour as his realme decore,
And be ane virtuus and ane noble king.
t dTints*
Ccr ^tivtittv follobjis tj)t i^istorif mxa CrontMis of
<^cotlanti» ComptUt anti neiMlt? corrtclut, fir
tje i^euntntr antJ Nofilt Cleritt, iHaistrr
^tctov Motttf €f)minon of ^fiertitnf ♦
Cranslatit, laitlg, fie iHaister Slojne 33tlUnUtn,
^vcf^t^tnt at iHurtai?, C|)annxin at Jaus,
^t tje commantj of t])t ittit^t ^it,
2aul)t (i^xctlUnt ant» HofiU J^tincr,
Sames, tjr fi of t]bat name, itins of ^eottis* ^ntr
limprentit in Ctrinfiursf), fieCJomas 5f9auitr--
»on, Uhjellpnfl fornens tje jTtere Mgnlr*
%\)t JFtrst iSufee,
How Gathelus, our first progenitour, Uft the land ofGrece, and come
in Egypt, and maryit Scota, dochter to King Pharo ; and of Ms
ctiming to Spanye.
Fter the maner of othir pepil, the Scottis, dc-
sirand to schaw thair beginning richt anciant,
schawis thame, be this present Historie, dis-
cendit of the Grekis and Egyptianis. For, as
auld cronicHs beris, thair wes ane Greik, namit
Gathelus, sonne of Cecrops, King of Athenes,
__^ otherwayis sonne of Argus, King of Argives.
Gathelus, be his insolence, maid mony heirschippis in Macedone
and Achaia, quhilkis war certane landis of Grece ; and, becaus he
couth not suffer the correctioun of freindis, he left his native cun-
tre of Grece, and come in Egypt, with ane cumpany of siclik young
men, fugitivis, as he wes, fra thair cuntre. In this time rang in
Egypt Pharo, the scurge of the pepil of Israel : quhais son, foUow-
and his faderis iniquite, wes drownit eftir, with all his army, m
the Reid Seis, be punitioun of God. Gathelus wes the more ple-
sandly resavit in Egypt, that he apperit, be his cumpany, to support
King Pharo aganis the Moris and pepill of Ind; quhilkis, be un-
provisit and haisty incursionis, wastit all the landis and townis of
Egypt to Memphis, the principall ciete of his realme. Thus had
Pharo sene ane miserabill rewine of all his realme, war nocht he
changit the governance of the empire of Egypt be industry of Moyses,
to quhome, be command of God, the army of Pharo wes committit.
Pharo, be supple of Gathelus, wan ane maist dangerus battall agane
the Moris, and brocht thame to sa hie rewine, that he tuk thair prin-
cipall ciete callit Meroy. Gathelus, eftir this happy victory, returnit
in Egypt ; and, becaus he wes ane lusty persone, Strang of body,
with greit spreit, he conquest baith the favour of the king and his
familiaris. This plesand victory generit mair invy than glore to
Moyses ; for the Egyptianis hatit all the blud of Israeli : and, thair-
fore, Moyses, knawing the hatrent of Egyptianis persewing him ilk
day to the deith, fled out of Egypt in Inde, to saif his life. Gathe-
lus, for his victorius and vailyeand dedis, wes maid generall-lieute-
nand to all King Pharois army ; and, becaus he wes ane lusty per-
son, semely, and of the blud riall of Grece, with prudent ingine, he
gat King Pharois dochter, namit Scota, in mariage, with part of thay
landis in heritage quhilk laitlie war tane be force of battall fra the
pepill of Israel. For thir causis the Grekis began to rejos, seand
thair capitane in sic familiarite with the prince ; traisting thairthrow
sumtime to have ane sicker dwelling-place in Egypt. Schort yeris
eftir Pharo deceissit : eftir quhome succedit to the croun of Egypt
his Sonne, Bochoris Pharo, quhilk opprest the pepill of Israeli with
mair servitude and tyranny than did his fader. Apperit thus na es-
perance of liberie to the said pepill, quhill Moyses returnit furth of
Ind in Egypt, to schaw the command of God to this Bochoris Pha-
ro, for delivering of the said pepill out of servitude. Eftir this,
Egypt wes punist with uncouth plagis, becaus thay held the pro-
phecy of Moyses in derisioun Thus war the Egyptianis sa astonist,
that thay inquirit thair Goddis of remeid ; be quhome wes answerit,
the present plagis, quhilkis rang amang thame for that time, war na
thing in respect of the terrible and grevous plagis quliilkis war ap-
peirand to cum haistely on thame. Gathelus, astonist be this re-
spons, and seand the pepiU presently tormentit with sorrowful plagis,
tuk ferme purpos to leif Egypt, and erar to assailye the chance of
fortoun for sum uthir dweUing, than to abide the manifest venge-
ance of Goddis ; and, thairfore, maid provisioun of all thingis ne-
cessar to saling : and come out of the mouth of Nile, with his wife,
his frendis, and servandis, Grekis and Egyptianis, for feir of the said
plagis, the yeir fra the beginning of the warld, mmm.dc.xliu. Ef-
tir mekill wilsum travell be the seis Mediterane, he arrivit in the
land of Numide ; quhare he wes stoppit be the inhabitantis to land.
Eftir this he pulht up salis, and, be lang and paneful travell, he ar-
rivit in ane part of Spanye, caUit than Lusican, quliilk wes eftir, be
his arriving thair, callit Portingall, that is to say, the Port of Ga-
thele. Quhay may surely affirme ane mater of sa greit antiquite ?
Gathelus, sowpit be lang travell, and havand na thing to refresche
his cumpany, landit his folkis, to seik littallis and uthir necessaris,
to cumfort thaime eftir thair wery labour. In the meine time, the
inhabitantis of that regioun gaderit aganis him with arrayit battal ;
nochttheles thay war discumfist, and put to flicht. Throw this vic-
tory, Gathelus and his folkis grew in esperance of gud fortoun ;
traisting, eftir sa lang and wilsum travel, to put end to thair la-
bouris, and have ane stabill and permanent abitUng in the said re-
gioun. Eftir this victory, the inhabitantis maid ane band of peace
with Gathelus, and assignit to him certane landis, quhair he suld
have his dweUing in times cuming. Schort time eftir, he biggit ane
toun apon the revair of Munde, quhilk wes callit that time Brathare,
bot now it is caUit Bersale. Nochttheles, the inliabitantis dredand
that thir new pepill of oncouth blud suld incres haistely in riches
and strenth beside thame, wes penitent of the contract be thame
maid ; and, thairfor, be assistance of thair nichbouris, arrayit thame
in battall aganis Gathelus : and first send certane armit men to in-
terrup thair bigginnis ; sine maid thame self reddy to cum in the
staill. Gathelus, weill advertist that this battel movit aganis him
micht suffer na delay, arrayit his folkis to meit his ennimes ; exhort-
ing thame to do vailyeantly for thair hvis and honour, and to have
sicker esperance of victory, sen the battell wes to be led be thame,
quhilkis war victorius, aganis thair vincust ennimes, quhUkis had na
exercition nor knawlaige of chevalry. The inhabitantis seand thir
strangeai'is cum in batell with michty curage and spreit, in ane on-
couth cuntray, dred, gif thay war vincust in the said battell, thay
suld be brocht to perpetuall servitude, and thairfor desiint Gathelus
to ane commoning. In the quhilk thay gaif to him, be new ap-
pointment, certane landis in the north part of Spanye, calht now Ga-
licia; for thay had in prophecy, ane strange pepill suld cum sum-
time to dwell in thay boundis : and commandit him to pas with his
pepill in the said partis, quhilkis suld be brukit be him but ony im-
pedimentis in times cuming ; and promittit, gif ony pepill hapnit to
invade him, to assist to his support.
Hcna Gathelus beildit the Ciete ofBrigance, and namit all his Pepill
Scottis. How he send his tzvo Sonnis in Ireland. And of his de-
He band roborat in maner forsaid, Gathelus maid sacri-
fice, as the use wes in thay dayis, to his Goddis ; sine
past to the north partis of Spanye, and thair, with amite
confident with the inhabitantis thairof, beildit ane toun
callit Compostella; quhair he, resident in princely dignite, maid
lawis, to caus his subdittis to lif togidder in justice. Eftir this, he
callit all his pepill Scottis, for afFectioun that he had to his wife callit
Scota ; on quhome he gat two sonnis, Hiber and Hemecus. The
Spanyeartis, na thing rejosing of the brudy spreding of Scottis, dred
the samin sumtime to rise to thair displesour : thus tuke thay ferme
purpos to bring the Scottis to uter distruction. Gathelus, knawing
weil thair ordinance, brocht furth his pepil array it in battel. Than
followit ane richt dangerus and doutsum battel ; bot at last the vic-
tory succedit to Scottis. Nane of thir parteis war glaid of the chance
that fell be this battel ; for the maist forcy and vailyeant capitanis
war slane on athir side. Thus war thay constranit on ilk side to seik
peace ; quhilk wes finalie tretit under thir conditionis : Baith thir
pepill in times cuming sal ceis thair weris, and every ane of thame
sail life on thair awin lawis, and rejos the samin landis, but impedi-
mentis, quhilk thay possedit afore this last battel, but ony further
persecutioun. Throw quhilk it hapnit, ane certane of thair pepill,
be proces of time, to be send efter in Ireland. Sicker peace thus
standing amang the two pepiU, Gathelus, sittand in his chiar of mer-
bill, within his ciete of Brigance, governit his pepill in justice. This
chiar of merbill had sic weird, that it maid every land, quhair it wes
found, native to Scottis ; as thir versis schawls :
The Scottis sail bruke that realrae as native ground,
Geif weirdis fail! nocht, quhair evir this chiar is found.
Throw quhilk hapnit, that the said chiar of merbill wes eftir brocht
out of Spanye in Ireland ; and out of Ireland in thay partis of Al-
bion, quhilkis wer callit eftir Scotland. In this chiar all kingis of
Scotland war ay crownit, quhil the time of King Robert Bruse : in
quhais time, beside mony othir cruelteis done be King Edward Lang-
schankis, the said chiar of merbill wes taikin be Inglismen, and
brocht out of Scone to London, and put in to Westmonistar, quhare
it remanis to our dayis
Gathelus, seand his pepil incres in Brigance with mair multitude
than micht be sufficiently nurist, thocht mair expedient to bring hi.s
pepil to sum othir part, quhair thay micht be esely sustenit, than to
violat his band of faith ; and, thairfore, be counsal of prudent men,
he send exploratouris, to spy gif ony landis war within the occeane
see, to quhilkis he micht bring ane pai't of his pepill. For the fame
was, fornens Spanye, to the north, wes ane He, inhabit with rude
pepill, havand na lawis nor maneris. Sic thingis knawing to Ga-
thelus, he brocht all the schippis he micht get to the nixt port, in
quhilkis he put baith his sonnis, Hiber and Hemecus, with marinaris,
weirmen, and othir thingis necessare thairto ; and commandit Jliber,
as admirall, to pas to the said He, quhilk is now callit Irland. Thir
two sonnis of Gathelus puUit up salis, and, with fortunat windis, ar-
rivit, the fift day efter, in the said He. And, efter that thay had landit
thair folkis, thay affixit thair tentis on the nixt strenthis. The rude
pepil of this He, astonist be cuming of thir weirmen, fled, with thair
bestial and guddis, to thair cavernis. Hiber, eftir his cuming, send
certane armit men to se quhat pepill inhabit this He. The weirmen
tjuhilkis war send for this effect, hapnit to cum apon the said pepill,
fleand, as said is, with thair guddis ; and, be aventiire, ane part of
thaim slew, and otheris brocht as prisoneris to thair admirall. Hi-
ber, knawing be sindry signis the land plentuous, commandit, gif the
pepil wald be plesandly subdewit, that na forthir invasion be maid
on thaim. The pepil seand him mercifull, randrit thair self and
thair guddis ; and he ressavit thaim with sic benivolence, that he
sufferit thame to incres with his pepil under ane name and lawis ;
and left his broder to governe thaim be his autorite and justice.
Sic thingis done, he maid sacrifice in the honour of his Goddis,
to send felicite to his pepill : sine returnit in Spanye, levand behind
him ane Strang garison, with wiffis and barnis, to inhabit this land,
and to keip the same under obeysance of his broder Hemecus. Hi-
ber, at his returning in Spanye, fand his fader Gathelus deceissit.
Eftir quhais deith he wes maid king ; and began to eik the boundis
of his empire ; and wan sindry townis fra the Spanyeartis : havand
with him at all timis ane Strang gard of men ; be quhais pissance and
chevalry he dantit the pepill on sic maner, that he wes haldin in gret
estimatioun and reverence amang the said pepill. Thus war thay
constranit to seik his peace.
Efter this last band of peace, the Scottis grew in Spanye, quhilk
wes namit than Hiberia, fra Hiber, with sic amite, that baith the
pepill grew under ane name and blude, with sic tender and freindly
benevolence, that, but ony memoree of auld injuris, ilk man set him
to defend his nichbour as his brothir or fader, baith in weir and
peace. Of this Hiber discendit, be lang progressioun, ane gret po&-
terite, efter him linealy succeding ; amang quhom wer mony nobill
and famous princis, as Metellius, Hermoneus, Ptolomeus, Hibertus,
and Symon Brek.
Cj&a)?. CBttti.
How Hemecus govemit Irland ; and, how Symon BreJc wes maid
King eftir Ms deitli.
Uhill sic thingis war done in Spanye, Hemecus, quhilk
Hj^^ri wes left, as said is, be his brother Hiber in Ireland, go-
|1 Q 11 vernit the same in gret felicite, and namit the samin Hi-
~^^ hernia, fra Hiber, quhilk is calht in our langage, Ire-
*and. This He wes inhabit in thay dayis be two pepill : the Scottis ;
and the auld inhabitantis of it, quhilkis war gottin, as sum auctouns
sayis, be giandis. Hemecus govemit baith thir pepiU in gret jus-
tice, havand na les respect to the seissoun, as the time occurrit, than
to the maneris of the pepill undir his obeysance ; knawing well, na
thing micht bring the pepill sonar under ane freindschip and band
than sic doingis : and yit he micht nevir bring thaim to that effect.
Schort time eftir, Hemecus deceissit. Eftir quhais deth rais ane
odious debait, quha suld be governour; every natioun contending
to have the lord of thair awin blude. Quhill at the last thay creat
two governouris : betwix quhom rais continuall battall and slauchtu-
on athir side, throw ambitioun and birnand desire to be governour
of the said He. Efter lang battaUis, thir two pepill, brokin with sin-
dry displesouris, war constranit to tak peace: howbeit the same
schort time indurit ; ilk ane of thaim persewing othir with battal.
And yit thay dwelt mony yeris togiddir be interchange of weir and
peace. Quhill at last the Scottis, brokin ilk day with mair injuris,
send thair ambassatouris to Metellius, quhilk wes that time regnand
above the Scottis in Spanye ; desiring, be thair lamentabill regrait, to
have support aganis the auld inhabitantis of Ireland ; and schawand
thame ane wild pepill, impacient to suffir oncouth empire above
thame ; throw quhilk the Scottis micht have na tranquilite, without
the said pepill wer mair haistelie dantit. The message of Scottis
was the mair acceptabill to Metellius, that it concernit the commoun-
weil baith of the Scottis of Spanye and Ireland, discending, be lang
progression of a linage and blud. King Metellius nocht refusit thair
desiris ; traisting the samin to succeid na les to the honour and glore
of himself, than to the profFet of his freindis : and, thairfore, send
his thre sonnis, Hermoneus, Ptolomeus, and Hibert, with ane army
of vailyeant men in Ireland ; quhair thay, with richt dangerus bat-
tal, vincust the auld inliabitantis of the said He. Sic thingis done
in Ireland, Hermoneus, the eldest brodir, returnit in Spanye ; levand
behind him his two brethir, Ptolomeus and Hibert, quhilkis governit
the pepill of that land mony yeris eftir in gret tranquillite and jus-
tice, and maid la\ns effering to the rite of thay dayis, and instruk-
kit the preistis to mak sens and sacrifice to the Goddis, on the same
maner as the Egyptianis usit. Thus incressit the pepill mony yeris
eftir in gret felicite and riches. Bot, as the natiu-e of men is, ouir
greit prosperite engeneris evil maneris, and causis men to wirk fre-
quent displesouris on thaimself, quhen thay find na ennimes to in-
vaid thaim at hame ; thir pepil, eftir lang peace, war devidit in two
opinionis, contending for the governance and administratioun of this
realme. Thir two partis had all uterlie distroit othir, war not thay
war reconseld togiddir be ane nobill man namit Thanaus, principal
man undir the king ; quhilk wes send afore as ambassatour to the
said He, rejosing of the felicite succeding to his frendis, to caus
thaim, be his prudent consultation, to incres togidder under a mind.
This Thanaus, be his honest behavingis, was haldin amang thaim
of gret prudence, havand bot newtrall affection to baith the partyis ;
and persuadit thaim, at thair conventioun, to remove all contentionis
rising amang thaim, and to cheis ane, quhom thay thocht maist ex-
pedient, to be thair king, and be obeysant to him in all thair gover-
nance ; for na thing micht be in erd sa gud as ane gud king. Throw
this persuasioun, the pepill tuk sic fervent desire to have ane king,
that, all injuris beand reparit, thay commandit Thanaus to cheis him
king quhom he thocht maist expedient. Than said Thanaus, " I
" knaw your mindis sa devidit in sindry factionis, that na man that
" is participant thairwith may be esaly your king. And, sen your
" mindis is to have ane newtral person to regne above you, thair is
" now in Spanye ane nobill man, of gret severite and justice, namit
" Symon Brek, weill accustomit with your lawis, and linealy cuming
" of ^letellius, your ancient progenitour; quhais sonnis sumtime
" nocht only supportit you quhan maist danger occurrit, bot gover-
" nit you mony yeris efter, in gret tranquillite and justice ; qulaais
" posterite yit remanis amang you in maist honouris. I think this
" Synion maist abill to be your king." The partyis, herand the name
of Symon Brek, war glad to have him king, becaus that name wes
haldin richt fortunat in thay dayis. And, but ony lang tary, thay
send thair ambassatouris in Spanye, to caus this Symon to cum in
Ireland, to ressave the crown thairof. Symon knawdng, be degest
avisement, the entent of thir ambassatouris, providit ane flote of
schippis ; and, finaly, be prosper windis, arrivit in Ireland, quhair
he wes solemply ressavit, and cro^mit in the chiar of merbill, quliilk
wes brocht out of Spanve as maist riche jowell in thay dayis.
Svmon wes the first king that rang above the Scottis in Ireland,
fra the beginning of the warld, mmmm.d.iv yeris; fra the flude of
Nov, ; fra the beginning of Rome, lx yeris ; fra the em-
pire of Brutus in Albion, cccc.lxxii yeris; before the incarnatioun
of God, DC.xcv yeris. This Symon governit Ireland in gret pros-
perite, be counsel namely of Thanaus ; to quhome he gaif sindry
landis, hand in the south partis of Ireland, beside the rivere of Bir-
sus, quhilkis landis ar now calht Dowdale ; quhair the said Thanaus
dwelt efter, with the pepill that he brocht with him out of Brigance,
the famous ciete of Spanye. Thir pepill war callit Brigandis ; of
quhome efter, be proces of time, discendit mony nobill and vailyeant
men, quhilkis come efter vriih Fergus, the first King of Scottis, in
Albioun : be quhome all thay landis of Scotland, quhilkis ar now
calht Gallowav, wes calht Brigance ; quhais inhabitantis war fundin
ay full of manheid, and strangest ennimes to Romanis and Britonis,
as we sail efter heir.
This Symon governit Ireland in gud felicite, and deceissit, the
fourty yeir of his regne.
Of the gret Posterite qfScottis regnand hi Irelatid efter Symo)i
Bixh. Of the first cuming of Scotth and Pichtis in Albion ;
and hoxc the Pichtis icar alliat xcith the Scottis.
YiAiox deceissit, as said is, his sonne Faiiduf wes maid
king-. Efter him, succedit Ethione. Efter Ethione, suc-
cedit Glaucus. Efter Glaucus, succedit Nathasyll. Efter
^^J^^^J^ Nathasyll, succedit Rothesay. This Rothesay Aves the
first king that send ony Scottis in the His of Albion. The first He
that he inhabit, he caUit it Rothesay, fra his name. The remanent
His wer callit Hebredes, fra Hiber, the eldest sonne of Gathelus.
This Rothesay herand the deth of his fader, Nathasyll, returnit in
Ireland ; quhair he, be generall vocis of the pepill, wes maid king.
The yeir that Scottis wer brocht out of Ireland in Albion, was
fra the empire of Symon Brek in Ireland, cc.xvi yeris ; fra the be-
ginning of the warld, mmmm.dc.xvii yeris. The Scottis cuming out
of Ireland in this maner, spred in sindry Ihs of Albion, liand to the
gret north thairof, and devidit thaim in sindry tribis. The first He
that thay tuk possessioun of, as the Croniklis schawls, wes namit
Ardgaell, fra Gathelus ; quhilk now, be corruptioun of langaige, is
callit Ardgyle. The Scottis, devidit be this maner in sindry tribis,
chesit certane capitanis to every tribe, to governe thaim baith in time
of weir and peace ; havand the name of thair capitane in sic reve-
rence, that quha sa evir tuke the samin in vane war na les punist
than thay had manesworne thair Goddis : attour that thay maid in-
vocation thairto, quhen maist irubill occurrit ; as sum divinite war
in the samin, to preserve thaim fra all danger. This consuetude
perseverit, monv veris efter, in the His.
Nocht lang efter, a banist pepill, namit Pichtis, come furth of Den-
mark, to serche ane dwelling place ; and, efter that thay war inhibit
to land baith in France, Britane, and Ireland, thay landit in Al-
bion. Sum authouris sayis, thay come first in Orknay ; and, sone
efter, in Cathues, Ros, Murray, Mernis, An^us, Fiffe, and Lou-
thiane : and expellit all the pepill, that inhabit that region afore thair
cuming. Thir pepill war callit Pichtis, outhir for thair semely per-
sonis, or ellis for the variant colour of thair clething ; or ellis thay
war namit Pichtis, fra the Pichtis namit Agathirsanis, thair anciant
faderis. In probation heirof, Orknay wes calht the auld realme of
Pichtis. Siclike, tlie seeis betwix Cathnes and Orknay war namit
Pentland Firth ; and all the landis, quhilkis ar now callit Louthiane,
war callit than Pentland. Sum authouris sayis, thir Pichtis wer the
residew of Hunnis, banist be Flemingis ; and come first in Britane
to seik ane dwelling, quhair thay, be sorrowfull battall, lost H umber,
thair king, be Lotrine and Camber, sonnis of Brutus, quhilk began
the empire of Britane. This opinion is plesant, war nocht the dait
of yeris is descordant to the history ; for Brutus, and his sonnis, war
mony yeris afore thair cuming in Albion. Of thir Pichtis writis
mony auld and recent authouris, to quhom applaudis Cornelius
Tacitus, in the Life of the Romane Agricola; quliare he naiiiis
the Scottis cuming of Spanyeartis, and the Pichtis, of Almanis.
Of quhatsumever natioun thay ben discendit, treuth is, efter thaii-
cuming in Albion, thay war ane civill pepil, richt ingenious and
crafty baith in weir and peace. Sone efter thair cuming in Albion,
quhilk wes fra the beginning of the warld, mmmm.dccc.lxvii yeris,
thay creat ane king to governe thaim in justice, and began to niaik
policy in bigging of munitionis, townis, and castellis. And, becaus
thay knew al pepil but successioun abill to perische, thay send thair
ambassatouris to the Scottis, desiring to haA^e thair dochteris in ma-
riage : and schew, thocht thay war of oncouth blude, tliay suld noclit
be vilependit, sen thay, with na les prudence than manheid, hes ouir-
set incredibill dangeris baith be see and land ; and now laitly con-
quest, throw benevolence of the Goddis, richt plentuous landis, with
sic peace and tranquillite, that nane othir pepill may clanie thaim be
reason : confiding surely, gif the Goddis support thaim, be thair
awin industry, to be equall to ony thair nichtbouris baith in peace
and weir. Forthir, gif the Scottis condiscendit to thair honorabill
desiris, it micht fall, the two pepill incres togidder sa Strang under
ane blude, that thay micht the better resist the fury of ennimes,
quhen evir it hapnit thaim to be invadit.
Tliis legatioun wes unplesand, for the first time, to Scottis, think-
and unworthy to have ony societe or manage with ane uncouth and
banist pepill; yit, be degest avisement, thay fand thair commoun
weil wes noeht rising to sic pissance, that thay micht resist the Bri-
tonis, quhilkis hatit thaim sen thair first beginning. Heirfor, to
augment thair commoun weill, and to maik thaim the more Strang
aganis the Britonis, thay wer profovmdly resolvit to have ahance
with the Pichtis, and to gif thair dochteris in mariage, undir thir
condicionis : Ilk ane of thaim sail rejose, in time cuming, all thay
landis quhilkis thay rejosit afore the mariage. And to concurre to-
gidder ^vith thair hale pissance, als oft as thay Avar invadit be enni-
mes. He that maid offence to ony ane of thaim, sail be reput as en-
nimy to thaim baith ; and, als oft as the croun of Pichtis come in
pley, the king to be chosen of the nerrest of the womannis blude.
Thir condicionis plesand in all sidis, the Scottis gaif thair douchteris
in mainage to the Pichtis.
C&ap* JFtftfj*
Hoiv the Britonis, he thair quent slichtts, dissolvit the band of alli-
ance betwix the Scottis and Pichtis. Of the truhill that fell thair-
He Britonis tuk na litil suspitioun of this mariage,
dredand gif thir two pepill incressit togiddir under ane
blude, to be sa Strang in schort time, that nothir micht
[i] the said Britonis for the time present, nor thair poste-
ritc, be sufficient to resist the pissance of thir two pepill ; and, thair-
for, tuke purpos to distroy thaim baith, and to invade thaim erar
with fraudefull slichtis, than ony force of battall. And, to bring
thair purpos to effect, thay devisit to rais sic seditioun betwix thir
two pepill, that ilk ane of thaim sail invade othir with battall ; and
fra that ane war cleirly distroyit, this othir, brokin with the same
weiris, micht be the more facil pray to thaim. Yit, to covir thair
slichtis more secretly, thay supersedit thair intention for thre yeris,
to avise gif proces of time micht gif ony better occasioun to move
battall. The same time, be affinite afore contrackit, the Pichtis
multiplyit with ane brudy successioun : quhairthrow the two pepil
grew in equal benevolence ; the Pichtis gevand thair industry to po-
lecy and labour of thair handis, and settand thair ingine to beilde
munitiounis and townis for defence and agmentation of thair com-
moun weil ; the Scottis exerceing thaim in craft of hunting, balking,
and nurising of thair bestiall ; havand na othir riches bot it only
that grew be thair store ; and war daily clothit in haberjone of mailye,
■Vv'ith bow and arrowis, in ithand exercition ; als reddy, at all times,
to defend thair livis, landis, and liberteis, as thair ennimes war to
invaid thaim in set battal.
In the menetime the Britonis send thair ambassatouris to the
Pichtis : havand gret wounder quhy thay preferrit the Scottis to
thaim ; sen thay war ane pepil full of riches and glore ; quhais fa-
mous chevalry wes knawin in France, Almany, and othir sindry re-
gionis be seeis and landis; havand ane riche realme, repleit of all
minis of mettall, sa plentuous of every frutis necessar to the use of
man, that thay micht do hie pleseir to thair nichtbouris, als weill in
weir as peace. Be contrar, the Scottis war ane ondantit pepill ; ha-
vand rude and wild maneris, but ony humanite ; confiding mair in
thair fuliche audacite, than ony prowes or vertew; and dwelling
amang strait and barrant montanis, and rejosing in na thing sa me-
kill as in murdir of men and beistis. Attour thay had be prophecy,
that the Pichtis suld be exterminat and uterly distroyit be Scottis,
without thay socht the more haisty remeid. For thir causis, desirit
thaim to mak ane new band of confideracioun with Britonis, to that
fine, the Scottis may be outhir expellit out of Albion, or ellis brocht
to uter distruction ; be quhilkis doingis, thay micht have incredibill
commodite, rejosing baith thair realmes but ony feir, in times cum-
ing. And, to gif thaim the more provocatioun to attempt this be-
sines, thay promittit to support thaim with men, money, and vitallis,
at thair pleseir.
This message had the more credit, that the Pichtis had afore ane
vehement suspitioun, that the brudy spreding of Scottis suld sum
time fall to hie dammage of thair posterite : als na thing micht have
causit tliaini mair to move battall aganis the Scottis, than the re-
sponsis of thair Goddis, conciirrand to thair awin suspition. At
last the Pichtis, be lang consviltatioun, answerit, thay contrackit af-
finite with the Scottis mair of necessite than ony hartly frendschip ;
quhais conuippit manneris war richt unplesand to thaim. Nocht-
theles, sic oportunite may cum, be proces of time, that thay micht
have sufficient occasion to move weir aganis the Scottis, as tliay de-
sirit : for na thing micht be sa acceptabill to thaim as the amite and
fallowschip of Britonis ; providing klwayis, the said Britonis maid
thaim sufficient help, quhen time requirit, aganis the ScottivS. Sic
besines done, as occurrit for that time, the ambassatouris war dis-
Schort time eftir, the Pichtis, seikand occasioun to move battall
aganis the Scottis, commandit, be general edict, na Scottis to be
found within ony townis or landis of Pichtis, efter ane prefixit day,
under pane of deth. The Pichtis, efter that this day wes ouir past,
slew all Scottis that war found within thair townis, munitionis, and
roumes, as brekaris of thair lawis. The Scottis, richt unpacient to
sustene sa hie injuris, ceissit not quhill thay had slane als mony of
the Pichtis as wer afore slane of Scottis. Incontinent, be liaisty
trubil rising in this maner, wes sa lamentable murdir on athir side,
that ilk ane of thame slew othir at thair recountering, regarding no-
thir affinite, blude, time, nor place.
Hozv the PicMis and Scottis maid thair ordinarice to invade ot/iir be
hattell Hoic Ferqnhard, King of Irland, send his sonne Fergus,
xciiti ane army, in support of Scottis agwiis the Ptchtis ; and.
How the said Fergus 'wes maid King.
N this maner the peace dissolvit, the Pichtis denuncit
battell to Scottis : efter quhilk followit continual incur-
sionis on athir side. Attour, that every thing suld be
u^^^^a done erar be consultatioun than be inmoderat hatrent,
■he Pichtis providit al thingis necessar for battell ; in quhat wise, and
be quhat capitanis it suld be led ; quhidder thay suld abide the cum-
ing of thair enimes, or invade thame within thair awin rounns.
The same time, the Scottis convenit in Argyle; quhau- the capi-
tanes war devidit in sindi'y opinionis concerning this battell. Sum,
accusing the tresonable slichtis of Pichtis, desirit to pas on thame
haistely, as wrangus and manesworne pepiU, brekaris of than- faith,
quhais injure wes sa importabill, it micht suffir na delay. Otheris
thocht expedient, sen the mater wes wechty, to invade thair enmmes
with hid shchtis and gud ordour. In the mene time, rais up ane
agit man, and said in this maner : " I knaw weill, my hartly frendis,
" this injure of Pichtis is sa intollerabill and odius, that we suld
" rusche haistely to harnes to revenge the same. Nochttheles, all
" besines bene weill done that procedis be gud avisement. And, sen
" ire avahs nocht but strenth, knaw weill, this battell that ye intende
" to move, sail be na les aganis the Britonis than Pichtis ; howbeit
" ye have nocht that craft of chevelry nor pissance to resist thame
" baith. For thir causis, I thinke na besines sa profitable, as to
" send ambassatouris to our aunciant progenitouris of Ireland, to
" have thair support in this maist dangerus cais. Forther, sen plu-
" ralite of capitanis, as oft occurris, rasis seditioun, best is to chese
" ane amang us to have empire above the laif ; under quhais coun-
" sel we saU fecht for our livis and liberteis, aganis ane fals and
" manesworne pepil, quliilk lies invadit us but ony occasioun of in-
" juris." This last opinioun wes maist apprisit.
The Scottis sone efter send thair ambassatouris in Ireland, com-
plenand the wickit offence done be Pichtis, and desiring support.
Ferquhard, quhilk wes that time King of Scottis in Ireland, sore
niovit, for displesure done to his frendis the Scottis in Albion, send
his Sonne Fergus, ane wise and vailyeant prince, to thair support ;
and, to give thame the more esperance of permanent and sonse weird,
he send with thame the fatale chiar of marbill. Fergus wes the more
plesandly ressavit be the Scottis, that thair commoun weil wes ap-
prochand to hie dangear be ane maist perellus battall. Efter his
cuming, ane counsel] wes set in Argyle, in the quhilk Fergus said
in this wise : " Maist vailyeant pepill, ye se ane cumpany of nobill
" men, as ye desirit, cuming in this your regioun to resist the fury
" of ennimes. The faderis are sa reuthfull to thair childrin, that
" nane offence may be done to thair said childrin, bot the same re-
" turnis to thair dishonour and schame. We ar dettit to you as fa-
" deris to thair childrin ; schaw you thairfor oure childrin, as we
" sail schaw us your faderis. Lat ane injure be commoun to us
" baith, sen we ar conjunit togidder in blud and amite ; that glore
" and honour may redound to us, and proffite unto you. Yit ane
" thing bene necessar to avise; quhidder the empire of ane or of
" mony be mair proffitabill for your commoun weill .'' And quhilk
" of thame ye think maist profitabill sail be plesand to us, sen we,
" be favoure and benevolence of Goddis, ar happely arrivit in your
" regioun, and cuming only for your singulare weill and support."*
The counsel, efter this orison of Fergus, thocht pluralite of capi-
tanis unproffitabill ; and, thairfore, be degest consultatioun, condis-
cendit to be governit be empire of ane king ; and this king to have
empire on thame als weill in peace, as in every trubil appering aganis
thair ennimes. Attour, to remove all suspitioun of hatrent, becaus
ilk tribe desirit ane king of thair awin linnage, thay chesit Fergus,
baith for his nobill blude, and othir his excellent virtuous, to be
thau- king ; attour he wes sa provin in manheid and justice, that na
capitane of the tribis micht be comparit to him. Fergus, chosin king
in this maner, wes crownit in the fatale chiar of merbil, quhilk he
brocht with him, be respons of Goddis, to stabill his realme in Al-
bion ; and wes the first king that rang above the Scottis in that re-
gioun : fra the beginning of the warld, mmmm.dccc.lxix yeris ; afore
the incamatioun of God, yeris ; fra the beginning of Rome,
cccc.xx 3^eris; fra the impire of Brutis in Britane, dccc.xxxvii
How King Fergus come, with gret ordinance, aganis the Pichtis.
How the dessait of Britcmis wes discover it baiih to Scottis and
Pichtis. And of the orison maid be Fergus to the King of
He Scottis rising on this maner, as we have schawin, in
Albioun, King Fergus gave his hole mind and attend-
ance to resist the injure of this battall, movit be the
Pichtis ; and, efter that he had calht all the capitanis
afore him, he commandit every ane of thame to be reddy to pas with
him, with careage hors, of fourty dayis vitallis : and, becaus he knew
na thing mair odius than seditioun amang weirmen, he maid afald
concord amang his pepill, and commandit thame to be obeysant to
thair capitanis, with sic ordour that none of thame waver fra thair
fallois, in aventure thay fall as pray to thair ennimes. Sic thingis
done, he maid sacrifice in the honoure of his Goddis, according to
the use that wes in thay dayis; praying the Goddis, to take ven-
geance of the party that gaif first oceasioun of battall aganis othir ;
and to grant him sic felicite in his just defence, that victory may
succede to him but hevy dammage of his pepill.
Quhill the Scottis war at thair besines, the Pichtis assemblit ane
army, with na litill gareson of Britonis concurrant to thair support.
Apperit, on athir side, ane wickit and unnaturall bergane betwix two
pepil, freindis and cieteyouris, faderis and sonnis. The Pichtis come
first in the Scottis landis : aganis quhome, with na les curage than
manheid, went Fergus, with anciant armis displayit in forme of
VOL. I. c
baner ; in quhilk wes ane reid lioun, ranipand in ane feild of gold,
with thunderand steir, awfully dingand his bak, as is the gise of the
gentill lioun, quhen he enforsis him to wraith. Fergus wes the first
that bure thir armis in Albion; and, efter him, thay Avar ay the
amies of all kingis discending of his linnaige, to our dayis.
Quhill the Scottis and Pichtis wer arrayit in otheris sicht, the army
of Britonis sti^de arrayit on cbeich, nocht far fra thame, devisand be
quhat slichtis thay micht distroy thame baith ; with ferme purpos,
qulien the Scottis and Pichtis wer jonit togidder, and the tane of
thame discomfist, than the party victorius suld finaly be distroyit be
thair fresche army : and quhen thir two pepill war distrojdt be this
slicht, the Britonis micht rejose baith thair realmes in Albion, but
ony feir, in times cuming. This subtel slicht wes discoverit to Fer-
gus be ane banist Briton. Throw quhilk it hapnit, that baith the
armyis, movit na les be feir of ennimes than be thair awin propir
dammage, supersedit battall certane dayis.
In the meine tnne, King Fergus desirit ane commoning with the
King of Pichtis, apon hie materis, concerning na les the weill of
Pichtis than of Scottis. The King of Pichtis refusit nocht the com-
moning, and met King Fergus with ane few cumpany of his nobillis ;
the oistis standing on ilk side, arrayit. Than said Fergus in this
maner : " Of times riche townis, and pepill contending for the supe-
" riorite, lies brocht thaimself to miserabill rewine, and thair enni-
" mes to hie commoditeis ; quhilk thingis sail nocht faill to cum on
" us, gif we happin to fecht this day. The occasion of battell, quhilk
" ye movit first aganis us, desu'is nocht at this time to be discussit,
" lauchfull or injust ; howbeit, the Scottis lies sustenit of your pe-
" pill importabill injuris but ony redres. Yit, gif it be leful erar to
" schaw the verite than ony flurisand wourdis, the desu'e of king-
" doiune, and slicht of Britonis, lies movit you to battall. Ye wald
" nevir have invadit us, your faderis, war nocht the Britonis, oure
" commoun ennimes, lies devisit the same, be quent slichtis, to baith
'-' our mischeiffis. And quhidder thir thingis be trew or fals ye may
" best discus ; howbeit na reasone may perswaid me to beleif ony
" otliir, bot this battall sal cum, gif we continew, to the irrecover-
" able dammage of us baith. Gif we fecht, quha doubtis bot vic-
" tory sail be uncertane ? for we ar of equal pissance. Suppone we
" be vincust, quhilk may nocht succeid but undemus murdir of you,
" than sail ye be ane facill pray to your enninies ; bringand thaini
" to triumphe and honour, and yourself to misire and servitude.
" Quhat thing may be more odius, or more detestabDl, than the
" sonnis to invade thair faderis ? We ar faderis ; ye, our sonnis :
" your sonnis ar our nepotis : and, quhidder we be vincust or vic-
" torious, ye sail defoull yourself with maist terribill offence aganis
" the Goddis. Heirfor, lat us commoun of peace, as nichtbouris and
" freindis alliat togidder ; and consider quhat infinite dammage this
" battall sail do to us, and quhat commodite to our commoun enni-
" mes. And gif ony injure be done be Scottis to yovu' pepill, it sail
" be redressit be me ; to that fine, that we, quhilkis ar of ane proxi-
" mite and blude, may evade the quent slichtis devisit be Britonis
" to baith our dammage, and invade our ennimes with the samin
" tressoun that thay devisit for us ; that reason and justice may seme
" mail* pissant amang us, than hatrent or invy : for, I beleif, na
" othir way is sa souir to stabiU our pepill in this He of Albion."
Ofsindry consultationis maid he Pichtis ; and how thay war re-
counseld with the Scottis.
He King of Pichtis answerit to thir wordis of Fergus,
that he micht nocht, be his private autorite, dissolve
tliingis done be publik counsell of his nobillis. This
battall, that he movit, wes decernit be publik, and nocht
be private counsell : nochtheles, he wald glaidly avise with his no-
billis, quhidder thay wald half weir or peace ; and sal convene to
the same place, with thair mind.
Als sone as baith the kingis returnit to thair tentis, the King of
Pichtis rehersit the wourdis of Fergus afore his counsell, and schew
how the same day behuvit thaim nocht only to have fochtin aganis
the Scottis, bot aganis the tressoun of Britonis ; and, to verify his
entent, he brocht certane Britonis in testimonial! thairof : attour the
inoportune sollicitation of Britonis, desiring battal aganis Scottis,
maid the slicht more credibill to Pichtis. The Pichtis, arising un-
prudently in this mater, Avar devidit in two opinionis. Sum allegit,
the amite of Scottis wes to be refusit ; for thay have persewit the
Pichtis with sa mony slauchteris reiffis, the same may nocht be dew-
ly redressit. Heirfor, all thair alliance, all thair condicionis and
peace, aucht to be contemnit; for sic thingis may nocht indure,
quhare reif, injure, and hatrent, ar moreestemit, than faith, reason,
and justice. Otheris said, the amite of Scottis wes baith honest and
necessare ; becaus thay did monj^ pleseiris afor to Pichtis, and mo-
vit na battall quhil thay war first injurit. And, sen the Britonis war
conuiion ennmies baith to Scottis and Pichtis, force is to thaim to
be reconseld, or ellis to be schamefully doung out of Albion. At-
tour the affinite and blude rising betwix thaim suld put end to thair
weris ; sen na thing is more detestabill to the Goddis, nor abhomi-
nabil to mortal creaturis, than thay pepil to move battall aganis othir,
quhilkis ar alliat under ane commixtioun of blude. Thairfor ap-
perit na thing sa gud to Pichtis as to have freindschip of Scottis ;
ies than thay purposit, to rendir falset, hatrent, and evil dedis, for
faith, luf, and gud thankis. Eftir that mony of the Pichtis war ge-
vin to peace, ane of the Pichtis, ennemy to Scottis?, becaus his bro-
der wes slane in this last battall, said on this wise : " How is this
" blind contentioun rising amang vou, maist vailyeant men ? Have
" ye nocht sufficient experience of the falset and cruelte of Scottis r
" Delite ye ony forther to assailye, gif ony band may be kepit with
" unfaithfull pepill, full of fers ingine and cruelte, borne to our uter
" mischeif.'' Beleif ye the respons of our Goddis be vane .^ Svdd
" we nuris this pestilencius vennome, to the finall perdicioun baith
" of us and our realme ? This bludy and tressonabill pepill, gif our
" Goddis schawls the verite, sail nocht fail to rais amang us ane
" flame that sail nevir be sloknit."" To this Avickit man answerit ane
othir Picht, and said, " Ye suld nocht be movit be the respons of
" Goddis : for gif thay be of determit verite, tha}' vaay nocht be
*' eschewit ; gif thay be fals, thay suld nocht be dred. Heirfor all
" injuris, done be ony slicht and tressoun of athir partyis, suld be re-
" movit : and, to saif oure honestie, lat nevir oure aith and band be
" brokin in oure defalt ; becaus we have sufficient experience in our
" dayis, quhat notabill vengeance bene takin apon mony nobil and
" vailyeant campionis, quhen thay had nocht thair faith nor Goddis
" in reverence. Lat us returne to the band of Scottis, sen the same
" mav nothir be dissolvit but offence of Goddis, nor yit but incre-
" dibill schame ; sa that we may persevere in kindnes, but offence
" othir to the immortall Goddis, or our tender freindis : als nature,
" the moder of everv thing, constranis us to luffe our faderis, for
" thay luffe our barnis, thair nepotis. It is nocht necessar, thair-
" for, to have ony battal ; bot erar to luffe our freindis, that we be
" nocht in derisioun to our ennimes." Als sone as thir Avordis war
said, the wiffis of Pichtis, quhilkis followit the army for luffe of thair
husbandis, fell on kneis, with ruthfull teris, praying thair husbandis
to violat nocht thaimself with schameful slauchter of thair faderis :
" It is better to us and our barnis,*" said thay, " to de ony maner
" of deith, than to se our faderis and husbandis sla3^and othir, Avith
" cruell wondis." The Pichtis, movit sum part be luffe of thair
wiffis and barnis, sum part be reverence of thair Goddis, condiscen-
dit to have peace vath the Scottis, under thir conditionis : ^Redres
maid on ilk side. The Britonis, quhilkis wer movaris of this battall,
sail be haldin ennimes to baith the pepil. All othir chargis to be at
the pleseir of the two kingis, quhidder thay list to strength peace
under the auld conditionis or new ; and, gif thir conditionis war nocht
sufficient to roborat the peace, Avith quhat othir conditionis the two
princis thocht maist ganand. Sone eftir, ane day Avas set to renewe
the peace. The Britonis, quhilkis come in support of Pichtis,
heirand this concord, returnit hamc, dredand the samin to succede,
to thair litill proffet. On the day affixit, the Scottis and Pichtis war
agreit on al debatis, efter the tenour of the auld band, Anth thir ncAv
conditionis : Ilk ane of thu' tAvo pepil sal leif content of thair aAAnn
rowmes ; supporting othir, als weiU in honour as in profit, quhen
hie and difficil chargis occurris, aganis thair ennimes. The injuris
done to ony ane of thaim, sal be reput commoun to thaim baith ;
and, quhen it was necessar to thaim to fecht aganis thair ennimes,
baith the pepill sail convene togidder under ane mind and ordinance.
The peace beand roborat in this maner, baith the kingis returnit
Hoxo Coyll, King of Britonis, was slane, and his Army discoinjist
be Scottis and Pichtis.
Oyll, King of Britonis, herand at York, the Scottis
and Pichtis confiderat in maner foresaid, was richt sor-
rowfull ; for he dred thir two pepil to incres sum time
to his hie displeseir. Astonist heirof, and nocht knaw_
nig be quhat ingine he micht distroy thaim baith, for his shchtis
afore come to htill effect; he tuke ferme purpos to have experience,
gif the Scottis, quhome he held for ane vagabound and banist pe-
pill, of uncouth blude, Strang in murdir of bestis, durst fecht aganis
his pepill, full of glore and chevalry. Yit he supersedit this mater
for two yeris, to s^ gif ony proud insolence micht gener new divisioun
amang thaim, quhairthrow he micht find sum better occasioun to
nivaid thaim be battall; for he understude na sickir tranquillite
nor peace micht be had amang his pepill, during the fallowschip of
Scottis and Pichtis under ane concord and blude. Heirfor, to rais
sum occasioun of battal betwix thir two pepil he send ane cumpany
of Britonis, in few nowmer, to invade the bordouris of Pichtis with
frequent heirschippis ; and quhen the same, be reason of trewis, was
desirit be Pichtis to be reparit, the Britonis schew thaim nevir ac-
custumate with sic corruppit dedis of thift ; and said, the same wes
done be Scottis allanerly. At last the ground of this sHcht was so
serchit and brocht to licht, that the same was provin cleirly on the
Britonis; throw quhilk the two confiderat pepill tuke sik hatrent
aganis the said Britonis, that, efter incredibill slauchter of thair pe-
pil, thay invadit thair realme, and brocht ane multitude of bestial 1
out of the saniin.
King Coyll, impacient to suffer this outraige, maid him to wirk
that thing be force of armes, quhilk he micht not do afore be slicht
of ingine : and assemblit sone efter ane huge nowmer of pepil, with
gret ordinance of battall ; and entrit at the west bordouris of Scot-
land, and affixit his tentis on the river of Dune ; invading the countre
with continuall heirschippis, fire, and slauchter. Fergus, weill ad-
vertist of thair doingis, commandit the bestiall and guddis to be
drevin to the montanis; and, with thaini, commandit the wiffis,
barnis, and othir febill creatouris, to pas to the strenthis of the said
montanis, to eschew the fury of ennimes. Sic thingis done, be com-
mandit, be general proclamationis, al fensabil men to be reddy, in
thair best avise, to resist thair ennimes. Howbeit he desirit na thing
mair than to prolong the battal ; that, be lang tary and penurite of
vittalhs, his ennimes micht be wery and irkit.
In the mene time, ane Scot tresonabilly fled to King Coyll, and
discoverit to him every thing devisit be King Fergus. Incontinent,
King Coyll send dm Britonis to take the said pray of bestiall fra the
montanis ; and that he micht, be untraist suddante, the moi'e cruelte
exerce, he maid his army reddy to invade the Scottis on the nixt
morrow. Sic thingis schawin to Scottis and Pichtis be thair scur-
riouris, apperit na litill affray in thair army. Than Fergus tuke
consultatioun of his nobillis quhat was best to be done. Mony of
thaim, astonist be multitude and curage of Britonis, dissentit to bat-
tall. Utheris exhortit him thairto ; saying, thay war ane sufficient
army, and determit to fecht for defence of thair Aviffis, barnis, and
Uberteis, to the deith, sa that he wald assist to thaim. Attour it
wes na les necessar than honorabill to assailye the chance of battall ;
for victory is gottin erar be manheid and prudence, than ony mul-
titude of pepill. Efter divers opinionis, it was concludit, that Fer-
gus, with his folkis, at the first vigill, sail set on the wache of Bri-
tonis ; and the King of Pichtis, with his folkis, sal pas ouir the wai-
ter of Dune, quhare the army of Britonis lay, to cum haistely on
thair bakkis, als sone as thay heir the nois ryis be Scottis. Sic
thingis done with manheid and prudence, to submit the residew to
the chance of fortoun.
The samin nicht, Fergus, as was devisit, slew, be gret jeoperdy,
the wache of Britonis ; and nocht only braik thair trinschis, bot en-
terit fersly within thair tentis, afore King Coyll was advertist of his
cuming. Incontinent rais ane terribill clamour amang the Britonis,
fast raschand to harnes, to resist this haisty effray ; quhen suddanly
the Pichtis come on tliair backis, suspekand na thing les than sic ir-
ruptioun of ennimes. The Britonis, nocht weill walkinit of thair
sleip, war invadit on al sidis, and discomfist or thay micht cum to
array ; amang quhome King Coyll, unwarly kepit be his nobilUs,
was slane. In memory heirof, the place quhare he was slane was
namit efter Coyll ; quhilk regioun remanis yit under the same name,
or, litill different thairfra, calht now Kyle.
Of King Fergus orison to his Nohillis ; and how the Croun of Scot-
land icas tailyet to him and his successouris.
Fter this victory, the Scottis and Pichtis, with display it
baner, convenit on ane litill mote. The residew of Bri-
tonis, quhilkis war eschapit fra this battall, be thair fle-
ing under nicht, herand thair king slane, and thair ar-
my discomfist, send ane herald to desire peace. The Scottis and
Pichtis, more insolent efter this victory than afore, rebutit the Bri-
tonis, and denyit peace : nochttheles the two kingis, quhilkis knew
Weill the gret pissance of Britonis, condiscendit to thair peticionis.
Quhen the pray and spulye of this battall was equaly devidit amang
the two pepil, effering to thair manheid and prowes, the two kingis
returnit hame.
Sone efter, Fergus convenit his nobillis in Argyle, and said in this
wise : " Ye se, maist vailyeant campionis, how ye, be speciall favour
" of Goddis, hes vincust your ennimes, and brocht your landis, be
" wisdome and manheid, to sickir peace; and, thocht ye war un-
" equale baith in nowmer and pissance, yit the Goddis hes bene sa
" propiciant, that ye have vincust the ennimes quhome ye maist
" dred in this erd. Ye have put down your noisum ennime, with
" al his army, and ar richit with thair spulye. Thay that contem-
" nit you afore, as febill, banist, and unarmit pepill, hes reuthfully
" desirit your peace, niair necessar than honest to thaim ; to be ane
" notabil exampill in timis cuming, how unsicker is to confide in ony
" vane pissance of man. We knaw weill, how riche, how pissant
" ar the Britonis baith be see and land : and the more riche thay ar,
" the more schame redoundis to thaim, and the more glore to us ;
" sen thay ar vincust be us, quhome thay held maist vile and febill.
" We have usit our victory but ony cruelteis. We have vincust
" our ire, to that fine, that the Goddis, quhilkis hes gevin us sa proud
" victory, sail nocht find, be our perverst insolence, ony occasion to
" bring us sum othir time in derisioun of ennimes; sen we nocht
" exercit our hatrent on thir discomfist Britonis, fleing oure fury be
" dirknes of nicht, bot sufferit thaim to depart with our mercy and
" peace. Thus may we evidently se, that our wiffis, barnis, hber-
" teis, and landis, quhilkis our ennimes intendit to have bereft us,
" ar saiffit allanerly be favour of Goddis. Restis now to avise, be
" prudent consultation, how we may eschew all dangier appering
" in times cuming. Quhilkis thingis sail succede the better, gif we
" have the Goddis in reverence ; kepand our band to Pichtis and
" Britonis as we promittit; continewing the realmein the samin go-
" vernance as ye devisit at our first cuming: providing allwayis,
" that we remove seditioun, scurrilite, and avaricius leving, with
" sic thingis as may induce hatrent amang you. Forthir, to maik
" ilk persone leif on his awin, it war best to part all the landis of
" this regioun be generall consent ; swa that every ane of us, con-
" tent of his awin, may have na occasioun to injure his nichtbour;
" for sic thingis sail caus us to incres in glore and honour to oure
" freindis, and dredour to our fay is. And wald God I micht se you,
" my deir pepill, rising in sic vertew afore my deid, that I micht,
" with sickir esperance, schaw to your eldaris the weil appering to
" thair posterite."
Quhen Fergus had endit this orisoun, the pepill schew thaim red-
dy to fulfill his desire ; and nevir to be governit, in times cuming, bot
be the empire of ane king ; and nane to regne above thaim bot King
Fergus blude : and, failyeing thairof, prayit the Goddis to send na
les vengeance on thaim, and thair posterite, than fel sum time on
thaim in Egypt and Spanye, for transgressioun of the command of
Goddis. King Fergus gat charter and evidence of the crown of
Scotland to him and his successouris in this sort ; quhUkis charteris
war gravin in merbill, with imagis of beistis in forme of letteris, as
was usit in thay dayis ; sine gaif the samin to maist religious preistis,
to be observit in thair tempiliis.
How King Fergus partit the Landis of Scotland amang the Nohillis
of his Realme. And of the Manei'is of Brigandis.
Chort time efter, quhen the Scottis had refreschit thaim
with hunting and othir exercitionis, King Fergus con-
venit his nobillis, and said in this maner : " Now is the
" time, maist prudent faderis*, sen our realme is stablit
in gud peace, to part the landis of this realme, quilk ye rejose now
" but ordour, amang you, and otheris that come with me out of Ire-
" land in this regioun. To do this more plesandly, ar to be chosin
" VII newtrall men amang us ; quhilkis sail devide this realme with
" sic reasone and prudence, that quhare the landis ar maist plentu-
" ous, sal be gevin the les ; and quhare the samin ar barrant, to be
" gevin the more."
The pepil, well applesit of this counsell, chesit sevin prudent men ;
quhilkis considerit the boundis of Scotland, and devidit the samin,
with marchis equally refering thairto. Thir prudent men returnit,
the fourt moneth efter, to Argyle, quhare King Fergus was resident
for the time : in quhais presence all the landis of Scotland war cas-
sin in cavill amang the nobillis thairof. Be the first cavill, fell to
Cornath, capitane, and his tribe, the landis of Cathnes, hand fornens
Orknay, betwix Dummisbe and the watter of Thane. Secundly, to
Capitane Lutork, fell the landis betwix the watter of Thane and Nes,
callit now Ros. This Lutork come with ane band of vailyeant men
out of Ireland with King Fergus in Albion. This land of Ros lyis,
in breid, fra Cromarte to the mouth of the watter of Lochte; In
this countre was the famous castel of Urquhart ; of quhilk the rewin-
ous wallis remanis yit, in gret admiratioun of pepill. Thridly, to
Capitane Warroch, fell the landis hand betAvix Spay and Nes, fra
the Almane to the Ireland seis. The pepil of this land war callit
Wares, be name of thair capitane ; bot, sone efter, thay war sa se-
dicious. that thay Avar doung out of that countre, and the Murrayis
brocht in thair roumis ; be quhom the landis war calUt Murray land.
Be the nixt cavil, fell to Capitane Thalis, the landis of Boyne, Ainye,
Bogewall, Gariot, Formartine, and Bowquhan. Thir landis war
calht than undir ane name, Thalia, be name of thair capitane. Be
the nixt cavil, fell to Capitane Martach, all the landis of Marre,
Badeyenoch, and Lochquhaber. Be the vi cavil, fell to Capitane
Nouance, the landis of Lome and Kyntier, with the hilhs and mon-
tanis thairof, hand fra Marre to the Ireland seis. Be the vii cavill,
fell to Atholus, the landis of Athole ; for he was discendit of the
Scottis of Spanye, and come out of Spanye in Ireland, and out of
Ireland he come with Fergus in Scotland ; ane vailyeant man, and
Weill provin in fatis of armis. Be the viii cavill, fel to Creones and
Epidithis, two capitanis of tribis, the landis of Strabraun and Braid-
awane, hand west fra Dunkeld. Be the nint cavill, fell to Capitane
ArgatheluSj the landis of Argyle. His folkis war namit Argathelis,
fra Gathelus, thair first progenitour ; bot now thay ar callit, Men of
Argyle. Be the x caAnll, fel to Capitane Lolgonas, the landis of
Linnox and Clidisdail. Be the xi cavill, fell to Capitane Silurch,
the landis of Siluria ; quhilk regioun is now devidit in Kyle, Car-
rik, and Cuninghame, quhais pepill war richt engenius and fers.
Be the xii cavill, fell to the Brigandis, the landis of Brigance, now
callit Galloway.
Thir Brigandis war ane vailyeant pepill ; and war devisit thairfor
to dwell neir the Britonis, to resist thair incursionis, gif ony occur-
rit. Ane certane of thir Brigandis wes banist efter for thair se-
ditionis fechting; quhilkis confiderat thaim with ane cumpany
of Pichtis, outrageous and wickit limmeris as thay war, and inha-
bit thay landis quhilkis ar now callit Annandale, and put the Bri-
tonis out of the same : quhais posterite grew sa full of fury, that
thay invadit thair nichtbouris with all maner of cruelteis. The we-
men past with thair husbandis to battall, and faucht mair cruelly
than did the men; havand na mercy quhare thay war victorius.
Thay eschamit to be takin in battall ; and rejosit to de fechtand.
Quhen thay saw thair freindis vexit with lang and irrecoverabill ma-
lideis, that thay sail nocht de in thair bed, thay slew thaim be the
swerd. This land of Annandale hes ane strait entres, and circulit
on every side outhir with seis, mossis, or sinkaiid sandis; throw
quhais difficill enteres hapnit, that the inhabitantis thairof dwelt in
cavernis, levand on thair incursionis and thift ; regarding nouthir the
empire of Scottis, Pichtis, nor Britonis ; and had continual wachis,
als weil be nicht as day. Als sone as thay Avar advertist of ony in-
vasouris, thay drew thaim pertly to thair wappinnis ; on sic maner,
that quha abstenit, or cowartly absentit thaim, quhen sic chargis
occurrit, Avas efter slane be thair wiffis at thair returning. Thay that
sufFerit thaimself to be taikin as prisoneris, Avar haldin ay sklavis to
thair Aviffis, quhill thay, be sum honest wassalege, recoverit thair ho-
nour. Thair AA-iffis Avar commoun ; the barne wes haldin his son, to
quliome he Avas maist like in vissage.
Al othir boundis of Scotland Avar than in the Pichtis handis ; as
the Meirnis, Angus, Steremond, GoAvry, Stratherne, Perth, FifFe,
Striveling, Callender, Calderwod, Louthiane, Mers, Tevedale, with
othir the remanent dailis, and the Scherefdome of Berwik.
How King Fergus maid concord hetwix the Princis of Ireland; and
Jiow he perist, returnand be the Ireland Seis.
Uhen Fergus had devidit the landis of Scotland in this
maner, and brocht the same to sicker peace, he tuke
ferme purpos to nuris his pepill in gud maneris : and,
to do all thingis the better, he began at justice ; but
quhilk na pepill may leif togidder. He maid sic lawis to punis theft
and slauchter, that all the bestiall and gudis of Scotland war saiffit
in the feildis but ony trubill Efter this, he beildit the castel of
Berigone in Lochquhaber. This castell standis in the Avest part of
Scotland, foment the His; quhare he exercit his laAvis to that fine,
that his pepil micht be drawin thair the more esaly, for exercitioun
of justice. He past the remanent of his dayis in tranquillite and
peace A\dth his nichtbouris, the Britonis and Pichtis ; gevand his in-
gine, to caus his pepill incres togidder under ane benevolence and
concord. Quhill, at last, he was chosm ane juge-arbitrall, to discus
certane hie debates falling amang his freindis of Ireland.
Sone efter, the said Fergus, accumpanyit Anth ane certane of his
nobillis, past in Ireland, and pacifyit thaim of all debattis. This
wes the last act he did; for, efter the agreance, this nobill prince,
returning hame throw the Ireland seis, be ane wickit tempest was
drevin apon ane crag; quhare he perist, with all his nobillis, the
XXV yere of his regne. In quhais memory, the crag, quhare he pe-
rist, is namit yit Crag Fergus.
In his time rang Esdaill, King of Britonis : and Cruthneus Ca-
meloun, King of Pichtis; quhilk biggit efter, apone the watter of
Carron, the ciete of Camelon, the principall chimmes of Pichtis;
quliare sum time wes ane gud havin, to ressave schippis contrar the
winter stormes, thocht it be alterit now, be nechgence of pepill, and
turnit in ane medo. This ciete of Camelon resistit, mony yeris efter,
to the Britonis and Romanis; quliill, at last, Kinneth, King of
Scottis, quhilk put the Pichtis out of Albion, brocht it to uter sub-
versioun. This Cruthneus biggit the town and castell of Edin-
burgh, namit sum time the Madin Castell ; for al the nobil wemen
of Pichtis war nurist within this casteU, in crafty labouris of thair
handis, quhil thay war reddy to mary.
And sa endis heir the First Buke of thir Cronikhs : in the quhilk
we have sene, how the Scottis first began ; and how Fergus was the
first king that brocht justice and lawis amang thaim. Now we will
schaw the residew of the kingis succeding efter him, in the same or-
dour as thay rang.
Clje ^ecuntf Bufee.
Hoia the Scottis, efter King Fergus deith, contendit for the CroiV9i ;
and how it was inhibit, that yoking Childrhi sail be Kingis.
Ergus on this maner perist, ane day was set
be the counsel to cheis the king. Quhen the
day was cumin, the nobillis war devidit in sin-
dry opinionis ; for Fergus had two sonnis, of
young and tender age. Sum men thocht, it
wes ane odius thing, baith to God and man,
to defraude the ayris of King Fergus, thay
beand pupilHs, of thair faderis heritage ; putting his hous to sic uter
dishonour and skaith ; he doing, in his time, sa mony nobill actis,
for thair commoun weill. Otheris said, young barnis war unabill
for ony publik administration. For ane king suld be ane prudent
man ; havand wisdome and manheid, baith to resist the fury of his
enimes, and to punis trespassouris be his auctorite and justice;
othir wayis, na pepill micht leif togidder : for the fame of ane no-
bill prince is ane gret firmance to his realme. To this answerit Sem-
bathis, capitane of Argyle, in maner following : " Nane is amang
" you, gud freindis, that is nocht movit, be mony reasonis, to defend
" the barnis of Fergus ; sen he, be incredibill lufFe, brocht to us, in
" our extreme neid, ane Strang army, be quhilk he nocht allanerly
" deliverit us of maist dangerus battal, bot maid of our ennimes
" freindis, and of this land ane realme, and decorit us with honest
" lawis. Hes he nocht dantit the pissant Britonis, ane pepill full
" of riches and chevalry ; and put thaim baith out of the boundis
" of Scottis and Pichtis ; gevand to us sic iustitutionis, that we may
" leif, as otheris nichtbouris, but feir of ennimes, gif we have na dis-
" centioun amang ourself ? Quha sail think us worthy to have kind-
" nes, gif we defraude thir barnis of his just heritage ? What dis-
" pleseir sal we do to our ennimes, gif we do sic importabil schame
" to our prince? Lat Fergus goist knaw us gud men, luffaris of
" vertew, and not unmindful of gud dedis ; with the same mind, as
" he left us, to his posterite. Ressave, now, his eldist sonne to the
" crown, gif ye have ony respect to your faith ; gif ye had ony fa-
" vour to him during his lif : otherwayis, ye sail be odius to the im-
" mortall Goddis and men." The pepill war sum part movit be thir
wourdis. Than Frauchtaus, chiftane of Brigandis, said in this ma-
ner: " I se you, belovit freindis, contending heir, quhithir it be
" more expedient to have Fergus young sonne, unabil to regne for
" his minorite, or ane othir prudent man, to be king. I think Sem-
" bathis mind suld be lovit, gif na thing bot kindnes suld be consi-
" derit in electioun of ane prince. Nane is that misknawis amang
" you, how odius and detestabill it is to defraude King Fergus
" sonnis of thair kindly heritage. Na sic cruelteis, as I beleif, is in
" our mindis. Occurris nocht at this time to decerne mf Fergus son-
" nis suld immediatly succeid, bot only to se how the crown may be
" kepit hale to thair perfite aige. Quhat vengeance, skaith, and
" dammage, sail fall on us, and our commoun weill, gif we, accor-
" ding to Sembathis mind, suffer ane barne to be our king ? First
'* sail rise amang us ane birnand occasion of hatrent ; for thair is
" mony amang us equall to othir in power and rentis. Attoure the
" empire and governance of this realme, during this young kingis
" minorite, sail be gevin to ane of us : and he that governis the
" realme during the kingis minorite sail be king for the time, and
" honorit amang us, with aiictorite, reverence, and every other ho-
" noris that efferis to princely estait. Quhay is he that will nocht
" besely contend for that honour ? Suppone ane of us obtene this
" office, this man sail be king for the time, and sal riche his awin
" hous. And als oft as ony thing occurris to be done for the com-
" mon Aveill ; as, ambassatouris of gret realmes to be rewaixlit, or
" armyis to be send apon our fayis ; this man, that regnis during
" the kingis minorite, sail convert him only to our gudis. We sail
" be constranit to gif him our substance. We man nuris ane ava-
" ritius cumpany of limmers about him, nothir for the weil of the
" king, nor his reahne. It is ane thing to have na admiratioun.
" Ane man is plesant sa lang as he is privat, howbeit he alter his
" maneris quhen he is clothit with pubhk auctorite ; for gud for-
" toun and gud maneris ar seildin grantit at anis to levand creatouris.
" Finally, quhen this young king is cumin to age of xiv yeris, and
" takis on him the governance of the realme, he wil be accumpanyit
" with suspitious pepill ; and maik him to repair al wrangis done to
" his leigis within his tender aige, and do al sic besines as is requirit
" for the commoun weill; howbeit he can do na thing that time, for
" laik of wisdome. Than, quhen he hes maist neid of wise counsa-
" louris, he sal suffir nane to be with him bot thay only that will
" assist to his vice. Than sal thay corruppit rutouris, his minions,
^' be salut as kingis, and haldin in reverence amang us, nochtwith-
" standing thair insaciabill avarice, but schame. Quhay sail have
" the curage or spreit to punis thaim for feir of this insolent prince .''
" Forthir, to behald ane young prince regnand above ony realme,
" is siclike as quhay wald se the commoun weill sweyand down.
" Than sail we have theiffis and oppressouris, takand oure gudis
" baith in burgh and land without punitioun; than, for laik of jus-
" tice, sail be ithand slauchteris, the realme devidit, the pepill but
" bridil and governance, and may nocht leif in faith and justice.
" Thairfore said the wise Salomon, ' Vengeance and sorrow sail the
" pepill have, that hes ane younge king.' For thir reasonis, I think
" the barnis of Fergus suld be gevin to wise preceptouris, to lerne
" lawis, gud havingis, and maneris ; that thay may be abill efter to
" goveme the realme : and, as now, the governance of the realme
" to be gevia to Ferithais, thair eme, or to ony othir abill man
" quhome ye think expedient, be quhais auctorite the crown sail
" remane reddy to be gevin to thaim at thair parfite age : and, als
" sone as the king deis, thir barnis to succede immediatly to the
" crown, gif thay be abill thairfore ; and, during the kingis lif, thay
" sail be honorit as immediat successouris to the crown efter the
" kingis detli. Be this way, ye may saif the barnis of Fergus un-
" defraudit of thair kindly heritage. Gif we desire to eschew the
" sprout of sedicioun, with innomerabill inconvenientis efter follow-
" ing ; gif we desire baith to defend our self, and bring our commoun-
" weil to proffet ; this electioun of princis suld be observit ; for it is
" conforrae to the mind of Fergus, qvdiilk, during his lifFe, wald
" nevir have socht ony singular e proffet, in dammage of our com-
" mounweill."
Quhen Ferithais had endit this orisoun, the counsall assentit
haill to his opinionis, and, be plane consent of Parliament, maid
actis. Quhen it hapnit thair king to deceis, levand behind him young
children gottin of his body, the nerrest of the kingis blude, and ablest
to do justice, sail rejose the crown for his time. Efter his deith, the
kingis son sal succeid to the crown, but pley, gif he war abill thair-
to. It was def endit be that samin act, that na barnis be kingis.
This consuetude was kepit mony yeris efter : throw quhilk rais me-
kill troubill in this realme ; for oftimis the fader brother, regnand
in the minorite of his nevo, kest his extreme besines to distroy him ;
siclik the nevo to his fader brother, for ambitioun of the crown :
throw quhilk occurrit continual slauchteris of kingis and nobillis,
to the gret trubill of the realme, and dammage of the commoun-
Of King Ferithais; and of his deith.
E thir actis afore rehersit, Ferithais, brother to King
Fergus, was chosin king. This prince, efter his elec-
tioun, maid ane orisoun to his nobillis. The effect thair-
of was, That he wald nocht ressave the crown for riches,
ambition, or dignite, bot only to svipport his nevois, quhill ane of
thaim war abill to succeid ; and, becaus he was left tutour-testamenter
be thair fader, he wald leif na thing undone that micht avance the
commounweill, othir in weir or peace, with na les affectioun to his
nevois, than thay war his awin sonnis. Sine he exhortit the nobillis,
to make sic support and favour to his said nevois, that nocht he, bot
thay, suld appere to governe the publik weill ; havand in perpetuall
remembrance, the honorabill actis done be thair nobil fader, King
Fergus. He desirit als, grave and wise preceptouris to be chosin to
his said nevois ; that thay micht incres als weill in vertew and science,
as in yeris, but ony dammage of ennimes. And, finaly, declarit, he
wald accept na publik gouvernance on him, quhil thir thingis war
first providit.
Sic thingis done, Ferithais was crownit in the fatall chiar of mer-
bill, and ressavit the kingis armis; in quhilkis was ane scherand
sword, with septoure, crown, and tressour, in maner of ane weirly
trinsche, for defence of his realme in liberte, and punition of trans-
gressouris be justice. Fra thens, thir war ay the nobill armis of
Scotland, but ony variance, quhill the time of King Achaus, quhilk
maid the first band of confideratioun, betwix us and France, with
Charllis the Magne, King of France, and Romane Emperour : be
quhilk confideratioun was eikit to the tressour, foure goldin liUyis,
with four goldin crocis, set in equale ordour about the tressour ; to
signify, the Scottis hes ay inviolatly kepit the Cristin faith, but ony
spot of heresy, sen thay first tuke the same.
Sone efter, ane convention was maid betwix the two kingis of
Scottis and Pichtis ; in the quhilk war sindry utilites devisit for the
Weill of the two realmis. New peace was ratifyit ; and punitioun
maid on limmaris and movaris of sedition and trubill betwix the two
realmes ; and redres maid, on all sidis, for observatioun of the peace
in times cuming. Sic thingis done, the two kingis returnit hame.
Sone efter, Ferlegus, eldest sonne to King Fergus, be motioun of
his familiaris, and otheris corruppit men, that micht nocht suffer
justice, began to hate his eme, Ferithais, with purpos to distroy
him. At last, seand his wickit purpos cum to litill effect, he gade-
rit ane cumpany of evill disposit men, and desiri^ the crown to be
gevin to him, as just heritour thairof. Ferithais dredand, gif he war
repugnant to thir desiris, to be cruelly invadit, answerit, he suld ex-
oner him glaidly of the crown at the nixt conventioun, on the same
maner as it was gevin to him : for he was nevir of purpos to beir
auctorite langar than ony of his brother sonnis war abill to suc-
cede ; and desirit na thing sa mekill, as to se ane of thaim rejose the
empire, that he might schaw, efter his deid, to Fergus, the sicker
weill appering to his posterite. And, forther, he desirit his said ne-
vo, to pas with him to the conventioun ; in the quhilk he suld baith
exoner him of al auctorite, and do every thing sa far as pertenit to
the Weill of King Fergus hous.
This plesand answer so mesit the mind of Ferlegus, that all ha-
trent for that time beand amovit, thay convenit baith togidder afore
the nobillis in counsall, quhair King Ferithais said in this maner :
" I traist it be nocht unknawin to you, wise faderis, quhen it was
" disput amang you, be quhat wise this realme micht be governit in
" the minorite of Fergus sonnis, ye gaif me the crown, thocht I was
" unworthy, nocht only to governe it be justice, bot that the same
" suld remane hale, quhill the sonnis of Fergus war abill to regne.
" Quhat travell, quhat incredibill danger, have I sustenit, baith for
" your commoun weill and felicite of this realme, now rising in ho-
" nouris ! And, sen na thing is mair patent to you than sic besines,
" I will omit the residew thairof, that ye may have na occasioun to
" deme me arrogant, or desirus of fenyet glore. I war richt inhu-
" mane, sen I have na airis of my body, gif I wald defraude my
" brother sonnis of thair kindly heritage, or transfer the samin in
" ony uncouth blude. Ferlegus, my cousin, and just heritour to the
" crown, clames the samin fra me of gud reason ; for he is young,
" lusty, of hie engine, of Strang and lusty body to sustene gret
" chargis, and sail be every day more abill to gov erne this realme :
" be contrar, I am feblit be lang aige, and desiris to be relevit of
" hevy curis. I beseik you, thairfore, that the publik administra-
" tioun, quhilk I ressavit be your auctorite, be gevin to my cousin,
" sen he is abill, and I unganand thairfore. Na thing may be sa
" plesand for me, as to have ane privat liife in times cumming but
" ony pubhct chargis Ressave the auctorite, with mair gladnes than
" ever it was gevin to me."
The counsall, knawing weill quhat irremidiabil displesouris war
appering to thair realme, gif this young and insolent prince Ferle-
gus war maid king, continewit Ferithais in his empire, and requirit
him to sustene the governance of the realme, as he did afore, but
ony feir of his aige ; sen realmes ar governit mair be wisdome of
aigit personis, than ony corporall strenthe. The nobillis wald nocht
abrogat the lawis maid afore aganis the empire of young childrin ;
and tuke gret indignation, that Ferlegus desirit sic thingis as war re-
pugnant to thair commounweill. And thoucht thay ressavit him in
thair counsal with reverence and honouris, yit thay severit him fra the
pepill ; repreving him quhy he yeid fra the counsall of the wise no-
billis, his keparis, and desiring the crown without thair advise ; to
make it knawin, that he suld obey the counsal of his wise lordis.
Ferlegus, brokin on this wise fra his purpos, maid him, with hevy
cheir, to depart fra the counsall. The nobilhs, dredand sindry dis-
pleseris to follow be his departing, brocht him agane be force, and
kest all his corruppit counsullouris in preisoun : amang quhom ane
was, that schew to the king in quhat maner his deith was devisit ;
traisting, be revelatioun thairof, to get his lif saiffit. The pepill,
heirand this tressoun, war sa commovit, that thay had slane Ferle-
gus, war nocht the king pecifyit thair ire in time. And, thocht the
king was advertist of this tressoun devisit in his slauchter, yit, to
schaw him mair reuthfull than rigorus prince, he kest his mind to
meis the fury of the pepill, and to keip his nevo fra displeseir. Fer-
legus was gevin in new keiping of the nobillis ; bot his servitouris
war punist to the deith.
Ferithais, als sone as this conventioun was skalit, raid throw his
realme for equall administratioun of justice ; quhill at last he was
slane, within the nicht, be his nevo Ferlegus, thre monethis efter the
first conspiration, the xv yeir of his regne.
How Ferlegus was banistfor the slaucJiter of King Ferithais ; and
of King Maynus.
Eri THAIS slane, as we have now schawin, Ferlegus, the
murderar, and all other that war gilty of the said crime,
fled amang the Pichtis ; and finding thair na securite of
his liffB, he fled in Britane, quhare he consumed the re-
sidew of his dayis in gret misery.
The nobilUs, efter the slauchter of Ferithais, convenit to the cas-
tell of Dounstafage, in Argyle, for election of the king. Quhilk day,
the counsall, movit of kindnes to King Fergus, chesit Maynus, his
youngest sonne, the xxiv yeir of his aige, to be king.
Maynus was ane nobil prince, richt different fra his bruthir, hav-
and all vicious men in gret hatrent. He exercit justice equaly in
his realme ; and gaif commission to his liegis to convene, and dres
all debatis amang thaim self. The difficill materis, quhen thay oc-
currit, was discussit be himself, anis in the yeir ; quhen he past throw
his realme, balding his justice airis, for redressing of wrangis, and
punitioun of trespassouris.
The same time, Crynus, King of Pichtis, send ambassatouris to
King Maynus, rejosing of his fehcite, and desiring the band of peace,
maid afore betwix Scottis and Pichtis, to be renewit. King May-
nus, Weill instruckit be his nobilHs quhat was to be done, ressavit
thir ambassatouris, and condiscendit to thair petition. The peace
ratefyit in this maner, the Scottis began to burgeoun in sicker peace.
King Maynus knawing weill, na pepill may incres but justice,
peace, and rehgioun ; and seand realmes, and every thing in erd, sa
subdewit to the power of Goddis, that na devise nor ingine of man
may avale bot gif the Goddis stand propiciant thairto, quhais beni-
volence bene sicker gard and protectioun to all pepill ; tliairfore, to
move his liegis to religioun, he eikit certane new cerimonis, to be
maid in the honour of Goddis within thair tempillis. And, first, he
ordanit ane huge stane to be rasit, on the south side of the said tem-
pilhs, on quhilk thair sacrifice was maid. In memory heirof, re-
manis yit in our dayis mony huge stanis, drawin togidder in forme
of circuhs, namit be the pepill, the anciant tempillis of Goddis. It
is na litill admiratioun, be quhat ingine and strenth sa huge stanes
bene brocht togidder.
The sacrifice usit in thay dayis, was ane portioun of cornis, cat-
tellis, or ony othir frutis that grew apon the ground, quhilk was ge-
vin to kirkmen for thair sustentatioun ; and offerit to the Goddis,
quhen the samin was supez'flew, or mair than was sufficient susten-
tatioun to the preistis. King Maynus foundat als ane sacrifice, to
be maid monethly, in the honoure of Diane, Goddis of woddis and
huntaris; and, thairfore, the pepill maid thair adoratioun to the
new mone. Quhilk superstitioun was lang usit amang oure anciant
faderis, with mony othir vane ceremonyis, efter the rite of Egypti-
Quhen Maynus had governit his pepill in gud justice, and insti-
tute thaim with thir and othir superstitionis plesand to the religioun
of thay dayis, he resignit the crown to his sonne Dorvidilla, and de-
ceissit, the xxix yeir of his regne : King Elgane regnand above the
Britonis, and King Thaar above the Pichtis.
Of King Dorvidilla ; and of his constitutionis, maneris, and deith.
Aynus deceissit as we have writting, his son Dorvidilla
wes maid king. Efter his coronatioun, he renewit peace
with his nichtbouris the Pichtis and Britonis ; and schew
him nurisar of tranquillite, detesting na thing mair than
sic besines as gaif occasioun to battal ; and delitit in every thing that
micht draw his pepil in peace. He tuke gret delite of hunting,
rachis, and houndis ; and maid lawis, that grew-quhelpis suld nocht
line thalr moderis, for he fand, by experience, houndls gottin in that
maner unproffitabil for hunting. He ordanit als, that ilk nobill suld
nuris twa rachis and ane hound to his hunting; and, quhen the
houndis war manyeit be adventure of chais, to be sustenit on the
comraoun gud. He ordanit, the slayer of ane wolf to have ane ox to
his reward. Oure eldaris persewit this beist with gret hatrent, for
the gret murdir of beistis done be the samin.
The Scottis havand na occasioun of civill nor of uncouth weris, set
thair ingine to precell all othir pepill in the craft of hunting, and
maid divers lawis concerning the same. In the first, commandit,
that quhais dog first bait the deir, suld have the hide thairof ; quhais
dog bait nixt, suld have the heid and the hornis : the body curit to
be at the pleseir of the maister of huntis ; the residew to be for the
houndis. Gif ony contention rais amang the huntaris, to cheis ane
juge, with all thair consentis, in the tempill of Diane, to aggre thaim.
Thir lawis war maid be generall consent of the pepill, to nuris thaim
in commoun pleseir, drawing fra thaim all occasioun of injuris and
hatrent. Quhilkis lawis war kepit mony yeris efter.
Thir constitutionis, and utheris devisit afore be Kinge Fergus, war
colleckit togidder in tabillis, and gevin in keping to the wisest and
maist profound Clark for the time, to shaw baith to the juge, and
to the persone quhilkis war to be accusit, the punition conforme to
thair demeritis ; that the pepill micht understand, the juge past nocht
fra his boundis of justice in punitioun of crimes: attour, the counsal
wald condampne na faltouris in thay dayis, quhill the lawis war first
schawin, according to the fait. Throw quhilk it come in use, that
all criminabill personis, seand thaim, be just sentence, condampnit
to the deid, tuke the samin in pacience : gif ony punition was maid
on thaim above the lawis, thay murmurit, as opprest be the jugis.
This maner of justice remanis yit amang the His of Scotland, and
may na way be abrogat ; for thair bene certane interpretouris of the
lawis, but quhom thay can gif na richtuis jugement.
Quhen Dorvidilla had roung xxviii yeiris, he deceissit at Beri-
gone ; and left behind him ane young child, namit Rewthar, quhilk
micht nocht succede, for the lawis maid afore aganis young children.
Of the tyrane Ki7Xg Nathak ; and of Ms slauchter.
Fter the deith of Dorvidilla, his brothir Nathak, ane
fair and lusty persone, and abill, as apperit, to pubUk
administration, was maid king. This prince rang skars-
\y two yeris, quhen he opprest his pepill with sic servi-
tude, that he was haldin for ane mischevous tyrane. He sufferit na
lawis to be exercit ; he sptilyeit the commounis of thair riches and
gudis; and persewit his nobillis with slauchteris and banissing.
Thir doingis maid him odius to his hegis, and maid his empire richt
unsicker ; and, thocht he oft times was counsallit be his freindis to
abstene fra sic enormiteis, he desistit nocht, bot grew ay the more
ill vice that he incressit in yeris, lyke ane bludy monstoure, but
scharae and mercy. Yit his cruell and unhappy dedis war nocht lang
unpunist : for Dowall, capitane of Brigandis, quhome he thocht afore
to have slane for his ouir greit pissance, be assistance of mony uthir
nobillis, conspirit aganis him. And, to bring his purpos the sonar
to effect, he maid Rewthar, the sonne of King Dorvidilla, to be
thair governoure ; to that intentioun, that gif thir hie attemptatis
succedit nocht with sic feUcite as he desirit, the charge thairof suld
allanerly redound to Rewthar.
Dowall, to find occasion that he micht bring his purpos to effect,
broucht this young Rewthar, with ane cumpany of armit men, in
the samin place quhare King Nathak remanit ; and, quhen he sawe
the mater dressit, as he devisit, to have occasioun of debait, he gaif
displesand wourdis to King Nathak, saying, he was ane fals tyrane
but schame, and nocht only spoilyeit Rewthar of the crown, bot
rang with maist cruell and odius tyranny above the pepill; and,
with hid slichtis and tressoun, hes slane ane gret part of all the no-
billis. Nathak answerit agane, in his wod fury, that he was king be
ordour of justice; and suld, thairfore, regne in times cuming con-
trar the mind of Dowall and all otheres of his opinioun, in sic ma-
ner; that the said Dowall sail never find him mair favorabill nor
oratius than he was afore ; and declarit, within few dayis, he sail
punis him, and al utheris of his opinioun, in the schai-pest sort that
micht be devislt, for thair attemptatis.
Dowall, movit vnth thir dispitfull wordis, ruschit forthwart with
his complicis, and slew King Nathak, with all the nobillis that war
of his mind, the secund yeir of his regne.
How Rewthar, ane young Child, was maid King, contrar the lazcis.
Hoxv Ferquhard, Capitaiie of Lome, was chasit he Dowall in the
His ; and of' his Orison maid to the Pepill tlmiraf.
Athak, the tyrane, slane, as said is, Dowall made ane
conventioun ; and, be assistence of sindry nobiUis to his
opinion, he crownit Rewthar in the chair of merbil.
Mony of the nobillis war nocht content of thir doingis ;
lavand gret indignatioun, that baith thair king was slane, and the
lawis concerning the electioun of thair prince abrogat, be his privat
auctorite; and ane younge childe maid kinge, aganis thair honourabili
actis laitly maid for thair commoun weill, Thir nobillis, that war of
this mind, maid ane privat conventioun togidder ; and amang thaim
was Ferquhard, capitane of Kintyre and Lome, maich to King Na-
thak ; ane man of subtill ingine, and havand gret ambition to the
This Ferquhard, beleving the time ganand to conques the crown,
with dissimilit mind, as he wald debait the actione of the commoun
Weill, complanit baith the slauchter of Nathak be the cruell Dowall,
and ane barne maid king, to the dammage of the pepill and com-
moun Weill ; and exhortit, thairfore, the counsall to provide ane hais-
ty remeid to resist the tyranny of Dowall, quhilk intendit to usurp
the crown in name of Rewther ; and, gif the samin war nocht done,
sic sedicioun and civill weiris saU rise haistely amang the chiftanis
of thair realme, that the samin suld find ane haisty subversioun.
Skarsly war thir wordis said, quhen Dowall enterit, with ane band
of men, and slew sindry nobillis in the counsall ; bot Ferquhard,
evill woundit, eschapit with ane certane of his frendis, and fled in
the Ihs ; quhare he convenit all the clannis and pepill thairof to ane
counsall, and said in this maner : " Had Ave observit the lawis con-
" cerning the election of our kingis, maist vailyeant pepill, it had
" nocht bene necessar to me this day to make this orisoun; for we
" micht have leiffit in gud tranquillite and peace under the empire
" of Nathak, our wise and vailyeant prince, now laitly slane be
" Dowall, the cruell tyrane. Attour, to aggrege this importabil
" cruelte in mair dammaige of our commoun weill, he lies nocht on-
" ly slane our king, bot intrusit ane young child in his place, in
" plane derogatioun of oure lawis ; intending thairthrow, to bring
" baith us and oure commoun weill to uter mischeif. I find na
" thing, maist forcy campionis, that may seme us les, than to lurk
" heir schamfuUy as effiminat pepill, eschcAving the wraith of oure
" ennimes, and regarding nouthir our honour nor profTet ; sen thair
" is na other way sa plesand to strenth our ennimes, and to febill
" oure self. This maist cruel tyrane hes nocht only slane the no-
" billis of this realme, bot slane the preistis and religious men ; and,
" that na esperance suld remane in us to withstand his cruelte, he
" hes tressonably put down all the vailyeant men that favorit us in
" Albion. He haldis all the aigit men, that micht have proffit us
" be thair wise counsall, in sic captivite, that thay ar na better than
" deid. And, that he may oppres us with more pissance, he hes
" marylt Rewther, ane young child, quhome he namis king, on the
" douchter of Gethus, King of Pichtis. This unmercifull tyrane
" hes devisit, as we are surely advertist, als sone as he hes vincust us,
" to cut oure eiris, and put out oure eyne, that we may then remane
" on hve, to our schame and perpetuall derisioun. Yit, wil ye con-
" cur with manheid and wisdome to my opinioun, traist fermely, ye
" sail nocht only eschew sic cruelteis, be favour of Goddis, bot pu-
" nis him conforme to his demerites ; and beleif fermely, that all
" thingis sail succede to us with hie felicite, gif we, with na les cu-
" rage than wisdome, defend oure richt, oure liberte, and oure
" faith: for we se oft times vailyeant and gret princis dejeckit fra
" thsar honoure and imperiall digniteis, quhen thay applaudit to
" tressoun and falset. Heirfore, gif we be men, and worthy to be
" callit the posterity of oure nobill progenitouris, quhilkis nevir re-
" fusit to assailye maist dangerus battalHs in thair just defence, lat
" us defend our richt, our lawis, wiffis, and childrin, aganis this
" maist odius tyrane ; and erar assailye extreme chance of battall,
" than to leif in perpetuall schame. But dout, the Goddis sail be
" propiciant to us for oure just persut ; be contrar, thay sail be re-
" pugnant to our ennimes for thair tyranny. Lat us othir de with
" honoure, or ellis have victory with triumphant glore, and revenge
" the murdir of the king and his iiobillis, recently maid be this ty-
" rane."
How Ferquhard and Dowall, recountering uthir be plane Battall^
war haith slane, with all the NohiUite of Scottis and Pichtis ; the
King of Pichtis slane, and the Xing of Scottis tane.
He capitanis of the tribis, and pepill thairof, movit in
gret hatrent be thir wordis, turnit all feir of deith in
maist rageand fury; and baithit thair handis with mannis
blude, as the rite was in thay dayis; and maid thair
aithis, to revenge the slauchter of Nathak, and his nobillis, in the
scharpest maner that micht be devisit. And, but more tary, thay
gaderit ane army out of Ireland, Argyle, Lome, Canter, and othir
partis adjacent; sine landit, with mony galyouns and lang faddis,
in Albioun. Ferquhard, returning in this wise, drew mony of the
pepill, quhare he come, to his opinioun ; and tuke thair aithis, outhir
to revenge the slauchter of King Nathak, or ellis to de all at anis.
Dowall, knawing his cumming, met him, with an army, at Beri-
gone ; quhare it was cruelly fouchtin on all sidis : bot, at last, Dowall
was discomfist, and sevin thousand men of his army slane ; and yit
more slauchter had bene maid, war nocht the nicht severit thaim.
On the morrow, Dowall, with furius hatrent, colleckit the residew
of his army to new array, havand with him Gethus, King of Pichtis,
and Rewthar, King of Scottis, with mony of all the nobillis of baith
thair realmes. On the army adversar, was Ferquhard, with the in-
habitantis of Cathnes, Argyle, Murray, and mony otheris of the
His. Thir two armyis met finally togidder in mair fury than afore,
and faucht neir to the uter exterminioun of thaim baith.
In this unhappy battall was slane Gethus, King of Pichtis, with
incredibill nowmer baith of nobillis and commounis ; and baith the
chiftanis Dowall and Ferquhard slane, with all the nobilite of Scottis.
This lamentabill and unhappy battall was fochtin with sic perseve-
rant hatrent, that allanerly remanit viii hundred men unslane on
baith the sidis. The residew of Ferqvdiardis army, to quhome this
unplesand victory succedit, seing the feild left efter sa huge murdir,
foUowit on the chais, with ithand slauchter, quhill thay come to the
castell of Callender. Thair, was King Rewther tane.
Throw this unhappy battall was maid sa terribill slauchter, that,
mony yeris efter, nouthir Scottis nor Pichtis was left on liife, suffi-
cient to inhabit this realme, nor yit to withstand thair ennimes.
How the Scottis and Pichtis rear doung out of Albion be the Britonis.
He Britonis, quhilkis war ay our ennimes, heirand this
lamentabil distructioun of Scottis and Pichtis, cuming
on thaim be unprudence of civill weris, traistit the time
sufficient to make thaim rejose the hale empire of Al-
bion ; and, thairfore, rasit thair army in maist weirly ordinance, and
invadit sindry landis of Pichtis baith Avith swerd and fire. The
Pichtis, brokin with the weiris afore reheirsit, and disparit of sup-
port, gaderit all thair bestiall and gudis, with thair wiffis, children,
and freindis, and come, be mony wilsome and difficil gaitis, to Ork-
nay ; and, efter thair cuming, chesit Gethus, brother to King Ge-
thus afore deceissit, to be thair king, and dwelt sindry yeris efter in
the said regioun in gud peace and freindschip with the pepill thair-
of : thairfore, Orknay was ay namit the aulde realme of Pichtis.
The Britonls, herand the Pichtis departit in this wise, come in
Penthland, Mers, and Tevidaill, and plenist all the strenthis thairof
with thair gudis and pepill ; and, nocht lang efter, thay come in the
Scottis landis. The Scottis, richt affrayit of thair cuming, and se-
ing na other remeid, drew thaini to thair harnes and wappinnis, and
met thaim in arrayit battall at Calder Wod. Nochttheles, the Scottis
war discomfist, and two thowsand of thahn slane ; the residew fled
heir and ^lair in sindry partis. The fame of this unhappy battall
maid the pepill na les disparit, than all the nobill blude of Fergus
had bene endit that day in Albion.
The Britonis, proud and insolent be thir fehciteis, herand, be
thair exploratouris, that ane certane of Scottis, quhilkis eschapit fra
this last battal, war fled to Berigone, for defence of King Rewther ;
(for he was in the said castell, with ane few nowmer of nobillis ;) and
the residew of Scottis, with thair wiflis and barnis, fled in the His;
gaderit ane army, be the ordinance of Denus, thair king, and lade
ane sesre to the said castell. Nochttheless, the Scottis defendit it
lang time ; quhil at last thay war drevin to sic penurite, becaus thair
vittallis failyeit, that thay kest cavillis, quha suld be first devorit, to
sustene the liffis of thaim that war within the hous. And, becaus thay
saw the maist vailyeant campionis fall to be devorit in this misera-
bill mse, thay devisit, the samin nicht, to ische on thair ennimes,
and erar to revenge sum displesour on thaim, than miserably to de
in that sort. And, that the king micht ische more esely with his no-
blis, thay devisit, that Colane, chiftane of Lome, sal ische with ane
hundreth men to the nixt montane. And as it was devisit, so fol-
lowit; for Colane isching furth on this wise, and fechtand to the
uter exterminioun of his fayis, was finaly slane, with all his folkis :
and in the mene time, quhen he was maist ernestl}^ fechtand. King
Rewther ischit at ane quiet posthern with his nobillis, and come
hastely to the see, quhair schippis war reddy abidinge his cuming.
Rewther, eschaping on this maner, arrivit in the His ; and, finding
thair na securite of his liffe, he past in Ireland. The wiflis of the
tribe of Lome, seing all thair husbandis slane afore thair ene, slew
thaimself, that thay suld nocht remane in servitude of thair ennimes.
The Britonis knawing finaly, how Rewther and his nobillis war
eschapit, war sa commovit, that thay slew the residew of Scottis in
all partis quhair thay war apprehendit ; sine garnist al the strenthis
of Scottis with thair garisonis. The residew of the Scottis, savit be
thair fleing, and seing thaimself nocht of pissance to resist the Bri-
tonis, fled to the montanis; and debaitit thair miserabill liffis, be
straitnes of the ground, with scars and hard f ude ; levand, in the
somer, on milknes, rutis of herbis, and beryis ; and, in the winter,
of wild flesche of the montanis : and sumtinie thay draif gret prayis
of bestial, be dirknes of nicht, fra the Britonis, to sustene thair liffis.
Thus stude the Scottis and Pichtis, that abaid in Albion, nere
twelf yeris, under servitude of Britonis.
How the Scottis and Pichtis recoverit thair Landis, and discomfist
Sysyll, King of Britonis ; and of the residew of King Rewtheris
Uhill sic thingis war done in Albion, King Rewther
had on his wif, in Ireland, ane sonne, namit Thereus.
And, not lang efter, be request of Gethus, King of
Pichtis, he returnit in Albion, and landit at Lochbroun
in Ros. Als sone as the Scottis war returnit on this wise in Albion,
thay slew, be auld rite, the first man thay met, and bathit thair
mouth and swordis in his blud ; sine prayit the Goddis to grant
thaim sic felicite, that thay may condingly revenge the slauchter of
thair progenitouris. Belive, thay maid thaim to pas forthwart to-
wart the south : and, in the mene time, thay war advertist, that Ge-
thus, King of Pichtis, was cumin within xxx milis to thaim, with
ane gret army, that was send to thaim be thair freindis out of Al-
bion, to help thaim to i-ecover thair landis. The thrid day efter,
baith the armyis met togidder with gret triumphe ; and passing
forthwart to the south, thay met all the Scottis and Pichtis, quhilkis
war haldin the yeir afore under servitude.
Sysyl, King of Britonis, herand thir tithingis, gatherit haistely
ane army to reconter his ennimes. Incontinent, the confiderat pe-
pill, but ony sicht to conques ony strenthis or gudis, entrit with au-
ful army in Britane, and invadit the samin with gret injure and
cruelteis. King Sysyll, to revenge thir cruelteis invadit the Scottis
and Pichtis with haiste battall. Nochttheles, his army was finaly
The hie and soverane manheid of King Rewther was principal
occasion of this glorius victory ; and in memory thaii'of, the cuntre
quhare the battall was fochtin is callit yit to oure dayis, Rethirdaill,
that is to say, the Vale of Rewthir. This battall was sa cruelly
fochtin, that baith the armyis war constranit to talk peace under thir
conditionis: The Britonis sail render al the strenthis, lancUs, and
townis, pertening to the Scottis and Pichtis ; and sal nocht invaid
thaim, in times cuming
The Scottis, Pichtis, and Britonis, levit mony yeris efter in gud
tranquillite and peace. The yeir that King Rewther recoverit his
realme, was, fra the beginning of the warld, mmmm.dcccc.xcv yeris ;
afore the incarnatioun, cc.iv yeris; fra the beginning of Rome,
D.XLVi yeris. King Rewther levit, the residew of his dayis, but ony
uncouth weris or seditioun of his leigis; and deceissit, the xxvi yeir
of his regne.
Of King Remtha^ and his lawis and governance. How Ptolome,
King of Egypt, send his Oratouris, to se the sitiiatloun of Scot-
EwTHER deceissit, as we have schawin, his sonne The-
reus wes of so tender age, that he micht nocht succeid
to the crown, be reason of the lawis afore rehersit ; and,
thairfore, his cusing Rewtha was maid king, for thay
war brethir barnis. This Rewtha was the first king amang the
Scottis that fand ingine to put nobill men, for thair vailyeant dedis,
in memory, and maid riche sepulturis for the bodyis of thaim that
war slane be Britonis in defence of this realme. He commandit als
mony hie stanis to be set about the sepulture of every nobll man, as
was slane be him of Britonis. In memory heirof, sindry of thaim
reraanis yit in the hie landis ; that the pepill may knaw, sic men war
vailyeant in thair dayis : throw quhilk it come in use, that the se-
pulturis of nobill men was haldin in gret reverence amang the pe-
pill. On thir sepulturis was ingravin imageris of dragonis, wolfis,
and othir beistis ; for na inventioun of letteris was in thay dayis, to
put the deidis of nobil men in memore.
The commoun pepill was gevin, that time, to store of beistis, and
teling of thair landis, but ony othir industry. Thus failyet al inge-
nious craftis in this cuntre ; and, thairfore, King Rewtha brocht all
maner of craftismen out of othir contres, and sparpellit thaim in sin-
dry schiris of his realme, with feis and dewteis ; sum part to be ta-
kin on the commoun purs, and sum part as thay micht win be thair
laubouris. The heid of every ox that was slane, was gevin to the
smith of that schire ; the crag, to the forester of the wod ; the toung,
to the man of law ; half ane cost, to the sercheouris of thevis ; als
mekill, to the wricht ; two ribbis of the cost, to the medcinar ; als
mekill, to the surrurgiane : and, beside this, war gevin to thaim cer-
tane mesouris of aitis and beir, becaus na change of money was in
thay dayis. Throw parting of the ox in this wyis, rais up the an-
nuell rentis in this land.
Efter that King Rewtha had plenist his realme on this maner
with craftismen, he was informit, that gret dammage fell oftimis to
his pepill, be ignorance of evil medcinai'is ; and, thairfore, he inhi-
bit, under paine of deid, that ony man exerce the art of medicinary,
without thay war found richt expert, with lang experience thairof.
Afore this time, na medcinaris was usit in this cuntre ; for al per-
sonis, that Avar trublit with infirmiteis, war brocht to the marcat, or
to ony other commoun place, quhare the pepill micht se thaim, to
gif thaim counsall to use sic remedyis, as thay usit quhen thay con-
valescit of thair maledis. It was ane thing richt odius in thay dayis,
to visee nocht the pacient with comfort and consolation.
About this time come certane oratouris fra King Ptolome of
Egypt, to explore the maneris and situacioun of every pepill and
regioun. Thir oratouris war plesandlie ressavit be the king; for
thay war discendit of the Egyptianis, his forbearis. The king gart
convoy thaim bath throw the realme of Scottis and Pichtis, accord-
ing to thair desiris. Thir oratouris wrait in thair bukis the situa-
tioun of hillis, firthis, iUs, townis, lochis, and castellis, within this
region; with the lenth of dayis and nichtis, baith in winter and
simer ; as thay war commandit be King Ptolome : quhilk gaif his
ingine to discrive the situatioun of the erd, in every regioun and
IHs quhare ony men usit to have passage ; with discriptioun of the
montanis, firthis, and cieteis of the samin, be divers instrumentis of
astronomy : be quhais deligence and laubour remanis now ane richt
crafty and profRtable werk, namit, The Cosmographe of Ptolome,
richt expert in mathematik. This ingenius werk was completit in
the time of Adriane, the Empriour.
Quhen thir oratouris had sene and degeisthe considerit this re-
gioun, thay persavit the samin ritis, the same maner of writtingis,
the same toung, and the same habit and cerimonyis, as was usit
amang the Egyptianis ; and, for that caus, thir oratouris war the
more plesandlie depischit of this reahne.
King Rewther governit his realm cxiv yeris efter, in gret justice,
but ony uncouth or civill weris : quhill at last he began to suspek
his lang felicite ; and, thairfore, to prevene all calamite, gif ony war
approcheand be mischance of fortoun, he resignit the crown to The-
reus, son to King Rewther, the xvii yeir of his regne.
Of King ThereibS, and how he was exilitfor his tyranny. How Co-
nane, Chiftane of Brigandism was maid Govemour during Ms pro-
Hereus ressaving the crown on this maner, apperit, the
first sex monethis of his regne, to be ane virtewis prince.
Bot sone eftir, he becam ane vicious tyrane ; involvit so
with lust, that he had na regard to ressone, honesty,
nor justice ; and was namit amang the pepill, the scornar of religioun.
The pepill, be imitation of this insolent prince, increscit every day
more and more in corruppit maneris ; throw quhilk followit ithand
slauchter of nobill men, with reif and heirschippis in all partis.
Strongest thevis, and gretest oppressouris, war haldin in maist vene-
ratioun and honouris. The commonis war sa disparit for the irre-
coverable skaithis done to thaim, that thay traistit nocht possibil ony
tyrane more vicious micht regne above thaim. The capitanis of the
tribis, movit be thir insufferable offencis, thocht unworthy that ony
noble men suld be misgidit be sic ane corruppit nionstour; and,
thairfore, maid ane quiet conventioun amang thaimself ; in the quhilk
thay concludit, baith to degraid him of his crown and kingdome.
Thereus, heirand this conspiratioun of his nobillis againis him, was
sa astonist, that he fled in Britane. At last, quhen he had socht lang
time support of the Britonis to restore him to his realme, frustrat
thairof, he consumit the residew of his dayis in misere at York, the
XII yeir of his regne.
Quhen Thereus was exilit on this maner, the nobillis of Scotland,
that thair common weill sal incurre na dammage for laking of ane
king, chesit Conane, capitane of Brigandis, to be governour. This
Conane, efter that he was maid governour, tuke gret laubouris to
meis al dissentionis that war rissin afore amang the nobillis be sleuth
of Thereus. He punist theiffis, revers, and othir criminabill per-
sonis, with sic severite and justice, that the bestiall and gudis lay
thairfurth but ony trubil. Quhill at last King Thereus deceissit in
Britane, be quhais deith his auctorite was expirit.
Of King Josyne; and of the experience and preching of two Phib-
Ls sone as the nobillis war advertist of the deith of The-
reus, thay maid ane conventioun at Berigon ; in the
quhilk, Josyne, bruther to Thereus, was maid king.
^^^__^^ This Josyne renewit the peace with his nichtbouris, the
Pichtis and Britonis, and held surrurgianis and medcinaris in gret
reverence ; for he wes nurist, the time of his youtheid, with sic per-
sonis in Ireland. He was ane gud medicinar, and had gud expe-
rience of herbis. Our forbearis usit na othir medcin, in curing thair
woundis or infirmiteis, bot herbis; and, in thay dayis, thair was
nocht sa mony divers kindis of maladyis as now ar sene. Few in-
firmiteis war sene that time, bot gravellis, caterris, and siclike mala^ -
dyis, cumino- throw distemperance of cauld and donk humouris.
The pepill leiffit with sa skars and naturall fude, that thay had nocht
only lang dayis, bot war preservit fra all maner of maledyis. Noch-
theles, fra the abstinence of our forebearis was set aside, than un-
couth and deUcious coursis began to multiply sa amang us, that, with
uncouth and strange metis, come uncouth and strange infirmiteis.
And, becaus the unyementis and drogareis that our forbearis usit
micht nocht cure the new maledyis, the pepill war constranit, throw
importabil dolour incressing be the samin, to seke remeid be new in-
gine and craft. And, sen our time is now sa venomit wath uncouth
and superflew metis and drinkis, we thocht sum thing necessar to
rehers the temperance of our forebearis in thair leving, with sic ma-
ledyis and remedyis as war usit in thair dayis ; of quhilkis sail be
schawin more largely efter, quhen time occurris more expedient.
In the time of King Josyne, war brocht to his presence at Beri-
gone, two venerabill Clerkis, of plesant visage, bot thay war almaist
nakit. It is writtin, that thay war preistis of Spanye ; and, passing
out of Portingale to Athenes, be unmerciful! tempest of sees war
schip-brokin at Ros ; thair schip, and remanent pepil that was with
thaim, perist, and thay only savit : and, becaus thay war philoso-
phouris, and men of gret experience, thay war weill tretit. At last,
quhen thay war xiv dayis refreschit efter thair walking and trubill
of see, thay war brocht agane to the kingis presence. The king de-
mandit thaim to schaw, quhat thay understude of the nature of the
ground of Scotland, and of the maneris and religioun of the pepill
thairof. Thir philosophouris answerit, thay micht nocht say perfite-
]y to thir questionis ; becaus thay had nocht lang time to have ex-
perience thairof, and als war sum part febillit in thair fantasyis, for
the calamite laitly falling to thaim be storme of sees. Nochtheles,
sa far as thay micht conjecture, thair was more riches and profFet
to be gottin within the vanis of the erd of Scotland, than above ; for
it was more gevin to winning of minis and metallis, than ony pro-
duction of cornis. Thay knew this, said thir philosophouris, be the
influence of the hevin. As to the maneris and religion of the pepiD,
thay declarit, thair religion was nocht to be commendit ; for thay
adorit imagis of brutall beistis, in forme of levand Goddis, as the
Egyptianis usit : quhilk suld nocht be ; for God was that thing only,
that contenit landis, sees, and every creature ; quhais perfite and ver-
ray image can not be paintit nor devisit be ingine of man. It was
necessar, thairfore, that the pepill suld leif thair idolatryis ; and adore
allanerly the levand God, mover of the hevinnis, with sacrifice and
prayer in thair tempillis allanerly, but ony imageris ; and, finaly,
to leif in hope of reward, gif thay leifRt with clene lif and justice :
uthirways, not was devisit for thaim bot dolour and torment.
Thir philosophouris preching in this maner, inducit the pepill to
leif thair idolatryis ; makand thair sacrifice and prayer allanerly to
the mover of hevin, the eternall God. Thus Avar the pepill brocht
to that way, that the sacrifice that was wont to be gevin to Isis and
Apis, the Goddis of Egypt, was abrogat. Throw quhilk the Scottis
war mony yeris efter sa religious, that thay made adoration only to
God, the movar of the hevin : yit utheris war sa indurat in thair
aAvn errouris, that thay couth nocht omit thair auld superstitionis ;
and belevit firmely, that the son, mone, and otheris the sternis and
lanternis of the hevin, war verray Goddis : for thay war sa obstinat
and blindit in the auld arrour of Gentilis, diat quhen thay saw na
thing in erd more bricht nor mervellus than the son, mone, and uther
Uchtis of the hevin, thay belevit sum divinite thairin, and adorit
thaim as Goddis.
This history, sa far as it is now drawin, is coUeckit out of Vere-
mond, Johne Campbell, and Cornelius Ireland ; quhom we have
determit to follow, as maist autentik auctouris, to the end of this
our quhatsumever werke.
King Josyne was ane virtuous prince, and deceissit at Berigone,
the XXIV yeir of his regne.
Of King Fynnane and his Lawis ; and of the College ofClerkis in
the lie of Man.
Fter the deith of Josyne, his son Fynnane, ane wise and
virtuous prince, was maid king. He was sa gret luff'ar
of justice, that he richely rewardit all the capitanis of
the tribis, quhare he fand thaim luffaris of the com-
mounweill He gaif his hale attendance to win the hertis of his pe-
pill, and maid na exercition nor ministration of justice but advise of
his nobillis. He ekit the nowmer of his counsal with ma senatouris
than was afore, to mak thaim the more renoumit. He maid ane law,
that the king sail do na thing, concerning the publik administration
of his realme, but advise of his nobilUs. He maid als ane uther law,
that the king sail nothir denonce weir, nor treit peace, but advise of
the capitanis of tribis. Be thir, and siclike constitutionis, King Fyn-
nane conquest gret favour and benivolence of his pepill. Be this maner
of governance, he maid him sa Strang amang his liegis, that he was
nevir assailyeit efter with ony uncouth weris, and grew in gret aboun-
dance of riches. Finaly, he set his mind to repare the religion of
Goddis, for it wes decait in his faders time. First, he commandit
the imagis of thair Goddis to be restorit to thair tempiUis, that the pe-
pill micht have the samin in adoration as afore : and yit he wald
nocht inhibit the pepill to adore the levand God, mover of hevin ;
for that wes institute afore be the philosophouris. He sufferit his
pepill to adore quhat God thay plesit. He wes the first king that
institute Prelatis and Clerkis to be in this realme : and, that thir
Clerkis suld remane togidder, he gaif thaim the He of Man, liand
betwix Ireland and Britane, fornens Brigance, quhare thair princi-
pall seit wes ordanit to be.
Thir Clerkis convenit, ilk yeir, anis, at the command of the gret
maister and bischop thairof ; specialie quhen ony hie and wechty
materis occurit, concerning the defence of thair religioun or com-
monweil. Thir preistis war namit Druides; and wes institute in
this He, be advise of the king and his nobillis, to mak sacrifice in the
honour of thair Goddis, and to instruk the sonnis of nobill men in
virtew and science, siclik as thay war lernit at Athenes. It wes com-
mandit, that ane of thaim, as bischop and maister, sail have juris-
dictioun above the laif ; before quhom wes borne ane gleib of fire,
in signe of his honour and divinite : efter quhais deith, ane othir,
maist approcheand to virtew and cunning, wes chosin to succeid in
his place. Thir Clerkis, throw thair ithand exercitioun, increscit
sone eftir richt expart in morall and naturall philosophie; and wes
haldin be the pepill maist just and haly creaturis. Thay maid lawis,
to discus the doutis baith of publik and singular actionis ; and de-
visit nocht onlie punitioun for all maner of crimes, bot ordanit con-
dio-ne reAvardis to be gevin for al gud dedis. Thay cursit thaim that
contempnit thair auctorite. This punition wes evir odious amang
oure forbearis ; for the cursit pepill war, in thay dayis, resecat fra
al o-ud cumpany, and not participant with the reward of honouris
or digniteis, bot numerit amang the cumpany of infamit and wickit
misdoaris. Thir preistis wer exemit fra all chargis of weir, and othir
exactionis. Of thir preistis writtis mony auctourls ; affirming, thair
ordour and religioun first found in Britane : for thay cal the hail He
of Albion under ane name, Britane.
Fynnane Aves ane virtuous prince, and na les honorit for his civil
than religious maneris ; be quhilkis he decorit his realme. He ma-
ryit his son Durstus on Agasia, douchter to the King of Britonis ;
and conquest, be the samin, na htill glore and benevolence amang
the Britonis. At last, he past to gif consolation to the King of
Pichtis, quhilk wes liand that time in vehement fever at Camelon,
quhare he deceissit, the xxx yeir of his regne. His body wes brocht
to Berigone, an beryit amang the remanent sepulturis of his proge-
Of King Durstus ; and how he was slane for his crueU tyranny.
Ynnane deceissit on this wise, his sonne Durstus wes
maid king. This Durstus, be insolent youth, wes gevin
to drounknes and unbrideht lust ; and so diiFerent fra
\ his faderis governance, that he haitit all thaim that his
fader luffit. He brak the ordour of law that wes institute afore be
his progenitouris, for ministratioun of justice. He usit na counsal
in gret materis, bot onlie of thaim that favorit his vicious maneris,
and culd find to him new maner of lustis. He was sa mischevous
ane tyrane, that al the nobil men, that his fader usit on his secret
counsall, war be him othir slane or banist ; or ellis, be feinyeit cau-
sis, forfaltit of thair landis and guddis. And, finalie, he wes brocht
to sic cruelte, that not onHe he slew thame quhilkis war odius to him,
bot als slew al thaim quhare he belevit to get ony riches or guddis
be thair deith. He repudiat his nobil quene Agasia, the King of
Britonis dochter ; and gart his vicious harlotis deforce hir.
Quhill this unhappy tyrane wes involvit with thir and sicUk abho-
minable dedis, the capitanis of the His, Lome, Argyle, and Ros,
be frequent conventionis amang thaimself, maid ane conspiratioun
aganis him. So far haitit thir capitanis the rage of tyranny, that
thay wald na langar abid at his opinion ; and to that fine, thay sail
nocht appere as brekaris of the faith that suld be kepit to thair na-
tural prince, thay schew thaim, be opin proclamation, nocht assem-
bht to invaid the king, bot onlie to punis his vicious and unliappy
counsalouris, be quhome the realme was brocht to sic enormiteis,
that, without remeid war haistely providit, the samin suld pas to
uter rewine.
Quhill the capitanis foresaid war preparand thair armis on this
maner, the commonis, richt desirus to distroy this tyrane, rais hais-
tely on athir hand to assist to thir capitanis. Yit part of the com-
monis wald nocht concurre with thir capitanis, beleving thaim nocht
assemblit for ony common weill, hot only to usurpe the crown.
Durstus, na Htil affrayit of thair assemblance, for he knew him-
self gilty, maid him to flee ; and, seand na place sufficient to keip
him, he send to the Britonis, desiring his quene Agasia to be send
to him, with ane power of armit men, to resist ane certane of his no-
billis, aganis him conspirit. At last, seand na support apperand, he
began to turne his treasonabill mind to falset and slichtis, and tuke
purpos to sla thir conspiratouris be sum hid waching ; beleving be
that way only to eschew the danger appering. Incontinent, he send
ambassatouris to thir capitanis, and fenyeit him sa penitent, that he
wald reforme all ofFencis and injuris done be him in perditioun of
the commounweill ; and promittit, nocht only to governe the realme
in times cuming be thair advise, bot to punis his wickit counsalouris,
quhilkis war occasioun of all displesouris be him done. It was als
ane odious thing, to ane king to fecht aganis his subdittis ; specially
quhen thay ar nocht set to degraid him of his crown, bot only to re-
duce him to better estait. And, for the observation thairof, he wald
bind him, in the tempill of Diane, under quhat astrictionis thay plesit ;
and. gif that micht nocht be sufficient, he suld cum to thaim but ony
assurance, and submit him to underly quhat correctioun thay pleasit.
And, that his wordis micht have the more credit, he kest ane cer-
tane of his servitouris in prisone, as he war to punis thaim to the
deith for thair assistence to his vices. Otheris, of small estimatioun,
he arrayit in precious clething, and send thaime to the said capitanis
to be punist at thair plesour.
The capitanis gevand haisteUe credence to his wordis, send Doron,
capitane of the tribe of Lome, to take his aithis eftir his promis.
Thus was Durstus brocht in the temple of Diane, and sworne be-
fore the preist thairof with all aithis that couth be devisit, to ressave
thir capitanis to maist tender freindschip, remitting the rankour of
his mind, with al maner of crime that micht be imput to thaim;
and not onlie to hald thaim as his faithfull and tendir freindis, bot
to governe the realme in times cumming be thair avise.
Als sone as thir capitanis, be vane confidence, were cumin to him,
he ressavit thame sa plesandlie, that baith his wordis, visage, and
contenance, apperit but' ony dissimilance. Thus was general! con-
cord and blythnes maid on athir side. King Durstus, rejosing of
this concord, calUt thir capitanis to ane banket, within his castell of
Berigone. Als sone as thay war entrit, this unniercifull tyrane past
to ane towr of the castell ; and, incontinent, certane armit men ruschit
furth of the chalmeris quhare thay war hid, and slew thir capitanis,
and all utheris that enterit in the castell, of tliair opinioun. The wiffis
and matronis, that followit thair husbandis to this terrible banket,
evil hurt and woundit in debait of thair said husbandis, past out of
Berigone ^rith dolorus spraichis, crying vengeans on tliis cursit ty-
i'ane, for violation n of his faith and promis.
This treson and falset of Durstus was nocht lang unpunist : for
al the remanent freindis of thir capitanis assemblit ane army, baith
of men and wemen sufficient to beir Avappinnis, sa haistely, that thay
laid ane sege about the castel of Berigone, or Durstus v^as advertist
thau'of. Ane certane of tham past incontinent to the wallis, and
said, thay suld have sone experience, qidiidder he was more crafty
in treason or fechting. Durstus, disparit of help, come out of the
castel, in his wod fury, with ane cumpany of evill arrayit peple ;
and was sone spulyeit baith of his lifFe and crown, the nint yeir of
his regne. And, howbeit he was ane vicious tyrane, he was buryit
in ane kingly sepulture, amang his forbearis.
Ofgret contention amavg the Capilanis. Of the ortsouyi maid he
Charon, Capitane of Argyle ; and how Ewin, thejlrst of that
name, xcas maid King.
Urstds, slane in this maner, his sonnis fled in Ireland.
Sone eftir, ane convention was maid to cheis the king.
The nobilhs beand all of ane mind, eoncludit to suffir
nane of Durstus blude to regne above thaim, in adven-
ture that sum of thame svdd revenge his slauchter ; and, thairfore,
thay tuke lang consultation, of quhat linage and blud the king suld
be chosin. Sum desirit Ragaon, chiftane of the His, for he conspirit
first aganis Durstus ; yit, becaus he favourit evill dedy men, he was
repellit. Utheris desirit Cormanus, capitane of Lome. Thus war
the tribis devidit in sindi-y vocis.
Efter lang contention, Charon, capitane of Argyle, said in this
maner : " Ye may have perfite experience, wise fadcris, be the ci-
' vill weris of Dowall and Ferquhard, and now more recentlie be
' the empire of wickit Durstus, how dangerus and unthankful! is
' to all pepill to have ane cruell tyrane regnand above thaim ; for
' be thay samin weris, this nobil realme, quhilk has bene debatit sa
' mony yeris with gret manheid, wisedome, and curage, wes neir
' brocht to finall eversione ; for be the samin weris, our nobillis war
' slane, and our commonis brocht to sa vile servitude, that, gif the
' samin had continewit, oure name and linage suld have perist in
' Albione. Quhat miserie sustenit our faderis in Berigone, quhen
' thay war constranit, be urgent nccessite, to saif thair miserable
' livis on the fude of thair bowellis ! Quhat danger sustenit our
' King Rewther, evading his ennimes be maist perellus ischeing,
' quhen his realme was neir lost, and Colane, the vailyeant capitane,
' slane, onelie for defence of him and his realme ! Quhat fury was
' in thay nobill wcmen, that slew thaimself at Berigone, that thay
' suld nocht leif in servitude of ennimes ! Quhat hes brocht our
' nobillis to sic mesiry, that thay war banist, and socht suple at un-
' couth reahnes ? Nocht bot sedition intestine amang thaimself.
« The Britonis, for al thair riches and chevah-ie, micht nevir have
' maid sic incursionis and heirschippis on our landis and peple, war
' nocht we maid first ane reddy gait to thaim be our awin dissen-
' tioun. It is, thairfore, to be eschewit, richt vailyeant men, that
' this dissentioun, now rising amang you, cum nocht to dammage
' of your commonweil. Ye have dehverit, now laitlie, the realme
' of the tiranny of Durstus ; ye have sufficicnthe revengit the slauch-
' ter of the nobilHs be his deith : now is the time maist ganand to
' help oure materis. Tine nocht, my gud freindis, the victory be
' civill dissentioun, that ye have conquest Avith gret labour. Ye se
' the pepil glaid of Durstus deith, and desirus to have ane king be
' your election. Quhil thay ar now at your opinioun, mak ane king
' that will tak your part : otherwayis, na thing sal be amang yow,
' bot civill weris, heirschippis, and slauchter baith of nobillis and
' commonis ; and, in the meintime, sum of Durstus freindis sail
' nocht onlie usurp the crown, bot sail punis yow for his slauchter."
The nobillis and commonis, seand Charon of sic exellent visdome,
gif to him power to cheis quhom he thocht best to be king. Than
Charon, that the crown sal remane ay of the same blud, chesit
Ewin, the first of that name, to be king ; for Durstus and Ewin war
brethir sonnis. Thus was Ewin crownit in the chair of marbill, at
Berigone. This castell was haldin certane dayis aganis him, be
freindis of Durstus ; nochtheles, it was finalie randerit.
This Ewin was the first King of Scottis that socht the aith of fi-
delite fra his subditis ; that is to say, that his nobillis and subditis
suld be leil and trew to him. Throw quhilk it come in use, mony
yeris eftir, that all the capitanis of tribis, at thair electioun, con-
stranit thair subditis to gif thair aifehis of fidelite ; quhilk rite is yit
observit : for the pepill, dwelling in the hie land and His thairof, at
electioun of thair capitane, haldis up thair handis to be leil and trew
to him ; and, als sone as the capitane is chosin, thay past to the nixt
mote, and defendis, under pane of deid, that nane of thaim name
thair capitane with ony uthir sloggorne, bot with the auld name of
that tribe ; and, quhen thay heir his name, to bek and discover thair
held, with na les reverence than he war a God. I beleif, thairfore.
that the pepill that dwelhs in hie land, or in the Ihs, quhen thair
hieest besines occurris, sweris be the fute, or hand, or name of thair
capitane, as sum hid divinite war in the same.
Ewin, to stabil his reahiie in virtew, commandit the young chil-
dren of his realme to be nurist with skars and hard f ude ; and to
sleip erar on hard burdis, than on plumis or coddis; and to be
ithandly exercit in swift rinning and wersling, to make thaim the
more abill to debait his realme, quhen time requirit : and ordanit
thaim, to abstene fra all thing that micht make thaim soft or effemi-
nat. This virtuus prince past throw all the boundis of his realme
for ministration of justice, and punist criminabill personis with sin-
dry punitioun : some skurgit, and sum he punist to the deith.
The samin time, come the ambassatouris of Pichtis, desiring, be
the tenoure of confideratioun, to have support aganis the Britonis,
quhilkis Avar laitly cumming, with gret incursionis, in the Mers, and
purposit to sege thair ciete of Camelon. King Ewin, to support his
confiderate freindis, come Avith ane haisty army aganis the Britonis.
The Scottis and Pichtis, assemblit in this maner, went forth wart with
na les curage, than victory had ben present in thair handis ; so far
war thair mindis inflammit to revenge the injuris done to thaim in
the yeris afore. The Britonis, na thing affrayit of thair cuming,
met thaim, with na les ferocite, on the tothir sid, Followit, ane
dangerus and cruell battall, fochtm lang time with uncertane victo-
ry ; bot, at last, the nicht severit thaim, Avith richt soroAvfull and
doutsum chance of battal. The confiderat kingis, seand thair army
brokin, fled, under nicht, to Pentland hillis ; and the Britonis, bro-
kin Avith siclike calamite, and disparit of ony new support, fled, on
the same maner as disconfist pepill, and left thair carage behinde
thaim. Als sone as the confiderat pepill Avar advertist heirof, thay
returnit to the same partis quhare the Britonis war campit afore,
and partit the spvdye thairof be custum of armis. Sic thingis done,
King EAvin returnit to Bcrigon, and rcAvardit richely the freindis of
thaim that war slane in this battall. Sum of his capitanis, for thair
provin vassalage, war promovit to publik officis ; and othirs reward-
it with riches and gudis. And, fra diens, he concludit to governe
his realme in tranquillite and peace. He maid certane jugis to abide
in sindry regionis of his realme, to minister justice to the pepil. He
ordanit certane exploratouris to remane in ilk schire, that thay micht
serche sornaris, theiffis, and reiffavis, and bring thaim to his lawis.
And, that thir exploratouris micht continew in thmr office, he dotat
thaim with sindry landis. In memory heirof, remanis yit to our
days sindry infeftmentis of auld baronis, quhais landis war gevin-
be virtuous princis for the samin caus ; howbeit thay exerce nocht
the effect thairof.
King Ewin biggit ane castel nocht far fra Berigon, callit than
Ewin, efter his name ; now callit, Dounstafage ; and gidit his realme
mony yeris efter, to the gret comniodite of his common weiil ; and
deceissit, the xix yeir of his regne.
How Gillus, bastard sonne to King Ewin, slew two Sonnis and two
Nepotis ofDurstus, to make himself King; and how the thrld
Nepot, Edeir, cschapit.
Ftir deith of Ewin, his bastard son, Gillus, convenit
the nobillis, to bury his fader. And, in the time of his
obsequies, com Dothane and Dorgall, two sonnis of
.^^__ Durstus, fast' contending for the crown : for thay war
recwileldwith King Ewin afore his deth. Yit, becaus thay war two
twinnis, borne at anis, the law couth nocht decerne, in thay dayis,
quhilk of thaim had maist richt to the crown. Thus rais ane schame-
ful debait betwix thir two brethir ; ilk ane of thaim set in othir
slauchtir. ., j
This Gillus was ane man of subtell ingine ; and, seikand occasioun
to conquis the cro^^^l, ekit the hatrent of thir two brethir be mony
shchtis, and armit thame in athir slauchter. At last, be appoint.
ment of Gillus, thir two brethir war brocht togidder to be agreit,
be avise of freindis, of all debatis, and ane of thaim to be maid king ;
nochtheles, thay war sa extreme at this conventioun on athir side,
that thay partit war freindis than thay met.
Nocht lang eftir, thay war brocht agane be GiUus in ane secreit
chalmer, Eftir laiig consultatioun it was concludit sum time to de-
vide the crown betwix thaim, and sum time to mak ane of thaim
king. Alwayis Gillus inflammit more thair hatrent than he mesit :
and, in the mene time, certane armit men ruschit out of privat chal-
meris, as thay war commandit be Gillus, and slew thaim baith.
. Eftir thair slauchtir, Gillus ran heir and thair, with piteus cr3ds,
schawin how he eschapit ane richt dangerus adventure, quhare
the kingis sonnis war laid for his slauchter, and baith slane; and,
incontinent, he commandit his freindis, that stude about him, to
have him to sum sicker place ; for, gif he fled nocht in time, he
suld be tint. His freindis, beleving al thingis trew as he schew,
foUowit him to the castell of Dounstafage. Gillus entering in this
wise within the castel, and finding mony of his opinion, arrayit his
men in sindry ambuschementis, and commandit to sla all thaim
that war repugnant to his desiris. Incontinent he callit the capi-
tanis of the tribis to ane counsall, and began, be lang orisone, to de-
test the insolence, avarice, and unnatural hatrent of the kingis sonnis,
quhilkis, contending for the crown, hes slane thaimself. And on
the same maner he detestit the bludy tyrany of Durstus, thair fa-
der ; schawand, be mony reasonis, his sonnis unabill for the crown ;
and gaif thankis, thairfore, to the Goddis, that the cunti'e was deli-
verit of thair tyranny, and the tresson falling on thaimself, quhilk
thay devisit for him. Finally, he schew the gret laubour, cure, and
diligence, that he tuke baith for the common n wele, and to have
brocht the kingis sonnis to concord; quhilkis as than war baith slane,
he nocht knawand be quhat maner, bot narrowly eschaping with his
lif. And, forthir, he schew, how his fader, King Ewin, left hira
governour be his testament, with power to part all his tresoure and
gudis amang the nobillis that luffit him during his lif. And, that
the commoun weil micht suffer na dammage, he desirit the admini-
stration of the realme to be gevin to him, quhill it war cleirly dis-
cussit, quhay war just heritouris thairto. The capitanis, quhilkis
war at this time within the castell, knawand weil his treason, to saif
thair liffis, maid him king.
Als sone as Gillus was maid king on this wise, to stabil the realme
to him with sickir firmance, he tuk the aithis of his pepil to be his
faithful liegis. Sic thingis done, he partit the tresure and guddis
of King Ewin, as he promittit ; and, be that way, he conquest thair
benevolence and favour. Nochtheles, the same ambition and avarice
that movit him to seik the crown, remanit with him eftir that he was
king : for he set his mind, be mony slichtis, to distroy all the lin-
nage and blude of Durstus, that he micht rejose the crown but ony
clame of otheris. And becaus he wes advertist, that Dothane, the
Sonne of Durstus, afore slane, had thre sonnis nurist in the He of
Man, under the wise Clerkis thairof ; of quhilkis the eldest, Lismorus,
had XII yeris in age ; the secund, Cormacus, x yeris; and the thrid,
Edeir, nocht thre yeir of age ; he went the nerrest way to the said He,
with dissimilat mind, as he wald have brocht thir children to his castell
of Dunstafage, to be fosterit thair with otheris nobillis sonnis of the
realme. The eldest two, arrayit in thair best avise, met King Gillus ;
quhome he maist tenderlie ressavit, and spendit the residew of the
nicht in cherising thir barnis, that the gret maister and bischop of
the said He suld have na suspition of his hid treason. On the mor-
row, he began to common with the bischop and his clerkis, concern-
ing thair religioun, constitutionis, and lawis. On the thrid day he
maid sacrifice to his Goddis, with solempnit cerimonis; and eftir
that he had left certane men behind him to sla the thrid sonne,
Edeir, he pullit up salis, and arrivit at Dounstafage, havand with
him the two eldest sonnis of the said Dothane, ^vith thair foster-fa-
der and brether ; for, in thay dayis, the pcpill had na les affection
to thair foster-brether and fader, than to thair awin naturall fader
or brether.
The youngest son, Edeir, was in sic infirmite, that na man bele-
vit his hf. Als sone as he began to convales, he was brocht be his
nuris to Argyle, quhare he was nurist lang time amang the desert
craggis and montanis of that land : for scho suspeckit na gud to cum
of his two remanent brether that come in Gillus handis. And, as scho
conjecturit, so followit: for the first nicht that Gillus returnit to
Dounstafage, he slew baith thir sonnis of Dothane, in the armis of
thair foster-fader and brether. And, herand that tlie thrid son,
Edeir, was eschapit, he become sa wod and furius, that he slew the
men that he left behind him for his slauchter, at thair returning.
And, fra thens, he set his uter besines to persew Edeir to the deith ;
and ceissit nocht, quhill he was suerly advertist of his fleing in Ire-
How King Gilhis xcas banisf. Hozv Cadal, Chiftane of Brigandism
•was maid Governoy?', and slew Gillus in Ireland. And how Ewin
the Secund xoas maid King.
Ot lang efter, ane counsall was set at Dounstafage; in
the quhilk Gillus schew, be lang orison, that he had
deservit na litil favour of his nobillis and commonis for
the prudent administratioun of his realme, gevand his
uter bcsines baith to take away al movaris of sedicion, and to saif it
fra dissention, and weris intestine, and fra the insolence of ane young
prince ; and, thairfore, he desirit na suspition to be imput to him,
howbeit the sonnis of Dothane war deceissit, as apperit, be the mind
of Goddis ; for as thay ordanit kingdomes and empire to be, so have
thay commandit na wemen nor barnis, bot men only of provin vir-
tew, to have the samin in governance. Forthir, thair was sindry
seditius men, and movaris of discord, the quhilkis was necessar to
be drawin fra the laif.
Als sone as Gillus had said thir wordis, he enterit, with ane cer-
tane of his nobillis, in the castel of Dounstafage. Incontinent, he
gart sla all the freindis of Dtu'stus, but ony miseration, quhidder
thay war men, wiffis, or barnis. Mony of the noblis that stude
about him, was richt astunist for this cruelte ; dreidand to be slane
on the same maner. Gillus seand thaim affrayit, maid thaim conso-
latioim ; for, gif thay continewit at his opinioun, thay sail leif in
gret felicite in times cuming. Efter this, he kest his wickit mind ilk
day to more cruelte, that he micht all uterly distroy all thaim that
favorit Durstus.
Quhen this bludy tyrane had roung certane time, with thir, and
siclike inhumane cruelteis, unsemand to ane prince ; the capitanis and
nobillis of Scotland assemblit ane army of chosin men fra all partis
of the realme, and conspirit aganis him with sic prudence, that this
tyrane wist nocht thairof, quhil thay war arrayit afore him at Doun-
stafage. Gillus than, destitute of all support, and havand nane with
him bot sa mony as war outhir haldin aganis thair will, or coft with
his money, gat ane fischar bait, and fled in Ireland.
Efter his fleing, his men war al yoldin to Cadall, chiftane of Bri-
gandis, and baith his castellis, Berigone and Dounstafage, taikin.
The nobillis, be gud advisement, that this tyrane, Gillus, suld be
perpetually exilit, maid Cadall governour ; quhilk kest his extreme
labour to persew Gillus to the delth ; and come finaly in the Ihs,
quhare he fand Edeir, the thrid son of Dothane, qvihilk was savit
afore fra the treasone of Gillus be his nurice, as said is. And be-
caus the said Edeir was destitute of freindis, (for thay war al slane
be Gillus,) he was send to Epiak, the principall ciete of Brigance ;
to be kepit thair, quhil he war of more perfectioun and aige.
Gillus, banist on this wise, complanit to the princis of Ireland, of
the hevy injuris done to him be the Scottis; be quhome he was
exilit, and spulyeit of his empire and kingdome ; throw quhilk na
place was left sicker to him in Albion : and promittit, gif the said
princis wald restore him to liis realme, to gif the His of Scotland
fra the empire of Scottis, to be haldin perpetually of the dominion
of Ireland. The Ireland princis, glaid of his promis, assemblit ane
army to cum in Scotland for the same effect.
Cadall, Weill advertist of thair ordinance, returnit to Dounstafage,
and tuke consultatioun of the nobillis, how the said Gillus micht be
esely resistit. Than was it concludit that Ewin, the secund of that
name, sal be king ; for he was nepot to King Fynnane, gottin of his
bruther, Dowal.
Gillus, seand the see campis stuffit in all partis of Albion to re-
sist his cuming, arrivit in the His ; quhare he exercit his cruelte but
ony miseratioun or piete; sine tuke with him all the guddis that
micht be caryit, and the remanent put in fire. King Ewin, impa^
cient to suffer thir injuris, providit ane flote of galyeonis and schippis,
with marineris, weirmen, and other thingis necessar ; and send thaim
with Cadall, his admu-all, in Ireland. Sone efter, Cadall pullit up
sahs, and, with fortunat windis, arrivit in Ireland. At quhais cum-
ing went sic confluence of pepil to him, that he semit nocht only to
vinous Gillus, bot all the pepill of Ireland.
Gillus sone efter arrayit his folkis, and, be sound of trumpet,
baith the armjis junit, and faucht with gret cruelte on ilk side ;
quhill, at last, mony of Gillus folkis, wery and mate, specially thay
that thocht it odius to fecht aganis thair native pepill, fled fra Gil-
lus, and randerit thaim to Cadall. Than Gilkis, disparit of victory,
raif of his coit-armour, and fled in a thik wod. Sone efter, certane
annit men war send to seik Gillus ; and fand him finaly in ane dirk
coif of the wod, neir famist of hunger ; and incontinent thay slew
him, and brocht his heid to Cadall.
This miserabill end maid Gillus, the secund yeir of his regne ;
confiding ouir mekill in his tyranny and falset.
Hoxa Cadall, returnand out of Ireland, lost the maist part of' his
Army he rage of Sees. And of the consolatioun maid to him be
King- Ewin.
Fter the deith of Gillus, Cadall was returnand in Al-
bioun, be the Ireland sees, with his victorious army :
quhen suddandly rais ane unmerciful storme, and tur-
nit all his glore of victory in desolatioun ; for, the ir-
recoverabill skaithis falling be the said tempest, passit all the prof-
fet of his victory. The miserabill moderis and wiffis, knawing thair
husbandis and sonnis perist in the sees, convenit to the schippis,
with hidduous spraichis and schowtis. Amang othir lamentabill
sichtis, Cadall come to land in dolorus array, beu-and his handis to
the hevin, and warying fortoun and the Goddis, that distroyit sa
mony nobill and vailyeant men, converting thair glore of victory in
supreme misery ; quhais dolorus havingis war sa petuous, that every
man had compassioun thairof.
King Ewin, richt sorrowfull of thir novellis, come, with gret dili-
gence, to Cadall, and said in this maner : " Thou hes brocht to me
" and my realme, maist vailyeant Cadall, na litill consolatioun ; re-
" turning \\ath thy victorius army in Albioun, unbrokin be injuris
" of ennimes. Thou hes vincust my ennimes in ane uncouth regioun,
" fechtand manly, be displayit baneris, for the eis of my realme and
" common weill. The tyrane GilUis, pump of every vice, is vincust.
" Howbeit, his schamefuU fleingmicht be no support to him ; quhais
" heid, schorne fra his body, is brocht in Albion, to that fine, that
" he sal nocht want now, quhen he is deid, the schame and disho-
" nour that he deservit for his tyranny in his lif. ]\Iy adversaryis
" ar penitent of thair rebellioun, and brocht to my opinion. Our
" army, be thy industry, ar saiffit but reproche amang thair un-
" couth and strongest fais. Thou hes left na thing undone, that
*' pertenit to ane forcy campioun. Na cans occurris to reclame aganis
" fortoun nor the hevinnis ; for, thocht ane part of thy army be
" perist, be tempest and rage of seis, yit thow, be benevolence and
" favour of Goddis, ar saffit to the hie honour of this realme. Thow
" arrivit in Ireland nocht but propiciant favour of the Goddis, re-
" turning with sa riche spulyeis, but on}^ injuris of ennimes. And,
" thocht thy ennimes rejose of the mischance falling to thy army,
" yit na glore may succeid thairof to thaim. For the stait of eirdly
" creatouris hes this condicioun: eftir prosperite cuiuis adversite,
" and eftir adversite cumis prosperite ; proceding be reward of fa-
" tal destineis, quhais affect may nocht be movit, nor yit eschewit,
" be prudence of mortall creatouris. Thow hes, thairfore, na caus
" to lament, bot erar to have thy adversite in pacience, saiffing the
*' to ane better fort on. And sen na creatouris may remeid thir dis-
" plesouris bot the Goddis, quhilkis governis the empire of men at
" thair pleseir, schaw now ane plesand vult with us ; that thy
" freindis and ennimes may knaw the, be ferme Constance, na mair
" brokin in adversite, than proAvd in prosperite ; that thy spreit and
" curage may appere als invincible, as thy body is in battall."
Cadall heirand this consolatiovm of his prince, fenyeit al the cheir
he micht : howbeit, he repentit sair, that this unmercifull tempest,
that consumit sa mony vailyeant men, left him on live, to se thair
mischeif and sorow. Of this calamite falling to Cadall, is sum part
rehersit, be the poete Claudiane, and othir auctouris.
Cfjap* Binttttntij.
Ho'lO the Kh}gis of Scottis and Pkhtis rear all'iat togklder be Ma~
riage. Hoxc Balus, King ofOrknay, slexv himself he disperation.
Of the raise comisall gevin he King Eicin to Edeir,
IxG EAnn, eftir the slaucbter of Gillus, desiring to go-
verne his reahiie in justice, visit all the boundis thairof,
and punist faltoviris ; and gave to Cadall, for the faith-
ful! service be him done, the io\a\ of Epiak, with sin-
dry othir landis and townis of Brigance, in fre regahte.
Nocht lang eftir, King Ewin, accumpanit -with his nobillis, met
Gethus, King of Pichtis, on the borduris of Brigance, and renewit
the band of peace v-ith Pichtis. This peace wes roborat be mariage ;
for King Ewin maryit Siora, dochter of Gethus the Thrid, King of
Pichtis. This mariage wes solempnisit be the bischop and preistis
of the lie of Man.
Nocht lang eftir, he wes advertist, that Balus, King of Orknaj,
wes cumming, with ane flote of schippis, throw Pentland Firth, and
maid na litiU heirschippis and slauchter in Ros and Cathnes. King
Ewin, to meit thir attemptatis, assemblit ane flote of schippis with
sic deligence, that Balus wes not advertist thairof, quhill he wes ar-
rivit in sicht. The Orknay men, abasit of his suddand cumming,
war constranit to gif battall : bot thay war sone discomfist ; and, be
continewall chais, drevin to the scis, quhare ane part of thame es-
chapit be fischear batis, and the residew vincust and slane. King
Balus seing na way to eschape, that he sail nocht cum in his enni-
mes handis, slew himself. King Ewin, throw this victory, conquest
gret favour of his pepill. And, quhen he wes returning hame be
the Ireland seis, he arrivit in the mouth of Lochtie, quhare he big-
git ane town, callit Inverlochtie ; and maid thair ane sicker refuge,
in the honour of his Goddis, defending, under pane of deid, that
ony criminabill personis be abstrakit out of the samin, nochtwith-
standing quhatsumevir crimis be thaim committit. This town wes
eftir ane commoun port till all marchandis of France or Spanye, for
the incredibill plente of fische swommand in thay seis. Of this town
remanis nocht, in our days, saif onlie the ruinus wallis thairof; for
it wes evertit be tlie Danis, as we sail eftir schaw. King Ewin big-
git ane othir town on the river of Nes, quhilk is yit namit Innernes ;
quhair sum time wes gret repair of marchandis, quhilkis come out
of Almany to seik riche furringis ; as raartrikis, bevaris, and siclik
skinnis, quhilkis aboundis in that regioun. This town remanis yit,
under the auld name, full of marchandise and guddis ; howbeit it
be oftimes heryit be evil nichtbouris liand thair about.
King Ewin, as ane noble and illuster prince, baith in peace and
weir, passit the remanent of his dayis but ony domistik or uncouth
weris ; and peacefyit the seditionis that rais in the His be marveUus
wisdome : for he detestit ay civill weris, als weiU quhen he wes in
privat as in publik auctorite. Schort time afore his deith, he past
to Epiak, to agre the sonnis of Cadall ; quhilkis feU in gret conten-
tion, efter thair faderis deith, for his riches and guddis : nochtheles,
tliis nobill prince aggreit thaim sone efter his cuming. And efter
that he had done the obsequies for Cadall, efFering to the gise of
thay dayis, he gart rais ane huge stane, gravin to the quik image of
Cadall, apon ane hie mot ; and commandit the pepill to offer him
wine and sens: for oure forebearis war dissavit, als weil as othir
pepil, in thair arrouris.
King Ewin, sorrowfull of the deith of Cadall, fell in hevy infir-
mite ; and Avas sa disparit of his heill, that lie resignit the crown to
Edeir, the thrid nepote of King Durstus, for he was just herytoure
to the crown, as we have schawin. And to that fine, that Edeir suld
be ane gud king, he counsalit him, to defende his liegis and subdittis
fra all injuris ; and to do na man injure; and to geif na man office
nor auctorite, that is ennime to justice ; and to dres all gret materis
be himself, and the small materis to commit to his nobillis ; and to
governe him ay in sic maner, that he may be worthy to regne above
his subdittis ; and nevir to move battall les than he micht na othir
wayis do ; and, quhen it was necessar to liave battall, to irk of na
chargis pertening to weirly ordinance ; and to devoid him nevir of
piete, for that virtew was maist semand in ane prince : and, finalv.
commandit him, above all othir besines, to have his Goddis in re-
verence, quhais favoure wes ane sover protectioun to all realmis.
And quhen he had gevin this counsal to Edeir, he deceissit, the
XVII yeir of his regne. Efter quhais deceis, was raisit ane crafty
imaige, maid to his similitude ; quhilk was haldin mony yeris efter
in gret veneratioun amang the pepill.
And sa endis heir the Secund Buke.
Clje %\)xiti Mnht.
Of King Edeir ; and how he revengH the heirschippis maid he the
tratoure Bredus in the His.
Win deceissit in this maner, Edeir was crownit
in the chiar of merbil. And, sone efter, he
vesit all the boundis of his realme; quhais
passaige was the mau' plesand to his nobillis,
that he was gevin to hunting : for he dehtit
in no thing more than in chais of wild beistis
II with houndis and rachis, and specially of
wolffis, for thay ar noisum to tame bestiaU. This regioun, tlirow
the cauld humouris thairof, ingeneris wolffis of feirs and cruell na-
King Edeir brocht the pepill to sic tranquillite, that thay levit
mony yeris but ony oppression or injure of nichtbouris. Bot at last,
Bredus of the His, cosing to Gillus afore rehersit, arrivit with mony
schippis and galyeonis in Argyle, to revenge the slauchter of the
said Gillus, and othir his freindis, slane in Ireland. The pepill, im-
pacient to suffer the heirschippis and slauchter be him maid, com-
plainit to King Edeir, quhilk was huntand on the nixt montanis for
the time. King Edeir advertist heirof, past, that same nicht, with
ane cumpany of chosin men to the sees, quhair the said Bred us was
arrivit ; and, first, he brint all thair schippis and galyeonis, that thay
micht have na refuge to fle in Ireland. On the nixt morrow, King
Edeir persewit this Bredus and his complicis with sic manheid, that
thay war finaly tane, and put to deith. Sic thingis done. King
Edeir past in the His, quhare he punist sindry conspiratouris, tliat
followit the opinioun of Gillus and Bredus.
How the Britonis send Amhassatouris to King Edeir, for support
aganis Julius Cesar. Of thair orison, and of King Edeiris an-
sxver. And how the said Julius rvas doung out of Albion, he
support of Scottis.
Ls sone as Edeir had dantit all invasouris of his realme,
he returnit to Dounstafage. In the mene time, come to
him the amhassatouris of Cassibilane, King of Britonis,
desiring support aganis Julius Cesar, Romane Empe-
rour ; quhais army was reddy, with maist awfull ordinance, to cum
in Albion. Edeir plesandly ressavit thir amhassatouris, and com-
mandit thaim to propone thair eirandis. Sone efter ane nobill man,
namit Androgens, said in this maner : " I will say na thing before
" this famous auditoure, in the name of Cassibilane, King of Bri-
" tonis, maist nobill prince ; saif it only that sal pertene baith to the
" weil of thy realme and liegis. Nature, the wise moder of all crea-
" touris, hes put in this He of Albioun thre vailyeant pepill ; nocht
" to that behuffe, that thay suld leif in seditioun, and invaid othir
" as beistis, but reasoun; bot to incres togidder under ane benivo-
" lence and freindschip, that thay may be the more Strang to resist
" uncouth ennimes quhenevir it sail happin thaim to be invadit.
" Quha may beleif or traist the realme to stand sicker, quhen the
" Britonis ar distroyit be Romanis? Bot gif sum man, be vane
" esperance, wald traist the Romanis, quhilkis relffis sceptouris fra
" kingis, to be the more plesand and merciful! to yow that youre
" nichtbouris ar distroyit, thou may have cognossance, be dammage
" of othir pepill, that this opinioun is vane. The Romanis, calland
" thaimself, be proude insolence, lordis of the warld, quhilkis ar ha-
" tit with all pepill for thair tirannie, ar determit to cum haistely in
" Albioun, to subdew the samin to thair empire. Quhat othir thing
" may we beleif the Romanis sail do, quhen thay have subdevvit us
" Britonis, bot, with sichk avarice and tyranny, to reif fra yow Scottis
" and Pichtis your landis, lawis, and liberteis ? Quhat othir thing
" desire thay, bot to sit down in our landis, castellis, and townis;
" and outhir to thrill us to maist schamefull servitude, or ellis to
" banis the maist nobill and vailyeant men amang us ? Thair deidis
" schawls Weill thair tyranny: as may be weil provin to us be the
" re wine of Cartage, sum time the riche ciete, and brocht finaly to
" nocht, fra it was randerit to Romanis, nochtwithstanding that it
" abaid at thair opinion and faith. Forther, gif sa remot and un-
" couth history may nocht move yow, behald the Gallis, your nicht-
" bouris, quhilkis, als sone as thay war vincust be Romanis, war
" thirlit to perpetuall servitude; thair munitionis, and every maner
" of wappinnis tane fra thaim. It is nocht to be traistit, that Ro-
" manis sail be more propiciant to us Albianis, gif we be vincust,
" than thay have bene to otheris afore ; for ay the more incressis
" thau: dominioun, thair tyranny is the mair insufferabill. Lat us
" heirfore resist thir commoun injuris, with all our pissance equale
" concurring. Best is to resist this violence of Romanis in the be-
" ginning, in adventure thay grow efter sa Strang, quhen thair
" power is junit togidder, that thay may nocht be resistit. Belt ye
" thairfore, maist invincibil prince, with thy provin virtew, to sup-
" port us be thir thy vailyeant pepil. Come, lusty gallandis, array-
" it in battal aganis our common ennimes. Defend your anciant li-
" berte, and have ferme esperance of victory ; sen our common en-
" nimes, nocht content of the remanent boundis of the warld, be in-
" saciabil avarice, and but ony occasion of injuris, intendis to sub-
" dew this He, quhilk is severit fra all pepill, to thair empire. For-
'' thir, quhen ye, be favour of Goddis lies conquest victory, above
" mony untellabil comoditeis, ye sail rejose youre liberte, and con-
" quest glore immortall baith to yow, and your realme."
Quhen Androgens had endit this orison, he was removit aside,
quhill the noblis had advisit quhat was to be done. Eftev ripe de-
liberation it was concludit, to send support to Britonis, to resist the
commoun danger appering. Than King Edeir maid answer to thir
ambassatouris on this wise : " Ye desire a thing, Aveil belovit Bri-
" tonis, baith honest and proffitabill till our common weill ; movand
" us to defend this realme, quhilk lies bene sa vailyeantly def endit
" be oure progenitouris, fra extreme dangeir thairto appering. The
" avarice, riches, chevalry, and pridfull empire of Romanis ar schawin
' Weill to us be thaini that lies bene subdewit thairto. And, forthir,
" we knaw weill, gif the Romanis subdew yow Britonis to tliair do-
' minioun, tliay will invaid us nixt, and outliir thrill us to vile ser-
" vitude, or ellis expell us out of Albioun. The dammage of Gallis
" and Spanyartis, fra quhome our anciant faderis discendit, schewis
" daily to us, quhat afflictioun and misery thay sustene that ar sub-
" dewit to Romanis. It had bene mair honest to thaim, be my opi-
" nion, to have fouchtin maist strangly to the deid in defence of
" thair liberte, than to have reservit thair miserabill livis to sic
" schameful servitude. We knaw the Britonis wil noclit tine thair
" reahne, thair hberte, and lawis, but Strang bergane ; and, sen our
" common weill may suffer na danger sa lang as ye Britonis standis
" in sicker flrmance, we ar, be degest counsall, profoundly resolvit
" to jeoperde our livis and guddis in defence of yow ; thinkand bet-
" ter to de vailyeantly in that sort, gif sic thingis be plesand to the
" Goddis, than to remane at hame, suffering yow, our tender freindis,
" to be reft fra your landis and liberteis ; and, finaly, to rander oure
" native Goddis, wiflis, and barnis, in our ennimes handis. For thir
" reasonis, we will cans our army, in maist weirly ordinance, to be
*' send haistely to London, in support of Cassibilane, King of Bri-
" tonis. We will als require Gethus, our confiderat brother, the
" King of Pichtis, to concur with us, be band of alliance, to the
" same affect. And, we beleif, all thay that dwelhs in Albioun, be
" respect thay have to the common weill, will heir us gladly in that
" behalf; for the luf we beir unto our native cuntre, enforcis us with
." invincibil body is to assist thairto." The ambassatouris of Bri-
tonis, rasit in esperance of gret fehcite be this answere, returnit to
Als sone as thir ambassatouris war dispaschit, King Edeir send
two vailyeant men, Cadallane and Dowall, capitanis of Brigandis
and Lome, with x.m chosin men, to London. The cuming of thir
Scottis was the more thankfull to Cassibilane, that he was to fecht
aganis the maist pissant ennime, Julius, dantour of the warld.
In the mene time, Cassibilane was advertist, that Julius was ar-
rivit within his sees, and brocht his army on land ; and the pepill
fled that war left to resist his cuming on the see camp ; the nobil
men, that vailyeantly resistit, slane ; and the Egill, quhilk is the an-
senye of Romanis, prowdly displayit on hicht. Be thir novellis, na
litill affray was amang the Britonis. Nochtheles, Cassibilane maid
thame plesand consolation, and exhortit thame vehemently to battall,
for defence of thair realme and hberte, than* M'iffis, barnis, and na-
tive Goddis ; quhilkis ar sa deir to mortall pepill, that but thaim
the lif of man is nothir plesand nor sicker. " Beleif na othir thino-,"
said he, " bot sicker victory ; sen your ennimes persewis yow be na
" occasioun of injuris, bot only be thair insaciabil avarice," The
Britonis war rasit in gret esperance of victory be cumming of
Scottis and Pichtis ; for thay had na htill confidence in thair man-
heid and chevalry. Incontinent, Cassibilane went forthwart with
his hale power aganis the Romanis. And first he send his horsmen,
with sindry wageouris in weir-cartis, to breke the array and ordi-
nance of Romanis. At the first contering, was two smal incursionis
be uncertane victory ; bot, at last, baith the armyis junit with thair
hale power. FoUowit, ane doutsum battall, lang continewing with un-
certane chance : quhill at last, be cuming of Welchemen and Corn-
wal, sa huge nois rais be reird and sowne of bellis, that hang on
thair bardingis, that the ennimes war affrait, and finaly put to flicht.
The Britonis, with Scottis and Pichtis, that come to thair support,
followit on the chace with sic fury, skatterit but array, that thay gat
mair skaith than thay did to thair ennimes. The Romanis kepit sic
ordour in thair fleing, and abaid sa fast togidder at thair ansenye,
that thay maid thaim of times to renew battall, howbeit thay war
nocht of poAver to resist. The Britonis, wide skatterit in sindr)'
buschementis, eschapit nocht in thair chace but gret slauchter;
quliill, at the last, nicht severit thaim.
Als sone as Juhus persavit the chace endit, he gadderit the resi-
dew of his folkis togidder, and send all the woundit men to his
schippis, with purpos to revenge this outrage on the morrow, Noch-
theles herand, on the morrow, that mony of his schippis war sa bro-
kin be violent tempest, that thay war not abill to do him proffet;
and dreidand that this calamite, fallin to his schippis, suld be na les
curage to his ennimes than discomfitour to his awin folkis ; he super-
sedit his intent, quhil he saw ane time mair ganand. Als sone as he
had reparit his navy, he brocht all his folkis to new strength, quhare
the Britonis micht nocht invaid him ; sine puUit up salis within the
nicht, and returnit in France ; levand behind him ane huge pray of
gudchs, quhilk micht nocht be turst for laik of schippis. The yeir
that Julius come first in Albion, was fra the beginning of the warki,
v.M.c.xxxix yeris ; afore the incarnation, lx yeris ; in the iv yeir of
the empire of King Edeir.
Hozo Julius returnit in Britane, and maid it tributar to Romane
Uhen Cesar was doung out of Albion in this wise, the
Albianis, that is to say, Scottis, Pichtis, and Britonis,
partit the spulye found in his tentis, be custum of armis,
rejosing of this glorious victory ; and maid sacrifice to
thair Goddis, beleving perpetually to be deliverit baith of tlie wcris
of Romanis, and all othir uncouth pepill, in timis cuming. Cadal-
lane and Dowall richely rewardit be Cassibilane, returnit with the
army of Scottis ; and schcw to King Edeir al thingis done in maner
afore rehersit. Edeir, rejosing of thir novellis, commandit generall
processionis and sacrifice to be maid in the honoure of Goddis. Than
foUowit sa incredibil luf and kindnes betwix the Scottis, Britonis,
and Pichtis, that thay apperit to leif in times cuming in perpetuall
In the yelr following, King Edeir past to Innernes, quhare he, be
sindry marchandis, was advertist, that Julius had pecifyit France
to his empire, and was makand provision for ane new army to re-
turne in Britane, to revenge the injuris done to him in the yeir afore.
Edeir, sone efter, send his ambassatouris to Cassibilane, to schaw the
hie dangeris appering to his realme ; and promittit to send, gif he
plesit, x.M chosin men to his support,
Thir ambassatouris, at thair cuming to London, schew thir offeris
to Cassibilane. The Britonis, movit be vane arrogance, that the
glore of victory suld not be tane fra thaim, refusit to have ony sup-
ple of Scottis or Pichtis ; and answerit, thay war nocht brocht to sic
febilnes, that it was necessar to thaim to have support al time quhen
ennimes invadit thaim, and thay had the same pissance instantly be
quhilk thay dantit the Romanis in the yeir afore.
King Edeir, and his nobilhs, had na litill admiration of sic vane
arrogance, to refuse support aganis sa pissant ennimes, the dantaris
of the warld ; and jugit, thairfore, the nobil realme of Britonis, be
proude insolence for ane smal victory, to sustene gret dammage.
Quliilk thing was weiU sene in the end of thir weris : for Julius re-
turnit sone efter in Britane. At quhais cuming, the pepill, that was
left to resist him, affrayit be infinite multitude of schippis, fled to
thair best refuge. Nochtheles, Julius was stoutly assailyet be Cas-
sibilane, and thre sindry timis put abak; bot, at last, Cassibilane
was discomfist, and all his vailyeant capitanis tane or slane. Cassi-
bilane, brokin ilk day with irrecoverabill skaithis, and disparit of
support, randerit him to Juhus ; and gaif plegis that his realme sail
remane tributar as Romane province. Cassibilane, yoldin in this
maner, was commandit to pay yeirly mmm poundis of silver to Ro-
mane pepil, in maner of tribute.
Ofsmdry message send he Jidius to Scottis and Plchtis, andqfthair
answer. Of Julius Horf; and qfsindry opinionis concerning the
first Foundaris thairqf.
Ls sone as Julius had dantit the Britonis in this wise,
he come to London, quhare he was ressavit with gret
reverence and honoure : and, quhen he had tarryit thair
certane dayis to refresche his army, he maid provision
to pas on the Scottis and Pichtis. The motive of his weris w^as, be-
caus the Scottis and Pichtis maid support afore to Britonis, the first
time he come in Britane. Yit, afore lie maid o«y battall aganis thaim,
he thocht best to assailye thair mindis be his ambassatouris, quhid-
der thay list have weir or peace : Peace, gif thay wald be subdewit
to Romane empire ; Weir, gif thay perversly wald contempne the
same. Belive, he send ambassatouris to the two khigis of Scottis
and Pichtis, to scliaw thaim, that all realmis, be favoure, as apperit,
of the Goddis, war subdewit to Romanis. For the Goddis, be sin-
dry revolutionis of time, has gevin the monarchy and empire of the
warld to sindiy pepil ; that is to say, to Affricanis, Medis, Persanis,
Grekis, and now instantly to Romanis. Yew placis ar foundin in
the erd quhare the Romane chevalry is unknawin ; for thay, be fa-
vour of Goddis, hes brocht all realmis and landis under thair em-
pire. Thay have vincust Aphrik, Egypt, Araby, Joury, Perthia,
Troy, Thebes, Asia, Macedone, Grece, France, and Spanye ; and
now laitly, Britane. Al regionis circulit Avith the occeane sees, ar
obeysant to Romane lauis. Na pepil ar in erd that knawis nocht
the name of Romanis. Thair is na sicker leving nor honeste, bot
only quhare the Romanis lawis hes dominioun ; for the senat and
pepil of Rome ar the port and sicker refuge of all pepil, quhais glore
is, to defend thair subdittis and freindis in justice and faith. For
thir causis, it war na litill honour to Scottis and Pichtis to have so-
ciete with Romanis, and be callit the confiderat freindis ; quhilkis
hes sa mony cietes and realmis brocht to thair provinces, sa mony
kingis under thair servitude. This is the command of Cesar and
Romane pepill : quhilk suld be fervently desirit, for singular com-
modite, baith of Scottis and Pichtis ; les, than thay avlU be rebelland
to the Goddis, quhilkis hes determit to bring the hale warld under
Romane empire.
King Edeir, and his nobhs, herand this message, understude the
colorit dissait of Romanis; and, thairfore, maid answer, sayng,
Thay wald defend thair wiffis, children, landis, and liberteis, with
al the power thay micht, to the uter end of thair lif ; and erar to
jeoperde thaim to maist dangerus battall, than to leif in servitude.
The fame of Romanis was nocht knawin to thaim, bot in sa far as
thay war repute, above ingine of man, maist avaricious theiffis, and
reiffaris of realmes ; depriving kingis be fenyeit causis and slichtis,
and subdewing fre pepill, be unjust battall, to servitude. Forthir,
gif the Romanis, movit but occasion of injuris, bot only of corruppit
malice, hapnit to invade thaim be injust battal ; thay tuke the Goddis,
quhilkis ar punissaris of injuris done to innocent pepill, in ^dtnes,
to fecht to the deith for defence of thair landis, quhill ane of thaim
war left on lif. The ambassatouris, havand sichke answer of the
Pichtis, returnit in Britane.
Quhen Julius had herd this answer of Scottis and Pichtis, he
send to thaim his secund message, with mair dispiteful chargis than
afore; as efter followis : " The gret Cesar, Romane counsull, per-
" suadis the King Edeir, and yow Scottis, to submit yow to Ro-
" manis, the maist pissant pepill of the warld, in adventure ye bring
" youre self, be imprudent fechting, to uter exterminioun. Take
" exempill, be irrecoverabill scaithis falling to uthir pepill for thair
" vane rebellion. Behald the majeste of Romane pepill ! Consider
" the magnitude of thair name ! Wil ye assailye thaim with chance
" of battall, as the Britonis, your nichtbouris, hes laitly done ;
" quhilkis, be fuliche bergane, ar outhir slane, or tane and brocht
" to perpetuall servitude ? Quhat pissance have ye in respect of
" Romanis, the concreouris of the warld .'' Have ye that vane con-
" fidence, that Romanis, the dantouris of all pepill, may be vincust
" be yow, the hinmaist pepill thairof .'' Or, beleif ye, that the warld
*' may be deliverit fra servitude of Romanis be yow ? May your
" power, quhilkis is nocht in respect of Romanis, restore the empire
" of sa mony kingis distroyit? Knaw ye nocht, that thair is mony
" Romane campionis, na les active than Cesar, baith in wisdome,
" manheid, and chevalry, quhais illuster deidis hes decorit all re-
" gionis quhare the sonne schinis? And yit it is more difficil to
" vincus Cesar, him allone, than to vincus all the warld. How is
" this presumptuous foly cumin toyow ? Contempne ye the Goddis,
" quhilkis, be thair propiciant favour to Romanis, hes ordanit all
" regionis to be to thaim subdewit ? Beleif ye, the Romanis wil be
" sa irkit be straitnes of your craggis, montanis, or marressis, or be
" penurite of vittallis, that thay may nocht abide in your regionis?
" Beleif ye, to be sicker in your said montanis, with your guddis?
" Ye ar dissavit, gif sic vane confidence be in yow ; for sic impedi-
" mentis sal move na mair the Romanis fra thair purpos, than your
" rowmis war plentuous, and full of every frutis necessar to sustene
" thair weris. For the Romanis hes experience above ingine of man
" in chevalry : sa agill of thair bodyis, that thay may dant all thor-
" tour and difficill gatis ; swift of rink, and reddy to every kind of
" jeoperde ; of skars meit and sleip, and accustumat with every dan-
" ger that may occurre in battall ; and sa provident, that thay sail
" caus vittallis, gif neid beis, to be brocht to thaim out of all re-
" gionis adjacent : for Cesar hes ane ripe wit for every cais that
" may occurre. Heirfore, gif ye have ony regarde to your weill, —
" S^^ y^ ^^ prudent, — eschew warly ; that ye, by fuliche and luipru-
" dent bergane, bring nocht youre self, your Aviffis, frendis, and
" barnis, to irrecoverable dammage. Ye may have now honest con-
" ditionis of peace afore the victory : quhilk ye sal nocht obtene
" quhen ye, be force of battall, ar randerit ; for than sail ye, for
" your rebellioun, be reft baith of your landis and honouris ; and,
" finaly, be brocht to sic disperatioun, that ye sail nevir have espe-
" ranee to recover your liber te.""
Als sone as thir wourdis war said, sic fury and nois rais amang
the Scottis, for thay war impacient of servitude, that thir ambassa-
touris had bene maist cruellie slane, war nocht the law of pepill,
quhilk our forbearis had ay in maist reverence, saffit thame. Noch-
theles, answer wes maid to thaim be Cadallane, in the kingis name,
as followis : " Suppois the Scottis, be sum opinionis, ar repute nocht
" circumspect ; bot of fuliche and dull ingine ; yit thay ar nocht mo-
" vit mair be Cesaris plesand and dissaitfull wourdis, than be his
" awfull minassing, to lose thair landis and Uberteis but extreme
" jeopardie of battall : for thay ar nocht in use to obey tyranis, and
" revaris of realmes and kingdomes ; bot onlie to obey thair native
" prince. And, thairfore, be degest avisement and counsall, thay
" ar profoundly resolvit to have na amite nor alliance with Romanis,
" becaus thair fair wourdis ar nocht but hid treason and falset : and
" as to thair wrangus and injust weris, thay have the same in plane
" diffiance ; committing thaim in thair just actioun, to the protec-
" tion of Goddis."
Juhus, richt commovit at this answer, maid his ordinance, but
tary, to dant thair rebellion. In the mene time, he gatte lettris fra
Labienus, his admirall, that Normandis and Piccardis, quhilkis war
pecifyit at his departing, war rebellit: attoure, Carnutes hes rasit
gret truble in France, and has slane ane man namit Transegerius,
quhilk wes chosin be Romanis to be King of France, and to hald
the same under the empire of Romanis. Julius, for feir of thir no-
vellis, left his coming in Scotland; and, becaus vittallis war skant
m his army, and na apperance of new vittallis to cum in Britane, (for
It was the winter season, quhen tempestuus seis sufferis na passage
of marchandis,) he gaderit the residew of his army togidder, and
returnit in France , levand behind him Britane tributar to his em-
pire, and the Scottis litill abasit of his weris.
This historic of the cumming of Cesar in Britane, and subdewing
of it to his empire, nocht far discordant fra the wourdis of his Com-
mentaris, ar di-awn be us out of Verimond, Campbell, and othir
authouris. Bot it is said in our vulgare croniclis, that Julius come
to the Callendare wod, and kest down Camelon, the principal] ciete
of Pichtis, efter that the samin was randerit to him ; sine left be-
hind him, nocht far fra Carron, ane round hous of square stanis,
XXIV cubitis of hecht, and xii cubitis of breid, to be ane memory of
his curaing to the place. Otheris sayis, he usit this hous as his tent
m al his viage, and had it ay tursit with him ; and, for that caus,
it was callit Julius Hoif. Yit, becaus na famous authouris makkis
mention of ony weris led be Julius aganis the Scottis and Pichtis, we
lat thaim pas, and will infer na thing in this werke, bot it only that
may not be reprevit. As to this hous of Julius, it is round, as we
may yit se, havand na windois bot above, in maner of the anciant
tempillis, quhilkis ar yit sene in Rome, with benkis of stane round
about within. The pavement hes bene of aselar stanis, and the Egill,
quhilk is the Romane ansenye, craftely in it ingravin ; bot now, be
roust of yeris, is worne away. In it was ane huge stane, standand
to the south, on quhilk the Gentilis maid thair sacrifice. Utheris
authouris Avrittis, this tempill was biggit be Vespasiane, in honour
of Claudius, Emperour, and the goddes Victory, as the titill thair-
of schew. Bot it was cassin down be Edward, the first King of
Ingland of that name ; as we wil schaw mair largely heirefter.
How the tratour MurJcet and Ms CompUcis warpunist. Of the deith
of Kill g Edeir. Of the vicious King Ewin the Thrid; and of his
lawis and deith.
One efter that this difiiance was send to Julius, King
Edeir assemblit anearmy frome allb oundis of his realme,
to resist the Romanis ; for he knew nocht the impedi-
ment of Juhus weris. And, in the mene time, quhen
he was gaderit on this wise, come Murket, quhilk was nepote to
Gillus afore rehersit, and arrivit with mony galyeonis in the lUs ;
and slew, thair, baith wiffis, barnis, and agit personis, but ony re-
sistence : for all fensabill men, as said is, war drawin out of thay
boundis be King Edeir. Als sone as Edeir was advertist thairof,
he send Cadallane, capitane of Brigance, with ane band of armit
men, in the His; quhilk, sone efter his cuming, brint all the gal-
yeonis and baitis, within the nicht, that pertenit to this Murket,
and on the morrow he tuke this Murket, and hinggit him, with his
complicis, on the gallons.
King Edeir levit the residew of his dayis but ony uncouth or do-
mistik weris ; and deceissit at Dounstafage, the xlvhi yeir of his
regne ; the xxvi yeir of the empire of August, Emperour ; fra the
beginning of the warld, v.m.c.lxxxiii yeris. His body was buryit
in Dounstafage ; and about his sepuUure war rasit mony hie pillaris,
in memory of his nobil deidis. This Edeir, for his singulare virtew,
micht have bene caUit ane happy prince baith levand and deid ; war
nocht he left his sonne Ewin, the thrid of that name, the maist vi-
cius man in erd, heritoure to the crown.
This Ewin, eftir deith of his fader, was maid king; and was be-
levit be ilk man to have followit the futesteppis of his fader. Noch-
theles, fra he was declarit king, he began to burgeon in every kind
of vice ; so effeminat and soupit in lust, that he past above the com-
mon insolence of youth. He had ane hundreth concubinis chosin of
the nobillest matronis and virginis of his cuntre ; and, thocht he wes
irkit of so surfet noumer, yit he couth nevir be saciat. And, be per-
suasioun of limmers and harlottis, quhilkis he maid up of nocht for
assistance to his vice, he banist ane certane of his nobillis, and
otheris slew be hid waching, to the fine he micht the more esaly
waik to his lust ; and set his mind to sla or banis, be fenyeit cau-
sis, all thaim that haitit his vice. This abhominable tyrane, gevin
on this wise to maist terribill cruelteis, envennomit the cuntre vi yeris
with na les Infelicite than schame, be covmsall of certane diffamit
creaturis, quhilkis, in hop of proffet, extollit and lovit all his go-
vernance. Schortlie, this tyrane become sa avaritius and unthank-
full, but ony reverence of the lawis of Goddis or men, that he spul-
yeit his servitouris of al thair landis, riches, and gudis, that thay
conquest under him. And, finalie, he grew in sic bhnd fury, that
he nurist opinle, within hous, theiffis, to mak reiffis and heirschippis
in the cuntre but ony punitioun ; and tuk ane large part thairof for
his assistence. And, beside thir, and mony othir thingis unworthy
to be reheirsit, he maid lawis, that his liegis sal have als mony wiffis
as thay pleis, efFering to thair guddis. Ane othir law he maid, that
wiffis of the commonis sal be fre to the nobillis ; and the lord of the
ground sail have the madinheid of all virginis dwelling on the same.
And thocht the first two lawis wes revokit eftir be counsall, yit this
last law wes sa plesand to the young nobillis, that it couth nevir be
abrogat, quhill the time of King Malcolme Cammore, and his blist
queue Sanct Margaret; quhilkis thocht the samin sa injurius baith
to God and man, that thay solistit the nobilUs to revoik the said law,
takand thah-fore ane goldin penny, callit the marchetis : quliilk is
yit payit to the lord of the ground, quhen virginis ar to be maryit,
in redemption of thair honour and chaistite.
Bot we wil returne to Ewin ; quhais horribill vices wes sa drevin
in every mannis eir, that the nobillis thocht this effeminat monstoure,
that wes gevin to sic cruelte and vices, unworthy to be thair prince ;
and maid, thairfore, ane haiste conspiratiovm aganis him. Ewin,
nochtwithstanding this conspiratioun, come with displayit baner to
die feild, with ane certane evill arrayit men. Nochtheles, he wes
sone vincust and tane. Eftir lang consultation, it wes commandit
be the nobillis, that he sal be degradit of his kingdome, and remane
in perpetual prison. It wes ordanit als, that Cadallane, during his
life, sal be governour. Bot, in the first nicht that he wes put in pre-
son, he wes slane be ane young child ; quhilk traistit, becaus he wes
odious to the pepill, to get reward for his slauchter. Bot, on the mo-
row, this child wes justifyit in presence of mony pepil.
This end maid the unhappy tyrane. King Ewin ; and deceissit,
the VII yeir of his regne, but ony airis of his body ; the xxxii yeir
of the empire of August.
Of King Metdlane. Of the nat'ivite of Crist, our Salviour. Of the
gret fouth of Poetise Oratouris, and Philosophouris, that furisit
in Ms time.
Q^^^^^jej- Ftir the deith of King Ewin, the nobillis chesit Metel-
"ipT"'^ ^ane, quhilk wes nepote to King Edeir, gottin be his
-*^ ^ brodir Carron, to be king. This Metellane wes the
®tmKfQ|. maist humill prince that rang above the Scottis, to his
days ; havand na uncouth nor domistik weris during his time, and
governit all materis, baith at hame and afeld, with gret felicite.
He wes ane mercifull prince to his subditis, and richt religious, eftir
the rite of thay dayis. He tuk gret labouris to abrogat the cursit
lawis of King Ewin ; nochttheles, he wes so faschit be inopertune so-
licitation of his nobillis, specially thay that war gevin to thair lust,
that he wes constranit to desist.
About this time come ambassatouris of Romanis to Kymbalyne,
King of Britonis ; thankand him of his perseverance in peace and
amite with the senat and pepill of Rome ; and schew to him, that
the hail warld wes that time in peace, with more tranquillite than
evir wes sene in ony time afore ; and exhortit the Britonis thairfore,
be example of othir pepill, to keip peace and concord amang thaim,
but occasioan of ony civill or uncouth weris ; for sic doingis perte-
nit baith to the felicite of August, Empriour, and all othir pepill.
Thir same ambassatouris come sone eftir to King Metellane, with
sic hke exhortatioun. King Metellane heirand, be narratioun of
tliir ambassatouris, that the farrest pepill of the orient socht amite
of the Romanis, and send sindry goldin crownis to August, Empri-
oure ; he thocht he wald nocht be so unplesand to contempne the
majeste and magnitude of Romane pepill ; and send thairfore, with
tliir ambassatouris, sindry riche jowellis, to be ofFerit to August, Em-
prioure, and othir Romane Goddis in the Capitol. Be this way
King Metellane conquest sicker amite of Romanis, quhilk mony
yeris eftir indurit. Of this message, send be August to the Britonis,
writtis Strabo, in his buk of geography, callit, The Discriptioun of
the Erd; in quhilk is schawin the situation of Britane, with the
maneris of the inhabitantis thairof.
The warld beand thus in peace, Christ, our Salvioure, wes borne
of the Virgine Mary, douchter of Anna and Joachim, in Bathelem,
cite of Jowry, the same time quhen the scheiphirdis herd the an-
gellis sing, quhen the thre kingis, gidit be the stern e, come to the
place quhare our Salviour wes borne. Mony uncouth and strange
mirachs apperit in the time of his nativite, as Haly Writ schawis.
His nativite fell in the x yeir of the regne of Metellane ; fra the be-
ginning of the realme of Scottis, yeris ; the xlii yeir of the
empire of August; fra the beginning of the warld, v.m.c.xcix yeris.
King Metellane rang mony yeris, in gud peace, doing na man in-
jure ; and sa happy and plesand to his subditis, that his fame wes
patent throw all boimdis of Albioun. He deceissit, the xxxtx yeir
of his regne ; the xiv yeir of Tiberius, Empriour ; fra the nativite
of Crist, XXIX yeris.
In this time wes in Rome, the prince of Latine poetis, Virgill ;
Horace, Ovide, Tullius, Marcus Varro, Strabo, Titus Livius, Sa-
lustius, with mony othir naturall and morall philosophouris. Sic
fouth of virtew and letteris multiplyit in thay dayis be fehcite of
the birth of Crist, the gevar of science and grace ; for apperandlie wes
nevir sene sa mony eloquent poetis and profound clerkis levand at
anis as wes at that time, quhen God, clothit with nature of man,
wes sene in the erd.
Bot we will returne to our historic.
Of King Caratak, and how he dantit sindi'y Conspiratouris of his
Reahne. Hozo the Britonis, rehelland aganis the Romanis, war
discomfist ; and qfthair Massaige send to the Scottis.
Etellane micht have ben callit maist happy prince
that evir rang above the Scottis, war nocht he decessit
but airis of his body : throw quhilk the crown come to
Caratak, son of the vailyeant Cadallane afore rehersit ;
for he wes nepot to Metellane, gottin of his sister Europea. Cara-
tak, eftir his coronatioun, ressavit the huge treasour and riches ga-
derit be King Metellane ; and excedit all the pepill in Albion in
nches. Nocht lang eftir, he past throw all the boundis of his realme :
sine past with ane army in the His ; for the capitane thairof wes re-
bellit aganis him. Nochtheles, he peacefyit all truble that rais be
his seditioun, and punist the principall movaris thairof to the deith.
All thingis peacefyit on this maner, he returnit in Albioun ; sine
])ast to Carrik, quhilk wes the principal ciete of that schire.
Quhil sic materis war dressit in Scotland, deceissit Kymbalyne,
King of Britonis ; quhilk, in his youth, wes sa familiar to August,
that he held ay the Britonis at the opinion of Romanis. Eftir quhais
deith, Guiderius wes maid king. This Guiderius, seing the realme
stabillit to him, thocht hevy, that the Britonis sulci leif under servi-
tude of Romanis. Movit heirfore be vane esperance to recover his
hberte, he convenit his nobiUis to ane counsall, quhare he, be lang
orison, complenit, that his reahne and hegis war haldin under ser-
vitude of Romanis ; and nocht onlie the said Romanis held all the
strenthis of his cuntre garnist with sodjouris, bot resset his rebellis,
and wald nocht restore the pledgis that war gevin to thaim, bot
causit thaim to waist thair dayis in captivite and preson. Best is,
thairfore, to rebell aganis the Romanis, and sufFre na langer thair
yoke of servitude. The Britonis, inflammit be thir wordis, con-
cludit, with generall consent, to suffer na langer the servitude of Ro-
manis. Incontinent, thay ruschet to harnes, and slew all the Ro-
manis that war found, or takin utouth thair munitionis or strenthis.
In the mene time Guiderius gaderit ane army, to distroy all the
garisoun of Romanis, afore ony nois of his rebellion war knawin in
Rome. Nochtheles Claudius, Empriour, wes sone advertist thairof,
and send two capitanis, namit Aulus Plancius, and Gneus Sentius,
iu Britane, with mony Romane legionis, to dant the said rebellioun.
Thir capitanis, at thair cumming in Britane, reparit al strenthis and
munitionis, quhilkis war than under the Romane obeisance, with new
vittallis, sodjouris, and utheris sic lik ordinance, to resist the Bri-
tonis ; and, that thay suld not be segit within thair strenthis, thay
brocht thair army to the planis, to be reddy for battall quhen thair
ennimes hst invaid thame. Not lang eftir, Guiderius assailyeit the
Romanis with arrayit battal ; notheles, the victory succedit to the
Romanis : the Britonis eschapit, with smal dammage, be cuming
of the nicht. Than folowit mony incursionis, with gret slauchter
baith of Romanis and Britonis, continewing all the simer. At the
cuming of winter, the Romanis held thaim within thair munitionis
and tentis.
About this time come certane ambassatouris, fra Guiderius, to Ca-
ratak. King of Scottis, and said in this maner : " I think it reason-
" abil, maist illuster prince, that thay that seikis support of strange
" and uncouth realmis, as we now do, gif na amite nor kindnes be
" deservit be thaim for gud dedis, to schaw than the thing that thay
" desire to be honest and proffitabill. For thir reasonis, we Bri-
" tonis, ambassatouris of King Guiderius, opprest with hevy weiris.
and destitute of all supple and help, saif only of yow Scottis and
Pichtis, ar cumin humilly to yow. Treuth is, the Romane pepill,
quhilk daily invadis us with insufferabil injuris, ar sare ennimes ;
richt pissant, baith in riches and chevalry, above the estimatioun
of men. Nochtheles, thay may be vincust, for Cesar, the vail-
yeant Emperoure, be your support and virtew, was doung baith
out of our reahne and youris, howbeit all France, Spanye, Al-
mane, Grece, Asia, Egypt, and Aphrik, obejdt to him : and thir
Romanis, that now invadis us, ar bot the refuse of Cesaris army.
And, but dout, thay may be vincust ; to your gretter honour, gif
the Goddis be favourabil, that thay caU thaimself, be proude in-
solence, Lordis of the Warld, and yow, the hinmest pepill thair-
of. And, to ding thir oure commoun ennimes out of Albioun,
we desire youre support, sen the samin may nocht be done be oure
pissance ; the quhilk thing gif ye do, in remembrance of your an-
ciant kindnes and amite, supporting us now in oure maist adver-
site and dangere, ye sail conques, above youre honest victory, in-
terminabill glore and honoure to yow and your posterite : First,
becaus ye help us, quhilkis ar nocht persewaris bot only defendaris ;
for na thing may be sa honest and plesand amang levand creatouris,
as defend the actioun of common liberie and native Goddis : Se-
cundly, ye sail deliver youre realme and pepill fra liie dangeir
thairto appering ; for the Romanis, your deidly ennimes, intendis
to subdew us, that the way may be the more patent to yow. And
sen thir thingis ar manifest to yow, maist vailyeant campionis, gif
ye have respect to the weil of yourself, or your landis, garnis youre
realme with all maner of munitionis aganis the Romanis ; quhilk
thing may be esaly done, gif ye and Pichtis equaly concur with
us aganis ovu' common ennimes. For the samin, as we dare bauld-
ly afFerme, saU pertene na Ics to youre common weill than to ouris ;
for quhen the Romanis hes vincust us in battal, spulyeit us of our
guddis, and subdcwit oure realme in forme of province, thay will
he the more abil to subdew you to thair empire. Now is the time
to assailye our ennimes in battall; quhill we have strenth, and
quhil we maj, be help of othir, be sufficient to withstand thaim.
Suthly, gif the Albianis will equaly concur togidder, all of ane
mind, thay sail draw als mekill fra the Romanis, as thay have won
" on ony othir pepill. Heirfore, lat the pissance of Scottis, Britonis,
" and Pichtis, equaly concur togider to defend the common h-
" berte. Lat us tak our wappinnis at anis, to resist the injure ap-
" pering. And thocht we war vincust, (quhilk God forbeid !) it war
" na reproche to us ; for than we ar not vincust with ane pepil, bot
" with the pissance of the warld : and, gif we be victorius, as our
" just actioun fermely belevis, the victory sail be na les glore and
" proiFet to yow than to us, and ye sal be perpetually estemit with
" all pepill."
Of CarataMs answer. How the Britonis soltstit Normanis and Pi-
cardis to rebellion. And Jiow the said Britonis "war discomfist he
Romanis, and thair King slane.
Aratak maid ansuer to this message in maner follow,
ing: " Had ye Britonis nocht refusit oure supporte,
" frely ofFerit to yow, quhen Juhus, the Romane coun-
" sull, invadit yow with injust battall, it suld nocht have
'" bene necessar to yow this day to seik support at us, nor yit suld it
" have ben necessar to us to rais our army aganis sa pissant ennimes ;
" for than, be juning of al our pissance togidder, we micht esaly
" have vincust thaim, and bene deliverit of all dredoure, rejosing
" oure rowmis in Albion with perpetuall rest. Yit better is, as thay
" say, lait than nevir thrif. It is nocht now to be devisit, how we
" micht have dantit the Romanis in time bigane ; bot how we may
" eschew the hie dangeir now appering. Ye complane, that ye ar
" injustly invadit be ane riche pepil, richt desirus to have dominion,
" and to reif othir mennis guddis. Ye have bene subdewit to thaim
" niony yeris, liiFand under thair servitude, in your awin defalt ; for
" ye ar devidit amang yourself, be seditionis intestine : and, sa lang
" as ye stand so, your common weill sail never be fre. Forthir,
" your munitionis and strenthis ar stufRt with Romane sodjouris,
" and your planis ar garnist with thair tentis. We heir als, that
" Claudius Cesar and Vaspasiane ar advertist of your instant rebel-
" houn, and reddy to cum, with mony legionis of pepil, in your
" realme. I think, thairfore, sen ye ar brokin with sa many cala-
" miteis and battaUis, howbeit the haill power of Albion war con-
" currant with yow, ye cannot resist sa pissant ennimes for this time ;
" les than the Goddis war contrarius to thaim. Best is, for thir
" causis, to meis all seditionis amang youreself, superseding youre
" weris for ane seasone ; and set your laubour, with maist crafty in-
" gine, to transport this dangerus battall on France. To wirk this
" prudently, ye man solist the Normandis, Picardis, Bartaneris, Al-
" manis, with all uthir pepill hand on the bordour of France, to re-
" bell aganis Romanis, in esperance to recover thair hberte; and
" promit, gif thay will assist thairto, to support thaim with schippis,
" weirmen, gold, and uthir necessaris pertenand to thair weris. Ye
" man eik be confiderat with all pepill that hatis the Romanis; and,
" gif ye do this weill, ye sail eschew this battall, that the Romanis
" intendis to move on yow, and convert it on France. Thus sail
" baith ye and Ave be dehverit of all fere of ennimes, and leif the
" remanent of this yeir in quiete; and the mair abill the nixt yeir
" for battall. And, gif thair be na way to eschew this maist dan-
" gerus battall, than think I best to assemble all the pepill of Al-
'' bion togidder, to fecht with honest battall to the deith, but ony
•' respect to our lif, bot allanerly to our glore and honour ; for na
" pepil may de mair honestly, than fechtand for thair liber te and
" native Goddis aganis the lordis of the warld."" The ambassatouris
of Britonis, rasit in esperance of gud fortoun be this answer, returnit
to Guiderius in Britane.
Quhen Guiderius had hard this wise counsall of Caratak, he send
his ambassatouris to persuaid the Normandis, Picardis, Bartaneris,
and all othir pepill of the see costis, to rebeU aganis the Romanis ;
saying, na thing was more abhominabill to fre pepiU, than contrar
thair native lawis, to be subdewit to Romanis ; quhilkis war ane
proude and cruel pepill, daily exercing, be thair tyranny, sa many
new and intollerabiU conditionis of servitude on the plegis of sub-
dewit realmis, that na maner of deith suld be refusit to recover thair
liberte ; but quhilk, the lif of man is nocht. For thir reasonis, na
thing was sa gud, as the pepill, throw all boundis of France, to re-
bell aganis Romanis, and sla thair sodjouris in all partis quhare thay
micht be apprehendit. And, to gif the more hortatioun thairto, thay
schaw, how all kingis of Albion sal assist to thaim, and support
thaim with money, vittallis, schippis, weirmen, and all othir neces-
saris refering thairto : and schew, how the Romanis, quhilkis war
laitly cuming in Britane, hais tint all thair horsmen, and the reme-
nant brokin with sic calamite, that thay ar outhir chasit to the see,
or ellis to thair strenthis. The cieteyouris of Tervana, in Flanderis,
to quhom thu* ambassatouris first come, richt desirus to recover thair
liberte, refusit nocht thir ofFeris : bot the charge was so hie, that
thay couth nocht answer quhill thay war advisit with thair nicht-
bouris : and prayit thaim to keip thair peticionis secrete ; for, gif
the samin war divulgat, al thair plegis, that war gevin afore to the
Romanis, sail be cruelly tormentit : and, to remove all suspitioun,
prayit thaim, to remane in Calice quhill thay war resolvit in this
mater. Thus abaid thir ambassatouris of Britane certane day is in
Calice, abiding thair answer.
In the mene time Guiderius was advertist, that Aulus Plaucius
had rasit his camp, and distroyit al the landis with fire and swerd
that stud at his opinion. Guiderius, seand na way to eschew his
ennimes, gaderit all his pepill togidder in arrayit battall, and closit
thaim with wanis and cartis on every side, except the part fornens
thair ennimes, to that fine, that nane of thaim sal have esperance to
fle ; sine put the wiffis in the said wanis and cartis, to exhort thair
husbandis to fecht vailyeantly for thair liffis and landis. On the to-
ther side, Plaucius devidit his army in thre battallis ; and, be blast
of trumpet, come" sa fersly on the Britonis, that thay had na space
to schute thair arrowis. Than the Britonis flang thair bowis fra
thaim, and faucht with thau- swerdis. The wiflfis exhortit thaim with
loude cryis to deliver thaim of Romane servitude. This battall was
cruelly fochtin ; bot, at last, the Britonis war discomfist, and Gui-
derius, thair king, slane. Mony of all the wemen war smorit in the
cartis, be preis of thaim that fled. The chais ceissit nocht quhill
the Britonis war drevin to the rever of Garieme, vi milis fra the
place quhare the feild was discomfist. This victory was nocht richt
plesand to Romanis, for Gneus Sencius, with mony othir Romane
nobillis, war slane.
Als sone as this unhappy battall was schawin in France, it maid
all the pepill thairof disparit to recover thair hberte ; and so the
ambassatouris quhilkis war send, as said is, in France, returnit but
ony expedition of thair message.
This history, as we have writtin, is colleckit out of Godofryde,
writar of Inghs historyis ; and out of Veramond, Johne Campbell,
Cornelius Tacitus, and Eutropius.
How Claudius Emprioure, come in Britane, and suhdewit OrTcnay
to his Empii-e. Of Sand Peteris first cuming in Italy. And of'
the assumptioun of the glorius Virgine Mary.
Chort timeefter, Claudius, Empriour, and Vespasiane,
ane man of singulare virtew, arrivit, with mony legionis
of pepill, in Britane. The Britonis herand his cuming
war gretumly affrayit : nochtheless, be publik advise-
ment, thay send oratouris to excuse thaim, saying, the offence com-
mittit aganis the Romanis was done only be evil counsall ; and thay
wald, thaii-fore, not only repare all injuris to thaim done, hot be
obeisant to the empire of Romanis and thair lawis in times cuming.
Claudius than commandit thaim to geif plegis for observation thair-
of; sine commandit all the princes and lordis of Britane to cum
afore him aganis ane certane day, with intimatioun, gif thay did
nocht, he suld persew thaim to the deith. The Britonis knawing
na refuge, gaif plegis, and come to London as he desirit. At last,
quhen Claudius had demandit thaim, quhy thay brak thair faith,
thay fell on kneis, confessand thair offence, and prayit him, sen thay
war sufficiently punist be the Goddis, to ressave thaim againe to his
mercy, and saif thair liffis, under quhat condition or servitude he
plesit ; and maid solempne aithis never to rebell in times cuming,
and, gif thay failyeit, al vengeance in erd to fal on thaim, and thair
posterite. Sum of the Romanis gave counsall to Claudius, to punis
thair rebelhoun, and to sla the principal movaris thairof, othu-wayis
the Britonis micht nocht be haldin at his opinion. Nochtheles, Ves-
pasiane persuadit him, be mony reasonis, to mercy ; for ane prince
but mercy may well be dred, bot nevir luffit. Als, na thing perte-
nit sa raekill to majeste of Romane pepil as to have mercy on thair
subdittis, and defend thaim fra al injure of ennimes; for, be that
way, the empire of Romanis was ekit, and suld indure be the samin
way to the end of the warld. Thir wordis of Vespasian mesit the
empriour in sic maner, that he chesit erar to be namit ane merciful
prince, than ane vengeabil tyrane. In the mene time, he began to
treit of materis concerning the administratioun of Britonis: and,
first, he maid Arviragus king of Britonis, that the crown sail re-
mane in the native blude ; for he was Prince of Walls, and bruthir
to Guiderius, afore slane. He ordanit Plautius to be governour as
afore, and M. TrebelHus to be thesaurar ; and commandit thaim, to
stuf all the strenthis and townis of Britane with Strang gareson of
weirmen; to minister justice be the lawis; to hald the Britonis in
peace, and defend thaim fra all injure of pepill liand thaim about,
specially fra the Scottis and Pichtis, quhilkis wer ane pepill full of
chevalry, and impacient of servitude: and to seik na occasion of
weir aganis thaim ; and, gif it war necessar to half battal, to haif
than stout wachis, baith at hame and afeild ; havand na les respect
to keip the Britonis at the opinion of Romanis, than to eik thair
empire : and, finaly, he exhortit the nobillis of Britane, to remember
the affliction falhng to thaim be thair rebellion, and to keip thair
faith in time cuming, for the weill of thaimself, thair barnis, and
gudis. Sic thingis done, the Britonis returnit hame ; and gaif
thankis to Vespasiane, for his humanite schawin to thaim.
Efter this, Claudius Cesar, desiring sum triumphe of honouris
afore his returning to Rome, thocht expedient to vesy Orknay, the
last Ihs within the occiane sees. The motive of his weris aganis
thaim was, becaus thay supportlt the Albianis in the battall afore re-
hersit aganis the Romanis. Schort time efter, Claudius, providit
with all necessaris, come out of Britane with prosper windis, and
passit throw Pentland Firth to Orknay, quhare he was neir perist.
Nane of the Orknay men was seiie at his first cuming ; for, quhen
thay saw sa huge flote of schippis arrivit within thair sees, thay hid
thaim in cavernis. Claudius, findand this He desert, went to Kirk-
wall, and send his scurriouris to spy the nature of the cuntre, and
pepil thairof ; and, fra he was advertist that the same was full of
every bestiall and fouhs necessar to sustene the lif of man, he thocht
the same sufficient eneuch to decore his triumphe. On the morrow,
herand that Ganus, King of Orknay, was in ane castell nocht xii
milis fra his army, he send ane cumpany of weirmen to sege the said
castell. And quhen thir men war passand forthwart to the same
effect, thay persavit sindry rude pepil of that cuntre cummand fra
the covis, quhare thay war hid all the nicht, and passing to the
montanis. Thir rude pepill war astonist be sicht of Romanis : noch-
theles, seand na refuge, thay facht cruelly ane quhile ; bot, at last,
thay war all slane or tane. The Romanis, rejosing of this victory,
laid ane sege to the castel. At last, quhen King Ganus had de-
baitit lang time, and saw na rescours, he randrit the castell, and was
brocht presoner, with his wifFe and children, to Claudius. Than
Claudius pullit up salis, and arrivit at Calice ; quhare he abaid cer-
tane time, quhill his army wer refreschit ; sine returnit to Rome :
and led Ganus, with his wif, barnis, and the plegis of Britonis, in
his triumphe.
This history of Claudius cumming in Britane is drawin out of
Suetonius, Eutropius, Beda, Campbel, and Cornelius Ireland.
The same time, Sanct Peter, the Appostill, come out of Antio-
chia to Italy, efter that he had ereckit mony kirkis in Asia ; quhare
he, prechand the evangell of Crist, began to found the Cristen faith.
About this time, was the glorius and bhssit Vergine Mary, Moder
of God, tane with body and saule to hevin : in the v yeir of the em-
pire of Claudius ; efter the incarnatioun, xlvii yeris.
//■oK) iiwcZn/ Prmcw o/Britane, conspirand aganis Jrviragus, zoer
discomjist. How the confderat Kingis come to support thir Princis
o/Britane aganis the Romanis.
Ls sone as Arviragus was maid king on this maner, he
repudiat his lauchfull quene Voada, sister to Caratak,
and put hir in preison, efter that scho had borne to him
two douchteris, and ane sonne ; and, in the mene time,
he maryit ane Romane lady namit Genissa, be persuasioun of Plau-
tius, trasting, gif it hapnit the said Arviragus to rebell aganis the
Romanis, the affinite ceissing betwix him and Caratak, he sail get
na support of Scottis. Sindry princis of Britane war richt commo-
vit, that Arviragus had repudiat his quene in this maner ; and per-
suadit him, be mony reasonis, to denude him of the Romane lady,
and to adheir to his lauchfull wifFe, quhilk had bene with him mony
yeris, and borne to him plesand childrin, to quhome na thing in erd
micht be comparit. Attour thay schew, quhat profFet micht be had
of Scottis, gif his ennimes hapnit sum time to invaid his realme ;
and prait him to eschew, that he, be rage of lust, and dissaitful
wordis of Romanis, drew nocht himself, and the Britonis, fra amite
of thair auld confiderat freindis. Nochtheles, quhen thay had as-
sailyeit him in vane with thir and sichk wordis, thay fand nocht bot
his reason blindit with new lust, but ony sicht to wisdome or ho-
nour. In the nicht following, thay brak the preison quhare Voada
was incarcerat, and brocht hir and hir barnis with thaim in Walis.
Than Arviragus wrait to the gret princis of his realme, schewing,
that his freindis, the lordis of Walis, in quhom he maist confidit,
tuke indignatioun that he had preferrit ane Romane lady to his first
wiffe ; as it had bene unleifFul to him to have sindry wiffis at his ple-
seir ; howbeit nouthir the lawis, nor the consuetude of Britane, maid
dirogation thairto : afferming, eik, the said mariage was for na rage
of lust, bot only that Britonis and Romanis micht incres togidder.
under ane blude and aniite. Forthir, he desirit thaim, gif the lordis
of Walls hapnit to conspire aganis him, that thay defend thair faith
promittit to Romanis. It was answerit be thaim, that it was un-
leifFuU to him ony maner of way to prefer ane new wif to his first
wif ; and, for that cans, thay war nocht content of the injuris done
to hir.
Arviragus, knawing quhat mind thir nobilhs bure to him, thocht
best to invaid thaim but more tary ; and, be advise of Plaucius, he
assemblit ane army of Romanis and Britonis, and went in Wahs.
The princis of Wahs, na thing afFrayit of his cuming, met him with
ane gret power ; nochtheles thay war vincust, and put to flicht. On
the morrow, Arviragus and Plaucius Avas advertist, that Darby,
Longcastell, York, and sindry otliir schiris war rebellit. Dredand,
thairfore, that thair ennimes suld invaid the eist partis of Britane,
thay returnit to London. Fra thens, Plaucius had litil confidence
in the Britonis, and send in France for two new legionis to support
his army ; sine garnist all his strenthis with new wageouris and vit-
Sic thingis done be Plaucius, the princis of Walis convenit at
Schrewisbery, to take consultatioun in this maist dangerus mater.
At last it was concludit, that all pepil under thair obeisance sal
convene, ane and place, to expell the Romanis out of
Britane, or ellis al at anis to de. Be the same counsal was decernit,
that oratouris sail pas to the lordis of Carlyll, Kendell, and Duraine,
to solist thaim to the samin effect. In the hervest following, thir
princis foresaid convenit at Schrewisbery ; quhare thay, be lang re-
grait of Romane injuris, lamentit hevely the fekilnes of Arviragus,
quhilk had more desire to be servand to Romanis than king of Bri-
tonis. Nochtwithstanding, with haill mind and pissance, thay con-
cludit to recover thair anciant honouris and liberte. Bot than be-
gan na litil contention quha suld be. capitane of the army ; for few
of thaim wald geif place to othir. Than Comus, prince of Walis,
said in this maner : " We may sone gadder, maist vailyeant men,
" ane greter army of our pepil and freindis than may be esaly re-
" sistit, sa that every thing war governit be craft of chevalry ; for
" thairin standis al victory and glore of battall. Nochtheles, sedi-
" tion, discord, and ambitioun of honouris, ar so contrarius thairto,
" that quhare thay sprout, nouthir ordoure nor craft of chevalry
" may have place, nor yit victory may be had of ennimes. Thair-
" fore, all ambition is to be drawin away, and all dissentionis to be
" expirit ; and, finaly, ane man to be chosin, to quhome the rema-
" nent pepill sail be obeisant; be quhais auctorite this battall sail
" be led, and, gif we intend to have victory, to be obeisant thairto.
" And, because we ar nere equale to othir in power, thairfore it is
" best to send oratouris to Caratak, King of Scottis, quhilk is maist
" cruell ennime to Romanis, and desire him concur with us to re-
" venge the oppressioun done to his sister Voada, and to defend
" his nevo, quhome the Romanis intendis to defraude of the crown
" of Britonis ; and to exhort him to take the governance thairof,
" quhill his nevo war of perfite aige : and thay to obey him in all
" chargis as occurrit ; for the more affection that he have to his sis-
" ter and nevo, the more esaly may this mater be solistit."
Sone efter, oratouris wer send to Caratak, and schew him all this
mater at lenth, as it is afore rehersit. Caratak answerit, that he was
more grevit that Arviragus had maryit ane Romane lady, in dis-
truction of himself and his reahne, than of ony injuris done to his
sister or nevo ; knawing well, how Romanis, be vane fallowschip and
gile, subdewis unprudent kingis to thair dominion. Nochtheles, he
promittit to cum, agane the spring of the yeir, to support thame
with his army, as he thocht maist expedient. The oratouris, de-
peschit in this maner, returnit to Schrewisbery.
At the spring of the yeir, as said is, thir foresaid princes of Bri-
tane, be generall edict, assembht all men that micht beir wappinnis,
to ane certane day, at York, to defende thair common liberte, to the
nowmer of lxxx.m men ; and, at the said day, come Caratak and
Congestus, the confiderat kingis of Scottis and Pichtis ; quhais cum-
ing maid the Britonis sa rejosit, that thay belevit na thing bot sicker
victory. Incontinent, as was afore devisit, Caratak was maid gene-
ral capitane of all this army ; and he maid under him sindry othir
capitanis, quhare thay war found of maist wisdome and manheid ;
and exhortit the pepil to be obeidient thairto, with sic respect to
thair singulare and commoun weill, that thay suffer nocht thaimself
to be randerit to ennimes : and sumtime he prayit thaim, to remem-
ber the manheid of thair elderis, quhilkis dang the vailyeant JuUus
out of Albion.
The Albianis, inflammit to battal be this hortation, come forth-
wart Weill arrayit on thair ennimes. Als sone as Plautius and Ar-
viragus war advertist thairof, thay arrayit thair folkis. Nochthe-
les, thay thocht it unganand to geif hasty battall, knawing weil
thair ennimes ful of ire and hatrent ; and, thairfore, concludit to
irk thaim erar with lang tary, walking, labour, and penurite of vit-
tallis, than to jeoperde aganis sa huge multitude of peple, all en-
ragit aganis thaim at anis, quhilk culd nocht be vincust but untella-
bil murdir. The Albianis, be delayng of battall, come to sic point,
that thay micht nocht, for multitude of peple, be haldin togidder :
for sic derth and hunger rais in thair army, that sindry of thame
depertit fra thair camp to seik vittallis ; of quhom ane certane wer
takin and brocht to Plaucius, and schew the Britonis, be hunger,
Avalking, and truble, neir discomfist. Plaucius, on the morow, maid
his armye reddy for battall. Caratak weil advertist thairof, arrayit
his folkis, and, be sound of trumpat, junit. Followit ane scharp
battal, and fochtin continewalie with uncertane victory, quhill the
nicht severit thaim on ilk side. Plaucius, on the morow, seing that
he micht nocht renew his army, returnit to London, eftir that the
maist part of his horsmen were tint. Caratak, brokin in the samin
maner, come with the remanent of his army to York : and com-
mandit al his folkis to pas hame, quhil thay wer new warnit.
CDap* (ZBletientlj*
Of the message send to Caraidk be Plaucius, mid of his answer. Of'
the deith of Genissa. And how Vespasian teas send in Britane to
dant the Britonis.
Laucius, eftir this unhappy battal, send his oratouris
to Caratak, and schew that he had gret admiration that
Caratak, but ony occasioun of injuris, invadit the landis
of Romanis, and supportit thair ennimes ; havand na
remembrance of the gret humanitels done to him be Claudius, Em-
priour, quhen the said Claudius, with smal difficulte, micht have
subdemt his realme and pepil : howbeit he abstenit, and exertit his
wraith on Orknay. And, thairfore, desirit him to repair al injuris
be him done, and obstene thairfra in times cuming ; or eUis he suld
be reput ennime to Romanis. It wes answerd be Caratak, that it
wes not to have admiratioun thocht he defendit his nepote Guide-
rius undefraudit of his just heritage and kingdome. And to the re-
manent pointis he answerit, It wes for na favour that Claudius in-
vadit nocht the realme of Scottis, bot onlie becaus he knew the sa-
)nin nocht possible to be conquest but extreme jeoperde and chance
of battal : and, for that caus, he past on the rude and unarmit pe-
pill of Orknay, quhilkis micht be sone vincust ; to that fine, that he,
the glorius and vailyeant Empriour, amang febil creaturis, micht
have ane fenyeit glore of triumphe. For thir causis, the Romanis
suld redres baith the new and auld injuris done to Scottis and
Pichtis, and depart hastely out of Albion, with thair folkis ; uther-
wayis nocht wes to be traistit, bot Scottis, Pichtis, and Britonis,
quhom thay held in maist contemption, suld be thair perpetuall en-
nimes, for defence of thair liberte, and native Goddis.
Plaucius, be this answer, tuk hie indignation ; and thocht it richt
unworthy that ane pepill nothir pissant in riches nor chevalry, so
pertlie sal contempne the power of Romanis : and maid, thairfore,
his aith to revenge this proud contemption done be Caratak. ]\Iony
othh" Romanis maid thair aithis in that samin maner.
Quhen Arviragus had considerit the gret Constance of Caratak
in this maner, he tuke ferme beleif, gif his pissance wer concurrant
with the remanent Albianis, that Romanis micht be esahe doung
out of Albion. Desiring; thairfore to recover his anciant honouris
and Hberte, he left Plaucius, and past, with al that war of his opi-
nion, to the remanent princis of Britonis, quhilkis war convenit for
the time at Schrewisbery ; quhare he was plesandly ressavit. Genissa,
the Romane lady, quhome Arviragus tuke in place of his lauchfull
wif, herand the rebellion of Arviragus, tuke sic displeseir, that
scho partit with child, and sone efter deceissit. Than Aulus Plau-
cius, ilk day havand les confidence in Britonis, becaus thair faith was
sa oft brokin ; began to garnis the munitionis, strenthis, and townis of
Romanis with new wageouris and vittallis ; and send letteris with di-
ligence to Claudius, complening the falset of Britonis, qvdiilkis
micht na way be haldin under the Romane lawis, bot maid new
rebellion, and lies brocht with thaim the Scottis and Pichtis, the
maist cruell and bludy pepill in erd : and thairfore the battal sal
not be led, in times cuming, only aganis the Britonis, bot erar aganis
all the Albianis : For thir reasonis gud war to send hasty support
to Romanis, that thay be nocht schamefully doung out of Britane.
Als sone as Claudius rede thir letteris, he send Vespasian with mony
Romane legionis in Britane.
Vespasian, efter his cumming, seing the dangerus cais the Ro-
manis war intU, maid him to bring all materis to beter estait. And
first he callit afore him the said Plaucius, to se gif the dammage
falling to Romanis in this battal, succedit be his imprudence or sleuth.
Plaucius, for his purgation, maid few wordis ; bot sufFerit his dedis
to schaw thaim self: for every thing, that pertenit to craft of che-
valry, war sa wisly be him providit, that the same was in sic admi-
ration to Vespasian, that he fermly belevit the said Plaucius was
sufficient, howbeit na othir power had cumin to him, to have sub-
dewit the Albianis to Romane empire.
C^ap, Ctuelftfi»
Hoia the thre Kingis of Albion^ movand weir aganis Vespasian,
xver discomfist. How Vespasian ressavit Arviragus to his mercy,
and maid his Lands trihutar to Romane Empire.
EsPASiAN, sone efter, maid his ordinance to pas on Ar-
viragus and the Britonis, for thair rebellion. Arvira-
gus advertist thairof, convenit his noblis at York, quhare
the Scottis and Pichtis war devisit to cum. In this
counsall, was not devisit, as afore, that every man sufficient to beir
armoure, suld convene to expel the Romanis out of Albion ; bot ane
certane of every schire allanerly, that thair vittallis micht be the
mair esaly providit. Thus war the Britonis, at the day affixit, ga-
derit to the nowmer of lxv.m chosin men, and convenit at York,
with two monethis vittallis, abiding the cuming of the confiderat
kingis ; quhilkis come, sone efter, with lx.m men. The Albianis as-
sembht togidder in this maner, devidit thaim in sindry battallis, with
capitanis to hald thaim in gud array. On the tothir side, Vespasian
rasit his tentis, and was convoyit be certane treasonabill Britonis,
quhare the Albianis war. Followit sone, ane dangerus and terribil
battal ; for the Albianis stude at ane strenth beside ane mos, nocht
twelve mills fra York. Alway the Romanis that faucht in the richt
wing war neir discomfist; nochtheless, Vespasian supportit thaim
with ane new legion : be quhais cuming thair curage was sa rasit,
that, notwithstanding thair hevy woundis, thay renewit battal ; and
quhen thay war persit throw the bodyis, thay ceissit not quhill thay
slew thair ennimes fornens thaim. Otheris faucht sa cruelly, that
quhen thair hand and swerd was doung away, thay fell above thair
ennimes, and rave thaim Avith thair teith. Nochtheless, the fatal
necessite of victory, gevin be devine weirdis to Romanis, micht not
be vincust that day be multitude, manheid, nor lang perseverance
in battal ; be repugnance of the Goddis, quhilkis had determit to
subdew all realmis to Romanis : for the Albianis, howbeit thay left
na thing undone that micht pertene to vailyeant campionis, wai-
finaly discomfist. Arviragus, opprest with hevy dolour, for slauch-
ter of sa mony nobil campionis, wald have slane himself ; bot he was
stoppit be his friendis, in esperance of better fortoune. Caratak,
saiffit with ane few nowmer of pepil, went to Brigance. Illithara,
King of Pichtis, desiring not to leif efter the slauchter of his dere
freindis, raif of his coit armour, and was slane sone efter, unknawin
quhat he was.
The Britonis, efter this unliappy battall, send ane herald to Ves-
pasian, desiring peace ; and schew sa huge calamite falling to
thaim be ire of Goddis, that of lxv.m Britonis, war left only vi.c
men on live, and war sa punist, that thay micht be sufficient ex-
emple to schaw quhat vengeance and sorow cumis to all pepil, for
violation of thair faith and promis. Vespasian ans^\-erit, he wald
heir na condicion of peace, quhill Arviragus wer brocht to his pre-
sence. Arviragus, seand na refuge, comperit in his humly maner ;
quhilk thing movit Vespasian to gret reuth, seing, be chance of
fortoune, that he, quhilk was sa provit that day at morow, was
than sa destitute of freindis, that he desirit mercy at his ennimes.
Incontinent Arviragus fel on kneis, saying, the Goddis had tane sa
rigorus punition on him and his pepil, that he covet not to leif
above so hie calamite. And thairfore he desirit nocht bot grace to
his son and wif, quhilkis he afore had wrangusly exilit but ony fait.
Vespasian seing his dolorus estait, had sic compassion, that he micht
not retene fra teris ; nochtheless, he tuke counsall how he suld be-
half him in this mater. Sum gaif counsal, that Arviragus suld be
send, with his wif, children, and guddis, to Rome, as lauchful pray,
to abide the jugement of Romane senatouris; to be exempil to all
pepill, quhat frute procedis of rebellion aganis the Romanis. Otheris,
havand sicht to chance of fortoune, counsulit him to have reuth, and
not to travel the said Arviragus to Rome, sen he was not thair
lauchful pray, bot cuming under assurance of Romanis ; quhais em-
pire was eikit be inviolat faith, and be no shchtis on thair subdittis.
Vespasian, be this counsal, tuke Arviragus to his mercy, and conti-
newit him in his auctorite ; syne commandit all the strenthis of the
townis of Britane, quhilkis afore war stuffit aganis the Romanis, to
be randerit to his capitanis ; and plegis to be gevin for observation
thairof. The principal man that was gevin at this time in plege, wes
Guiderius, Prince of Britane, and sonne of Arviragus ; quhilk pass-
and with Vespasian to Rome, fell in gret inflrmite, and deceissit.
Quhen Vespasian had dantit the Britonis on this wise, he distroyit
al thair awin lawis, and brocht on thaim the lawis of Romanis : and
commandit that na man sal haif commission of blude within Britane,
bot Plauciiis, or his deputis ; be quhom certane men war limit to
minister justice on the Romane maner. The fame of thir lawis cau-
sit al the remanent Britonis to be yoldin to Vespasian, and gave
him mony riche jewellis, in satisfaction of thair offence.
Cfjap. Cfiftteentfj.
How Vespasiane wan the Towne of Camelon, and discomjist Cara-
tak. Of his Message send to Carafak; and of Caratahis An-
Ow was the winter cummin, and causit Vespasiane to re-
turne to York ; quhare he abaid, all the said winter, with
Arviragus. And at the nixt somer he rasit his army,
and come within the boundis of Mers and Berwik, per-
tening to the dominion of Pichtis : quhais inhabitantis war ay maist
vailyeant, and strangest ennimes to Britonis ; nochtheles, thay war
than sabrokin, at this time, with the battall afore rehersit, that thay
micht make litil resistance, bot war haistely yoldin to Romanis.
Utheris, quhilkis war mair nobil, fled to Camelon, belevand the Ro-
manis suld nocht cum thair, for difficill and strait passage. Vespa-
siane Weill advertist of thair departing, come with more diligence
than ony men presumit, and wan the said town of Camelon. Amang
mony riche and precius jewellis, in spulyeing of this town, war found
the armis of the kingis of Pichtis ; and ane crown of gold, set about
with precius stanis of variant colouris ; and ane swerd, with heft of
gold maist curiously wrocht, within ane purpour scheith. This
swerd was worne, mony yeris efter, be Vespasiane in all his wens.
All the nobillis of Pichtis, that war takin in Camelon, war licent to
returne hame, on thair pledgis. Vespasiane abaid, lang time efter, in
Camelon ; and brocht divers auld capitanis to dwell in it, and to leif
under Romane lawis, instrukand the rude pepill thairof in civill
maneris. He biggit ane tempil, nocht far fra the said town, apon
the watter of Carron, in honour of Claudius and Victory ; and com-
mandit the samin to be adorit be the pepil. Quhill Vespasian was
gevin on this maner to polesy and vane religion of gentilis, he was
advertist be his exploratouris, that Caratak, King of Scottis, had
renewit his army, and cumand furthwart to revenge the injuris done
to him be Romanis. Vespasian litill affrayit of thir novellis, abaid
in Camelon, and commandit Plaucius, with ane part of the Romanis
army, to raeit him. Not lang efter, be sound of trumpat, baith the
armyis junit, and faucht with incredable slauchter on athir side. At
last, quhen thay had fochtin fra the dawing to the midday, the vic-
tory succedit to Romanis. The residew of Scottis, that eschapit
fra this sorowful battall, fled to the montanis. King Caratak, evil
woundit, was brocht out of the felde, with gret difficulte, to Doun-
stafage. Throw fame of this unhappy battall, mony pepil war yol-
din to Romanis. All thay that dwelt in Brigance, havand litil con-
fidence in thair strenthis, fled with thair wiffis, children, and guddis,
to the nixt montanis. The fourt day efter, Plaucius tuk the town
of Carrik, and pertit al the spulye and guddis found in it, amang
his weirmen ; and send ane herald to Vespasian, to advertis him of
this victory, and schew that Brigance, the principal province of Scot-
land, was to be randerit but ony forthir rebellion. Vespasian re-
josing of thir novellis, come to Carrik ; quhare he ressavit mony of
the pepill of Brigance to his opinion. Efter this, havand compassion
of the lamentabil chance falling to Caratak, fechtand to the uter ex-
terminion of his pepill, for defence of his liberte ; he send messin-
geris to him, saying : It was nocht ganand to him to be ony forthir
repugnant to the Goddis, be quhome all victory, empire, and aucto-
rite procedis in erd ; quhais deliverit sentence hes ordanit all regionis
to be subdewit to Romanis. It wes necessar, thairfore, to him and
his pepill, to obey the Goddis ; quhilkis hes tane ane manifest puni-
tioun on him and his pepill, for thair rebellioun : attoure, promittit,
gif he wald be obedient to Komane empire, that he suld remane in
honouris as afore, and to be reput as freind to the senat and pepill
of Rome ; uthirwayis, gif he wald be repugnant, and perseveir be
unprudent hatrent aganis thaim, he suld be degradit of auctorite,
and his peple uterlie distroyit. To thir wourdis answerit Caratak,
It wes na les fury than inprudence, to mortall pepill to presume,
(as thay war familiar with Goddis,) to have ony cognoscance of
thingis to cum. Forthir, gif the Romanis, but ony occasion of just
battall, wald invaid him, he culd do na thing les than resist sa farre
as he micht : for he traistit the Goddis not to be sa injust, to gif
victory to injurius and wrangus pepil. Forthir, he culd nocht un-
derstand that Romanis suld defend him in his realme, sen thay have
socht sa niony wayis to reif him, as thay have done to othir kingis.
As to the amite and freindschip of Romanis, he thocht the same to
be desirit, gif it micht do him ony commodite ; bot as than it was
to be refusit, for gret dammage suld follow thairthrow to his realme
and subditis. The realme of Scottis wes als fre to him, as the king-
dome of Romanis wes to Cesar Empriour. And sen all pepill that
will nocht defend thair awin, ar repute na les detestabil than thay
that reiffis othir mennis realmes, he suld perseveir in battall aganis
the Romanis to the finall end of his live, in defence of his realme
and liberte.
How CarataJc cumand "with nezc army aganis Romanis, tees vincu^t.
Oftlic Deith of Plautius ; and how Ostorius was send in his place,
and dantit the Britonis.
E this answer, Vespasian tuk gret admii-ation; seing
Caratak of sa invinsabil spent : quhen al the remanent
princis of Albion wer subdewit, he only, pretending
to fecht aganis Romanis : and, for his proud contemp-
tion, he tuk purpos to put him and his pepill to uter rewine. Yit,
becaus the passage wes difficil, and vittallis micht not be transportit
in his boundis, but huge dammage of Romanis ; he changit his
mind, and maid him reddy to pas in the He of Man, lyand betwix
Ireland and Albion: and for the expedition thairof, he brocht
mony schippis and galyonis to the nixt port, reddy to the samin ef-
fect. In the mene time, he gat lettris, schewand, that baith Walls
and the He of Wicht wes rebellit ; and uncertane gif the same pro-
cedit be persuation of France or not. Vespasiane, traisting na thing
sa gud as to meit this present truble afore it ony forther spred, su-
persedit his passage in the He of Man, and past in Britane ; leiffand
behind him the strenthis of Brigance garnist with Strang sodjouris,
and the residew of his army with Plaucius. At his cuming in Bri-
tane, the pepill, wath facill lauboure, wer sone dantit ; and the'prin-
cipal conspiratouris punist for thair rebellion. Vespasiane, eftir thir
feliciteis, returnit be command of Claudius, Empriour, to Rome ;
quhare he wes ressavit with gret triumphe.
Als sone as Caratak wes advertist that Vespasiane wes departit
out of Albion, he thocht time ganand to recover the landis of Scot-
tis and Pichtis, quhilk war reft afore be tyrany of Romanis ; and as-
sembht thairfore ane army fra sindry boundis of Albion, with al
pepil that hatit the Romanis, or desirit to revenge thair injuris.
The Romanis, weil certifyit of his cuming, met him with arrayit
ostis. Followit," ane terribill bergane, fochtin with birnand hatrent
on all sidis : the Scottis desiring to recover thair hberte ; and the
Romanis, to tine not the landis that thay wan afore with gret diffi-
cuhe and pine. This| battall wes lang fochtin with nncertane vic-
tory ; nochtheles, the wisdonie and chevalrie of Romanis wan the
victory, and put the Scottis to the flicht. Caratak, seing his army
brokin, colleckit the residew of his folkis, and come to Dounstafage ;
quhare he, be lang consiiltationn afore his nobillis, tuke avisement
how he micht defend his realme ao;anis the Romanis ; and dcsirit
ane new army to be gaderit out .)f al boundis undir his dominioun,
with al support that micht be goctin fra the princis of Ireland, thair
anciant faderis, to expel the Romanis out of Scotland, or than all at
anis to de. The counsal ripely avisit, with thir present calamiteis
falling on thaini be frequent victorye of Romanis, thocht nocht pro-
fitable to jeopcrd the realme to the last chance of battall : bot erar
to suffer thair pepill to waik sumtime fra battal, to recover sum
strenth, quhilkis lies bene sa oft diffait afore. Be the samin coun-
sall, wes devisit, that certane chosin men suld lye on the bordour of
Brigance, to stop the Romanis fra invasioun of the remanent boimdis
of Scotland, be frequent incursionis erar than plane battall : thus
wes the battall prolongit twa yeris eftir, but ony gret slauchter. The
samin time, Plaucius, governour of Romane army, fel in irremedi-
able infirmite of flux ; and quhen he understude cleirly he micht
nouthir convales be support of nature nor medcine, he wes sa dis-
parit of his life, that he desirit Claudius, Empriour, sen he micht
nocht labour forthir for the common weill of Rome, to send ane
prudent capitane in his place, to hald the Albianis undir Romane
lawis, that the landis conquest afore with gret difBculte wer nocht
tint. Claudius, at his desire, send in Britane ane vailyeant knicht,
namit Ostorius Scapula ; and sone eftir his cuming, Plaucius deceis-
sit in Camelon. His body wes brint, eftir the custome and rite of
Romanis, and consecratit in the Tempill of Claudius and Victory.
Thus rais ane consuetude, mony yeris eftir observat amang the
Scottis and Pichtis, to birne the bodyis of thaim that deis ; as ap-
peris yit, be mony signis, to our day is : for, in the yeir of God,
M.DXXi yeris, in Fyndoure, ane town of the Mernis, v milis fra
Aberdene, wes found ane anciant sepulture, in quhilk wer ii lame
piggis, craftely maid, ■pdth letteris ingravit, full of brint powder ;
quhilkis sone eftir that thay Aver handillit fel in dros. Siclike in
Kenbothen, ane town of Mar, x mills fra Aberdene, wer found
two sepulturis, on the samin maner, full of brint powder. Mony
othir sepulturis lies bene oft times found on the same maner, ful of
brint powder. Bot we vai return to our historye, quhare we left.
The Britonis, eftir the cumming of Ostorius Scapula, beleving
to recover thair liberte, becaus he knew not thair maneris nor coun-
tre, rebellit. Ostorius, desiring to have occasion of rebeUioun,
that he micht schaw his proues and manheid ; rasit his camp to in-
vaid the Welchemen and otheris Britonis, in the west partis of Bri-
tane ; and finalie put thaim to discomfiture. Eftir this victory, he
went on the est Britonis, fornence the France seis, quhilkis war the
principal movaris of this rebellion. Thir Britonis seing na refuge,
fledde to ane strait ground, quhare thay micht nocht be esalie inva-
dit : nochtheles, thay wer finalie vincust. Throw fame of this un-
happy battall, all the remanent Britonis wer subdewit to Ostorius.
How CarataJCf Jetchand with new army aganis the Homanis, was
discomfist and maid Presoner to Ostorius, he treason of Cartu-
onandia, his stepmoder.
Storius, schort time eftir, tuk ane castell, in Cumber,
namit Carlyll : and eftir that he had tane gret praye of
guddis out of all partis lyand thair about, he come with
I j al his anny, baith in Penthland, Carrik, Kyle, andCu-
ningham ; and wrocht insufferabil injuris vnXh fire and swerd, on the
pepill thairof. Caratak, impacient to sustene thir offencis, determit
outher to de, or ellis to revenge the samin. Mony othir Albianis
come to him on the samin mind. The army of Caratak at this time
wes noumerit to xl.m men : and wes arrayit in sic maner that al
thair bakkis wer set contrar ane deip rivere, but ony furde ; to that
fine, that nane of thame may have esperance to flee, Than wes al
the agit wemen, quhilk come in gret noumer to visie the chance of
this feild, set on ilk side of the battall ; to rais the spreitis of men
with thair clamour, and to cast stanis at thair ennimes, and sla
thaira quhen thay fell. All othir wemen, that war young and wicht,
war arrayit with armour and wappinnis amang the men. Sic thingis
done, the capitanis went heir and thair about the army, exhorting
thame all in general to battal ; and said. That daye, behuffit thay
othir to recover thair liberte, or ellis be thirht to perpetual servitude.
And sumtime thay maid invocatioun to the Devine Spreit of thair el-
daris; quhilkis, be thair manheid and glorius chevalrie, dang Julius
out of Albion, and maid thaim and thair posterite exonerat fra al
tribut and servitude of Romanis. Than followit sa huge clamour
and noyis in the army, that ilk man promittit, but ony feu*, to fecht
for thair realme and liberte to the deith. Ostorius wes na litil asto-
nist, seing the Scottis of sa huge multitude, and brim desire of bat-
tall ; knawing weil how dangerus it wes to fecht aganis ony men in
extreme disperation but refuge. Caratak, yit to gif the army more
curage and spreit to fecht, schew that thair perpetual liberte wes
than present to thaim in that feild, for the winning. On the othir
side, Ostorius wes na les prudent in hortation of his folkis : desmng
thame, be lang orison, to remember how thay wer Romanis, danta-
ris of all pepiU ; and thair ennimes, bot rude and barbar, but huma-
nite, and cassin be Nature, the crafty moder of al creature, in the
remote and last nuik of the warld. Incontinent, baith the armyis,
be thunderand preis of trumpat, junit, and faucht with mair cruelte
than evir wes herd in ony warld afore : nochtheles, the Romanis wer
finalie victouris.
In this battall wes tane Caratakis \nf, his dochter, and breder. And,
as oft is sene, few men can haif sicker freindis in adversite : This
Caratak fled to his gud moder, Cartumandia, Queue of Scottis ;
qubilk, eftu" deceis of his fader Cadallane, wes maryit apon one vai-
lyeant knicht, namit Venisius. Cartumandia seing Caratak disti-
tute of all consolatioun, deliverit him to Ostorius, the ix. yeir eftir
that the battall wes begun be Romanis in Albion. Ostorius seing
Caratak brocht afore him, and reft fra kinglie dignite, had sic com-
passioun, that he tuke him be the hand, and said, " O Caratak, this
" mischance suld be sufferit Avith pacience ; for thocht thow be dis-
" titute of gud fortoun, yit thou art nocht cumin in our handis,
" nakit of virtew. Eschame nocht to be the pray of Romanis,
" quhilkis hes subdew-it sa niony riche and vailyeant kingis, and led
" thaim in triumphe." To this answerit Caratak, with hevy cheir :
" I mon," said he, " suffer this adversite, howbeit it be contrar
" my Avill. And yit na thing is sa grevous to me as Fortoun ; quhilk
" is sa contrarius to my governance, that scho hes dejeckit me at thy
" feit, to be example of hir mutabilite ; and maid me presoner, more
" be treason than force : quhil my pissance indurit, I maid impedi-
" ment ; bot now, be treason of my stepmoder, Cartumandia, in
" quhom had I maist confidence eftir my discomfitour, I am cumin
" in thy handis. My part is now to obey to the as victour, and un-
" derlie the M'il and pleseir of my ennime : thy part sal be to use
" the chance of ane victorius Capitane, and so mercifuU, that vincust
" and miserable peple may have sum esperance of grace." Als sone
as Caratak had said thir wourdis, he wes brocht to the tentis of Ro-
manis, and tretit with all reverence, as efferit to ane king.
How Ca7-atak was brocht to Rome, and how he returnit in Scotland.
Of uncouth mervellis sene in Albion ; and of sindry nobill Clerkis,
and of the Deith of Caratak.
Aratak, within few dayis eftir, wes brocht throw
Italy, with his wiffe, douchter, and bredir, to Rome.
The pepil, heirand his cumming, assemblit out of all
|! partis; richt desirus to se that vailyeant king quhilk
had fouchtin sa mony yeris aganis the Romanis. At his cuming,
stude arrayit in the stretis of Rome, the band of weirmen, in gret
ordour. First wer schawin his hors, harnes, barding, and riche
spulyeis ; quhilkis war gottin in the feild aganis him : followit, his
wif and douchter ; and, last of all, himself. Caratak, brocht afore the
Empreour in this maner, and seing his freindis that come with him
sum part astonist ; to schaw his curage na thing dejeckit in this cala-
mite, said in this maner : " Had I bene als fortunat in prosperite
" and riches, as I am in hie nobilite and blud, I micht haif erar
" cummin freind than presonere in this town ; for I wes nocht un-
" worthy, tlirow my progenitouris and gret dominioun, to have bene
" confiderat with Romanis. This present calamite is na les honor-
" able to the, Cesar, Empriour, than unplesand to me. I had sum-
" time hors, harnes, men, and riches : quhat wonder is thocht I have
" lost thaim aganis my will ? for gif the Romanis ynW have em-
" pire above the warld, on force al peple man be thrillit to your
" servitude. Had I bene randerit to Romanis, sone eftir thair cuming
" in Albioun, nothir had thy glore, nor yit my calamite bene sa
" notable and knawin. And thocht thow punis me, that am thy pre-
" sonere, to the deith; the memory of me sail sone evanis : yit, will
" thow suffer me returne to my realme, it sal be ane perpetuall ex-
" ample of thy mercy." The Emprioure incontinent gave pardoun
and grace baith to him, his wiffe, and brether ; and deliverit thaim of
bondaige. Sone efter, the faderis convenit, and fell in sindry com-
municationis concerning the capitane of Caratak. Mony of thaim
Uiocht the taking of him na les honorabil to Romanis, than was
tlie taking of King Syphax be Scipio, or Persis be L. Paulus, or
the taking of ony othir vincust kingis be the Romanis ; and decern-
it, thairfore, ane triumphe to be gevin to Ostorius. Caratak was
commandit to returne in Scotland, leiffand his eldest brothir and
douchter in pledge.
Mony prodigeis and uncouth mervellis, war sene in Albion, that
yeir that Caratak faucht with Romanis. Ane gret battall of hors-
men war sene arrayit in the feild ; and sone eftir, with huge nois and
murdir on athir side, junit togidder : bot thay evanist so suddanly,
that na maner of signe apperit in the feild quhare thay war first
sene. In the nicht afore the battal, apperit to the wache, ane mul-
titude of wolffis, and tuke ane of thaim that war at the wache away,
and brocht him with thaim to the nixt wod ; bot on the morrow, als
sone as licht apperit, thay brocht him agane, but ony bar me of his
body. In Carrik was ane child borne with ane ravin heid. Thir
uncouth signis apperit, to na les terrour than admiration of the
pepil. The devinouris intrepret thaim to signify gret trubill and
dangeir appering to Caratak, the heid of the realme : nochthe-
les, seing him returne fra Rome, but ony displeseir, thay began to
interpret thaim to ane othir face. The pepill rejosing of Caratakis
returning, ressa\it him with excellent honouris, and convoyit him
to the town of Carrik. This town, be command of the Empriour,
was restorit to him, with Brigance, Kyle, and Cuningham.
Caratak past the remanent of his lifFe in tender araite with the
Romanis, but any uncouth or domistik weiris ; for baith his brethir
and douchteris war send hame to him, be favoure of the Empriour.
Caratak leiffit two yeris efter this, in gud peace, and deceissit the
XXI. yere of his regne ; ane prince mair vailyeant than fortunat, all
his dayis ; gevand his ingine and curage to defend his realme and
subdittis fra servitude of Romanis, and to institute thaim in gud
maneris. About this time was mony nobill clerkis, as Persius,
Juvenale, Senica. The pepill began, als, in all partis of the warld,
to ryis in sicker faith of Crist ; and all vane idolatreis and supersti-
tionis put downe.
And sa endis heir, the Thrid Buke.
%f}t jfeirtj iSufee.
How Corbrede was maid King ofScottis. How the Pichtis rebellit
aganis the Romanis, and slew Ostorius thair Capitane.
Atarak beand on this maner deceissit, and
beryit with funerall triumphe in Camk, ane
riche and precius sepulture wes maid for him,
with hiear pillaris rising about the samin than
evir wes sene afore, to his eternal glory. This
prince had na airis, bot ane douchter, to suc-
____^ ceid to his realme ; and wes trublit with sic
infirmite, that scho deceissit ane virgine. Eftir hir deith, Corbreid
youngest brothir to Caratak, wes maid king ; for his eldest brothir
deceissit, as we schew afore, passand with Vespasiane to Rome.
This Corbreid wes of fers ingine, nocht far different fra his brothir
Caratak in maneris. In the beginning of his empire, he went in the
His, Ros, and Cathnes ; quhare he punist mony wekit schrewis for
thair attemptatis, and rewardit all thaim that he fand defendouris of
the common weill, with large commoditeis.
Quhill Corbreid wes gevin on this maner to justice, the Romanis
began to decay in Britane : for the Pichtis, eftir creation of thair
new King, Conkist, in hope to recover thair hberte, slew mony of
the Romanis, heir and thair skatterit throw the cuntre ; for thay
traistit, eftir deith of Caratak, na recountering to be foundin. Thus
had nane of the Romanis eschapit, war nocht thay hapnit more
haistehe to be reskewit be support of thair strenthis ; nochtheles,
mony of the principal! capitanis wer slane. Ostorius, inpacient
to suiFer thir injuris, come with ane haisty and weil arrayit army
aganis the Pichtis ; followit seme, ane sore battal, fochtin with sic
cruelte and slauchter, that the Romanis wer neir discomfist. Than
Ostorius ruschit sa fersly forwart to have maid thaim support,
that he wes evill woundit, and narrowly eschapit untakin : noch-
theles, the nicht severit thaim, with lamentable slauchter on ilk side.
Followit, continewal incursionis, with reif and slauchter, as the
chance succedit. Throw fame of this victory, come sindry cumpanis
of pepill to the Pichtis, and gave occasioun to fecht aganis the Ro-
manis. Bot skarsly wes the battall junit, quhen the Pichtis left the
feild, and fled, as thay had bene discomfist ; to that fine that thay
micht draw the Romanis to the said place quhair thair ambusche-
ment wes laid. And as thay devisit, sa succedit eftir; for the Ro-
manis, following in this maner, wer slane. Als sone as Ostorius Aves
advertist heirof, he fled with gret dredour to his tentis ; and wrait to
Claudius, Emprioure, that the Pichtis were rebellit, and micht na
ways be haldin under Romane lawis. Than Claudius maid his vow
to punis the Pichtis in sic maner, that thair name and memorie sail
peris in Albioun ; and, to bring his purpos to effect, he send in Bri-
tane two Romane legionis : and, nochtwithstanding the cuming of thir
legionis, the Pichtis grew ilk day more insolent aganis the Roma-
nis ; and finalie, be suddan irruptionis, slew two capitanis of Romane
sodjouris, quhilkis Aver assemblit afore to mak incursionis in the
cvuitre ; and partit thair spulyeis amang thair fallowis, that concurrit
with thaim in the said bergane.
Ostorius, trublit with hevy curis, and doloure, rising of the
woundis that he gat in this last battall, deceissit, to the gret conso-
latioun of his ennimes.
How Manlius Valens, Capitane of Bntane, was discomfist be the
Pichtis. How Didius was send in his place. Of the Messaige
send he Pichtis to Corhreid ; and of his Answer.
Storius beand decessit in this wise, Manlius Valens
wes maid capitane to Romanis in Britane ; and com
with mony auful legionis aganis the Pichtis, Followdt,
ane scharppe bergane, fochtin lang time with doutsum
victory. And quhen the Pichtis stude in maist danger, come haisteUe
cccc. men of Kendill, quhen na man belevit, to thair support ; be
quhais cumming, the Romanis war put to flicht. In this battal wes
slane mmm. Romanis, and twa thousand Pichtis. Claudius, advertist
of this unhappy chance falling to Romanis in Britane, send Aulus Di-
dius, with two Romane legionis, to succeid in his place. This Aulus,
at his cumming in Albioun, fand the Romanis in small felicite ; and
maid him thairfore to revenge the injuris done to thaim ; and persewit
the Pichtis, quhare evir thay micht be apprehendit, to the deith.
And first he callit all the Romanis afore him, and reprochit thaim
that thay failyeit to thaim self, and war nocht sa walkrif and provi-
dent in al materis as thay suld haif ben, eftir the taking of Caratak.
He mervellit eik that thay wer sa far degenerit fra Romane glore,
to be schamfulHe ouu'thra^vin with thair febill ennimes ; and finalie,
he prayit tham to beleif nocht thair discomfitoure cummin be ony
manheid or virtew of thair ennimes, bot onlie be thair awin necli-
gence and sleuth ; and prayt thaim to be so obedient to thair capi-
tane, that he have no occasioun be thaim to leis his curage. The
Romanis maid incontinent thair solempne vowis, to revenge al inju-
ris done be thair ennimes. The Pichtis, at the first brut of thir no-
vellis, wer effrayit : nochtheles, be memorie of this recent victorie,
thay began to tak gud curage ; and send incontinent thair ambassa-
touris to Corbreid, King of Scottis, schawing to him, thocht thay
have laitlie conquest two victoreis on the Romanis, yit the said
Romanis, be more hatrent than afore, intendis to cum with awfull
incursionis in Pentland, and purposit, eftir the distructioun of
Pichtis, to invaid the Scottis on the same maner : and, thairfore, de-
sirit the said Corbreid to send support, in time to occurre, the pre-
sent dangeir, erar afore his pissance wer brokin, than quhen his
landis wer so waistit, that he micht mak na support.
It wes answerit be Corbreid, that he knew weill how Didius wes
cumming in Albion, with na gud mind to him nor his realme ; in-
tending nocht onlie to keip the landis conquest afore be Romanis,
bot als to augment the samin with new regionis and landis. Yit, be-
caus he wes confiderat with Romanis, he wald na wayis invaid thaim
with battal, bot gif thay first invadit him ; for he wes oblist thairto
be contract maid afore be Caratak. Nochtheles, for defence of his
realme and pepil, he suld cum, within ane certane day, with al his
power ; erar to mak impediment to Romanis, than to invaid thaim
with ony battall.
How Cartumandia, Qiiene of Scotis, was beryit quik. Hozo the
Scottis and Pichtis faucht aganis the Romanis with uncertane
victory^ and war constranit to take peace ; and of the deith of
Ls sone as thir oratouris war depeschit, Corbreid went
with ane army inBrigance. Didius, heiring his cumming,
chargit him, be ane herald, to depart haistelie thairfra ;
and allegit, it wes the province and land of Romanis,
and grantit bot onlie to Caratak, during his life: certifying him,
gif he wer rebelland to this charge, he suld be repute ennime to Ro-
manis, and douno; be force out of all boundis of his realme. Scars-
lie wer thir wordis said, quhen tithingis come, that Cesius Nasica,
lieutenant to Didius, wes entrit with ane army in Brigance. Cor-
breid incontinent gaderit all his pepill to ane gret strenth ; traisting
na les honour to keip his subdittis but perell, than to wirk dammage
on his ennimes : sine went to Epiak, to be consulit in this maist dan-
gerus mater with Venisius, the husband of Cartumandia, his gud-
This Venisius wes ane man of hie ingine, and wes lang time de-
fendit fra injuris of nichtbouris be auctorite of Romanis ; yit, becaus
he saw thair tyrany and proud dominioun sa importabill, he rebellit,
and come to the opinioun of his native prince. Cartumandia, Quene
of Scottis, and spous to the said Venisius, richt sorowfuU for thir
feliciteis daily succeding to Corbreid, and dredand hir to be punist,
(for scho treasonabilly randrit Caratak afore to Romanis,) tuke hir
husband and freindis be crafty slichtis, and held thaim in preson.
Corbreid, movit for this offence, come to Epiak ; and, eftir that he
had put the said Venisius and his freindis to liberte, he commandit
this wekit woman, Cartumandia, to be buryit quik.
Ane cumpany of Scottis, at this time, followit so unwarly on the
chase of Romanis, that thay wer belttit about on every side with
ennimes afore thay wist, and all slane. This discomfitoure maid the
remanent Scottis, within thair municionis and strenthis, so effrayit,
that thay micht scarsly be haldin fra fleing. On the fift day eftir,
the Romanis went forwart to assailye this munitioun of Scottis with
thair horsmen : bot it wes sa circulit on ilk side within ane mos, that
na horsmen micht invaid thaim ; and it had na out passage bot at
ane part, quhilk was maid be thaim with flaikis, scherettis, and
treis. Nochtheles, quhen thir Romanis knew that the Scottis and
Pichtis wer within thre mihs to thair army, thay left thair purpos.
Incontinent, Cesius Nasica, capitane of Romanis, brocht all his army,
weil arrayit, to the feild ; and abaid still, quhill the cumming of thair
ennimes. On the tothir side, the confideratte pepill, I mene the
Scottis and Pichtis, went so fast forthwart, quhen thay saw thair en-
nimes in sicht, that thay wer out of aind, or evir thay come to ony
straikis. And yit thay junit at the occasion of the sonne, and faucht
continewally quhiU thay wer severit be cumming of the nicht ; and
than the Romanis fled to thair tentis, and the confiderat kingis to
the montanis.
In the mene time, Didius, the Romane legate, send ane herald to
Cesius, his leutenand, and schew gret trubiU amang the Britonis in
Walls ; and, thairfore, commandit him, to make sum honest way of
peace with the Scottis and Pichtis, that the landis, conquest afore
with sa huge difficulte, war nocht schamefully tint. Thir novellis
maid Cesius to defalk sum part of his curage. The confiderat kingis,
brokin with this recent bergane, send thair ambassatouris, on the
nixt morow, to Cesius to have peace ; lamenting the huge murdir
and calamite falling to baith thair armyis be this last battall : and
schew, thau'fore, it Avas sufficient ineuch to Romanis to have the
confiderat kingis as thair freindis in times cuming ; for thay war sa
obstinat, that na thing micht vincus thaim during thair liffe. Ce-
sius, havand this honest occasioun to treit peace with the confiderat
pepill, set ane day to common on all materis. And, at the said day,
peace was finaly tretit betwix the Romanis, Scottis, and Pichtis, un-
dir thir conditionis : The Romanis sail keip the landis be thaira con-
quest afore this peace, but ony ferder conques ; and sail nouthir in-
vade the Scottis nor Pichtis with battall, les than the Scottis and
Pichtis invade thaim first. The Pichtis sail leif on thair awin lawis ;
and Conkist, thair king, to regne above thaim, as afore, payand the
auld tribute to the wageouris of Camelon. The jurisdictioun of blude
sail be onely with Romanis. Na Franchemen nor Britonis, that ar
fugitive fra the Romane lawis, sail be resset amang the Scottis and
Pichtis. The Scottis sail rejose frelie all thair landis, and use thair
awin lawis ; providing allwayis, that thay support nocht the inha-
bitantis of the He of Man with vittallis or wappinnis, for the injuris
laitly be thaim done to Romanis. And, finally, the said Scottis sail
nouthir support the Pichtis in Britane, gif ony of thaim happinnis
to rebell aganis the Romanis ; nor yit invade thaim with battall, sa
lang as thay abaid at the faith of Romanis. The peace beand con-
firmit in this sort, all partyis returnit hame.
This peace indurit, but ony violatioun, sa lang as Didius was capi-
tane in Britane. And, the saxt yeir efter, he deceissit in London.
How Veranius was maid capitane ofBritane ; and of Us deith. How
Swetonius, his successoure, put the lie of Man to sal: How Bri-
tonis maid new rebelUoun on the Romanis ; and ofsindry Prodi-
gies and MervelUs sene in Albioun.
Idius beand deceissit, as said is ; be command of Nero,
Emprioure, was send in Britane, ane new capitane,
namit Veranneus. Quhen this Veranneus had visit sin-
_ t^iy pi-ovincis ofBritane, he come to Camelon, and maid
sacrifice in the honoure of the Goddes Victory, and Claudius, Em-
prioure, quhiik was laitly deceissit, and deificat be the Romanis.
Veranneus, richt desirus to be equale to his antecessouns in glore
of chevalry, socht mony occasionis to move battall on his nichtbouris.
So hapnit, that certane Hieland thevis of Scotland, tuke ane pray of
guddis out of the Pichtis landis. Veranneus, traisting this sufficient
occasioun to move battall, socht na redres be reasoun of the peace
afore contrakkit ; Lot send ane multitude of pepill, but ony mair
tary, in the landis of Scottis ; and, be frequent incursionis, brocht
away ane gret pray of men and guddis with thaim in Pentland.
The Scottis, movit be this outrage, ruschit haistely to harnes. Fol-
lowit ithand heirschippis and slauchter on athir side ; and, in the
middis of this trubill, Veranneus deceissit. His last wourdis war
sa full of vane arrogance and glore, as writis Tacitus, that he bele-
vit himself sufficient, gif he had leiffit two yeris mair than he did,
to have subdewit all the boundis of Albion to Romane Empire.
Efter his deceis, Swetonius, ane humill man, was send in his place ;
quhilk, efter his cuming, renewit peace with Albianis : and, quhen
he hadreparit all injuris quhare thay complanit, he maid him reddy
to pas on the He of Man ; for it was full of vailyeant pepill, and ge-
nerall resset to all thaim that haitit or rebellit aganis the Romanis.
At his cuming in the said He, he fand ane strange gise of battall
arrayit aganis him. First, stude ane cumpany of wod wemen, ar-
rayit in furius habite, on the sandis, with hair hingand ouir thair
ene, and armit with firebrandis in thair handis. Efter thaim, stude
the preistis namit Druides, hevand thair handis to the hevin, and
makand maist terribil cursing on the Romanis ; and, in the middis
of thaim, stude ane band of armit men, reddy to fecht. The Ro-
manis war mair astonist for this uncouth sicht of furius wemen and
preistis, than ony terrour of armit men : nochtheles, be hortatioun
of thair capitane, thay went forthwart with displayit baner ; and,
finaly, baith thir wemen and preistis war discomfist and yoldin.
Swetonius, efter this victory, garnist all the strenthis of this He
with garnison of Romanis; and maid plane eversioun of all the
woddis, quhare the preistis usit thair sacrifice in the honour of thair
Quhen Swetonius had dantit the He of Man in this maner, he
was advertist that France was rebellit ; and, thairfore, to peacify
this trubill, he pullit up salis, and arrivit in Bartanye. The Bri-
tonis herand his departing, thocht the time ganand to recover thair
liberte, and rebellit. The motive of thair rebellioun was, that Ar-
viragus, thair last king, left his two dochteris, and the Emprioure,
heritouris to his kingdome and riches ; traisting, to saif thaim fra
trubill be that way: howbeit, all thingis succedit contrar his beleif;
for his realme was governit be Romane capitanis, and his hous put
to servitude, as it had bene tane be pres of battal ; his wif, Voada,
bet with straikis ; and baith his two dochteris deflorit. The Bri-
tonis, opprest with thir injuris, and dreidand ilk day mair disple-
seris to follow, maid plane rebellion, and socht support in all partis
quhare thay micht.
Mony uncouth niervellis war sene, about this time, in Albion. The
occiane see apperit bludy, and mony deid bodyis cassin to the brayis
thairof. Wemen yeid wod, and declarit terribill thingis to cum.
The imagis of Claudius, beside Camelon, fel down in dros ; and the
image of Victory fell down fra the alter on hir bak, as scho had
bene vincust. The spaymen said, thir prodigies signifyit gret dam-
mage appering to Romanis. The Pichtis quhilkis war in Camelon
and othir munitionis thair beside, herand this ansAver, wer ereckit
in esperance of better fortoun ; and nocht only maid privat conspi-
ration aganis the Romanis, bot slew mony of thair wageouris, afore
thair rebellion was patent. The agit Romanis, in quhome the
Pichtis had maist hatrent, war slane in gret nowmer, and the residew
chasit out of al boundis gevin to thaim for lang service ; and, finaly,
thir agit Romanis fled to ane auJd tempill, within the boundis 'of
Berwik, quhare thay war al slane be the inhabitantis of that region.
Petus Cerealis, Heutenant to Swetonius, desiring to support thir
agit capitanis, come with ane legioun of Romanis, and ane cumpa-
ny of horsmen ; nochtheles, his legion was discomfist, and himself
chasit to the Romane tentis. The nixt nicht, he fled to Cattus, pro-
curatour of Britane, quhilk was for that time in Kent. Als sone as
Cattus was advertist of the trubill ilk day rising in Britane, he fled,
for feir of his lif, in France.
Of the Complaint maid he Voada, Quene of Britonis, to Corbreid.
Of Ids Message send to Catttis. Of Cattus answer. Ofsindry
Incursionis maid be Scottis on the Romanis. And of the first
cuming of Murrayis in Scotland.
Oada, Quene of Britonis, opprest with daily injure of
Romanis, send hir secretar to hir brothir Corbreid,
King of Scottis, complening hir mesirie and trouble ;
hir dochteris deflorit ; and hirself sa schamefully doung
be the Romanis, that pacience micht nocht availl, hot onely to be
ane place to new injuris. Sum time wes bot ane king in Britane,
bot than rang two kingis, the legat, and the Romane procuratour ;
that ane havand power to distroy thair blude, and this othir, to de-
vore thair substance. That man was reput maist nobill amang Ro-
manis, that micht defoule moniast wemen, or make maist herschippis
on the pepill. And, becaus na thing micht suffice to satefy the in-
saciabil lust and avarice of Romanis, scho requirit hir brothir, to
suffer nocht hir, his onely sister, to be schamefully doung, and hir
dochteris defould, but punition. And finaly schew, how the Bri-
tonis, for the infinite harmes done to thaim be Romanis, war rebel-
lit ; throw quhilk, he micht haif better occasion to invaid the Ro-
manis with battall at this time, than ony othir time afore.
Corbreid, movit be this pieteous complaint, send ane herald to
Cattus, Romane procuratour, quhilk was laitly returnit in Britane,
commanding him to redres al ofFencis done to his sister ; and, failye-
ing thairof, declarit him to be ennime to Romanis in times cuming.
It was answerit be Cattus, that na thing pertenit to Corbreid, quhid-
der richt or wrang war done to Voada ; als, it was ane vane foly to
Corbreid, sen he was bot ane rud and barbar man, to seme curius
in Romane materis, pertening na thing to his chargis. Forthir, gif
ony displeseir war done to Voada, Quene of Britonis, the samin sail
be eikit with doubill injuris ; for the Romanis wald nocht dedenye
thair majeste, to satefy the desire of barbar pepill in ony othir sort ;
and tuke na regard quhidder he war freind or fo, or quhat he
micht do.
Corbreid, movit be this outrageous answer, maid new band of
confideration w^ith Pichtis. And, within schort time efter, the con-
fiderat kingis rasit ane army of all fensabil men that micht be foundin
within thair realmis, with sindry Ireland men, that come to thair
support, and slew the Romanis, in al partis quhare thay micht be
apprehendit, but ony ransom or piete : and in this jurnay thay tuke
Berwik, quhilk was than maist populus town of that region ; and,
quhen thay had slane all Romane sodjouris foundin thairintill, thay
kest downe the wallis thairof onto the ground.
The inhabitantis of the He of Man heirand thir novellis, thocht
the time ganand to recover all thair strenthis. Sone efter, all pepil
of Brigance, Carrik, Kyle, and Cuningham, come to thaim ; and
past, in array it battall, throw sindry proVincis of Romanis, ceissing
fra na maner of cruelteis that micht be devisit on thaim. The town
of CarleU was nocht saffit fra this cruelte ; for, efter that it was tane,
all the cieteyanis thairof war slane, and the Strang w^allis thairof, equat
to the ground. The wemen, during this fury, war sa desirus to re-
venge the cruelteis done be Romanis, that thay bure armour and
About this time, ane pepil, namit Murrayis, discending of Almane
blude, and doung out of thair native region be Romane weris, come,
skatterit in sindry cumpanyis, to the mouth of Ryne ; quhare thav
puUit up salis, with thair capitane Rodorik, to seik ane new habita-
tion. At last, efter that thay had bene lang travehit on the wilsum
sees, and inhibit to land in France and Britane, thay arrivit in
Forthe ; quhilk is ane arme of the see deviding Pentland fra FifFe.
The Pichtis ressavit thaim the mair plesandly, that thay apperit
with Strang bodyis to support thaim aganis thair pissant ennimes ;
and war nocht only discendit of thair hnage and blude, bot als war
sworne, sa far as thair power micht, to revenge the injuris done to
thaim be Romanis.
Rodorik, brocht in Pentland with the Murrayis on this maner,
went to the confiderat kingis ; and, before thaim, lamentit sore the
tyranny of Romanis, quhilkis, be onely desire of dominioun, hes
subdewit ane large part of Almany ; and nocht only thirllit the pepill
thairof to importabil servitude, bot subjeckit thaim to Romane lawis,
Siclike, the Murrayis, to quhom he Aves capitane, Avar doung out of
thair native landis ; and constranit, becaus thay micht suffer na ser-
vitud, to seik new habitation. Alwayis, it wes ane gret consola-
tioun to him and the Murrayis, that thay, be favour of Goddis,
wer brocht in thay landis, quhare thay micht revenge the injuris
done to thaim be thair ennimes. And, for thir motivis, he desirit
the confiderat kingis, to suffer him and the Murrayis to pas formast
in support of thair peple ; and desirit, gif it hapnit thaim, be thair
manheid and chevalry, to ding the Romanis out of Scotland, to
grant thame wiffis, that thay micht incres under ane blude with
Scottis and Pichtis : be contrar, gif it hapnit thaim to be slane, thay
tuke na cure of thair deith, swa that thay had sufficientlie revengit
the injuris done be thair proude ennimes. Thir desiris of the Mur-
rayis wer the more acceptabill to the confiderat kingis, that thay un-
derstude thaim enragit with maist cruell hatrent aganis the Romanis ;
jfnd, thairfore, condiscendit to all thair peticionis, traisting, be thair
incredible manheid and strenth, to wirk sum hie displeseir to thair
Of the Orison maid be Voada, Queue of Britonis, to the confiderat
Kingis ; and how scho [wes'] vincust [be] the Romanis, andfnaly
slew Mr self And of the deith of King Corbreid.
He confiderat kingis, rejosing of the cumming of Mur-
rayis on this maner, went forthwart with deligence to
meit Voadaj the vailyeant Queue of Britonis, quhilk wes
than gaderit with ane huge noumer of Britonis, abiding
thair cuming. Als sone as Voada understude hir bruthir Corbreid
and the King of Pichtis Aver cumin with thair armyis, scho Avent
forthwart to meit thaim.
Eftir maist tender and hertlie embrasing on ilk side, Voada said
to thame on this maner : " Had I bene borne, maist vaDyeant cam-
" pionis, ane man, I micht nocht have sufferit sa mony cruell and
" intollerable injuris as now ar done be Romanis : nochtheles, in
" quhatsumevir image nature hes formit me, gif ye will concurre
" with me to revenge the common offence done to us all, thir Ro-
" manis, that ar sa vailyeant aganis wemen, and sa cruel to thair
" subditis, sail sone se quhat vassalage may be done be ladyis, quhen
" extreme danger occurris. And, thocht I may no wayis devoid me
" of wiflie image, yit I sail not want mannis hardiment ; bot I sail
" fecht formest in the bront, with v.m armit ladyis, quhilkis ar all
" sworne to revenge the cruelteis done be Romanis. We sail pas
" formast in battall, but feir of deith, or bludy woundis. We sal
" nocht, as othir wemen usis, be affray it for ony woundis tane or
" gevin be our ennimes. I can have na mercy on thaim that hes
" invadit my freindis with sic odius slauchter and cruelteis. Thir
" odius tyrannis, nakit and vode of piete, hes slane sa infinit nou-
" mer of pepill, and deflorit sa mony honest virginis and matronis,
" that thay knaw nocht thaimself, as I behef, men, nor borne of
" wemen. Arme yow, for this motivis, maist vailyeant kingis, aganis
" your common ennimes, with sic curage as ye sail se ladyis have
" afore yow : and beleif nocht bot sicker victory ; for the Romanis
" ar sa effrayit, that thay confide in na thing sa mekle as in thair
" fiemg. And haist your army with al deligence, in aventure sum
" new power come nocht with Cattus, the Romane procuratoure,
" throw quhilk it sal be the more difficill to resist; and, finaly, I
" beseik yow to rander nocht youreself, your wiffis, and barnis, but
" scharp bargane, to Romanis." Quhen Voada had endit this ori-
son, the confiderat kingis apprisit hir wisdom and curage.
Cattus, advertist of thir noveUis, wes effrayit : nochtheles, he come
forthwart with arrayit oistis to meit the Albianis ; and thay na thing
eschewit his cumming. Incontinent, baith the armyis junit. At the
first cumming, all the horsmen of Romanis wer discomfist ; and,
sone eftir, the futemen, on the samin maner. Followit, ane miserable
slauchter on the flearis. Cattus, evill woundit in this battal, escha-
pit, and fled in France. The Albianis, proud of this victory, partit
the spulye and riches of this feild amang thaim ; and slew the Ro-
manis in al partis quhare thay micht be apprehendit. In this bat tall
wer slane, as \vrittis Cornelius Tacitus, lxx.m Romanis, and xxx.m
Albianis. Be this cruel slauchter, the Romanis Aver brocht to sic
calamite, that wer nocht Suetonius, the Romane legatte, come the
more haistelie fra France to thair support, the Albianis had bene
perpetuallie deliverit of Romane injuris. This Suetonius come in
Britane with twa legionis, and x.M. wagiouris of sindry nationis, and
tuke purpos to persew the Albianis mth new battall. Voada, heir-
ing the returning of Suetonius in Britane, send to the Britonis to
cum to hir but ony tary. At the day prefixit, come to hu' ane huge
army of Britonis, Scottis, Pichtis, and Murrayis, devidit in sindry
buschementis; all atanis rejosing, be thair recent victorie, that thay
had occasioun and ganand season to distroy the Romanis. The
wiffis, quhilkis come with thair husbandis, as the custome wes in
thay dayis, wer set in cartis on the out bordouris of the campe, to
beir witnes quhay didde maist vassalage. Quhen the Britonis, Scottis,
Pichtis, and Murrayis, Aver ordorit in gud array, Queue Voada,
nocht unworthy to be noumerit amang maist douchty campionis,
ruschit about the army, with hir two armit dochteris, and schew
hir not cvimmin amang sa mony vailyeant capitanis onlie to defend
hir realme and riches, bot to revenge the mony schamfull and un-
worthy offencis done to hir be Romanis ; and had na litill indigna-
tioun in hir mind, that the Romanis enragit in so unbridlit lust, that
no estait of virginis nor matronis wer left be thame undeflorit : and,
forthir, scho schew, how the Goddis, quhilkis ar just punisaris of
all wrangis, wer presentlie cumin to beir witnes of the iniquiteis done
be Romanis ; and lies recentlie punist thaim in this last battall A\dth
schame and slauchter, becaus thay movit injust battal aganis fre
peple. " Now restis nocht," said scho, " bot onelie to fecht aganis
" thay miserabil cativis, that wer saiffit be thair schamefull flicht
" fra this last battal ; and thocht Suetonius, thair new capitane,
" may exhort thaim to battall, yit he may not restore, sen thay ar
" vincust, thair curage and spreit. Will ye considir," said scho,
" your vincust and discomfist adversaris, aganis quhom ye suld noAv
" fecht; — wil ye considir your awin pissance, and the occasioun of
" battal ; — ye sail think it honorable, othir to be victorius in this
" battal, or ellis al at anis to de : for nobil men suld cheis erar to .
" de honestly, than schamefully to leif."
On this othh- side, Suetonius ceissit not to exhort his army to
battal; for, thocht he had gret confidence in thair manheid, he re-
quirit thaim to regard iiocht the vane minassing of harbour pepill,
amang quhom wes more noumer of wemen than of men. Thay wer
als hot young, febill, and unarmit pepil, but ony cognossance of
chevalry ; and micht, thairfore, the more esalie be discomfist, fra
thay have provin the manheid and scharp swerdis of Romanis. And
thocht his said army wes hot of few noumer, the more glore suld
follow, gif thay, with sa few and sufficient pepill, vincust sa huge
multitude of harbour ennimes. And, finalie, prayit thaim, to weild
thair swerdis and dartis maist ferslie, to the murdir of thair fayis ;
and to have na sicht to spulyeis, quhil the victory wer cleirlie con-
quest ; eftir quhilk, all thingis micht succeid to thair plesour.
Thir wourdis of the capitanis movit the armyes to brim and ar-
dent desire of battall. The agit knichtis, be lang experience and
use, had na les confidence in thair manheid and virtew, than victory
had bene present in thair handis. On the tothir side, the Albianis,
confiding in the huge multitude of armit men, be sound of trumpet
gaif signe to June. Folio wit, ane bludy and terrible battall. Bot
at last the Albianis wer vincust, chasit, and put to flicht with gret
slauchter : and the more slauchter followit, that thair army wes cir-
culit on every side with sic multitude of cartis, that the discomfist
pepill had na place to fle. The Romanis slew all the wemen in this
battal but ony piete or ransoun. This battall wes honest, bot richt
unplesand to Romanis ; for the maist part of thair army wer tint.
In this battaU wes slane, as Tacitus writtis, lxxx.m Albianis.
The Murrayis, for the maist part, wer aU slane, with thair capitane
Rodorik. Quene Voada, that scho suld nocht cum quik in hir en-
nimes handis, slew hirself. Baith hir dochteris wer tane ; and brocht
armit, as thay facht, to Suetonius. The eldest of hir dochteris wes
maryit apon ane nobill knicht of Romane blude, namit Marius ; for
he bereft hir virginite afore ; and wes maid king of Britonis be auc-
torite of Cesar. This Marius, eftir his coronatioun, went in Ken-
dale, ane part of Britane hand fornens Annandale and Brigance ;
and namit that land, eftir his name, West Maria, that is to say,
Westmurland. King Corbreid, brokin with this sorowfull battall,
returnit with the residew of his army in Scotland ; and gaif to the
Murrayis, quhilkis eschapit out of this feild, all the landis hand be-
twix Spay and Innernes ; quhilkis landis wer callit, eftir thame, Mur-
ray-land. The auld inhabitantis of thir landis, namit Vararis, wer
expellit; becaus thay wer ane seditious pepill, and more gevin to
civill weris, for dissentioun of thaimself and thair nichtbouris, than
ony defence of the realme. The Murrayis wer than maryit on
Scottis virginis, and grew under ane blude and amite with the
Corbreid past the remanent of his dayis but ony weris : for the
Romanis wer so irkit with civill battallis, that it wes gret difficulte
to hald the south partis of Britane at thair opinioun ; and, for that
cause, thay persewit not the Scottis nor Pichtis, mony yeris eftir.
This nobil prince, brokin with dammage of yeris, deceissit at Don-
stafage, the xviii yeir of his regne ; and wes beryit amang the re-
manent sepulturis of his progenitouris ; in the first yere of the em-
pire of Vespasiane, Emprioure ; fra the incarnation, lxxi yeris.
Ofsindry nobill ClerJcis. How Petir and Paule toar martirit. How
Dardannus was maid King" of Scottis ; and slane for his ty-
Ony nobill Clerkis flurist about this time in Itale ; as,
Statius, Persius, and Plutercus. And the faith of Christ
began to spreid fast in al partis, throw preching of the
^^ haly apostolis, Peter and Paule ; quhilkis gave thair
hale attendans, as gud hirdis, to instruct thair flok in the sicker faith,
but ony respect to riches, or feir of thair liffis ; quhill, at last, thay
wer baith slane in Rome, be the wickit Nero. Peter wes hingit be
the feit, in a place of Rome callit Mont Auri ; and Paule, hedit be
the swerd, in ane place of Rome callit Porta Hostiensis.
King Corbreid left behind him thre sonnis, so yong that nane of
thaim micht succeid to the crown. Thair namis wer Corbreid, Tul-
cane, and Brekus. The first of thaim Aves nurist in Britane, with
his ant Voada, the vailyeant Quene of Britonis, with sic courthe
maneris and havingis, that he wes caUit Corbredus Galdvis ; for yit
amang us, al pepill that is componit and honest is caUit Galdis.
The nobiUis, eftir the deith of Corbreid, that the croun micht re-
mane hail to Galdus at his perfite age, maid Dardannus king : for
he wes nepot to King Metellane. This Dardannus wes of sa large
stature, that he wes calht the gros king. He wes richt plesand to
the nobillis, afore he wes king, and richt tender to King Corbreid,
baith in weir and peace. The pepil belevit, that he suld have fol-
lowit the maneris of otheris wise kingis, his progenitouris ; and, be-
caus he wes ane lusty person, of fair vissage and body, he wes gre-
tumlie luffit amang the pepill. Nochtheles, his mind wes gevin to
maist elFeminat vices ; as apperit in the end of his life. In the be-
ginning of his empire, he usit the counsal of his nobillis, and wes
nocht far discordant fra the maneris of ane gud prince : bot, within
thre yeris eftir, he left all thingis pertenand to justice, and slaid in
every kind of vice ; and, be counsall of certane Avikkit schrewis, his
famiharis, he tuke all officis, concerning publik ministratioun of jus-
tice, fra wise and nobil men, and gave thame to vicious rebaldis,
that assistit to his insolence and lust ; and had all wise and virtews
personis in na les hatrent than suspitioun. At last, quhen he had
waistit his substance and tresour be assistance of thir unhappy lim-
maris, quhilkis had na sicht to his honour, bot allanerlie to thair
singular avantage ; he become sa avaritious, desiring uthir mennis
guddis but ony conscience or reason, that he slew, be vane causis,
ane nobill man namit Cardorus, quhilk wes Gret Justice to the last
king, Corbreid ; and had na occasion to sla this innocent man, bot
allanerlie becaus he repruvit his vices. Mony otheris, nobillis and
innocent men, wer slane be him in that samin maner. Thir doingis
maid him odius to his nobillis and commonis. At last, he kest his
extreme besines to distroy Galdus, and his two brethir ; traisting,
becaus the crown pertenit to thaim eftir his deceis, to stabill the
same with sicker firmance to him and his airis. And, to the same
effect, he send ane servand, namit Carmonak, quhilk wes corruppit
with his money, to slay Galdus, and his two brethir, in the He of
Man. Carmonak, instruckit in this maner, come in the said He ;
and, finaly, quhen he had socht lang time ane ganand oportunite to
sla Galdus, he was tane, waytand in ane secret place, with drawin
swerd, quhare he beleiffit Galdus to cum; and was brocht before
the Gret Justice of this He, and accusit sa scharplie, that he revelit
in quhat sort he was instruckit to sla Galdus and his brethir. Als
sone as he had schawin this treasoun he was put to deith.
The nobillis, herand this treasoun, conspirit aganis Dardannus ;
for thay haittit him, afore, for his inhumane cruel teis; and, than, maist
of all, seand him gevin to the slauchter of the kingis sonnis. And,
first, thay slew al thaim that favourit him. In the mene time rais
ane man, of vile and obscure linage, namit, Conanus, quhilk Avas
promovit to gret riches and honouris for his assistance to Dardannus ;
and maid him to gaddir the pepil, in gret nowmer, to support this
tyrane aganis the nobillis: bot at last he was tane be thaim, and
hingit on ane jebait. Incontinent, thir nobillis come with ane army
aganis this odius tyrane, and maid Galdus thair capitane. Dardan-
nus advertist heu'of, and seand na refuge, wald have slane himself;
bot he was stoppit be his familiaris, in esperance of better fortoun.
At last, he was brocht afore Galdus, and slane. His held was efter
schorne fra his body, and borne on ane staik throw all the army, to
his gret schame ; and his body cassin in ane maist vile closet.
This ende maid the odius tyrane Dardannus, the fourt yeir of his
regne ; in the sext yeir of Vespasiane, Empriour ; fra the incarna-
tioun, Lxxv yeris.
Hoxv mony Romane CapitaniSf for thair feh'd administration, xvar
interchangeit in Britane. How Galdus xvas maid King of Scottis.
And liow lie xvas discomfist be PetuUus.
He Romanis, about this time, began to decay in Albion,
be necligence of febil capitanis, and dammage of civill
weris. For Swetonius, legat of Britane, for his arrogance
and cruelte usit on the Britonis, was deponit ; and Pe-
tranius Turpilianus, as mair merciful capitane, was send in his place.
This Turpilianus, at his cuming in Britane, mesit all seditioun and
trubill amang the Romanis ; and randerit all thair provinces to ane
new capitane, namit Trebellius Maximus, ane man of slaw curage,
havand litill experience of chevalry. This Trebellius, seand gret
sedition and trubill apperand to rise, throw lang peace, in his army ;
he randerit the samin to ane othir capitane, namit Vectius Velanus :
quhilkis, on the samin maner, dantit the Britonis mair with amite
and kindnes, than ony auctorite : and he was in the time of Galdus,
of quhilk sail be oure history nixt following.
Efter the deith of Dardannus, the nobillis set ane counsal, and
fand the said Galdus baith richtuous aire to the crown, and ane
maist excellent person, dotat ^vith sindry wtewis, and hie preroga-
tivis ; and, thairfore, crownit him in the fatall chiar of marbill.
Galdus, eftir his coronatioun, maid sacrifice to the Goddis for the
felicite fallin to him ; sine gaif thankis to his nobillis and remanent
pepill, and promittit, to govern his realme be consultatioun of the
maist prudent and nobil men thairof : throw quhilk he wan gret fa-
vour and luf of his pepil. He wes of young and flurisant age, and
nocht unlik to Corbreid, his vailyeant fader. Forthir, he wes of no-
bill and anciant blude of baith his parentis : his modir wes the
King of Pichtis douchter, discending be lang linage of kingis:
quhairthrow, na thing failyeit to him that micht conques the favour
of his pepil. In the beginning of his empire he set him to punis the
wickit consalouris of Dardannus, be quhome the realme wes mis-
governit, and brocht to gret truble. Sic thingis done, he past throw
sindry boundis of his reahne, and maid sic punitioun on trespas-
souris, that he stabillit his reahne in gret tranquilUte.
In the niene time come to him the Murrayis, and schew thaim re-
josit that Dardannus, the invasour of the common weill, wes dis-
troyit. The cumming of Mun-ayis was the more acceptabill to the
king, that thay brocht sindry oppressouris and thevis to his justice ;
quhilkis war sone efter punist to the deith. Nocht lang efter, ane
counsall ^vas set in Dounstafage, quhare mony nobill actis war de-
visit for the commoun weil ; and the wickit law of Ewin, quhare
the wiffis of the commonis was fre to the nobillis, abrogat and an-
nulHt. And yit he could nocht purches the remanent cursit lawis
of King Ewin to be revocat; for all the young nobillis war repug-
nant thairto.
Quhill Galdus was gevin to sic besines, come novellis to him, that
ane new capitane, namit Petulius Cereahs, was send be Vespasiane,
with ane army in Britane, to recover the landis tint afore be necli-
gence of febill capitanis ; and purposit to cum haistely in Annan-
dale and Brigance. Galdus richt astonist be thir novellis, howbeit
he walde proclame na weiris quhill he war mair surely advertist, send
his spyis to explore the counsall of Romanis. Thir spyis returnit
with diligence ; and schew, how the Romanis war cumming, baith in
Mers and Berwik, with mair awfull ordinance than ever was sene
afore in Albioun ; the bestiail drevin away ; the cornis and insicht
brint; and ane gret nowmer of Pichtis, quhilkis invadit the Ro-
manis in defence of thair a\vin guddis, slane.
The Scottis, richt affrayit be thir novelUs, said, the Britonis war
unkind, quhilkis wald not advertis thaim of the cumming of Ro-
manis ; considering thay laitly faucht neir to the uter exterminioun
of thaimself, for defence onelie of the said Britonis. Nochtheles,
Galdus set him to meit the Romanis afore thair cumming in his
realme ; a\id assemblit ane Strang cumpany, to the nowmer of fifty
thousand men. Few Scottis that micht beir armour, Avar absent
that day.
Quhen Galdus was passand forthwart on this maner, apperit sin-
dry uncouth mervellis to his sicht. Ane egill flew all day, with gret
laubour, above his army ; to na les terrour than admiratioun of his
pepill : for it was interprete, that the Scottis suld be distroyit be the
egill, qiihilk is the ansenye of Romanis. Nochtheles, Galdus re-
quirit thaim to have gud esperance ; for he interpret, that the said
day suld put the Romanis to gret lauboure. Ane armit knicht Avas
sene fleing in the air ; and, quhen he had floin round about aU his
army, he suddanly evanist out of sicht. The hft apperit dirk, and
full of clouddis. Divers fowlis fell out of the air, full of blude, in
the place quhare the battallis efter junit. Galdus, nochtwithstand-
ing thir sorowfuU and uncouth prodigies appering sa suddanly in
the face of his army, allegit, that thay signifyit gret fehcite to his
pepil; and perswadit thaim to pas forthwart with gud esperance
of victory.
In the mene time come novellis, that the Romanis war enterit in
Brigance with mair pissance than evir thay come afore in thay
boundis, wHth purpos nocht onely to fecht, bot, be plane conques,
to sit downe in thay landis ; for thay had sic confidence in thair
chevalry and manheid, that na power of erdly creatouris micht im-
pesche thaim fra thair purpos. Galdus, na thing aifrayit thairof,
thocht to meit the Romanis with sic hard chevalry as he was lernit
be his eldaris ; trasting, efter sa mony happy chancis falling to
Romanis, that Fortoun, the instabill gidar of mortall creatouris, sail
sum time bring the Romanis, be hid waching, to ruine : for the
Goddis, oft times, ar sene favorabill to all pepill that justly defendis
thaimself fra injure of ennimes. Sum men perswadit the king to
invade nocht haistely his ennimes, bot to tary with ane few pepill,
and suffer the residew of his folkis to returne hame ; to that fine,
that the Romanis micht be constranit, throw laik of vittallis, outhir
to depart out of Brigance, or elhs to be trubilHt with hunger, and
othir incommoditeis. This counsall was weil apprisit be the nobillis.
Yit mony of thaim dred thair vailyeant pepil to defalk curage be
lang tary ; for the Scottis at thair first assemblance hes maist curage
and spreit, and ar brokin with na thing mair than lang tary : and,
for thir reasonis, na thing was sa gud as to invaide thair ennimes
quhill thair fury indurit.
Galdus and his nobillis following this last opinioun, rasit his army,
and brocht the samin, on the thrid day efter, in sicht of Romanis,
The grete multitude, and singulare manheid, of Romanis, sa oft as-
sailyeit with frequent victoryis, maid the Scottis sa astonist, that aU
thair esperance of victory was turnit in maist drery soUicitude. Yit,
he hortation of thair prudent capitanis, thay enforsit thaimself to
new curage ; and maid invocatioun to thair Goddis to send thaim
victory. Incontinent, baith the armyis junit, with uncredibil fury.
The Silurianis, — I mene the men of Carrik, Kyle, and Cuning-
hame, — in the same battall quhare Galdus was, faucht sa vailyeant-
ly, that the richt wing of Romanis was nere discomfist. Quhen Pe-
tulius was advertist thairof, he send ane new legioun of Romanis in
thair support. Thus war the Silurianis ouirset. Thair followit yit
ane cruell and terribill bargane, with untellabill murdir ; for the ca-
pitanis faucht in sic ire, that thay pretermittit na thing that micht
pertene to forcy campionis. Petuhus yit, ithandly went about the
Romanis quhare thay faucht, and supportit thaim with new power
quhare thay failyeit.
Quhill Petulius was fast vesiand his army on this wise, he beheld
Galdus fechtand, with gret manheid and spreit, amid his fois ; and
incontinent, enkendelit with michty curage, and desirus to conques
sum hie honoure be notabill and soveraine vassalage, he tuke pur-
pos outhir to slay Galdus, or than, magre his pissance, to put him
to flicht. Bot than rais ane battall mair vehement than afore ; for
mony of the maist vailyeant and forcy campionis amang the Scottis,
fechtand with perseverand manheid to the deith, war slane in de-
fence of thair prince. Galdus, evill woundit in the face, montit on
hors, and departit fra the feild. The residew of Scottis, disparit be
fleing of the king, fled heir and thair to thair best refuge. The
chais followit be the Romanis in sic ire, that the Scottis war slane
in all partis quhare thay war tane. In this battall war slane xii
thousand Scottis, and vi thousand Romanis. Galdus, evill woundit
on this wise, coUeckit the residew of his army, and returnit to ane
castell of the Levynok. The Romanis abaid, the remanent of this
yeir, in Epiak ; and subdewit all the bundis of Brigance, but ony
trubil of battall, to thair empire.
Cfjai?. atntf).
How the nohiULady Vodicia invadit the Romanis zcith hattall. How
scJio wasjinaly slane, and Mr army discomjist.
ETtiLiris, legate of Britane, richt insolent efter this vic-
tory, and desirand na les to eik the empire of Romanis,
than to succeid in equale glore to his antecessouris ; ra-
, sit liis campe, to subdew the remanent boundis of Bri-
gance. The Brigandis, be ithand incursionis and Hcht battallis, re-
fusit, lang time, his weris; for it was defendit, be decreit of Parlia-
ment, efter slauchter of sa mony vailyeant Scottis, to feild the Ro-
manis with plane battall, or to jeoperde the realme undir the chance
of ane battall,
Quhill the Romanis invadit Brigance in tliis maner, Vodicia,
youngest douchter to Voada, quhilk was deflorit, as we schew, be
Romanis, and exiht be wraith of Marius, hir gud-brothir ; to revenge
the pollution of hir body, and othir intoUerabil offends done to hir
modir, Voada ; assembht ane army of Brigandis and Britonis, with
the inhabitantis of the He of Man; and come with awfull battall on
the Romanis, quhen thay belevit na thing les than hir invasion. At
the first cumming of this army, was hard ane huge din and noyis, be
sound of pepill, Uk ane exhorting othir to battall ; and incontinent
come sa thik schoure of arro^vis and dartis on the Romanis, that the
lift micht not be sene above thahr heidis. Thus war the Romanis
sa astonist, that thay knew not quhat was, in this suddand danger,
to be done; for nouthir knew thay quhat ennimes thay war thatllid
thaim so awfully assaUye, nor yit had thay sufficient manheid to
fecht aganis sa gret multitude of uncouth and strange pepill, cum-
mand on thaim untimuslie within the nicht.
Quhil the Romanis war in this affray, thair ennimes ruschit on
ilk side, with sic hardiment and curage, that thay brak the trinschis
of Romams ; and enterit perforce apon thair tentis, quhare the maist
vailyeant and forcy campionis amang the Romanis war slane. Thus
had the Romanis bene uterly distroyit, and the Brigandis perpe-
tually dehverit of servitude be Vodicia, war nocht, Petuhus come
the mair haistely to thair support. For Petuhus met this extreme
dangeir sa prudently, that he, with birnand flammis of pik, roset,
and brintstane, quhilkis he had preparit aganis sic occurring jeo-
perdyis, withstude his fay is, quhare gretest noyis was herd; and dang
thaim, be force of rage and flambis, fra his tentis. Bot Vodicia sa
craftely exhortit hir army aganis Petulius, that scho oft times re-
newit battall. Than was the bergane sa cruell, that al the nicht
following was nocht sufficient to schaw the ende of thair laubouris.
At the spring of the day, Vodicia was discomfist, and hu- cumpany
put to flicht. Petulius, efter this victory, dredand sum hid dangere
occurring, inhibit his folkis to follow ony forthir on the chace.
Vodicia, provoket ilk day with mair injuris, past to Epiak, and
brint the said town, with mony agit knichtis and wageouris of Ro-
manis ; to that fine, scho micht revenge the injuris on the Romane
garnisoun, quhilk scho micht nocht revenge on Petulius. Petulius,
to punis thir offencis, send ane legioun of Romanis, and put Vodi-
cia and hir army to flicht. Nochtheles, scho was finaly tane ; and
accusit, quhy scho durst pretend sic thingis above the spreit of we-
men. Scho answerit, scho was thair ennime, and wald have slane
liir ennime ; and laikit na gud will, howbeit hu- power failyeit : and
had na thing in mair hatrent than prosperite of Romanis, for the
oret cruelteis done be thaim to hir and hir freindis. The Romanis,
but more tary, slew hir.
In the mene time, Petuhus was advertist, that the He of Wicht
and Kent-schire was rebellit, and Marius chasit. Apperit thus,
plane rebellioun of Britonis, les than the trubill war the mair hais-
telie dantit. Thir novellis movit Petulius to returne in Britane;
quhare he, vrith small deficulte, dantit the Britonis. The Romanis,
that abaid in Brigance behind Petulius, war gevin mair to keip the
landis afore conquest, than to persew the pepill with new conques.
And, in the yeir following, Petulius deceissit.
Cfiap^ Centfj.
How Julius Frontinus was maid Capitane ofBritane. Of Ms mes-
sage to PichUs ; and of thair ansxver. And how the said Julius
invadit the Scottis with gret injuris.
Fter the deith of Petulius, ane vailyeant knicht, namit
Julius Frontinus, was send in Albion with two legionis,
and was plesandly ressavit be Marius. Julius, efter his
cumming in Britane, went throw all the Romane pro-
vincis, and persuadit the Britonis, be mony reasonis, to persevere at
the opinion of Romanis.
Als sone as he had pecifyit thaim of al trubill, he began to be de-
sirus of fame and glore, as his antecessouris war afore; and tuke
purpois to subdew the last His of Albion to Romane empire : how-
beit, thay wai- oft afore assailyeit, bot nevir vincust : and, to bring
his purpos to effect, he left Marius behind him in Kent, to hald the
Britonis under Romane lawis ; sine came in Brigance with ane oret
army. Yit, in his passage, he did na injure nor trubill to^'the
Pichtis ; for he belevit thaim, fra the Scottis war vincust, sone ouir-
thrawin. Be cumming of Julius in this maner, was na litill effray
amang the Scottis ; for that name was of gret renown and estima-
tioun amang the Scottis. This Julius, at his cuming in Brigance,
vesyit the munitionis quhare the Romane sodjouris lay, and ex-
hortit thaim to perseveir in gud curage ; for, be thair manheid and
vu:tew, it micht happin, the haill He of Albion to cum undu- the em-
pire of Romanis.
Sic thingis done, he send letteris to the Pichtis, desiring that thay
and Romanis micht incres togidder undir ane freinschip and amite ;
and sumtimes remembrit thaim, of the misery and trubill falling to
thaim be the weris led afore aganis the Romanis : and to have na
cumpany with Scottis, for he was commandit be the Empriour, outhir
to distroy thaim al uterly, or eUis to thirll thaim to perpetuall servi-
VOL. I. o
tude. The Pichtis had thair desiris in gret suspitioun; and an-
swerit, Thay had gret adnuration, be quhat motive the Romanis
micht have ony just occasioun of battall aganis the Scottis : or quhat
suld move thaim, nocht content of the empire of the warld, to seik
the last IHs of the occiane sees, and to reif fra the Albianis thair
native hberte ; les than thay, be insaciabill avarice, war set to reif
fre reahnes but ony reason ; havand na feir, nor dredoure of the
Goddis, to be punist for thair insufferabill iniquiteis. And, for thir
causis, thay wald cum in battal aganis the Romanis, with al thair
power, in support of thair confiderat freindis, for defence of thair
realme and hberte ; for the same was nocht only proffitabill for thair
commoun weil, bot thay war als bound thairto, be sic contract that
micht na wayis be dissolvit.
Julius, in contemption of this answer, was the mair fers and pro-
perant aganis the Scottis ; and come in Kyle, Carrik, and Cuning-
hame, quhais pepill war mair Strang than ony pepill that faucht
afore aganis the Romanis. Galdus, astunist be this new ordinance
of Romanis ; nocht with standing his hevy woundis gottin in this last
battall, gaderit his folkis out of all boundis undir his dominioun,
to defend his realme. Than followit continewall scarmussing with
licht hors, but ony greit slauchter ; for Galdus, be noy of his woundis,
set him erar to irk the Romanis be lang tary, than to invaide thaim
be battall. Followit, be thir incursionis, mony sindry chancis of
fortoun. Sumtime, the Romanis vincust; sumtime, victorius : quhiU,
at last, the Scottis, be frequent slauchter of thair vailyeant capitanis,
war attenuat, and brokin ; and Galdus, be noy of the woundis got-
tin in this last battall, was sa wery, that he micht nocht do the office
of ane forcy campion, bot was brocht on an hors-litter to Argyle.
Within few dayis efter, the Romanis come in Carrik, Kyle, and
Cuninghame, and slew in thousand Scottis ; and, the remanent, vin-
cust and chasit. And, efter this victory, the Romanis returnit to
thair tentis.
How Julius Agricola was send in Britane. Of Ms frequent Victorijis
maid on Scottis and Pichfis ; and how hesubdewit sindry of tliair
Landis to Romane Empire.
N the nixt winter, Julius Frontinus fell in gret infir-
mite, be immoderat flux of catter, generit of Avak hu-
mouris; becaus the air was nubilus and donk, throw
continual schouris of rane and sleit, proceding be the
hicht of montanis, and gret multitude of fludis and lochis abound-
ing in this regioun. This iniirmite incressit ilk day more, be uncouth
and intemperat cauld ; and micht be curit be na ingine, nor art of
medcine. Domiciane, Empriour, advertist of his vehement dolovir,
causit him to returne in Italy, to recovir his heil be new air and
fude ; and send Julius Agricola, ane of the maist vailyeant capitanis
that come afore his dayis in Britane, to succeid in his place. •
The same time, the men of Annandale slew ane gret nowmer of
Romanis on the bordouris of Brigance ; and, throw the samin vic-
tory, persuadit the Pichtis and Brigandis, with the Silurianis, to
rebell aganis the Romanis. Agricola, advertist of thir attemptatis,
rasit his army, and come in Pentland, with mair diligence than ony
man presumit ; and, efter that he had tane and garnist all the
strenthis of thair cuntre with his wageouris, he come to Camelon,
Caranach, King of Pichtis, advertist of his cuming, gaif him bat-
tall ; nochtheles, he was finaly discomfist, with all his army. Efter
this discomfitoure, Caranach fled to Fiffe ; quhilk is ane plenteous
regioun, hand betwix two firthis, Tay and Forth, full of woddis,
lesuris, and valis, to the gret profFet baith of corne and bestial. In
it ar mony louchis, full of sindry fische. This regioun is now bair
of woddis ; for the thevis war sumtime sa frequent in the samin,
that thay micht na way be dantit, quhill the woddis war bet down.
Agricola, efter this, past with his victorius army in Annandale.
The inhabitantis thairof, knaAving his cuming, met him in thair
scharpest maner ; nochtheles, thay war finaly chasit, and slane. The
remanent of thaini, that eschapit, war all slane be thair wiffis, the
first nicht thay come hame. Agricola, proude of this victory, past
to the He of Man, quhilk rebellit, mony yeris afore, aganis Romanis ;
and tuke it with litill laubour. Quhen he had stuffit the munitionis
thairof with Roman sodjouris, he returnit in Brigance, levand his
army in the winter schelis. The nixt simer, he come throw Bri-
gance, Carrik, Kyle, and Cuningham; quhais passage maid the
pepill sa astonist, that thay left thair townis desert, and fled to the
In the simer followinge, he brocht sindry nobill men of Albioun
afore him, and exhortit thaim to polecy and civill maneris ; that
thay micht have templis and biggingis on the Romane fassion ; and
to put thair sonnis to Avise preceptouris, that, efter the end of Ro-
mane weris, thay micht rise in virtew, eloquence, and gud havingis.
Thus past Agricola the winter seasoun, instruckand the princes of
Albion with sic thingis as apperit for thair commoun Aveill.
The thrid yeir efter, he come to Striveling ; quhilk was callit, in
thay dayis, the Dolorus Montane : for the inhabitantis thairof hard,
sindry times, ane dolorus and lamentabil crying, quhilk come be il-
lusioun of wickit spreitis, dessaving the pepill with vane supersti-
tioun. Quhen Agricola saw the castell of Striveling set on sa Strang
place, he reparit and biggit it with sa crafty and sumptuus lauboure,
that it apperit unwinnabill : and, nocht lang efter, he biggit ane
brig ouir Forth, and transportit aD his army be the same. On the
morrow, he laid a sege to the castell of Montbennart, traisting to
liave found the King of Pichtis in it : bot the Pichtis war so asto-
nist be the cuming of the Romanis, that thay left the castell, and
come with gret dihgence, under nicht, to cast down the brig of Stri-
veling, laitly biggit be Romanis ; that the said Romanis micht be in-
clusit betwix Tay and Forth, but ony refuge. Agricola, weill ad-
vertist thairof, returnit fra the sege of Montbennart ; and followit
with sic diligence on the Pichtis, that thay war constranit to geif
battall. Nochtheles, thay war finaly vincust; and thair king, Ca-
ranach, chasit to the watter of Tay, quhare he gat ane bait, and es-
chapit. The remanent Pichtis, for feir of this victory, war randerit,
with all thair munitionis and strenthis. Than Agricola past throw
all boundis of Fiffe, Fothrik, and Erne ; sumtimes biggand, and
sumtimes castand down, the strenthis of the cuntre, quhare he plesit.
How the King of Pkhtis send his Ambassatouris to Scottis, desiring
support aganis the Romanis. Hoxa Agricola invadit the Scottis,
baith be see and land. How the King of Pichtis was slane^ be se-
dition of his Army.
Aranach, King of Pichtis, brokin be this last discom-
fiture, fled to Dunde : quhare sumtime was ane strano-
castell ; hot it wes cassin down in the time of King Ro-
ife'I'M'S'^ I ])ert Brus, becaus it micht not be keipit fra Inglismen,
as we sal efter schaw. The Pichtis convenit to the said castell, and
exhortit Caranach, thair king, to have na disperation, hoAvbeit his
pepill war brocht to gret afflictioun and trubill ; for gret nowmer of
thaim was yit on hve, baith unbrokin with weris, and sufficient, gif
the Goddis war propiciant, to ding the Romanis out of Albion. For
it micht happin, that the Romanis, prowd and insolent efter sa mony
hie victoryis, may fal, quhen thay beleif leist, in sic invy to Fortoun,
to be vincust be the pepil quhom thay held of vilest reputatioun :
for this instabill Goddes turnis, with suddand quhirle, the gover-
nance of mortall creaturis, Scho hes rasit mony othir realmes with
gret feliciteis, afore the Romanis had dominioun ; and brocht thaim,
quhen thay war in thair hie and soverane honouris, to finall re wine.
It is nocht, thairfore, to be supponit, that the empire of Romanis,
sen it began with mortal pissance, sail perpetually indure ; hot ne-
cessar sum time to have rewine. Thocht thir and sic persuasionis of
Pichtis war apprisit be thair king, yit nane of thaim micht rais his
spreit and curage to ony gude esperance aganis Romanis ; bot traist-
ing thair majeste and pissance sa montit above the hicht of naturale
chance, that na pepill may resist thairto.
Eftir lang consultatioun, it wes concludit, to send ambassatouris
to Galdus, to have support aganis the extreme dangeir apperand to
baith thair realmes, according to the band sa mony yeris continewit
betwix Scottis and Pichtis. Galdus giaidhe condiscendit to thair
peticionis : for he had na les indignatioun aganis the Romanis, for
thair wrangus conques maid be thaim on the Pichtis, than on Scottis ;
and thairfore determit, erar to haisart his realme to extreme jeo-
perde of armis, than to leif ilk day in ithand displesour, and, fina-
lie, be subdewit to servitude.
Quhil the confiderat kingis wer gevin in this sort to resist thair
ennimes, the Silurianis, be plane rebellioun, slew all Romanis,
quhare thay micht be apprehendit: and not onlie recoverit thair
munitionis, bot brint all thair cornis and vittallis, except sa mekill
as micht be caryit with thaim; to that fine, that na thing thairof
suld remane to the profFet of thair ennimes.
Agricola, weill advertist of thir motionis, come so haistelie on the
Silurianis, that he dantit and punist thanie in maist rigorus wise.
Nocht lang eftir, he wes advertist, that his ennimes wer gaderit in
gret buschementis, uncertane to quhat effect, aganis the Romanis.
Incontinent, he followit thaim with gret violence, and chasit thaim
ouir Clyde. This riveir is dividit, ane litill space, fra the riveir of
Levin, quhair thay fal baith, nocht far fra othir, in the Ireland seis.
And, nocht far fra the said riveir of Levin, is ane castell, more Strang
be strenth of ane crag than ony artificiall laubour, namit, be the
pepil, Auld Cleuch ; bot now callit Dunbriton, that is to say, the
Castel of Britonis. Alvvayes, it wes so stuffet with men and vittallis,
that it micht na waye be tane.
Agricola, occupyit with thir and siclik besines, ouir-past the fourt
winter : and, in the spring of the nixt yeir, he causit the Romane
navy, quhilk abaid, with his ordinance, in the He of Wicht, to cum
to Lochfine, beside Argyle ; that his ennimes micht understand, na
landis nor seis fre fra Romane dominioun. And, quhen he had
brocht his army ouir Clyde, he fand thair the men of Lenax, ane
pepill unknawin afore to Romanis ; and tuke purpos to subdew thaim
to Romane empire. In the mene time, 'he gat writingis, that the
Pichtis wer rebellit ; and, becaus he dred gret truble to rise, bot gif
the samin wer the more haistehe dantit, he left his first purpos, and
come in Pentland with ane legion of Ronianis, and dantit the Pichtis.
The nixt simer, he began to serche all the havinis and portis of
Argyle and othir His thairabout, with his schippis ; and come land-
gait ouir the riveir of Levin, to tak the munitionis and strenthis of
the cuntre. The Romanis wer first irkit with scharpe and difficill
passage, full of breris and thornis, to thair gret impediment ; bot,
quhen thay considerit the virtew and manheid of thair anciant fa-
deris, na thing apperit difficill to thaim : and sa, with curage ay
more incressing, thay dantit na le& the difficill passage of the cuntre,
tlian the pepill thairof ; and, finahe, returnit, with huge pray of men
and guddis, to thair tentis.
Sic thingis done, Galdus maid ane conventioun, in Athole, of all
pepil under his empire : abiding the cumming of the King of Pichtis ;
to that fine, that baith thair armyis beand junit togidder, thay micht
the more esalie resist the Romanis. Now war the Pichtis cumand
ouir the montanis of Granyebane, quhilkis rinnis fra the fut of De
to the castell of Dunbritone, and wer nocht five mills fra the army
of Scottis, quhen thay, be unhappy chance, wer devidit in two fac-
tionis, and faucht amang thaimself, to the gret murdir of baith the
partis, for ane vane cause. The King of Pichtis, seing this lamen-
tabil cais, ran feirslie, but his coit armour, amang the preis, quhair
thay wer maist keinly fechtand, to have put thaim sindry ; and wes
slane thair, unknawing quhat he wes. The residew of Pichtis,
quhilkis war left on live fra this unhappy bargane, knawing the
slauchter of thair king, skaht, and returnit hame.
How Galdus pecifyit all seditioun amang the Pichtis. And how he
Jaucht aganls the Romanis, and was discomfist.
Aldus heirand the deith of his tender freind, the King
of Pichtis, become richt sorowfuU; for it constranit
him to superseid his army aganis the Romanis. Noch-
theles, he calht his nobiUis to ane counseal : quhare he
schorthe, detestand the inopertune seditioun rising amang the Pichtis,
prayit thaim to ripely avise, how his realme micht be defendit in sa
hie dangeir thairto approching. Eftir divers opinionis, it wes decretit
to resist the Romanis, erar be frequent incursionis than set battall,
fra ony forthir conques. Attour, prudent men sal pas to the Pichtis,
to peacifie thaim of al seditionis ; and ambassatouris sail pas in Ire-
land, Norway, and Denmark, to seik support aganis the Romanis.
Be this counsall, ambassatoris wer send to the Pichtis ; and schew,
that sic dammage and cruelteis procedis of civil weris, that na
realmes may stand in sicker firmance quhare the same induris. Fi-
nalie, the Pichtis wer aggreit amang thameself of al debatis ; and
Garnardus maid king in place of Caranach afore deceissit. The
Pichtis, as wes devisit, send thair ambassatouris in Norway and
Denmark, to the effect aforesaid.
Quhil sic thingis wer done be Pichtis, Galdus assemblit ane army
fra all boundis of his realme, and dividit the same in divers busche-
mentis ; be quhais wisdome and ithand jeoperdis, the Romanis wer
stoppit, all the simer following, fra ony forthir conques on the
Scottis. The winter following wes sa tempestuous, that na weris
micht be sustenit. And, in the nixt simmer, quhilk wes the vii yere
of the weris maid be Agricola, come ane gret cumpany of Ireland
men to Galdus and Garnardus, at Athole, quhair thay wer present
for the time, with al the nobillis of baith thair realmes. On the
tothir side, Agricola, knawing weill the ordinance of Scottis and
Pichtis, dividit his army in thre battallis, abiding thair cumming.
Galdus, Weill advertist in quhat sort Agricola purposit to invade
him, changit haistely his purpos ; and come, within the nicht, on
ane Strang legion of Romanis, quhilkis wes not far fra his army.
Now had the Scottis slane the wache of this legioun, and fechtand
fershe within thair tentis, quhen suddanUe Agricola, weill convoyit
be his exploratouris, come with Strang buschementis, baith of futmen
and horsmen on thair bakkis. Nochtheles, the battal wes fochtin
with gret crueltie and slauchter on aU sidis ; quhiU the Romane
baneris, schining in the cleir morrow, schew Agricola, with al his
army, arrayit fornens thaira in battall. Incontinent, the confiderat
pepill gaif bakkis ; and fled, throw desertis and mossis, to thair best
Horc sindry Almanis and Danis come in support of Scottis and
Pichtis. Hew the Romane Navy perist in Pentland Firth.
E this unhappy battall, the confiderat kingis wer so
brokin, that thay defendit thaimself, thair bestiall, and
guddis, al the simer following, mair be frequent in-
, cursions, than ony set battall ; abiding the cuming of
Danis and Norowanis to thair support. Bot the Romanis, ilk day
more feirs and insolent, be frequent victoryis, and traisting na thing
possibil to resist thair soverane virtew ; come throw the wod of Cali-
don, with purpos to serche aU the last boundis of Albioun : and be-
caus thay wer stoppit be strait ground thairof, thay come ouir the
watter of Awmond, and set down thair tentis nocht far fra Dun-
keld, quhair Tay rinnis deip, with few furdis, in the Almane seis.
This reveir, beside Dunde, is two milis braid, deviding FifFe fra
Angus. The Pichtis, effrayit be cumming of Romanis sa far within
thair landis, brint ane riche town, namit Inchecuthill, quilk stude
apon the riveir of Tay, that the samin suld be na refuge to thair
ennimes ; and fled with thair wiffis, children, and guddis, to the
montanis of Grandyeben. The samin time, arrivit in Forth, ane cum-
pany of Almanis, namit Usipianis, banist out of thair native landis,
for slauchter of ane Romane capitane and othir pepill undir his
band ; and becaus thay bure extreme hatrent aganis Romanis, thay
vver plesandlie ressavit, and ordanit to have certan landis to thair
habitatioun, beside the Murrayis, for thay wer baith of a blude.
And nocht lang eftir, arrivit in the firth of Tay, ane vailyeant ca-
pitane, namit Gildo, with x.ji Danis, to support the Scottis and
Pichtis. Thir Danis wer the more plesandhe ressavit be Garnar-
dus. King of Pichtis, that his common weil wes approcheand to hie
dangeir. Galdus, richt glaid, and rejosing of the cumming of Gil-
do, come to Dunde, to gif thankis to him and the remanent folkis
that come to support thair fi-eindis ; and eftir maist hertlie embra-
sing, Galdus said in this wise : "I have na litil caus of joy, maist
" vailyeant Gildo, seing the, with sa mony fair and lusty personis,
'' cumin but truble in Albioun, for defence of Pichtis, thy anciant
" linage, and us, thair confiderat brethir, standing now in sic ex-
" treme dangeir andperell. We abaid mony dayis your cuming ; and
" now we ar mair rejosit thairof than may be schawin at this time,
" and randeris to the and thy pepil infinite thankis thairfore ; for,
" be thy cuming, sic esperance is rasit in our curage, that we beleif,
" be your support, to \ancus our ennimes, and banis thame furth
" of our rowmes. For quhen I behald the and thir thy vailyeant
" pepil, apperis sikker victory present in my handis." To this an-
swerit Gildo, he was cumin to fecht for defence of his tender freindis,
aganis the Romanis, and perseveir in thair opinioun to his end ; of
quhilk thay suld have sone experience.
Within ane schort time efter, the confiderate kingis, with Capi-
tane Gildo, went to Forfair ; in quhilk sumtime was ane Strang cas-
tel, within ane loch, quhare sindry kingis of Scottis maid residence,
efter the prescription of the Pichtis, thocht it is now bot ane popil
town. Efter thair cuming to Forfair, thay tuk lang consultation,
be quhat ingine the Romanis micht be resistit. At last it was con-
cludit to ceis quhil the winter season ouirpast, to eschew the vehe-
ment stormes quhilkis haboundis in this region ; and to maik thair
ordinance aganis the nixt simer : als ordanit ane band of chosin men
to be vigilant in sindry partis, to stop vittallis cuming to Romanis,
and that none of thame sal ische to invade the cuntre ; and to stop
that na brig war maid ouir Tay, that the Romanis cum not, be the
samin, within thair landis.
In the simer following, Agricola returnit to his navy, lyand that
tune on the Ireland sees, and commandit thame to pas about all the
boundis of Albion, to that fine, that na part thairof suld be un-
knawin to Romanis in his time. The marinaris, as he commandit,
pullit up salis, and brocht the Romane navy about the outmaist
boundis of Albion ; be quhilk viage thay saw al the His thairof, with
Orknay, Sky, and Lewis. Bot quhen thay war cuming nere Pent-
land Firth, quhilk devidis Caithanes fra Orknay, thay war advertist
of the dangerus flude rinnand, thair, with sa quhii'Uand and contra-
rius tide, that na schippis may pas the samin but extreme dangeir ;
nochtheles, thay conducit certane fischaris, quhilkis had perfite cog-
noscence of the said parellis, and promittit large proffet, togide thame
throw the said dangeir. The fischaris and othir landwart pepil
quhom thay conducit to the effect aforesaid, traisting na way to re-
venge thair deith bettir than to cans sa mony vailyeant weirmen and
crafty marinaris de with thaim at anis, led the Romanis quhare maist
dangeir occurrit. Thus wes ane pert of the Romane navy drevin,
be violent streme, on craggis, and brokin : and otheris kest thair an-
keris, to eschew the craggis ; nochtheles, be stormy wallis, thay firit
thau- takillis, and sank down in the middis of the see. Ane certane
of thame come to land on burdis and tabillis ; nochtheles, thay war
all tane, or ellis slane be the inliabitantis of the cuntre. The rema-
nent navy of Romanis seing this calamite fall to thair fallo^vds, abaid
abak; and returnit, but ony perell, the same way thay come.
Cfjap* JFtfteentS.
How Agricola hrocht his Army ouir Tay. How Galdus come in de-
fence of the Pichtis 'with xl.m Scottis ; and of his Orison maid to
exliort his Army to Battal.
Gricola, na thing knowing the calamite falUng to his
navy, beildit ane brig of tre ouir Tay, and transportit
his army be the samin, nocht far fra the fute of Granye-
ben ; sine left behind him mony gret buschementis of
weirmeii, to keip the said brig unbet down be gile or violence of en-
nimes. The Pichtis, richt affrayit of his curaing, send thair ambas-
satouris to Galdus, to schaw him the dangeir appering to baith thair
realmis, and desirit him to cum with al his power.
Galdus gaderit, afore thair cuming, xl.m chosin men, out of all
boundis within his realme, al of ane mind to de at anis, or ellis to
recovir thair liberie be extreme jeoperde of armis ; and, finaly, he
brocht the said army, with na litil labour, ouir the montanis of
Granyeben, quhare he met the remanent army of Pichtis and Danis
abiding his cuming. Efter lang consultationis, Galdus, becaus the
charge of battal was gevin to him, said in this maner : " Als oft as I
" beliald the caus of battal, and our necessite, vailyeant campionis,
" my spreit risis ; traisting this day, be your consentis, sal be the
*' beginning of liberte to al Britane. We ar yit fre of servitude ;
*' and thair is na land nor see beyond us sickir in timis cuming, for
" feir and minassing of Romane navy. The preis of armis and che-
" vaJry ar na les refuge to febill creaturis, than honour to vailyeant
" campionis. The battallis afore past, quhare sindry chancis of
" fortoun hes occurrit, Avar ay led be our manheid and prudence ;
" and we, as maist vailyeant pepil of Albion, dwelling within the
" bosum ihairof, hes kepit us evir unthirllit to Romane dominion,
" be strait ground, and remote situation of us in the outmaist partis
" of the warld. Now ar the Romanis cumin to the last boundis of
*' Albion, traisting to schaw thair magnificence in na thing mair than
" in subdewing of unknawin and outmaist regionis to thaii* empire.
" Beyond us ar na pepil nor refuge, bot only desert roukis, and
" streme of sees ; and within us ar our ennimes, garnist in our mu-
" nitionis, quhais proud tyrannyis can not be eschewit be meiknes
" or service. The Romanis, revaris of the Avarld, now quhen na
" tiling restis unspulyeit be thame, serchis baith erd and sees. Gif
" the ennime of Romanis be riche, thay ar avaricius ; gif thair en-
" nime be pure, yeit thay ar ambitius, and desiris glore in thair sub-
*' dewing. Nothir may the est nor the west pertis of the warld sa-
" ciat thame. Thay ar the only pepil of the warld that regardis po-
" verte and riches be equal affection. Thay stele, thay sla, and
" reiffis kingdomis be injust conques; thay ar nevir in peas, bot
" quhen thay ar solitar. The children, quhilkis nature lies ordanit
" maist deir to thair parentis, ar drawin be Roiiiane army to servi-
" tude : our wiffis, virginis, and matronis, quhilkis detestit thair un-
" bridillit lust, ar deflorit, outliir be fenyeit amite or feid. The frutis,
" quhilkis nature lies producit of our ground, ar expendit be thaim
" in maner of tribute. Our handis worne with thair surfet laubour.
" We ar injurit nocht onely with unplesand wordis, bot maist vio-
" lently strikin in our bodyis. Quhairthrow we ar mair thu'llit than
" ony brutall beistis to lauboure : for sic beistis quhilkis bene borne
" to servitude, ar coft and nurist be the biar ; bot we ilk day byis
" and fedis our awin servitude : and, as new servandis ar in deri-
" sioun amang the quent servitouris, sa we, as vile and last pepill of
" the warld in thair siclit, ar daily invadit to the deith. Now restis
" na kind of lauboure, service, nor punition, to saif us fra thair ty-
" ranny ; for all pepil ar the mair suspect to Romanis, the mair fe-
" rocite and manlieid be knawin with thame. Thairfore, maist vail-
" yeant campionis, sen hope is nane to have the Romane benivolence,
" spreit yow with curage, and have mair respecte to your eternal
" glore, than to youre fragill livis : for gif Voditia, the vailyeant
" lady, micht birn ane towne, quhen it was strangest with Romane
" sodjouris, and dehver the Brigandis perpetually of servitude, gif
" fortoun had bene propiciant ; it is nocht to be traistit bot we,
" quhilkis ar mair vailyeant, sal recover our liberte at our first
" meting. And traist nocht bot Romanis may be vincust. Quhat
" nowmer of thame bene laitly slane in the wod of Calidon ! Be-
leve ye, that the virtew of Romanis be als gret in time of battal
as thair lust is in time of peace. Thay conques honour be our
civil weiris and dissension : thay turne the vices of thair ennimes
to the glore of thair army ; quhilkis is gaderit of divers pepill un-
der divers mindis, and sail, thairfore, skaill als fast sindry, quhen
adversite occurris, as thay assemblit togidder now in thair maist
prosperite. Traist ye, that Franchemen, Almanis, and Britonis,
quhilkis ar ane gret part of thair army, sal have ony othir aiFec-
tion or faith to thair ennimes, bot invade thaim quhen thay se oc-
casioun. Traist na thing other, bot dreid and terrour ar sa un-
sicker bandis of luf, that quhen the same ar removit and put
aside, extreme hatrent sproutis in thair place. Mony persuasionis
apperis in us, to have victory : for the Romanis hes nocht thair
wiffis present, to exhort thaim to curage ; nor yit thair agit faderis,
to reproche thame of fleing. Few of thame hes ony certane cuntre
or habitation, les than it be reft ; thairfore, the Goddes, in puni-
tioun of thair iniquiteis, hes laitly randerit ane certane of thame
vagabound and vincust in oure handis. Be not astonist, I pray
yow, for this vane visage and schining of gold and silver ; quhilk
may nocht defend nor wound yow. Lat us find our handis in the
bront of ennimes. The Britonis sal knaw thair cans of battall ;
the Gallis sail remember thair anciant liberie ; al pepil of uncouth
nation sal leif thame at thair first juning. Na occasioun remanis
of dredour. Our castellis ar left be thaime wast ; the townis quhare
thair agit capitanis d^velt, betwix evill obeisance and injust em-
pire, ar brocht to servitud. Heir ar your capitane and army, to
win glore and riches : yondir ar your ennimes, to put yow to sur-
fet tribute, or ellis to condampne yow to winning of mettellis, or
sum othir kind of punition ; the quhilkis sal be perpetuall to yow
and your posterite, les than the samin be recoverit in this battal.
Quhen ye, thairfore, ar to pas fortwart, remember baith your el-
daris past afore, and your posterite and successouris to cum,"'"'
Of the Orison maid be Agricola to his Army ; and of the huge vic-
tory falling to Romanis be discomjitour of Scottis.
Fter this orison of Galdus, followit, in the army, gret
noyis and clamoure, be desire of battal. On the tothir
side, thocht Agricola beheld his army richt impatient
of lang tary, yit he said to thame as followis : " Now is
" the VIII yeir, gud companyeonis, sen ye, be fehcite of Romane
" majeste, with trew and faithfidl laubouris, hes conquest Annan-
" dale, the He of Man, Carrik, Kyle, and Cuninghame, Avith mony
" othir regionis, quhilkis was nevir subdewit nor knawdn afore to
" Romane empire. Ye have sustenit na les fortitude aganis your
" fais, than pacience and laubour almaist aganis nature. Ye have
" na caus to be penitent of me your capitane, nor I to be penitent
" of yow, my gud men of armis. Ye have subdewit may boundis
" of Albion than ony army is did afore; and I have won mair ho-
" nour than ony othir capitane did afore me. We have not socht
" the last boundis of Albion be rehers and fame of otheris, bot per-
" sit the samin be Strang army and camp. Quhen ye, my gud com-
" panyeonis, war oftimes wery, ouirpassing the difficill montanis,
" mossis, and fluddis of this regioun, I had gret compassion, and
" knew every ane of you be your voce, criand, ' Quhen sal our en-
" nimes haif curage ? quhen sail thay meit us T Now thay ar cum-
" and furth of thair dennis, quhare thay war hid. Now may your
" manheid and virtew be sene. Every thing sal be plesand to thaim
" that ar victorius, and unplesand to thaim that ar vincust. And,
" as na litil honour apperis to us quhilkis hes ouirset sa mony strait
" montanis, woddis, fludis, and dangerus firthis of this region ; sa
" sail it be ane vassalage of soveraine honour, howbeit it be dange-
" rus, to withstand fersly oure ennimes, and put thaim to flicht.
" And, thocht mony placis of this cuntre be unknawin to us, and
" hes na gret plenty of vittallis, yit we laik na manheid nor curage.
" in quhilk lyis the haill frute and glore of armes. Forthir, sa far
" as pertenis to me, I think, nothir is the capitane nor the army
" siker that gevis thair backis to ennimes ; thairfore, honest deith
" is better than schamefull lif ; and hele and honour ar situat baith
" in ane place. Forthir, it war na gret schame to our honoure, how-
" beit we war defait lieir in the last and outmaist partis of tlie warld.
" Gif ye war now to be assailyet be uncouth and strange ennimes,
" I suld exhort yow to fecht, be vassalage of othir vailyeant pepill.
*' Now have e to your honovire, and knaw, that tliir pepil that
" standis with face arrayit aganis yoAV, ar nocht bot the refuse of
" thay febil cativis quhilkis war discomfist laitly within the nicht
" be your onely noyis and clamoure. Thay ar the maist febill bo-
" dyis amang all the Britonis ; and remanis, for that caus, sa lang
" on lif. And as maist forsy and Strang bestis, be thair awin jeo-
" perdyis, ar oft slane ; and as maist cowart and febill bestis saiffis
*' thaimself for dangeir, and fleis quhen thay heir the sound of ony
" cumpanies : sa, all the vailyeant Britonis ar slane, and nane of thaim
" ar now on lif, saif thay onely that be cowart flicht lies debaitit
" thair miserabil livis, and wald pretend na resistance, war not
" thay ar now taue but refuge : quharthrow ye may haif honest
" victory. Pas, gud companyeonis, throw your ennimes, and finis
" the LI yeris weir Avith this solempne day ; that it may be put in
" kalender, as end of all your weris. Do sa, that nothir your lang
" tary, nor rebellioun of ennimes, may be impute to youre necli-
" gence."
Skarsly was this orison endit, quhen baith the armyis, be birnand
desire of battall, junit. Agricola arrayit his folkis in sic crafty or-
dour, howbeit thay wer of les nowmer than thair ennimes, that thay
sail nocht be assailyeit nothir on ane side nor othir. Galdus, with
na les providence, arrayit the formest part of his army on ane hie
mote, to discomfis the wingis of the Romane army ; and exhortit
thaim, with scbill voce, to perseveir in ithand bergane, and outhir
to conques immortall glore, or perpetual servitude ; for that was thair
last day, in quhilk thay micht win outhir honour or schame. The
first battall was fochtin on dreich : for the Albanis, Danis, and No-
rowanis, schot ane huge nowmer of arrowis and ganyeis at thair first
centering ; nochtheles, the Romanis eschewit the samin with thair
targis. The bowmen, efter flicht of arrowis, faucht with swerdis
and litil buklaris, as we do yit in our days, mair semand for nicht-
boure weir, than ony defence of realmis ; throw quhilk oure pepill
hes gret dammage, quhen thay meit with ennimes of uncouth reahnes.
The battal of speris, quhilkis stude nixt the bowmen, in the brount
with Galdus, ruschit furthwart at anis, and bure mony of thair en-
nimes, with mony bludy woundis, on thair backis. FoUowit the bilhs,
axis, lang swerdis, and ledin mellis, with sic slauchter, that the Ro-
manis had bene all utterly discomfist, wer nocht ane band of Al-
manis, quhilkis war send laitly in Britane, come the more haistely
to thair support. Attour, this Agricola was sa circumspect, that he
stuffit his army with thir Almanis in al partis quhare he saw ony
danger occurring. The Albianis seing thaimself, heir and thair, sa
cruelly ouirset, war astonist ; nochtheles, seing na refuge hot in thair
handis, thay ruschit al togidder in ane knot, but ony feir of deith or
woundis, with deliverit mind, to fecht for thair realme and liberte to
the deith. Followit, ane sorowfuU battall ; for the confiderat pe-
pill facht mair be force than craft of chevalry. Mony of thaim,
sloppit throw the body, fel downe above thair slaaris ; otheris offer-
it thaimself wilfully to be slane ; otheris, efter thay had eschapit
thair ennimes, slew thaimself. The place quhare thay faucht was
bludy ; all ouercoverit with leggis, armis, and wappinnis, skatterit
throw al boundis thairof. Baith the armyis faucht with perseve-
rand hatrent, quhill the nicht constranit thaim to sever.
The confiderat pepil and thair freindis quhilkis war left on Hve
efter this unhappy battall, fled to the nixt montanis, quhare thay
biggit firis to ouirpas the nicht. Than come to thaim gret con-
fluence of men and wemen, seikand thair freindis with mony sorow-
fuU sichis, murning, and teris. Incontinent Galdus, that thir do-
lorus spraichis and cryis sail nocht be patent to his ennimes, com-
mandit all his army to schout Avith schil nois and sang, quhill the
wemen war expeUit fra his camp. The confiderat kingis seing, on
the morow, thair power sa brokin that thay micht nocht renew bat-
tall, commandit thair folkis to returne hame ; and left behind thaim
ane huge fire, bu-nand with bald and vehement flammes, on the said
montanis, to the hevin, that thair ennimes micht have na presump-
tioun of thair departing.
VOL. I. u
In this unhappy battall war slane xii thousand Romanis, and xx
thousand Scottis and Pichtis, with mony othir pepill that come to
thair support. Gildo, the vailyeant capitane of Danis, ruschand
ouir feirsly on his ennimes, was slane on the samin maner with the
maist part of his cumpany.
How Agricola reparit Ms navy, to pas about the His ofAlbioun,
and brinf sindry scMppis of Danis. Of uncouth Mervellis sene
in Albioun. And of the deith of Agricola.
He day following this unhappy nicht, maid the discom-
fiture of Scottis patent to thair ennimes : for thair camp
was void, and plenist with nocht hot deid bodyis ; but
. ony quhispering on the montanis, qvihare maist gild was
hard afore. The Romanis, traisting thir tithingis proceding be slicht,
inhibit ony forthb chace to be. Otheris, proud, efter thir feliciteis,
commandit vailyeant and chosin men to serche all the woddis and
strenthis, to espy gif ony hid waching of enimes war within the
samin. Ane certane of Romanis following this last counsal, followit
sa unwarly, that thay war all slane.
On the morrow, Agricola, seand his army sa brokin that he micht
nothir renew the samin, nor yit pas ouir the montanis of Granyebene
but extreme dangeir, past, with his victorius army, in Angus ; quhare
he abaid al the nixt Avinter. And, in the mene time, he was adver-
tist, how the maist part of his navy was lost ; and the residew thair-
of, brokin with gret calamite, arrivit in Argyle. Agricola movit
nocht his contenance for thir novellis; for he fermely belevit his
army, for this smale calamite, deliverit of all othir trubill that was
appering thairto, be invy of Fortoun, efter sa lang prosperite and vic-
toryis. Incontinent, he reparit his schippis, with new marineris, and
otheris quhilk had sicker experience of al dangeris and firthis in
the occiane sees ; and commandit thaim, as he war to fecht aganis
all chance of fortoun, to pas the samin way, thay yeid afore, about
the His of Albion. This navy, be prosper windis, arrivit finaly in
the mouth of Tay, and brint the flot of Danis, quhilk lay in the
said firth all the winter afore.
Sindry mervellis war sene in Albion, afore this last battal that
Galdus faucht with Romanis. Mony birnand speris war sene fleand
in the air. Ane gret part of the wod of Calidon apperit birnand all
nicht; howbeit na thing apperit thairof in the day. Ane flot of
schippis was sene in the aire. Ane schoure of stanis was in Athole ;
sicHke, in Angus, ranit paddokis. Ane monstoure was borne in
Inchecuthill, with doubill membris of men and wemen, with sa ab-
hominabill figure, that it was discroyit be the pepill. Thir uncouth
and wonderfull mervelhs maid the pepill astonist : for thay war in-
terpret to sindry facis ; sumtimes to the gud, sumtimes to the evill.
The Empriour Domiciane, heirand thir hie and vailyeant dedis
of Agricola, was richt sorowfull in his mind, havand na litil indig-
natioun, that the fame of ane private man suld obscure his imperiall
estait ; and, thairfore, send haisty Avrittingis to him to returne, al
excusatioun ceissing, to Rome, to ressave the governance of ane new
province, namit Syria, vacand be deceis of Actilius Ruffus, last le-
gal thairof.
Agricola, sone efter his cuming to Rome, was poisonit be invy of
the said Domiciane, Empriour.
Hoiv Tribellius icas send in Britane. How the Romanis Jell in gret
divisioun amang thaimself. And of the huge victory gottin on
thaim he Galdus.
Fter the deith of Agricola, Gneus TribeUius, was
maid capitane of Britane, and fand the Romanis in
gret felicite. How^beit the samin schort time indurit ;
for ane gret contention rais betwix this new capitane,
Tribellius, and ane othir capitane, namit TribeUianus, quhilk of
thame suld have maist auctorite above the army. The first was au-
fflf K¥S1
torist be the army, for he was cosing to Agricola ; the secund was
autorist be the Empriour. Efter lang contentioun, Tribelhanus de-
partit with ane nowmer of chosin men in France.
Galdus, knawing weil this seditioun amang the Romanis, come,
with ane army of Scottis and Pichtis, in Angus, quhair this new
capitane, Tribelhus, wes, with the residew of Romanis, for the
time. Trebellius, astonist be his suddane cumming, tocht al thing
wes to be done than erar be manheid and gud werkis, than be ony
consultation; and, nochtwithstanding that his army bure hatrent
aganis him, he went forth ward with displayit baner. At last, the
army seand him nocht do the chargis of ane vailyeant capitane, dis-
chargit him of auctorite ; and chesit Sisinnius, quhilk wes brodir to
Trebellianus afore rehersit, to governe thaim in that maist dangerus
aventure. Sisinnius refuslt this charge, and said, gif he ressavit
auctorite in sic extreme dangeir, it suld be occasioun of gret divi-
sioun and truble A\'ithin the army.
Quhill the Romanis wer at sic debait^ Galdus come, with arrayit
hoist, in sicht. The Romanis, be suddane cuming of Galdus, micht
nocht array thaim in thair best avise ; nottheles, baith the armyis
junit, with birnand desire on ilk side. The confiderat pepill faucht
vnth perseverand manheid : quhill, at the last, Sisinnius, woundit to
the deith, fled out of the feild, and mony othir Romanis with him.
Incontinent, all the army of Romanis gaif bakkis, and fled to the
nixt wod: on quhom followit the Scottis and thair confiderat
freindis, with ithand slauchter; quhill, at last, Galdus, dredand
sum dano-eir to fall be thair continewal feirsnes, callit thame, be
sound of trumpat, to his standart. Nocht theles, thay wer sa far en-
rao-it with hatrent aganis the Romanis, thay couth nocht be brocht
thairfra, quhil the nicht bereft thaim the licht.
The confiderat pepill passit the nicht following with gret joy, and
blithnes of dansing, singing, and playing ; siclike as wes usit in thay
dayis. On the morrow, the preistis come with processioun, in thair
maist reverend habitis, and gaif thankis to the Goddis ; quhilkis,
eftir mony calamiteis sustenit be thaim, mair than l yeris, in conti-
newaU battall, had grantit anis ane honest victorie of thair ennimes.
Cfjaj?* Binttcmtlj,
How the Romdnis rear doung out of all partis of Scotland, and sin-
dry times vincust, be the vailyeant Galdus.
He Ronianis, brokin in this rnaiier, and seing na sickir-
nes, to abide in Angus, aganis sa feirs and cruel en-
nimes ; rasit thair tentis, and come, within the nicht, to
Inchecuthill : and, quhen thay had transportit the re-
sidew of thair army ouir Tay, thay brak the brig thairof, that thair
ennimes suld nocht follow.
Galdus, advertist of thair fleing, partit the riche spulye that wes
gottin in this last feild, amang his army, efFering to thair manheid
and vassalage ; and, on the morrow, he tuke consultatioun quhat
wes best to be done. Be this consultatioun it wes concludit, that
the Scottis sail persew the Romanis, and ding thaim furth of all
partis of Albioun. The Scottis incontinent ruschit to harnes, with
all the army of Pichtis concurring to thair opinioun, and followit on
the Romanis ; that the injuris so of times done be thaim suld be anis
sufficientlie punist. At last, quhen thay wer cumin to Inchecuthill,
thay fand the brig bet down ; and returnit, thairfore, to Dunkeld,
quhair thay transportit all thair army be ane brig of tre.
The Romanis, heirand thair cuming, ordourit thaimself in gud
array, and chesit ane new capitane, namit Chelius, to governe thaim
in this maist dangerus battall. Sone eftir, baith the army is junit,
and faucht lang time with uncertane victorie : quhill at last the Ro-
manis wer vincust, and chasit with ithand slauchter, quhill thay wer
drevin to the wod of Calidone. In this battall were slane v.m Ro-
manis, and ii.M of Scottis and thair confideratis.
Sindry cumpanyis of Britonis, eftir this victorie, come to Galdus.
For als sone as it wes schawin in Walls, that the Romanis wer
twyis vincust be the Scottis and Pichtis, incontinent all the princis
of Britane maid rebellioun : and eftir that thay had slane the Ro-
manis in al partis, quhair thay micht be apprehendit, thay send am-
bassatouris to Galdus, with mony riclie jowellis ; schawing thaim
rejosit, that eftir sa lang rage of Fortoun aganis him, he began to
be victorius and fortunat.
In the mene time, the Romanis send thair ambassatouris to Ma^
rius. King of Britonis ; lamentand the hevy injuris done to thaim be
Scottis and Pichtis ; and schew, gif thay gat nocht support in time,
thay suld be schamefully doung out of all boundis, conquest with
sa gret difficulte afore be Romanis. Marius answerit, Throw rebel-
lioun of Britonis in sindry partis aganis him, he stude in dailie feir
of his life. Attour, the young wenchis, gestouris, and commoun
pepil, sang dailie ballattis, in derisioun and skorne of Romanis:
and be that way, he knew not quhay wer freindis or fayis to him
in Britane. Attoure, Domiciane, Empriour, wes so haitit for the
cruell slauchter of the senat and cieteyanis of Rome, that nocht ap-
perit bot civill battallis : thus micht na support come in Britane,
For thir causis, his mind wes set, erar to keip ane part to him of
Albion with sicker firmance, than schamefully to tine the hail em-
pire thairof. This answere maid na litill affray amang the Ro-
In the mene time Aves schawin, that Galdus wes within ten milis
fra the tentis of Romanis, with ane army, baith of men and wemen
that micht beir wapinnis, to ding the Romanis out of all boundis of
his empire. The Romanis, for feu.' of his cuming, left the wod of
CaHdon, and fled in Brigance. Galdus, weil advertist be] quhat
passage his ennimes wer departit, set him, with maist diligence, to
follow on thair bakkis ; that he micht distroy thaim, but ony recover,
afore thay gat ony support fra Rome. In this voyage, Galdus left
tlie seging of the castellis and strenthis stuffit be Romanis, and come
with gret deligence in Brigance. And, thair, met him ane huge now-
mer of pepill, sic as haitit the Romanis, all rejosing atanis, that the
said Galdus, brokin with sa mony calamiteis and truble, wes nevir
disparit, bot evir reserving him and his pepill to better fortoun.
Galdus ressavit all thir pepill with plesand visage, and persuadit
thaim to have gud esperance : for, as than, he wes nocht passand
to battall, bot erar to sicker victorie ; and the hard fortoun sa lang
rageand aganis him and his pepill, wes brokin : and, thairfore, trais-
tit, behind sa mony cruell extorsionis done be ennimes, to have,
sumtime, ane glorius victory of thaim.
The Romanis, seing the confiderat pepil cum in Brigance with
sa hie curage and spreit, wer afFrayit. Nochtheles, confiding in na
thing mair surele than in thair handis, thay went forwart in thair
best array, sayng, That day wes othir the gait to thair triumphant
glore, or than perpetuall schame. Than ilk ane exhortit othir to
have hope of victory, sen thay wer to fecht aganis ane vane and
barbar peple ; and to haif in memory tlie gret manheid and virtew
of thair eldaris, with more respect to thair common tlian singular
Weill ; and erar to de in the battal, than to incurre the schame and
dishonour that thay micht nevir eftir do away. Quhil the Romanis
wer exhorting thaimself with thir and siclike wourdis, come haiste-
ly ane hevy schoure of arowis and ganyeis, schot on thaim be thair
In the mene time, ane cumpany of Britonis, quhilkis wer laitHe
send be Marius in support of Romanis, come to the Scottis and
Pichtis. Mony of the Romanis, be fleing of thir Britonis, defakit
curage : otheris, seing na remeid, tuke the more spreit, and, with
gret force, ouirset the wingis quhair the wemen faucht. Than Gal-
dus, richt circumspect in all his werkis, send ane cumpany of fresche
men to thair support, be quhom the Romanis wer drevin sum part
abak. The wemen wer more cruel than ony men, quhen thay saw
thair ennimes vincust.
Thus had the Romanis bene invadit on ilk side, wer nocht thay
had thair tentis at thair bakkis. Mony of thaim perseverit in bat-
tall, and wer slane; otheris fled to thair tentis: on quhom the
Scottis followit sa fast, that thay slew thaim, heir and thair, and
kest thaim in the fowseis ; intending, be filling of the fowseis with
deid bodyis, to make ane reddy gait to thair tentis. Nochtheles,
the Romanis defendit thair tentis with incredibill laubour and man-
heid, and wald not suffer thair ennimes to entre on thaim : quhill
the nicht severit thaim on ilk side.
Of the Message send he Romanis to the confiderat Kingis ; and of
thair ansioer. Hoio the coiifiderat Kingis gaif peace to the Ro-
He Scottis, nochtwithstanding the cumingof the nicht,
went to the nixt wod, to bring treis to fil the fowseis,
quhare the tentis of Romanis lay ; otheris maid sindry
instrvimentis to breke down thair trinschis; otheris
wacheit all nicht to stop thame fra fleing, and abaid the cuming of
the day with birnand desire.
The Romanis, seing, on the morrow, sa gret ordinance reddy at
anis to invade thaim, desirit assuverance of the wache, to send ora-
touris to the confiderat kingis, to treit peace. Part of Scottis said,
Na conduct suld be gevin to Romanis, and na alhance to be maid
with thaim ; bot victory to be usit with maist rigoure, and all the
Romanis, that fled to thair tentis, slane ; that, be thair slauchter, al
othir pepil may take exampil, how odious it is baith to Goddis and
men, to invade realmes and pepill but occasiovni of injure. Otheris
said. Best was to use thair victory with mesure, and not to be ouir
insolent and provid for this felicite ; sen every pepill ar thirlit to sic
uncertane lawis of fortoun, that eftir adversite cumis prosperite, and
eftir prosperite cumis adversite : and, for this reason, the Romanis
suld be herd, and thair ambassatouris saiffit be the law of pepill.
This last counsal wes apprisit.
Incontinent, come four honorabil men, with fair vissage, cloithit,
in thair maner, with na les precious than semand abulyementis, and
fell on kneis afore the confiderat kingis. A Is sone as thay wer rasit,
ane of thaim, to quhilk the charge wes committit, said in this wise :
" The Romane army and capitanis, dantouris of the warld, desiring
" your amite and freindschip, invincibill Kingis, requiris you humilie
" of grace, quhom thay have, thir mony yeris, persewit with auful
" and kene battall; and traist fermelie, na thing micht have cumin,
" be glore of marciall dedls, sa hie to your honour, or mair Avorthy
" to have memory, than to have the ambassatouris of Romanis, be
" quhom all kingis and realmes bene subdewit, dejeckit at your feit,
" and humilie desiring grace. Ye have vincust us, we grant ; our
" hfe and deith now depending in your handis, be hatrent of Goddis,
" quhilkis ar commovit aganis us for the injvist battall that we have
*' led aganis yow. Use now sic victorie as ye think respondent to
" your honoure ; and vincus your ire, sen ye have vincust us, the
" dantouris of the warld : and, gif ye can nocht refrane your ire,
" than sla us all, as we have weill deservit. Nochtheles, sen ye,
" quhilkis ar heir in the farrest nuik of the Avarld, precellis all pe-
" pill in manheid and virtew ; understand, that na thing may schaw
'' your humanite mair than to be mercifuU eftir sa huge victory.
" We knaw now the hatrent of Goddis ; we knaw your chevalry ;
" and desiris peace, under quhat conditionis ye pleis."
Than Galdus maid answere to thame, and said. The Scottis and
Pichtis, the last pepill of the warld, sen thair first beginning, desirit
na landis bot thaim onlie that wer gevin to thaim be benivolence of
Goddis, and faucht nevir bot in thair pure defence. The Romanis
wer knawin to thaim first as cursit revaris of realmes, be insaciabill
avarice. Eftir that thay had maid weir on Britonis ane hundredth
and fifty yeris, with sindry chancis of fortoun ; and quhen thay had
subdewit the warld, and the maist part of Albion, to the gret dam-
mage of pepil thairof ; thay ar vincust be the pepill quhome thay
held maist rude and febill ; and, finalie, drevin, but esperance of
better fortoun, to thair last refuge within thair tentis; to be ane
notabill exempUl, in times cumming, how unsicker bene the stait of
man be chance of fortoun. And thocht sindry nobill men in his
army counsallit, this victory to be usit on thaim with maist rigour,
traisting thair injuris na othirwayis to be eschewit; yit he wald be
more propiciant, thinkand sufficient, baith for the time present and
to cum, that the ambassatouris of Romanis, dantouris of the warld,
wer dejeckit at his feit, humilie desiring mercy. Nochtheles, it
plesit him weill, be consent of his confiderat bruthir the King of
Pichtis, to gif peace under thir conditionis : The Romanis sal pas
out of all boundis pertenand to Scottis and Pichtis ; and rander all
munitionis and pledgis, with the guddis reft fra thaim during the
weris ; and sail gif thair gret aith, nevir to invaid Scottis nor Pichtis,
bot evir to stand thair gud freindis in times cumming.
The Romanis ressavit peace in this nianer, and departit but ony
forthir injure
Hoit) all the strentMs of Scotland ivar recoverit fra the Romanis, be
conditioun of peace ; and of the deith of Galdus.
E Gneus Tribellius, the Romane army was nowmerit,
quhen Agricola left it, to lx thousand men ; bot at this
time, throw frequent victoryis maid on thaim, thay war
skarsly xx thousand left on live. Efter tliair depart-
ing, all the boundis of Scotland quhilkis war garnist afore be Ro-
manis, war randerit to Scottis and Pichtis. Efter this, Galdus skaillit
liis army, and went to Epiak, quhilk was the principal ciete of Scot-
land, and began to institute his pepill in civill maneris. And, to the
fine, that na man of his realme, be occasion of sleuth, sail use reiffis
on the cvxntre, he send all superflew pepil to be wageouris to the
Britonis ; sine rewardit his nobiUis, ilk ane efter thair vassalage pro-
vin in his weiris. Than Galdus went throw all boiuidis of his realme ;
and, at his entres in ilk town, the pepill met him with sound of
trumpat and clarioun, to his honour and loving.
Quhill the pepill war gevin to laude and magnifie thair prince on
this maner, rais gret contentioun betwix the Scottis and Pichtis, for
certane debaitabill landis, that lay betwix thair realmes. This con-
tentioun rais be eviU-dedy men, that micht suffer na peace, bot
socht occasioun to breke the cuntre. Nochtheles, the two confiderat
kingis met finaly togidder in the wod of Calidon, and pecifyit all
debaitis amang thaimself.
Galdus ragne mony yeris efter in gret felicite, and occupyit his
pepill in virtewis laubouris and exercition ; and deceissit at Epiak,
the XXXV yeir of his regne, maist vailyeant prince that evir rang
above the Scottis : fra the incarnation of God, cm yeris; fra the
beginning of the warld, v.m.ccc.ii yeris. His body was buryit be-
side Epiak, with funerall pompe, and gret lament of pepill. To
quhome ane maist precius sepulture was rasit : in quhilk was in-
gravin, how he recoverit his realme, be soverane manheid, fra the
Romanis. Mony huge pillaris war rasit about his sepulture, to tes-
tify his precellent virtew, and glore of chevalry ; and, that his me-
mory sail nevir peris, be decreit of Parliament was commandit, that
tlie landis namit afore Brigance, sal be callit, in time cumming, Gal-
dia ; beeaus this nobil prince maid ane end of all his weris in thay
partis. In our dayes, that region is callit Galvidia, be corruption
of langage ; that is to say, Galloway.
This history, in sa far as we have schawin of Caratak, Corbreid
and Galdus, Kingis of Scottis, is drawin, sum part fra vulgar Cro-
niklis, sum part fra Cornehus Tacitus. For we have nocht onely
writtin his sentence, bot als his wordis ; that the redaris, baith of
Romane story and Scottis, may understand ilk history concordant
with othir, and knaw, be testimoniall of oure ennime, how vailyeant-
ly our nobil elderis hes fochtin, for this realme, aganis Romanis.
And, to the mair prufFe heirof, we have inserit the eloquent orisonis
of Galdus and Agricola, word in word as Cornelius Tacitus rehersis
thaim, in this our quhatsumevir werkis.
And sa endis heir the Fourt Buke of thir Croniklis.
CJje Jftft Bufee.
Of the viciics King Lugtak ; and Jioiv he was slanejbr his unhappy
life and tyranny.
He vailyeant prince Galdus endit, in maner
afore rehersit ; succedit his Sonne, Lugtak, ane
odius and mischevus tyrane. He was als far
haitit with the pepill for his vice, as his fader
was luffit for his virtew. He was far different
fra his fader, baith in maneris and ingine;
gevin to his eis and lust. He slew mony of all
the riche men in his cuntre, for na othir caus
hot allanerly to confiske thair guddis. He gaif the ministration of jus-
tice to maist wrangus and avaricius men ; speciaUy sic men, that
war gevin to conques guddis to him but ony reason, or sicht to
justice. Followit, continewall reiffis, in al partis of his realme,
but punitioun : gretest schrewis maist autorist, and virtuous per-
sonis maist ouirthrawin. This odius tyrane persewit his nobillis be
vane causis ; sum of thaim banist, and othiris slew, that he micht
conques thair landis and guddis. He had sic affectioun to reiffairis
and oppressouris, that he namit thaim brethir and counsalouris in
his writinffis ; and luffit nane sa weill as him that culd find ino-ine to
reif his subdittis. The remanent dedis of his unhappy life ar sa
detestabill, that thay ar mair worthy to be hid, than drevin in ony
mannis eiris. For he, with unbridillit lust, fulyeit his anttis, his
douchteris, his sisteris, and his sister douchteris ; and was penitent
of na thing, bot only that he micht nocht suffice to compleit his lust
with thaim all.
His horribill dedis war sufferit cwa yeris be his nobillis. Bot na
thing raovit thaim sa mekil, as his scornefull detractioun ; be quhilk
he callit thaim auld dotand fulis. He had nane sa familiar to him
as fidlaris, bordellaris, makerellis, and gestouris, and siclike men of
vile estimatioun ; and cled thaim with publik auctorite, beleving all
thingis to succede weil be thair governance. Bot his cruelteis and
foly micht nocht be lang unpunist. For, sone eftir, ane counsal was
set be him at Dounstafage, to punis sindry men that reprevit his
vice : in the mene time, rais sic debait betwix him and his nobillis,
that he was slane, with all his cursit cumpany, in quhome he gaif
baith the governance of his body and realme, in the thrid yeir of
his regne. He was buryit with riche pompe in Dounstafage ; bot
the bodyis of his unhappy counsalouris war left on the feildis, to be
devorit be the houndis.
Of King Mogallus ; and koto he come xoith ane Army agOMis the
Romanis. Of his Orisone viaid to the Sepulture ofGaldxis.
UoTAK, the tyrane, endit in this maner, Mogallus was
maid king; for he was nepote to Galdus, gottin of his
douchter. This Mogallus, efter his coronation, set him
to follow the wisdome and maneris of Galdus, his gud-
schir ; and to kepe the faith and promis to Romanis and Britonis,
be the peace afore contrackit. And, that his pepil micht leif in quiete
but ony seditioun, he reparit every thing that was afore misgidit be
the tyrane Lugtak ; and restorit the religioun of Goddis, with the
samin cerimonis as thay war first institute: traisting, fra he had
gottin the benivolence of his Goddis, quhilkis war ennimes to his
pepil for the abhominabil life of Lugtak, that al thingis suld suc-
cede the better. The Scottis began to rise ilk day in esperance of
better fortoun, seing thair king follow the behavingis of his gud-
schir, Galdus, and reddy to reforme al enormiteis of his realm.
Nocht lang efter, come ambassatouris fra Pichtis to Mogallus, de-
siring support aganis the Romanis and Britonis ; quhilkis war lait-
ly cumin, with fire and swerd, in Pentland, and slane ane gret now-
mer of pepill, in defence of thair awin guddis. Siclike, the men of
Galloway and Annandale complanit, that ane huge pray of guddis
war tane be Romanis out of thair landis.
Mogallus, havand ingine na les gevin to chevalry than werkis of
peace, rejosit to have occasioun of battall ; that he micht, be sum
notabill vassalage, be comparit to his vailyeant antecessouris : nocht-
theles, he send his ambassatouris, desiring rcdres of the dammage
be thaim done. Thir ambassatouris gat nocht bot ane answer full
of hie contemptioun and skorne. Than Mogallus tuke the Goddis
in witnes, that baith the faith promittit to him be Romanis was bro-
kin, and his message contempnit. And, sone efter, he rasit his army,
and come in Galloway : quhare he visyit the sepulture of Galdus,
his gudschlr ; and, quhen he had maid certane cerimonis, efter the
custome of thay dayis, he fel on kneis, and said : " O vailyeant and
" invincibill prince, quhilk, efter sa gret adverslte of fortoun, did
" recovir the reahnes of Scottis and Pichtis with huge difficvihe ;
" and dang thy pissant and riche ennimes, be favoure of Goddis,
" out of thir boundis, with na les honoure than manheid ; we, thy
" native pepill, quhilkis wirschippit the, on live, with mair reverence
" and lufe than may be tauld, falhs now on kneis, with lamentabill
" voce, before this thy eternall sepulture, the last refuge to us in
" extreme neid, beseking humly thy funerall goist to be our helper
" aganis our ennimes, quhom thou sumtime maist vailyeantly vin-
" oust in thir boundis ; and prayis the, gif thow hes ony auctorite
" afore the Goddis, for thy singulare virtew schawin to us in the
" erd, to suffer nocht us, thy posterite, to be ouirthrawin with dis-
" pitefull ennimes, quhilkis invadis us but titill of battall. Suffer
" nocht thy fame, O vailyeant campioun, to decay now amang us,
'* be victory of thy injust ennimes ; sen thay ben sa oft vincust be
" the in thir boundis, and drevin, be thy singulare manheid, to im-
" plore thy mercy in thair last refuge : quhairthrow, thy name em-
" paring sail na Avayis bot evir indure in terroure of thy fais/'
Als sone as Mogallus had maid his prayer to Galdus in this maner,
all the army began to enbras his image ; and maid thair prayer thair-
to, for happy passage, and returning in thair jurnay. The wod
wemen, sic as war inflammit with divine spreit, skurgit thameself, to
make thaim seme the mair religious ; and, be advise of Druides, the
solempne preistis afore rehersit, thay maid solempne cursinis on the
Romanis, for violation of thair faith and band, afore contrackit.
Cljap* C()tVD»
How the confiderat Kingis come with thair Armyis aganis the Ro-
manis. Of the Orison maid be Mogallus and Lucius Anthonius
to thair Armyis ; and hoio the Romanis war discomfist.
Ogallus come, not lang eftir, in Annandale, to meit
Unipane, King of Pichtis ; for he abaicl his cumming,
with ane weil arrayit ost of Pichtis. Als sone as baith
thair armyis was assembht togidder, thay went baith in
"Westmurland and Cumbir, quhilkis war, as than, provinces of Ro-
manis. And, first, thay brocht ane huge pray of men and guddis
fra the samin ; and the residew, that micht nocht be tursit, put in
fire. The inhabitantis, for feir of thir injuris, fled to York ; and
complanit to Lucius Anthonius, Romane capitane, of the cruelteis
done be Scottis and Pichtis. Lucius than assembht ane Strang army,
and went forthwart, with greit ordinance, to dant his ennimes.
Mogalhis, seing his ennimes in sicht, calht his men to the stan-
dart, and said in this maner : " I find na thing, vailyeant campionis,
' that bringis nobill men soner to loving and glore, than to resist
' the injure of ennimes, fechtand for thair realme and hberte to the
' deith, that thay be nocht subdewit to schamfull servitude ; as
' may be weill provin, baith be example of uncouth pepill, and be
' singulare virtew of our vailyeant antecessouris. Remember be
' quhat manheid and wisdome King Edere supportit Cassibilane,
' King of Britonis, quhen Julius, the Romane consull, was doungin
' out of Albion ; be quhilk he conquest na les honour to himself,
' than to his posterite. Siclike, the nobill Caratak was na les de-
' corit be his virtew in merit of loving, quhen he, fechtand sa ofU
' times be sindry chancis of fortoun, micht nevir be vincust. And
' thocht he had ane hard fortoune, and brocht as presoneir to Rome,
' be treasoun of Cartumandia, yit he had invincibill spreit, defend-
' ing ay his realme to his last dayis : and was haldin, thairfore, in
' sic reverence and dredour amang his ennimes, that he was finaly
" restorit baith to his realme and honouris ; to be examplll to all
" othir efter him, to have excellent fortitude aganis all trubil. Sik-
" hke, Corbreid, his bruthir, in defence of his liberte, faucht sa
" cruelly aganis the proude Romanis, and brocht thaini to sic irre-
" coverabill afflictioun and slauchter, that thay micht nevir invade
" this realme during his liffe. Remember, alsua, my gudschir,
" Galdus, maist vailyeant prince that evir Avas afore his dayis : how-
" beit, he was invadit with perpetuall trubill, fechtand nocht only
" aganis Romanis, bot aganis Fortoun: sa oft vincust and chasit;
" his army brokin; ilk calamite incressing above othir: yit, with
" michty curage, he perseverit ay in hope of better fortoun : quhill,
" at last, be lang battall of virtew aganis his unhappy infortuniteis,
" he ouirthrew Fortoun, and conquest, be merciall prowes and man-
" heid, sa interminabil victory and glore, that he vincust his en-
" nimes Avith in sindry battallis; and brocht thaim, be fleing to
" thair tentis, to sic subjectioun and mesiry, that quhare thay culd
" nocht be content afore of the haill boundis of the warld, thay micht
" nocht Weill defende thaimself within thair sorowfull tenlis : throw
" quhilk he gat the excellent glore, that nevir afore succedit to levand
" creature; havand the ambassatouris of Romanis, be quhome al
" kingis and realmis be subdewit, dejeckit at his feit, desiring grace.
" In mair Avitnes heirof, the place quhare thir Romanis Avar defait,
" is callit GalloAA-ay; that the fame of his illuster Averkis sail nevir
" evanis, bot ay remane in recent memorie. Forthir, the mair
" Strang, the mair pissant that his fais Avar, the mair glore succedit
" to him, and his pepill. Heirfore ye, my gud cumpanyeonis,
" quhilkis ar the posterite of thay forcy campionis that sumtime
" faucht aganis the Romanis Avith the said Galdus, remember that
" your battall is, this day, only aganis thame quhilkis hes afore sa
" oftimes bene vincust be your chevelry, and remanis only on live
" be your mercy. Consider weill quhat ye ar : for ye ar victouris,
" unbrokin of curage, and defendouris of your realme, liberteis,
" wiffis, barnis, and native Goddis ; and ar to fecht for na ambu-
" tioun nor avarice, bot allanerly be constant virtew. Consider als,
" quhat schame it is to thinke that Romanis may nocht be vincust ;
" sen thay have bene sa oft before defait. Traist fermely, the same
" virtew and fortoun is into youre handis, as was in youre eldaris.
" Pas forthwart, vailyeant campionis, for victory is present in your
" handis ; and put your vincust fais to flicht : for all thingis sal fol.
" low as ye pleis, gif ye have curage." Mogallus, be thir wordis,
inflammit the mindis of his army to battall.
On the tothir side, Lucius Anthonius was na les diligent perswad-
ing the Romanis, be vehement orison, to do vailyeantly, be exemple
and imitation of thair forebearis ; and to remember thaim, be quhat
difficill laubouris thay led battanis,and vincust thair forcy and Strang
ennimes. Remembring tliahn als, how thay war than to fecht aganis
ane barbar pepill, but virtew, and movit to battall be wodnes and
fury ; be quhilk baith thair manheid and reason was confundit, and
movand thaim to battall be fuliche hardiment : and, thairfore, quhen
maist dangeir occurrit, thay war sone discomfist and brokin. He
desirit thame als, to have confidence in the Romane virtew, and take
na feir of thair bludy, cruell, and unarmit ennimes, devidit amang
thaimself be perpetual sedition; and nocht assemblit for luf and
Weill of thairself, bot onely for hatrent of thair fais. " Take youre
" wappinnis," said he, " with sicker esperance of victory, and ye
" sail conques infinite glore but straik, and recovir the landis tint
" afore be sleuth of Gneus Tribellius.'''
Skarsly Avar thir wordis said, quhen baith the armyis junit, with
niair ardent ire than may be tauld. The Romanis schot thair dartis,
and the confiderat pepil thair arowis, ganyeis, and stanis. Quhen
the wemen, of quhilkis grct nowmer was in this army, had cassin
incredibill multitude of stanis, thay tuke thair awful wappinnis, and
faucht above the cruelte of men; ruscheand on thair fais but ony
feir of woundis or deith. The strenth of the ground was na les
support to oure folkis than impediment to oure fais ; for thay knew
nocht the ground, and fell sometimes in swardis of mossis, and sum
time in well-eys, throw quhilk thay war oft times devidit in thair
fechting. Yit the battall Avas cruelly fochtin in all partis ; specially
in the middis, quhare the capitanis inflammit the curage of thair
army : the Romanis contending to saif thaim fra thirlage of barbar
pepill; and the Scottis, to keip the victory gottin be manheid of
thair eldaris. Efter lang and lauborius battall, thay left thair swerdis,
and faucht with schort dageris. And,becaus sa innowmerabill slauch-
ter was on all sidis, and nane of the armyis apperlng to geif place to
othir, the capitanis on athir side war penitent that thair army junit
that day. At last the Scottis and Pichtis, be innative ferocite, be-
gan to put thair ennimes abak ; nocht as thay Avar discomfist, bot
eschewing sum thing the fury of battall, becaus thay micht na for-
thir resist the multitude of thair ennimes. Quhill Lucius beheld sa
hie dangeir appering to his folkis, and was exhorting thaim to renew
battall, he gat sic ane straik with ane arow, that he micht na mair
tary, bot fled out of the feild. Incontinent, all his army fled to the
nixt woddis. Ane cumpany of thaim war stoppit to cum to thair
fallowis ; and, nocht knawing quhare to fle, war slane be Scottis,
becaus thay wald nocht be takin presoneris.
How Jdriane, Emprioure, come in Britane; and higglt ane Strang
wall, to saif the Britonis and Roman'is fra Scottis and Pichtis.
How he returnit in France, and left Victorine to be Capitane of
Ow was the sonne fast tending to his occasion, quhen
the confiderat pepill, be sound of trumpat, colleckit the
residew of thair folkis fra the chace, and passit the re-
manent of that nicht with incredibill blithnes, singing,
dansing, and karoling. At the spring of the day, thay gaderit the
riche spulyels of slane men.
And in the mene time, quhen the two kingis war takand consul-
tatioun for the weill of thair army, was schawin that ane cumpany
of Romanis quhilkis war eschapit fra this last battal, war within
twa milis to thair army, gangand Avill, and nocht knawand be quhat
cuntre or partis thay micht maist esaly fle. Incontinent, ane band
of Scottis went to thaim, and left none of thaim on liffe ; for thay
refusit to be takin. On the morow, the confiderat kingis maid sa-
crifice, as the gise was in thay dayis, to thair Goddis, for the victory
falling to thame : sine tuke diligent examinatioun quhat personis
did maist vassalage in this last battall, and rewardit thaim thair-
Lucius Anthonius, vincust in this maner, send to the Emprioure
Adriane, schawing quhat trubill was laitly fallin in Britane be weris
of Scottis and Pichtis, and desiring him to send, haistely, support
in Britane ; otherwayes the Romanis sal be schamefully doung out
of all boundis thairof, or ellis subdewit to servitude of barbar peple.
Adriane, Empriour, to dant this rebellioun, come with ane huge
army in Albioun. Eftir his cuming, he wes advertist how the
Scottis, with more cruelte than afore, wer cuming in the Romane
landis, ceissing fra na maner of cruelte that micht be devisit on the
inhabitantis thairof. Adriane, astonist, and richt desirus to revenge
thir ofFencis, come to York ; quhare he remanit, Avith the remanent
army of Britonis, quhill he wes providit with twa monethis vittallis,
to pas on the Scottis and Pichtis. Sone eftir, he rasit his campe,
and, with gret difficulte, brocht the samin ouir Tyne ; and on the
fourt day eftir, he come in the landis quhilkis wer waistit be the
Scottis. And becaus he fand every thing that micht nuris his army,
distroyit, he began to inquire, of quhat life and condition thir pepill
bene, that maid sic extorsionis in the Romane landis. It wes schawin,
thay wer ane rude and undantit pepill, and lay thairfurth all win-
ter, nochtwithstanding the cauld frostis and stormis ; and lay at sic
strenthis and mossis, that thay micht not be persewit but extreme
dangeir to thair invasouris. For thu" causis, he left purpos to pas
ony forthir : and to keip thaim fra all incursionis of ennimes in times
cuming, he beildit ane huge wall of fail and devait, richt braid and
hie in maner of ane hill, fra the mouth of Tyne, fornens the Al-
niane seis, to the flude of Esk, fornens the Ireland seis. This wal
was Lxxx mills of lenth. It is said in our croniklis, that this dike
wes begun be Adriane, and endit be Severus, the Romane Em-
prioure; and callit The Wal of Seveir. Bot we, following Veremond,
callis it The Wal of Adriane, fia the first foundoure.
Sone eftir, Adriane past in Westmureland and Walls, quhare he
wes advertist of new rebellioun maid ajranis him be the inhabitantis
of the said land : nochtheles, he behavit him sa prudently in this
mater, that the principall movaris thaii'of wer punist, and the cuntre
restorit to his opinioun. Eftir this, he come to London and Kent,
and rewardlt the noblllis of Britane, for thair faith and obedience
kepit to Romanis. Sic thingis done, he returnit in France, -with
Lucius Anthonius, quhilk wes than trubUt with gret infirmite ; and
left Victorine in his place. This Victorine, eftir the departing of
Adriane, stuffit all the casteUis and strenthis of Britane with new
munition and wageouris, to resist the violence of Scottis and Pichtis.
Followit, mony yeris eftir, gret tranquillite amang the Britonis.
How Scottis and Pichtis partit the landis beyond the Wall of Adriane.
Hoxi) King Mogallus was degenerit in coriuppit lif; and slane^for
his tyranny.
He Scottis and Pichtis partit amang thaim al the landis
of Britane lyand beyound the wal of Adriane, in this
maner: All the landis fornens the Ireland seis wer
gevin to Scottis ; and the landis fornens the Almane
seis, to Pichtis. The strenthis lyand nixt the wal of Adrian war
garnist with gret munitionis, to keip the countre fra injure of Ro-
manis. Bot we returne to our historic.
The residew of IVIogallus liffe was in quiete, but ony uncouth or
domestik weiris : nochtheles, this huge victory of Romanis maid him
degenerit fra virtew in maist detestabill vicis; for he was sa gevin
to avarice and lust in his eild, that he eschamit of na maner of vice
nor oppressioun done aganis his liegis ; defloring the Aviffis of his
nobillis and commonis, but ony schame, or respect to thair estait ;
and nocht onely deforsit virginis and matronis, bot annuUit all con-
stitutionis and lawis maid for punltioun of sic horribill dedis. At-
tour, to aggrege his tyranny, he gave licence to theiffis and revaris
to take the gudis of thair nichtbouris, gif thay wantit, but puni-
tioun; and slew all the riche men of his cuntre be vane causis, and
confiscat thair gudis. He was the first king that statute, the gudis
of banist or condampnit personis to be confiscat to the kingis use,
but ony respect to thair wiffis, children, or dettouris. Afore that
time, the gudis, landis, and possessionis of all condampnit personis
come, but ony pley, to fre dispositioun of thair wiffis and children.
This law, quhilkis schawis Aveill the cursit avarice of Mogallus, is
yit observat, but ony revocatioun, in this regioun. And yit the
horribil dedis of tliis tyrane micht nocht be lang unpunist : for the
nobillis and commonis, inipacient to suffer sic tyrannyis, conspirit
aganis him, and instruckit certane men to wait ganand place and
time for his slauchter.
Mogallus, knawing the nobilhs conspirit aganis him on this ma-
ner, tuke consultatioun of certane juglouris, quhilkis war richt fre-
quent in thay dayis, to fie in the His ; and to dissimill his passage,
he went to his bed sonar than he was wont, as he had bene strikin
with suddane infirmite. Sone efter, he armit him with his halkrig,
bow, and arowis ; and fled, Avith two servandis, to the nixt wod :
and left behind him the reside w of his cursit cumpany, as ane ty-
rane dois, that confidis in no creature. The nobillis that war con-
spirit aganis him, beand advertist of his fleing, foUowit on him sa
scharply, that he was finaly comprehendit and slane ; the xxvi yeir
of his regne ; fra the incarnation, cxLviii yeris : Anthonius Pius
beand Emprioure, and Phiacus Albus regnand above the Pichtis.
The heid of Mog-allus was borne on ane staik to the nixt towne,
quhare ane multitude of pepill war gaderit, to his perpetuall schame.
It was devisit be the pepil, that his body suld be cassin to the
houndis and revanus beistis ; nochtheles, the nobillis, movit be the
worthy dedis of Galdus, his gudschir, commandit his heid and body
to be buryit amang the kingly sepulturis of his progenitouris. This
schameful and unhappy end maid Mogallus, degenerat fra the vir-
tew of his antecessouris.
Ofsindry noh'iTl Clerlxis. Of the vichis King Conarus; and h(M> he
was degradit of all auctoritef and his servandis h'lngit for thair
wicJcit counsal.
Ra the deltli of Dardannus to tliir days, war raony ex-
cellent clerkis in sindry partis of the warld: as Quinti-
liane, oratoure ; Serapio, medcinar ; Philo Jew, philo-
sophour and oratour; Caius Plenius, secundus, that
wrait the History Naturall, in xxxviii bukis, with na les treuth than
eloquence ; Cornelius Tacitus, writar of historyis, quhom we have
followit in this Averke ; Cecilius Plenius, secundus, oratoure ; Sue-
tonius Tranquillus ; Ptolomeus, maist excellent in mathamatik,
quhilk brocht the cosmography of Ptolomy, afore rehersit, to ane
better knawlage, with mony new additionis ; L. Apuleus, oratour ;
Aulus Gellius ; Plutercus Cheronius, philosophour. And in thay
dayis war excellent poetis : as Juvenale, Sillius Italicus, Mercialis,
with mony otheris.
About this time the Romane princis persewit Cristen pepill with
gret cruelte, and brocht gret nowmer of ihaim to marterdome, nocht
knawing quhat Constance was in the religioun of Crislin faith; quhilk
incressit ay the more strenthy, that it Aves persewit be tyranny ; and
agmentit with na thing sa mekle as be scharp persecutioun. Bot
we will return, quhare we left, to our historie.
Mogallus micht weill have bene noumerit, in the beginning of his
empire, amang maist nobill princis : bot, in the end, he wes nothir
worthy to be king, nor yit ane levand creature, and deservit "Vfeil
the end that he gat. Forthir, his sonne Conarus, quhilk succedit
eftir him, had litil better fortoun or maneris; for he instrukit his
men, with hid waching, to sla his fader, and so be unnatural 1 cruelte
he succedit to the crown. In the beginning of his empire, he dis-
similit the vices to quhilkis he wes naturally inclinit. Als sone as
the realme wes stabillit to him in sicker peace, he waistit al the pub-
lik rentis pertenand to the crown, In his infamit kist; and gave
braid landis and riches to maist vile and diffamit creaturis, becaus
thay lovit his corruppit maneris and vice : and be counsall of thir
wickit schrewis he governit his realme, detesting all nobill and vir-
tewis men of his realme ; and set him to induce his peple to super-
flew and riatus bankettis, contrar the temperance of his anteces-
souris. At last, quhen he had waistit all his treasour and substance
in mony schamful wayis, he convenit his nobillis to ane counsal;
in the quhilk he schew, be lang orison, the honest and triumphant
cheir of his hous, as na litill glore suld be gevin thairto. And be-
caus his rentis and treasour wes nocht sufficient to sustene the
samin as he usit, he desirit ane generall stent to be tane throw the
realme, of ilk person eftir his faculte, to sustene his hous and ser-
vandis according to his estait riall and honouris. It wes answerit
be his nobillis, that thay micht nocht gif ane haisty deliverance in
sa gret ane mater ; becaus he desirit certane thingis, quhilkis wer
nevir desirit be ony othir prince afore : and for that cause, thay
suld degestlie avise, and schaw to him thair mind concerning the
same, on the morow. Thir nobillis, in the nicht following, convenit
to thair secreit counsall. And becaus thay fand the king of evill
governance, thay concludit to degraid him of his auctorite and king-
dome. On the morow, thay convenit Avith thair king in counsall,
and said to him, that thay had na litill wounder, that the rentis
pertenand to the crown micht nocht suffice als weill to him, havand
his realme but ony trubill, in peacp, as it did to othir maist nobill
princis, his progenitouris, afore, baith in weir and peace. The no-
bill Galdus, that recovcrit his realme, desirit nevir stent of thaim,
for na maner of chargis that he sustenit aganis his ennimes ; knaw-
ing weil how odius it was to the pepil, to seik ony new exactionis on
thaim. And yit the governance of Conarus was unlike to the nobill
Galdus. For Galdus, be counsall of prudent men, removit all pro-
vocatioun of lustis fra his army, with all othir thingis that micht
maik thaim effeminate ;' gevand his lauboure to defend his subdittis,
and to resist his ennimes. Be contrar, Conarus was drownit in lust,
passing his life amang maist vile and abhominabill creaturis; pre-
tending ay to governe the realme, qulien hieast besines occurrit, be
thair unhappy counsall ; disherising the nobillis of the realme, to
maik up his mischevous limmaris. And flnaly, efter sa mony im-
portabill wrangis done be him, he had socht ane thing richt uncouth
and odius to thaim, to be ane preparative to othir kingis, his suc-
cessouris, in times cuming, to seik new exactionis on thaim, that all
thair riches and guddis micht cum finaly in his handis. Bot his
unhappy counsalouris, and misgidaris of the realme, sail nocht one-
ly be frustrate of thair intentionis, bot brocht to sic estait, that thay
sail mister htill reward or riches fra him in times cuming. For thay
war profoundlie resolvit, baith to degraid him of his kingdome and
honouris, and to punis his wickit consalouris to the deith ; that all
pepil of vile and obscure hnnage may take exempill to abuse realmes
and kingis, and that kingis may understand quhat dangeir is to
thaim to be injurius tyrannis to thair subdittis.
Conarus, heirand thir wourdis, said, " How dar ye, mischant
" fuhs, pretend sic thingis aganis me and my servandis ? This trea-
" son, that ye have devisit aganis me, sail turne in dammage of
" yourself; and ye sail be punist in maist cruell maner that may be
" devisit." The nobillis answerit, that he was unworthy to be thair
king; for he sufFerit the realme to be distroyit be insolence of vicious
hmmers. Incontinent rais ane huge nois and clamour amang thaim ;
and in the mene time, certane wicht and rank men tuke him be the
middill, and bure him, perforce, to ane quiet chalmer: quhare he
remanit, the residew of his dayis, in miserie. His servandis, that
wer occasioun of his corrupit life, nurisand him in vice, wer tane
and hinggit on jebaittis, as thay deservit.
Hoio Argadus was maid Governour of Scotland, during the time of
Conarus in presoun. And of his life and governance.
Onarus beand degradit in this maner, the nobilhs
chesit Argadus, capitane of Argyle, to be governour of
the realme, sa lang as Conarus wes in presoun. This
Argadus, in the beginning of his auctorite, tuke gret
laubour for ornament of commoun weill ; and stancliit thift, reif,
and slauchter, and all otliir sic exhorbitant crimes, with mervellus
craft and prudence : havand sic moderatioun, that he semit nothir
to slaw, nor yit to cruell, in administratioun of justice : throwe
quhilk, he wes traistit to be ane mirrour of virtew to all nobill
princis. And yit, as oft occurris, gud forton turnit his mind fra
justice : For he set aside al gud maneris, and governit his realme,
quhen hieast chargis occurrit, be domistik coiuisall, and nurist se-
ditionis intestine betwix the gret princis of his realme, to cause
thaim have the may erandis with him. He maryit the Prince of
Fiffis douchter, and be affinite thairof drew the Pichtis to his freind-
schip, that he micht be the more Strang amang his awin pepill. The
nobillis, impacient to suffer his vicis, callit him to ane counsall :
quhare he Aves scharply reprevit, that he, chosin governour be thair
auctorite, for the virtew than appering in him, suld make him nocht
onelie to follow the vicious tyranny of Conarus, quhom thay de-
privit for his detestabil dedis, bot als to mary with uncouth blude
but thair avise ; and giding the realme be privat counsall, to the
gret dammage of the common weil ; and lies tint schamefully the
gud name that he conquest afore, in the beginning of his auctorite.
Argadus, heirand him reprochit in this wise, set furth mony teris,
and desirit his nobillis to have him excusit for that time be thair
benivolence, and nocht to punis him according to his demeritis:
for he promittit to amend al enormiteis done be him, in quhat sort
thay plesit. The nobillis, movit be his humill wourdis, continewit
him still in auctorite, and kest al his counsalouris in presoun.
Argadus, correckit be his nobillis in this maner, governit the
realme in gud justice, and did na thing, in times cumming, concern-
ing publik materis, without consultatioun of his nobillis. And be-
caus divers townis and cieteis of the realme had ouir large previlege
in administratioun of justice, lie minist mony of thair prerogativis,
and commandit thaim to punis na thing bot small crimes; all hie of-
fencis to be replegit to his gret justice. He maid extreme deligence
to serche thevis, revaris, and oppressouris; speciallie thaim that maid
heirschippis in Argyle, ilis, and othir partis adjacent: And ay,
quhare thay wer apprehendit. thay wer hingit, but ony mercy, on
jebaittis. He commandit all personis, that had ony office or aucto.
rite of him, to abstene fra sic tliingis as micht mak thalm inebriat
or dronkin, to cause thaim have sum preeminence and wisdome
above the commonis. He commandit al scudlaris, tavernaris, dron-
kartis, and othir sicUke vile pepill, devisit more for lust than ony
necessar sustenance of men, to be exilit within ane certane day.
The day beand run, he commandit thair guddis to be confiscat,
quhare evir thay micht be apprchendit.
Finalie, the commoun pepil, sum part be benivolence of Argadus,
and sum part be thir institutionis, wer reformit in gudde maneris.
Quhill at last Conarus, be lang seiknes and malancoly, quhilk he
tuke for his incarceration, deceissit the xiv yeir of his regne; An-
thonius Aurelius beand than Empriour.
Of King Ethodius the First, and how he peci/i/H the Ills: Hoio the
Scottis and Pichtis brak down the wall of Adriane ; andjaucht
aganis the Romanis, xoith sindry chancis of victory.
Ftir deith of Conarus, the nobillis, be generall con-
vention, maid Ethodius king: for he wes nepot to
Mogallus, gottin on his sister. Ethodius, eftir his co-
ronation, revvardit Argadus, governour, with landis
and riches, for his gud ministration of justice during his tune; and
maid him generall lieutenand of his realme.
This nob ill prince past in His, and pecifyit the same of all de-
baitis. At his returning in Albion, he wes advertist that the
Romanis had brokin down the wal of Adrian, and in place thairof
hes beildit gret strenthis of treis, stanis, and devaitis ; and be the
samin, maid mony heirschippis in the landis of Scottis and Pichtis,
of quhom ane gret nowmer wer slane, in defence of thair awin
guddis, and the remanent discomfist.
Als sone as Ethodius hard thir novellis, he send ane herald to
Victorine, desiring redres to be maid within xv dayis ; Avith certifi-
catioun, gif the samin wer nocht done within the said time, he suld
I —
recovir the samin be force of battal. It was answerit be Victorine,
that this last pray of guddis was takin be Romanis, to recompens
sindry othir heu-schippis maid afore be Scotis and Pichtis; for
thay war ane seditious pepil, and confiderat only for dammage of
thair nichtbouris ; as apperit cleirly, becaus thay brak first the said
wall of Adrian, and beildit sindry strenthis fornens the samin, to
trubill the Romanis and Britonis, but ony sicht to peace afore con-
trackit. Ethodius, movit be this answer, send his ambassatouris to
the King of Pichtis, and desirit him to cum, with his folkis, agane
ane certane day, to recover thair guddis, tane be Romanis. The
King promittit to be reddy, as was desirit.
The Romanis, weil advertist of thir materis, providit ane huge
ordinance of battall aganis thair ennimes. The confiderat pepil
rasit thair armyis at the day prefixt, and brak down the wall of
Adrian in mony partis, and enterit, with maist cruell heirschippis
and slauchter, in the landis of Romanis. In the nicht following,
the Romanis slippit by the tentis of Scottis and Pichtis, and come,
baith in Mers and Berwik, to draw thaim out of the Romane landis.
The confiderat kingis, weil advertist thairof, come, with gret dili-
gence, on the morrow, to rescours thair landis. Incontinent, baith
the armyis ruschit togidder, and faucht, with sindry chance of vic-
tory: for the richt wingis war victorius on ilk side, and the left
wingis discomfist. The mid batallis faucht ithandly, quhil the
nicht bereft thaim thair sicht. And sa baith the said battallis se-
verit, on thair awin will, but ony victory. On the morow, al the
wemen that foUowit the Scottis and Pichtis to this battal, seing the
feild desert, gaderit the spulyeis of slane men, and returnit with
the samin in Scotland.
This battall was sa sorowful, that the yeir nixt following was in
quiet, but ony motioun of weiris.
How Victor ine was deprivit of auctoriie, and Calphurnius Agrkola
send in his place. How Calphurnius reparit the wed of Adrian,
and returnit to Rome.
IcTORiNE, seing his army brokin in this maner, wrait
to Aurehus, Emprioure, and schew all this trubill that
fell to Romanis be this last battall, with every circum-
__^ stance afore rehersit.
The Emprioure, traisting this trubill fallin to Romanis be febill
curage of Victorine, deprivit him of all auctorite, and send Calphur-
nius Agricola, quhilk was nepot to Juhus Agricola, afore rehersit,
in his place.
Calphurnius, at his cuming in Britane, assemblit ane large power
of Britonis and Romanis at York, to invade the confiderat pepill :
and first maid sacrifice to the goddis, to have victory on his en-
nimes ; sine rasit his camp, and come beyond the wall of Adrian :
quhare he fand, be frequent weiris, al the landis waist, but ony
cornis or frutis ; all the townis brint be Scottis, that na lugeing
suld remane to thalr ennimes. Calphurnius, nochtwithstanding thir
direptionis, went forthwart with his army, and invadit baith Mers
and Pentland with irrecoverabil skaithis, and slew the inhabitantis
thairof, in al partis, but ony mercy or ranson. Sic thingis done,
he returnit to York, and remanit thair, the winter following, with
the residew of his army; makand provision to invade the Scottis and
Pichtis agane the nixt simer.
In the mene time, he gat letteris, that Welchemen, with sindry
othu: pepill of Britane, wer rebellit ; and, be the said rebellioun,
mony cieteis and townis that stude at the opinioun of Romanis,
brint and heryit, and the inhabitantis thairof cruelly slane. Cal-
phurnius, dreidand to tine the landis conquest afore be sa huge dif-
ficulte, in persewt of new rowmis; left the Scottis and Pichtis, and
maid him, with all diligence, to renew the wall of Adrian, that the
samin micht be ane targe, in times cumming, aganis the violence of
Scottis and Pichtis. Sone efter, he gat sindry craftismen to clenge
the fowseis, and to repair the said wall in all partis, with touris and
bastailyeis rising in the strangest maner that micht be devisit.
And quhen the wal was reparit in all partis, he left ane band of
weirmen to debait the samin fra violence of ennimes, and went Avith
the residew of his army on the AVelchemen : and thay, with na les
diligence, met him in arrayit battal. Nochtheles, thay Avar finaly
vincust and chasit.
Skarsly Avas this battall pecifyit, quhen haistely folloAvit ane othir,
be rebelliovm of the He of Wicht The inhabitantis thairof come
with proude baner aganis the Romanis, and A\^ar vincust on the
same maner as afore. The confiderat pepill, seand the Britonis
dantit in this Avise, held thaim in thair awin roAA mes, but ony inva-
siounof Romanis; dreidand the samin chance of victory, in this Cal-
phurnius Agricola, that Avas afore Avith Julius Agricola, quhilk sub-
dewit sa mony regionis of Scottis and Pichtis to Romane empire.
Calphurnius, heirand, be thir exploratouris, how the confiderat
pepill Avar slcalit, but ony molestatioun done to his pepil; maid him
to meis al seditionis, gif ony war rising, amang the Britonis. And
quhen he had pecifyit thaim on all debaittis, he returnit, be com-
mand of Anthonius Commodus, Empriour of Rome.
H<yw Trebellius was send in Brifanc, and was vincust be the Scottis
and Pichtis. Of the rebellion of' Britonis aganis him; and qf'his
message send to the Emj)riour.
Fteu the departing of Calphurnius, ane ncAv capitane,
namit P. Trebellius, Avas send in Britane be the Em-
prioure. This Trebellius governit Britane mair be
benivolence and favoure, than ony auctorite. He usit
the counsall of Britonis in his hie besines ; and did gret honour to
Lucius, King of Britonis, commending him oftimes, be liis Avritingis,
to the Emprioure, that he was baith lufFer of the commoun well of
Rome, and ennime to all thaim that hatit the empire thairof. Tre-
bellius come in sic favour to Lucius, King of Britonis, be thir com-
mendationis, that he belevit na thing micht succede to his dammage
in Britane ; and began, thairfore, to schaw his fenyeit mind, as man
of insaciabill avarice ; for he slevs^ mony riche men in Britane, only
to confisk thair gudis, and otheris banist, to the same effect.- Thir
cruelteis maid him sa odius, that he had bene oftimes invadit and
slane, war nocht he was ithandly supportit be the said Lucius.
The confiderat pepil, knawing the hatrent of Britonis aganis Tre-
bellius, thocht the time expedient to revenge auld injuris. And
efter that thay had gaderit ane army, with all provisioun that micht
be devisit, thay brak down the wall of Adriane, quhilk was reparit
afor be Calphurnius, and wrocht intollerabil cruelteis on the Bri-
tonis that obeit to Romanis. TrebelUus, movit be thir displesouris,
went with ane army of horsmen and futemen aganis the Scottis and
Pichtis. At his first juning, the Britonis and Frenchemen, quhilkis
wer ane gret part of his army, left him : throw quhilk he was esaly
vincust, and all his army put to flicht. And thocht the victory suc-
cedit to Scottis and Pichtis in this battall, yit innowmerabil slauch-
ter Avas maid on thaim, als well as of Romanis. Trebellius, discom-
fist on this maner, colleckit the residew of his army, and returnit to
The Scottis and Pichtis become richt insolent efter this victory :
And to revenge the slauchter sa mony yeris maid on thaim, thay
slew al the presoneris quhilkis war takin in this last feild; and
come with new army on the pepil that dwelt in Westmureland and
Kendale, and invadit thame with sic cruelte, that thay war disparit,
but refuge. Howbeit Trebellius was gretumly commovit at thir
offencis, he durst nocht assailye his ennimes with battall ; for he had
na les suspection aganis the Britonis than aganis the Scottis and
Pichtis. Nochtheles, be frequent jeoperdyis, he slew his ennimes,
ay quhare he micht apprehend thaim, but ony miseration.
In the samin time rais mekill trubill in Britane : For the com-
monis, seing thaim ilk day mair iiijurit be the Scottis and Pichtis,
but ony esperance of redres ; chesit Caldorus, ane vailyeant knicht
of Pichtis blude, to be thair capitane in thair rebellion : for he was
mony yeris accustomit with thair maneris, liavand na thing in mair
hatrent than tyranny of Romanis. Trebellius, knawing the gret
dangeir appering be this trubill, tuke lang consukation, be quhat
industry and laubour he micht best resist thairto. Efter degeist
advisement, he tuke purpos to fecht with Britonis ; for gif thair
power war midht with Scottis and Pichtis, the samin micht not be
dantit but gret slauchter of Romanis. The Bi'itonis, becaus thair
army was colleckit of commonis, wer astonist be his cumming :
nochtheles, be impulsion of Caldorus, thair capitane, thay junit with
thair ennimes in gret ferocite and spreit. Followit ane bludy and
terribill battall, fochtin with doutsum victory : bot at last the Bri-
tonis war vincust. Caldorus eschapit out of this battal with cer-
tane his freindis, and returnit in Pentland, rejosing in his mind that
sa mony Romanis and Britonis wer slane be his industry. Mony
nobiUis of Britane wer in this feild aganis the Romanis, howbeit
thay wer cloithit under landwart habit ; and quhen thay saw the
Romanis be rageand fury sla sa mony of the commonis, thay disco-
verit thameself to Romanis, traisting, becaus thay wer nobillis, to be
the erar saiffit, and tane presoneris. Quhen Trebellius wes advertist
how thay dissimulit thair habit, and Aver the caus of this rebellion,
he gart hing thame, in presens of al the pepill, on jebaitis. This
cruelte maid Trebellius richt odious to the Britonis: for on the mor-
row thay tuke als mony Romanis, and hangit thaim on the samin
Trebellius, dreding gret dangeir appering in al partis, complanit
to the Emprioure of the treason of Britonis, and injuris done be
Scottis and Pichtis ; and desirit support to be send haistely, or ellis
the Romanis suld be doung schamefully out of Britane.
CommodusAnthonius,Empriour, to dant this rebellion of Britonis,
Scottis, and Pichtis, send ane vailyeaunt knicht, namit Pertenax, in
Britane ; quhilk, eftir his cuming, dantit the ennimes of Romane
Empire mair be benivolence than ony preis of armis : howbeit, ane
certane of thaim, that wer of smal reputatioun, wer punist to the
deith. Eftir this, he rasit his camp, and com beyond the Avail of
Adriane, quhare he invadit the Scottis and Pichtis with heirschippis
and slauchter. Bot quhen he suld have procedit forwart, he gat
writingis, that Commodus, Emprioure, wes slane be treason of his
familiaris ; and, sone eftir, he returnit to Rome, quhare he wes cho-
sin Emprioure. And eftir his coronatioun, Trebelhus wes send agane
in Britane.
How Argadus, L'leutenand to King Ethodius, zoas slane, and his-
Army discomjist^ in the His. Of sindry lazois and actis maid be
Ethodius ; and of his slauchter.
Uhil sic thingis wer done in Britane, succedit gret tru-
bill to Ethodius in Scotland. For sindry gret Clannis
of the Ihs, to revenge tlie slauchter of thair freindis.
quhilkis wer slane be Argadus, quhen he wes gover-
nour, arrivit, with ane gret power, in Argyle ; and maid slauchter
and heirschippis in all partis thau-of, but ony miseratioun of estait.
Ethodius, to punis thir attemptatis, send Argadus, his lieutenand,
wdth ane cumpany of chosin men, in Argyle ; and come with ane
army, baith of Scottis and Pichtis, to the wall of Adriane, to fecht
with Romans and Britonis, gif thay wald invaid him. The Clannis
of the His, knawing the cuming of Argadus, convenit suddanlie
with thair capitane to meit him ; and left mm Irelandmen, quhilkis
come with thaim for spulye, hid inider craggis and covis of that
land, to take Argadus, gif thay micht, at sum avantage. Als sone
as thir Irelandmen persavit Argadus cuming by thaim, thay ruschit
al at anis apon him Avith ane sellout. Argadus, seing him invadit
on athir side, turnit all dredour in maist fury, and faucht with in-
credibill manheid to the deith ; and wes finalie slane, ^\A\h ii thou-
sand men of his army, and the residew put to flicht.
King Ethodius become richt displesant to the Clannis of the Ihs
for this offence ; for he come, sone efter, with xx thousand men, in
Argyle, The Clannis of the Ihs, advertist of his cuming, pullit up
salis, to have fled in the His ; nochtheles, thay wer drevin agane in
Argyle, with contrarius windis. King Ethodius, knawing thaim
disparit men, and nocht abill to be vincust but hie dammage and
VOL. I. 2 a
slauchter of his pepil ; brak thaim mair be wisdome than ony violence
of battall, and brocht thaim to sic necessite, that thay wer constranit,
for fak of vittaUis, to seik peace ; quhilk wes grantit to thaim, un-
der thir conditionis: The principall capitane, and twa hundreth,
quhom the king wald cheis of thair cumpany, sal be deliverit, to un-
derly the wil of him and his nobillis ; and the remanent to return
hame, but thair swerdis, in the His. Thir Clannis, and men of the
His, seing na refuge, tuke peace on the samin condition, and deh-
verit sa mony as the king plesit ; quhilkis wer justifyit, and put to
deith. The residew, seing thair capitane and thair freindis slane,
come with ane huge nowmer of stanis, becaus thay wantit thair
swerdis, on the kingis army, as rammist and wod creaturis, to have
I'evengit the slauchter of thair freindis; nochtheles, ane gret end
of thaim, with litill lauboure, wes slane, and the remanent put to
The His dantit on this maner, and the Britonis levand in servi-
tude under Romanis, Ethodius had his realme in peace, but ony
uncouth or domistik weiris, mony yeris eftir. And, eftir that he had
visit all boundis thairof, he chesit sindry prudent men to be jugis,
for administratioun of justice to his subdittis. And, that he suld
nocht dull, be approching of age, in sleuth, he gave his ingine to
hunting, as he wes lernit in his youth ; and commandit the lawis,
maid afore be his nobill antecessouris concerning hunting, to be ob-
servit. And, first, he commandit, that na haris be slane, quhcn thay
ar lyand, with clubbis, arowis, dartis, or ony siclik instrumentis ;
nor yit tane be nettis or girnis : becaus haris Aver ofiimes murdrist
be sic maner, but ony game. He commandit als, gif the haris had
forrun the hundis be lang renk, to be na forthir persewit : siclike,
that na man sla ane baggit hind, nor yit thair calffis. It wes defen-
dit als, to sla ane hair with ony othir ingine than chace of hundis :
and na hunting to be usit during the season of winter and weir ; for,
in that season, the erd is so ouir coverit with snawis, that the deir
ar constranit to discend fra the montanis to the planis to serche thair
fude, and oftimes murdrist but ony game. Thir lawis wer maid be
Ethodius ; for he detestit na thing mair, than the honorabill game
of hunting, quhilk wes ordanit for his nobillis and gentill men, to
be distroyit be sic febill slichtis, but solace. Attoure, quhen this
prince vakit fra his hunting, he wes gevin to honest pleseiris ; and
nurist with him crafty menstrahs of all sortis. Bot, at last, he wes
treasonably slane, under nicht, be ane menstrale of the His, quhome
he had in gret delite. This menstrale wes finalie tane be the kingis
gard ; and, quhen he wes accusit, quhy he slew his native prince,
that wes so familiar and tendir ^ith him, he answerit, that he slew
the king, becaus the king slew mony of his freindis afore in Argyle ;
and, sen he had so condingly revengit the slauchter of his freindis,
quhilk he wes determit mony day is afore to do, and his vehement
affectioun satifyit be his vailyeant deid, he desirit to leif na langar :
and bad thaim use quhat cruelte thay list for his offence ; for his
6urage was na les reddy to sustene the deith, than it was to sla the
king : attoure, thair was na kind of deith sa cruell to be devisit on
him, that micht cause him to repent the kingis slauchter, sen he, be
the samin, hes so condinglie revengit the slauchter of his deir freindis.
Skarsly wer thir wourdis said be the said menstrale, quhen his body
wes drawin sindry with wild hors.
Ethodius wes slane, the xxxiii yeir of his regne; and beryit in
Dunstafage, amang the sepulturis of his progenitouris. His regne
come to the empire of Severus, Emprioure.
C6ap« CtoelftD.
OfmonijnohillClerkis. How Britane tuke the faith of Crist. Of
the vicious King Satrahell ; and of his deith.
Bout this time flurist mony nobill Clerkis, in sindry
partis of the warld : as, Galiane and Ipocrates, medci-
naris ; Appollonius, oratoure, quhilk wes martyrit be
_^ Gentilis, for making of ane orisone in loving of the glo-
rius Virgin Mary.
Mony pepill began, in this time, to detest the errouris of Gentilis,
and tuke the sicker faith of Crist. Lucius, King of Britonis, heir-
and, be the Romanis under Trebellius, of the mirachs and religion
of Cristin faith, send writingis to Elethurius, quhilk wes the xrv
Paip fra Sanct Peter, to gif the Cristin faith to him and his pepill.
Sone efter come in Britane, two haly men, Fugatius and Damanius ;
quliilkis brocht the said Lucius and his pepill to the sacrament of
baptime, and put doun al vane superstitionis and idolitris. The yeir
that Britane tuke the faith of Crist, wes, fra his incarnatioun, ane
hundi-eth lxxxvii yeris. Bot we wil return to our history.
Eftir deth of Ethodius, his sonnis wer of so tender age, that thay
micht nocht succeid; and, thairfore, Satrahell, his brothir, wes
maid king. This Satrahell Aves ane man of sle and fals ingine ; and
gevin to sic cruelte and treason, that he slew, be fenyeit causis, mo-
ny of all the freindis of Ethodius, to defraude his airis of the crown.
He wes so unmerciful to the commonis and nobillis, that he spulyeit
thaim baith of thair guddis and landis ; -and mony of thame, for
vane causis, put to deith. Thus grew he ilk day richt odius, baith
to his commonisj and nobillis. Sone eftir, followit' discord, dissen-
sion, and domistik weris, amang freindis and nichtbouris, to the gret
dammage of the common weil. Thir, and mony othir damagis, ap-
pering in plane exterminioun of the pepill, come throw sleuth and
imprudence of this unhappy tyrane : for he durst nocht cum to
licht, to punis trespassouris ; becaus the pepill had him in extreme
hatrent for his cursit tyranny. Quhil, at last, he wes slane be ane of
his familiaris, within the nicht ; the fourt yeir of his regne.
CDap. Cl)Uteent&.
Of King Donald the First. How the Britonis zoer inhibit he the Ro-
manis to have ony King of thair llude. And how thay solistit the
Scottis and Pichtis to assist to thair rebellion.
Atrahell slane in this maner, Donald, brothir to
Ethodius the First, avcs maid king ; ane just and humil
prince, richt far discordand fra the maneris of the last
tyrane: nocht gevin to slichtis nor falset, bot settand
iiis mimllo'meis all contentionis and truble amang his liegis. And
quhen he had peacifyit his realme of all debaitis, he began to vesy
all boundis thairof ; makand residence oftinies in his lionorabil cas-
tellis with his nobilhs, and doing justice to his subdittis but ony re-
spect of the party ; and punist all crimes, effering to the offence
thairof : thro we quhilk the pepill, that wes wild and undantit afore,
be necligence of eviU princis, wes brocht to civill raaneris, and abill
to withstand thair ennimes quhen dangeir occurrit. This nobil
prince had ane gard of chosin men, reddie for all chargis, baith in
time of weir and peace.
About this time, Lucius, King of Britonis, deceissit. The Ro-
manis, eftir his deith, knawing the kingis of Britane wes occasioun
of sa frequent seditioun in times bygane, inhibit, that ony of thair
blude suld regne in times cuming : throw quhilk gret trubill succe-
dit in Britane. For Fulgencius, quhilk wes discendit of the blude
riall of Britane, richt commovit that the nobhs thairof suld be dis-
herist of the crown, convenit mony of the nobillis thairof to ane
counsall; and complenit the gret tyrannyis done be Romanis, in
plane eversioun of thair native lawis and liberte ; thair virginis,
wedowis, and matronis, fulyeit be insaciabill lust of Romanis ; tliair
guddis escheitit ; new tribute and exactionis ilk day desirit, beside
mony othir infinite oppressionis ; and, last of all, the nobill blude
disherist of the crown : and, thairfore, gif the samin wer nocht hais-
tely reparit, na nobill blude, but onlie conimonis, suld be left in
Britane. The Britonis, movit with thir reasonis, set ane day to
meit him in thair best maner, to invade the Romanis.
Sone eftir, Fulgencius send ane herald to Donald, King of Scot-
tis, schawing the rebellioun of Britonis aganis the Romanis, and de-
siring support to expell thaim out of Albioun ; for the samin micht
be done that time with les truble than ony time afore : for the em-
priour wes agit, and brokin Avith sa mony calamiteis, that he wist
nocht quhat wes to be done ; attoure, sa mony pepill wer rebellit
aganis him in France, Almanye, and the eist partis of the warld,
that na help micht be send fra him in Britane. King Donald, re-
josing of thir tithingis, and glaid to have occasioun of battall, be-
caus his pepill micht nocht leif but civil weris amang thaimself,
quhen thay have na externe weris on othir pepil ; promittit to cum,
at ane prefixit day, with his power, to invaid the Romanis. The
Pichtis promittit thair support in the samin maner.
Fulgentius, knawing the punitioun of Scottis and Pichtis maid
to the effect foresaid, come, with ane army of Britonis, to the wal
of Adriane, fornens the Ireland seis ; and brak doun ane gret part
thairof, agane the cuming of Scottis and Pichtis : and thay, with na
les dehgence, met the Britonis. Als sone as the Albianis had mengit
thair armyis togiddir, thay come forthwart to York, traisting to
have found Trebellius, with othir sindry Romane capitanis, in it.
At last, quhen thay had line lang time at the sege of this town, and
understude the principal Romanis, quhom thay desirit maist, fled in
Kent, thay left the sege ; and rnaid incursionis, vnth heirschippis
and slauchter, on all pepill that obeit to Romanis.
The commonis, astonist be thir cruel teis, and nocht of power to
resist, past to the confiderat kingis in thair plesand maner ; and res-
savit thaim within the portis of thair town. Thair armyis wer lugit
utouth the town so lang, as ony thing micht be gottin to thair sus-
tentation ; and than thay went to othir placis, ay makand sic like
heirschippis as afore, nocht ceissing fra thair cruell fury : quhill
the intollerable and cald stormis of winter constranit thaim to skaill
and returne hame.
How SeveruSf Emprioure, come in Britane, to revenge the oppres-
skmis done to Romanis. Hoxo the Britonis Jled in Scotland.
Hoxo the Scottis and Pichtis, fechtand in support of Britonis, voar
Rkbellius, impacient to suflfir thir ofi^encis, wrait to
Severn s, Emprioure, how the Britonis nocht onlie wer
rebellit, bot als hes invadit the Romane landis with sic
cruel tie and heirschippis, that it wes necessar othir to
send ane new army, or ellis to cum himself in Britane.
Sever us, Emprioure, glaid to have occasioun of battall, that he
micht conques siclik honour in subdewing of Britonis as he had
won afore in subdewing of baith the eist and north partis of the
warld, tuke his wayage on ane hors litter ; and come finalie, with
gret lauboure and dihgence, howbeit he was agit, and pinit with the
gout, in Britane : and brocht with him baith his sonnis, Anthonius
and Getas ; to that fine, that he micht draw thaim fra corrupit and
sensuall plesouris, to merciall werkis. At his cuming in Britane,
he gaderit the residew of Romanis, with his new army, to invaid
the Britonis.
Fulgentius, and the remanent Britonis of his opinion, astonist be
suddane cumming of the Emprioure with ane huge power, send ora-
touris to excuse thaim, and desirit peace. The Empriour dipeschit
thir oratouris with plane repuls. Than Fulgentius, frustrat of
his desiris, convenit the nobilhs to ane counsall : perswading thaim,
be lang orisoun, to recover thair hberte, and to restore the blude
royall of Britane to the crown ; revengeing the intollerable outragis
sa mony yeris done be Romanis : and declarit how na thing micht
move him to take this maist dangerus mater on hand, bot onlie to
recover the hberte of Britane, and to banis uncouth blude fra the
croun. And thocht he persuadit thaim sumtime to battall, sayno-,
the Romanis wer ane army gaderit of divers opinionis and mindis,
and micht thairfore be the soner vincust, fra Scottis and Pichtis,
quhilkis wer maist ennimes to Romanis, wer cumin to thair sup-
port : yit he thocht mair proffitable to brek the Romanis with smal
incursionis, than ony set battal ; traisting, gif the goddis wer propi-
ciant, that Britane micht be perpetuallie deliverit of Romane servi-
tude. The Britonis, movit be thir wourdis, come out of Britane,
with thair wifRs, children, and guddis, to the montanis beyond the
wall of Adriane.
In the mene time, Fulgentius gaderit ane cumpany of the noblest
Britonis of his opinion, with purpos erar to defend thaimself than
to invaid thair ennimes : and sone eftir, the Scottis and Pichtis come
to him, reddy to assailye all maner of jeoperdeis for thair common
Severus, Empriour, knawing all the wayis of the Albianis, left
na thing undone that micht pertene to the provisioun of his ordi-
nance: and quhen al thingis wer providit as he desirit, he left his
yongest son, namit Getas, to governe the Britonis under Romane
lawis; and come with al his ordinance to York, quhair he wes res-
savit with gret honour and triumphe. Eftir his intres, he went to
the temphs, and maid his sakitationis to the goddis ; sine past to the
castell, quhair Trebelhus wes, with sindry Ilomane sodjouris, and
tuke lang avisement how the barbar pepill micht be best dantit.
Nocht lang eftir, he rasit his campe, and come forthwart with dis-
play it baner.
The Britonis quhilkis wer of Fulgentius opinioun, seing na re-
fuge, tuk purpos to fecht aganis the Romanis, and othir to de maist
vailyeantly, or ellis to leif with victory and honour : yit quhen thay
saw thair ennimes, with sic multitude of pepill, in sicht, thay changit
purpos. Nochtheles, thay junit with maist fury, and faucht lang
time with uncertane victory ; quhill at last thay wer vincust, and
the Scottis and Pichtis put to flicht on the sarain maner. Fulgen-
tius wes brocht out of the feild be his freindis, in esperance of bet-
ter fortoun.
The Scottis and Pichtis, eftir this discomfitour, gaderit the resi-
dew of thair army, and returnit hame. In this unhappie battall wer
slane of Scottis, Pichtis, and Britonis, xxx thousand.
C&a]?* JFifteentfj.
Of gret cruelteis done be Severus, Emprioure, aganis the nohillis of
Britane. Of his xcer'is aganis the Scottis and Pichtis. Hoza
Anthonius reparit the Wall of Adi-iane : and of the Empriouris
He Scottis and Pichtis, brokin with this calamitie,
send in Ireland, Norway, and Denmerk, for support of
freindis, to resist the Romanis ; and Fulgentius, on the
tothir side, ceissit not to hire all pepill that he micht
get for money.
Eftir this battall, the Empriour Severus past throw all boundis
of Britane, and slew all the nobillis thairof, quhom he micht ap-
prehend ; havand miseratioun onelie on the commonis, for thay did
no offence, bot followit thair maisteris. Als sone as he had reparit
all dammagis done be necligence of febill captanis, he retournit to
York ; and left his army in thair winter schelis.
In the nixt simer, the Scottis and Pichtis, seand na support come
fra Ireland, set thaim erar to defend thair awin, than to invade thair
ennimes. Fulgentius, with the Britonis that stude at his opinioun,
in esperance of better fortoun, fled to the Scottis and Pichtis.
Sone efter, Severus, Emprioure, rasit his campe, and come be-
yonde the wall of Adriane : throw quhilk foUowit ithand incursionis,
be sindry chancis of fortoun ; sumtime the Scottis, sumtime the
Romanis victorius: for the strait montanis and mossis of the cuntre
war gret defence to the Scottis and Pichtis, fleand thairto in time of
dangeir, and invading thair ennimes quhen thay saw occasioun.
Thus war the Romanis lang taryit fra battall.
In the mene time, the Empriour fell in sic infirmite, that he was
constranit to returne hame, with Getas, his youngest son, and to
leif Anthonius, his eldest son, to governe Britane, Avith all chargis
pertenand thairto.
Anthonius, litill astonist of his ennimes, maid his residence, with
his campe, nocht far fra Tyne ; and commandit the wall of Adriane,
quhilk was than brokin down, to be beildit agane, with mony Strang
touris and bastailyeis rising in it : ilk toure na farrar fra uthir than
the sound of trumpat micht be hard. He put, als, trumpatouris in
ilk toure, that, be the sound of trumpat, the cuntre suld be warnit
to withstand thair ennimes, quhen dangeir occurrit.
Als sone as this wall was reparit with sindi'y ingine of craftismen,
Anthonius set his besines to governe the Romane army in sic maner,
that thay micht knaw him, and nocht his brothir Getas, as lord and
senyeoure above thaim. Bot Getas was sa sorrowfull, be conipas-
sioun of his faderis infirmiteis, that he tuke litil sollicitude of the
empire ; and seand his fader incres ilk day with mair pine, he solis-
tit the medcinaris to haist his fader to the deith. Quhill at last his
fadir, the Emprioure, brokin mair with dolour than ony lang yeris,
deceissit; maist vailyeant Emprioure in gloreof merciall dedes, that
was afore his dayis.
How Anthonius slew his hrothir Getas, to make himself Empriour.
How Scotland tulce the Ja'ilh of Crist, and cunye'it money. Of
mony noh'ill Clerliis in sindry partis of the Warld, and of King
Donaldis deith.
EvERUs deceisslt on this wise, Anthonius, his eldest
Sonne, solistit the capitanis of Roniane army to give
onely the empire to him, that he micht succede but ony
colleig. Howbeit he culd nocht purches the samin;
for thay had baith him and his bruthir in equall afFectioun and ho-
Anthonius, frustrat of his desiris, maid confideratioun with Scottis,
Pichtis, and remanent Briionis of Fulgentius opinioun; sine re-
turnit to his moder and brother at London. The moder, desiring
to bring hir sonnis to concord, tuke freindis to intercommone on
thir debaitis : and efter that scho had aggreit thaim, mair be vio-
lence than ony gud luf, scho devidit the empire, with equal honouris,
betwix thaim; and departit out of Britane to Home : berand with
hir the powder of thair fader, in ane goldin poke, with mony aro-
matik odouris. Efter thair cumming to Kome, Anthonius, impa-
cient to have ane fallow equall to him in dominioun, slew his bro-
thir Getas in presence of his moder ; and succedit, be his slauchter,
to the haill empire. Bot we will returne to our history.
Quhen Donald had reparit all faltis in his realme, and brocht the
samin in better estait, he passit the remanent of his dayis in gud
peace, be inspiratioun of Crist, our Salviour, Prince, and Lord of
peace. For in the time of the said Severus, Emprioure, King Donald
send his oratouris to Sanct Victore, the xv Paip fra Sanct Petir,
and purchest certane devoit and religius personis to cum in Scot-
land, to instruct him, his wif and barnis, in the Cristin faith ; and
to geif thaim the sacrament of baptisme. Than King Donald res-
savit the Cristin faith, and all the Scottis on the same maner. The
yeir that Scottis tuke the faith of Crist, our Salvioure, God and
Man, was fra his incarnatioun cciii yeris ; fra the beginning of the
realme of Scotland, d.xxxiii yeris; fra the beginning of the warld,
v.M.cccxcix yeris. And thocht the Britonis tuke the faith of Crist
afore us, yit thair has bene ay ane braid diflFerence betwix us and
thaim : for efter that thay tuke the faith, thay have sindry times
left the samin, be persecutioun of Gentilis ; bot we bene evir sicker,
but ony roust of heresy, sen oure first beginning thairin, to thir
King Donald was the first King of Scottis that prentit ane penny
of gold or silver. On the ta side of this money was prentit ane
croce, and his face on the tothir. The Scottis usit na money, bot
marchandice, quhen thay interchangeit with Britonis and Romanis,
afore thir dayis ; except it war money of the said Romanis or Bri-
tonis : as may be previt be sindry auld hurdis and treasouris, found
in divers partis of Scotland, with uncouth cunye. For in the yeir
of God M.Dxix yeris, in FifFe, nocht far fra Levin, war certane
penneis found, in ane brasin veschell, with uncouth cunye : sum of
thaim war prentit with doubill visage of Janus; otheris with the
stam of ane schip ; otheris had the figure of Mars, Venus, Mercu-
rius, and siclike idolis ; on otheris war prentit Romulus and Remus
sowkand ane wolf; and on the tothir side war prentit S.P.Q.R.,
quhilk signify is, Senatus pop ul usque Romanus ; that is to say, the
senat and pepil of Rome. Siclike, in Murray-land, beside the see,
in the ground of ane auld castell, the yeir of God m.cccclx yeris,
was found ane veschell of merbill, full of uncouth money ; on quhilkis
war prentit the image of ane ganar fechtand with edderis : this ves-
chell of merbill was in na les admiratioun to the pepill than the un-
couth cunye. Be thir exempillis may be provin that uncouth mo-
ney hes bene amang us.
At last King Donald, richt illuster in civill and religious werkis,
deceissit, the xxi yeir of his regne ; and wes buryit be religious men
and preistis in ane kirk, efter the maner of Cristin princis, with de-
voit cerimonyis. His regne come to the time of Alexander Seve-
rus, Romane Emprioure.
In the time of King Donald war mony nobill clerkis ; as, Ulpia-
nus, the floure of legistis in his dayis ; Origenes, ane singular man
of piete and doctrine, with sa properant ingine, that he wald dite
fastar than sevin practicianis micht suffice to write. This Origenes
wes after brocht out of Antiochia, be instance of Mammea, moder
to Alexander, Emprioure; and turnit hir efter to the Crislin faith;
throw quhilk tlie Empriour began, nocht allanerly to favoure the
Cristin pepill, bot als inhibit ony persecutioun to be maid on thaim;
and kepit the crucifix in the maist secret partis of his chalmer. In
the samin time was Plotinus, with mony othir clerkis of singular
eruditioun, sum Gentilis, and sum of thaim Cristin pepill. This
was the first time that the Scottis began to leir theologe and haly
writ, be clerkis quhilkis war send be Victor, the Pape, for thair
eruditioun, in Albion.
Of King Etiiodius the Seciind ; and how the nobillis, Jind'mg him
unabill to gide the realme, governit the samin be thair auctorite,
in gret justice.
OiVALD deceissit in this maner, Ethodius, the secund
of that name, Sonne to Ethodius the First, was maid
king. He was nurist in the He of Man, under the wise
preceptouris thairof : howbeit, it was uncertanein quhat
maneris he wald incres, quhen he was put to liberte ; for quhen he
was declarit king, and frely deliverit of his preceptouris, he apperit
of dull ingine, mair abill to gadder riches be his insaciabill avarice,
than to governe ane realme. And becaus the nobillis persavit him of
evill governance, thay gidit the realme be thair prudent constitu-
tionis. Gude justice followit; and prudent men put in every schire,
baith to punis criminall personis, and to kepe the pepill but ony ex-
torsionis. Sic diligence was maid, that misdoaris war punist, and na
man punist bot according to the lawis. It was defendit be the samin,
to speke for ony criminall personis in jugement; and he that spake
for the said personis war reput as participant with thair crime.
Attoure, quhare ony trubill apperit be seditioun, the samin was
haistely mesit.
The Britonis levit al this time in gude peace, under tribute of
Romanis ; and durst pretend na rebellioun aganis thaim : for Seve-
rus, Emprioure, tuke sic pleggis of thaim afore his deith, that thay
war constranit to leif in peace. Siclike, the Scottis and Pichtis,
during the time of Ethodius, nothir did nor tuke injure of Romanis
nor Britonis. Quhill at last King Ethodius was slane be his gard,
the XVI yeir of his regne, becaus he was ouir mekill gevin to avari-
cious gadering.
And sa endis heir the Fift Buke of thir Croniklis.
%\it ^tj:t Mult.
Cljap* Jfirist*
Hoia Athirco was maid King of Scottis. How the nobillis conspirit
agayiis him^for his cursit tyrannyis ; and how he slew himself be
OciiT lang efter the slauchter of Ethodius,
the nobillis convenit to pubhk counsall, and
maid Athirco, sonne of Ethodius afore de-
ceissit, king: and thocht he was young, yit
lie was dispensit be the nobillis, notwithstand-
ing his age. He apperit, in the beginning of
jj his empire, prudent and gratius to his sub-
dittis; deliting in doctrine of letterit men, sic as knew the haly writ,
or the history of his progenitouris He was weill exercit in wers-
ling, and all othir corporall exercltion cuming be ingine or strenth
of body ; and sa liberal, that he tyistit the pepill to his favoure :
and yit he grew nocht in virtew as he grew in age ; for efter that
he had roung viii yeris, he become ilk day mair unplesand, and ay
the mair vicious, that he procedit in yeris ; like ane monsture, de-
generat fra al honest exercitionis ; gevin to unsaciabill avarice ; and
doing ilk thing mair be ire or dredur, than be benivolence or gud
counsal. Thus tint he, be avarice, al the freindis that he conquest
afore be his liberalite : and nocht onely was he involvit with thir
crimes, hot with all kind of corruppit vice and lust that micht make
him efFeminat ; and tuk sic delite in singaris, sportouris, and men-
stralis, that he eschamit nocht to pas in sicht of al the pepill, play-
ing on ane flute.
The nobillis thoucht unworthy to be governit be sic ane mon-
sture, that desirit erar to schaw him ane fidlar than ane virtuous
prince : and war commovit, eik, that young men, be his wikit ex-
empli, war ilk day mair drownit in lust, to the dammage of thair
commoun weill, and laik of justice; seand thair king sa involvit
with every kind of vice, that he tuke na solicitude of the governance
of his realme, bot gaif occasioun ilk day mair and mair aganis him.
Than was in Argyle ane man of gret auctorite, namit Nathalak,
quhilk had two douchteris of excellent beawte. Athirco, advertist
of thaim be his corruppit rutouris, ceissit nocht quhill he had de-
florit thaim baith ; and quhen his lust was saclat, he causit his mis-
chevous rebaldis to fulye thaim on the samin maner. Nathalak,
herand thir cruelteis done to his dochteris, seirchit his ingine be
quhat way he micht best revenge the samin : and in the mene time
he maid consolatioun to his douchteris, knawing weill thair bodyis
mair violat than thair mindis. On the morrow, he convenit his
freindis to ane counsal, and complanit hevily the defloration of his
dochteris : incontinent, all his allia and freindis ruschit to harnes,
and maid solempne votis to punis this tyrane for his demeritis. On
the morrow, mony of al the nobillis assistit to thair opinion ; and
com to Dounstafage, quhare this vicius king remanit for the time.
The nois and ratling of armit men maid na litil effray amang the
commonis, at thair first cuming : nochtheles, fra the caus wes mani-
fest of thair assemblance, the pepil gaderit fast out of all partis
to assist to thaim. Few was than in that army, that thocht nocht
baith this tyrane worthy to be degradit of auctorite, and punist to
the deith.
Athirco, advertist of this conspiration, was sa astonist, that he
wist nocht quhat was to be done : yit he gaderit the pepill, that he
micht rais for that time, and went forthwart with displayit baner ;
traisting that his nobilhs, fra his baner war displayit, suld geif
bakkis : and quhen he fand thaim htil afFrayit, and his awin cum-
pany havand him in contemptioun for his unhappy dedis, he raif of
his coit armour, and maid him with all diligence to fle in the His, to
eschew the dangeu* appering. Incontinent, the pepill, that was ar-
rayit to fecht in his opinioun, war randerit to Nathalak, becaus he
left thaim in that extreme dangeir.
Athirco, in this maner discomfist, gat ane bait to pas in the His ;
bot he was drevin agane, be contrarius windis, to the land, quhare
his ennimes war : and quhen he saw na way to eschaip, he slew him-
self, the XII yeir of his regne, in the iv yeir of Valeriane, Empriour.
This Valeriane maid ane miserabil end, howbeit he had na les ex-
perience in morall doctrine than chevelry : for he was tane be Sa-
pore. King of Pers, and his army discomfist ; and eildit in sa mise-
rabill servitude, that Sapore maid ane stule of his bak, to leip on
his hors.
How Nathalak usurpit the crown, and persexoit all tlie linnage of
Athirco xoith gret crnelteis ; and Jinalify was slane be hisjhnnliar
Thirco slane in this maner, his brothir Dooms, havand
litill confidence in the nobillis, fled with Findok, Ca-
rance, and Donald, the sonnis of Athirco, in Pentland ;
dredand to be invadit be Nathalak. And as he dred, sa
followit : for Nathalak send his traist servitouris in Pentland, baith
to sla Dooms, and thir thre sonnis of Athirco. Thir men, that war
send to this effect, slew ane man nocht unlik, in habit, visage, and
yeris, to Dooms. Nathalak, traisting Doorus, as he belevit, slane,
couvenit his nobillis to ane counsall ; and efter that he had brocht
ane buschement of armit men to fortify his desiris, he said on this
maner: " I am rejosit, gud freindis, of the recent slauchter of
" Athirco, quhilk he maid be just punitiovui on himself. Nane is,
** I beleif, amang yow, nocht knawing the motive and just occasion
" of our rebellioun aganis him. Now sail it be your part to concurre
" with me, erar to revenge the cruelteis be him done, than to suffer
" the samin proceid ony forthir. Howbeit his slauchter be schame-
" ful and odius, ye ar innocent thairof ; and hes victory but ony
" blude. The treason wrocht be this odius tyrane was na les re-
" pugnant to your singular than commoun weill : nochtheles, the
" samin is punist condignely, as he deservit, sen he was burio to
*' himself mair schamefully than we micht devise. Necessar it is
" to punis the invasour of the commoun weill ; for our eldaris pu-
" nist the treason of Durstus and Ewin, effering to thair demeritis :
" siclik, the cruelteis of Lugtak war nocht lang unpunist. Monv
" otheris wikit princis hes bene amang us, and ay put down, fra
" thay war injurius to the commoun weill. Now suld ye nocht
" only geif thankis to the Eternal God, that hes deliverit yow, youre
*' wiffis and barnis, fra tyranne of Athirco ; bot to take degeist
" advisement, be quhat way al otheris tyrannis, in times cuming,
" may be maist esalie eschcwit. Bewar, I pray yow, to suffer ony
*' of Athircois linnage to regne above yow : othirwayis ye sal be
" uterly distroyit, for the hatrent thay bere aganis yow; or ellis
" constranit to seik a new habitatioun, your guddis confiscat, and
" de in misire."
Thir wourdis movlt mony of the nobillis to his opinioun ; otheris
understude his dissait, and war richt sorrowfull that the sonnis of
Athirco suld be disherist : for thocht thay war gottin be ane wekit
fader, thay maid na offence; and sen thay war just heritouris,
outhir suld the crown be gevin to thaim or sum of thair blude, that
it micht remane haill to thaim at thair perfite age. Utheris, that
war corruppit be Nathalak, thocht expedient nane of Athircois lin-
nage to succede, for causis afore rehersit ; and declarit all his sonnis
rebellis, and ennimes to the commoun weill : syne ordanit Nathalak
to be king. The residew of the nobillis, constranit mair be force
than ony kindnes, assentit thairto.
VOL. I. 2 c
Nathalak, maid king in this raaner, tuke the aithis of fidehte fra
his nobilhs, in presence of the messe ; and went to Dounstafage.
And to stabill the realme in mair securite, he gaif his guddis, with
gret HberaHte, amang thaim that he suspeckit. And efter that he
had conquest thair benivolence, he began to do sindry thingis per-
tenand to ane gud prince. He schew, eik, how he tuke the charge
of the empire for na proffet to himself, bot onely to make the no-
billis of the realme different fra the commonis in honour and riches;
and that men of vile and obscure linnage may knaw thaimself thirllit
to servitude of the nobillis. Alwayis, sa lang as he governit the
realme in honest constitutionis, few war repugnant to him : noch-
theles, unstabill fortoun brocht all his felicite unto ane drery fine ;
for within ane schort time efter, he tuke ane Avoman be adventure,
quhilk usit to pas betwix the nobillis and Athircois sonnis; and
fand sic writingis with hir, that he understude perfitly Doorus,
quhome he traist slane, on live, with all the sonnis of Athirco :
throw quhilk he wox sa tene, that he gart drown this woman nocht
far fra the place quhare scho was takin, and kepit the writingis se-
creit, quhil he saw his time ; and finallie, slew all the nobillis quhom
he suspeckit be thir letteris.
The freindis of thir nobillis, quhilkis war slane in this wise,
ruschit haistely to harnes, to revenge thair slauchter : and sa this
Nathalak, traisting to make the crown sicker to him and his airis
be slauchter and tyranny, maid it maist unsicker.
Als sone as he understude his nobillis conspirit aganis him ; be
counsall of his familiaris, he fled in the north partis, to gader ane
army out of Murray and Ros, to dant this rebellion. At last, seand
himself frustrat of support, he turnit him to wichis, divinouris, and
spaymen, to inquire quhat suld be the end of his life ; or gif ony
dangeir war approcheand to him be occult hatrent of his familiaris.
To dres this mater with mair diligence, he send ane of his maist
tender and secreit servandis, namit Murray, to Comkill, quhare ane
crafty wiche was dwelland for that time. This Murray, efter his
cumming, demandit the wiche of every point in ordour, as he was
commandit : and scho, be craft of necromanchy, gat knawlege of all
his petitionis, and said, " The empire of King Nathalak sail have ane
" haisty and miserabill end, be ane of his maist familiaris." This
Murray, nocht content of sa general responce, prayit hir to schaw
his name in speciall, that suld sla the king : scho answerit, " Thou
" sail sla him." Than this IVIurray began to chicle Avith the wiche,
saying, " Thow can devine nocht, bot sayis as thow pleis, be flattery
" or malice. Thow sail be fals ; for I sail refuse na kind of deith,
*' or I attempt sa odius cruelte."
This Murray, havand na othir answer, was richt astonist, and maid
him to return to the king. Yit afore his cuming to the king, he
changit purpos ; oft revolving in his mind quhat dangeir micht fol-
low, gif he revelit the answer, as the wiche schew, to the king ; oft
musand the gud and the evil thairof, and knawing weill in quhat
dangeir he stude, gif the king tuke ony suspitioun of him. Efter
lang musing, he was fullely resolvit erar to sla the king, as tlie Aviche
schew, than ay to leif in dangeir of his life. At last, quhen he was
cumin to the kingis secrete chalmer allone with the king, he began,
be lang circumstance, to schaw the wounderful slichtis and opera-
tioun of this wiche. In the mene time, the king was sa trublit be
flux of Avambe, that he Avas constranit haistely to pas to his eis.
Als sone as this INIurray saAv the king at quiet, he pullit furth his
dageir, and drave the king to the hart, suspeckand na thing les than
sic treason, and kest his body doAvn in the closet ; sine stall aAvay be
ane private postrome, and Avas the first man that schew the deith of
the king to his conspiratoviris.
This end maid Nathalak, the xr yeir of his regne; fra the incar-
natioun, cc.lii yeris : in the time of Gahenus, the maist febil Em-
priour that was afore him ; for in his time, xxx tyrannis iuA^adit the
commoun Aveill of Rome Avith gret afflictionis, but ony resistance in
the contrar.
Of King Fyndok ; and hozc he dantii the lUs, and was slane he twa
men thairqf.
Athalak, the tyrane, slane on this maner, the nobillis
send this IMurray in Pentland, to bring the thre sonnis
of Athirco to Dounstafage ; and the eldest of thaim,
namit Fyndok, ane lusty and vailyeant prince, was
maid king. He kepit gud peace with his nichtbouris, the Romanis
and Britonis ; and conquest freindis mair be benivolence, than ony
feir of minassing. Bot, as oft fallis amang us, lang peace intertenit
with uncouth pepill, generis civill contention! s amang ourself.
Donald of the His, to revenge the slauchter of Nathalak, come
with ane gret power in ]\Iurray and Ros, to the gret heirschippis
and slauchter of the pepill ; becaus thay favorit the slaaris of Na-
thalak, his freind. Fyndok, to punis thir attemptatis, come haistely
in the His, and faucht with Donald, and put him to flicht. Donald,
discomflst in this maner, fled to the sees, quhare he fand ane bait ;
and enterit with sic multitude of folkis, that scho sank within ane
mile to land, and all the pepil in hir perist. Howbeit the men of the
His war brokin be this chance of battal, thay ceissit nocht fra thair
undantit malice ; bot chesit Donald, quhilk was sonne to Donald
afore perist, to be thair capitane ; and invadit the cuntre Avith mair
trubil than afore.
Fyndok, to punis thir conspiratouris, returnit in the His, and slew
all that war apprehendit of thair opinioun ; syne kest down the
strenthis of the cuntre, that na refuge sail rem ane at thair return-
ing. Donald, afore the kingis cuming, fled in Ireland ; and efter
the kingis departing, returnit in the His : and seand the cuntre heryit,
and his freindis slane, he kest him to do the thing be slicht, that he
micht nocht do be force ; and send ane messingeir, as he had bene
penitent of all offence, to Fyndok, and desirit grace. The king,
movit of piete, condiscendit to thir desiris : sa the said Donald
come, with the principal movaris of this rebellion, but wappinnis,
to Dounstafage, to underly his will.
Donald, nocht content to have peace in this maner, chesit erar to
underly the chance of fortoun, than the kingis will : and thairfore,
to complet the treasonabil purpos be him devisit, he send two men
of subtile ingine to Dounstafage, to await sum ganand time to sla
the king. Thir two men fenyeit thaim gentillmen of the His, and
ennimes to Donald : and at thair first cumming, thay gat litill cre-
dence ; bot at last, be menis of Carance, the kingis brothir, thay
war admittit to the kingis presence, and maid sa familiar, that thay
war deput be the king to sit baith on his privat and pviblik materis.
At last, qvihen thay persavit Carance set in slauchter of the king,
to conques the crown, thay opinnit thair mind to him ; and he na
thing suspendit thair purpos, bot with large promes tyistit thaim
mair to the samin.
Within schort time efter, the king went to ane hunting, beside
Dounstafage, to sla ane wolf; and sat down on ane mote, nocht
knawing how thir limmaris war set for his slauchter. At last,
quhen the faid had brocht in the wolf afore the houndis, the skry
arals, and ilk man went to his gam. Thus wes the king left his
alone, but ony cumpany except thir two His men. Than ane of
thaim began to hald the king in talk, quhill the tothir tratourusly
come behind him, and drave him throw the body with ane hounting
staffe. Als sone as thir tratouris had slane the king, thay left the
staf stikand throw his body. The huntaris returning fra thair game,
and finding the king slane, folloAvit sa fast on his slaaris, that thay
war baith takin, and demandit, be scharp punitioun, for quhat oc-
casioun thay slew the king. Thir tratouris, with spreit litill affrajdt,
confessit pertly the crime, schawing how thay war instruckit be
Donald of the His, and Carance, to sla the king. And qvihen thay
had discoverit the treason, as said is, thay war baith put to maist
terribill deith.
King Fyndok was slane, the x yeir of his regne, quhilk was in the
time of Floriane, Empriour. His body was buryit efter the use of
Cristin princes, with gret lament of pepil, in ane riche sepulture,
nocht far fra Dounstafage.
HotO Carance teas hanlst for Ms hrotke?-is slauchtei' ; and Donald
the Secund maid King. Of his deith ; and qfsindry nohill ClerMs.
Arance, the secund sonne of Athirco, herancl the trea-
son sa manifestly confessit be the slaaris of Fyndok, fled
in Italy, quhair he wan gret fame and honouris in the
weris of Dioclesiane and Aurelius, Empriouris : as we
sail eftir schaw. Fyndok, slane in this maner, his brothir Donald,
the secund of that name, and thrid sonne to Athirco, Aves maid
king. This prince Aves takand avisement of his nobillis, be quhat
maner he micht maist esalie revenge the slauchter of his brothir Fyn-
dok : quhen suddanlie come tithingis, that the said Donald of the
His wes cumin in Ros, and invading the pepil thairof with heir-
schippis and cruelteis.
King Donald movit for thir attemptatis, come haistelie in Mur-
ray with ane certane chosin men : and commandit be generall pro-
clamatioun, under pane of deith, al fensabill men to follow him, but
ony tary. At his cumin in Murray, becaus he wes bot ane few now-
mer, he partit his army at ane gret strenth, to abide the cuming of
the remanent army.
Donald of the His seing the king of small power, tuke purpos to
jeopcrd him to the chance of fortoun : and, but more tary, he come
with sa scharp battall on the king, that the king micht nocht use his
ordinance of bowis and speris, bot constranit haistelie to fecht with
swerdis. Followit, ane terribill and scharp bargane. Quhil at last,
King Donald, ouirset with gret multitude of pepill fechtand aganis
him, wes tane, with mm men of his army, and in thousand slane.
King Donald finalie tuke sic malancoly, that he deceissit ; the thrid
day eftir that he wes tane, in the first yeir of his regne.
In thir dayis wer mony clerkis of singulare eruditioun : as, Quin-
tus Tertulianus, that Avrait mekil aganis the errouris of Gentilis :
Pylocratis, Bischop of Ephesei ; in quhais time wes gret contentioun
concerning the cerimonis of Pasche : Cipriane, oratoure, quhilk re-
nuncit the errouris of gentilis, and become Cristin ; and eftir, wrait
sindry bukis for the eruditioun of Cristin pepill.
How mony holy men rear martyritfor the faith of Crist. Hoio Do-
nald of the His, the thrid of that name, usurpit the Crozvn, and
was slane he Craithlint.
He Cristin faith sufferit gret persecutioun at this time.
Mony haly men and wemen martyrit : as, Cipriane,
ip Sextus, Laurence, Hipohtus, Barbara, Ceciha, Agatha,
with mony otheris, throw tyrany of Decius, Empriour.
And in this time the Scottis began to be richt profound in theologie
and haly writ, be doctrine of certane monkis quhilkis wer callit, in
thay day is, Culdei ; that is to say, the honoraris of God : for tlian
al priestis that honorit God war callit Culdei. Thir prestis, be ge-
neral vocis, chesit ane bischop, to have auctorite and jurisdiction
above thaim ; and he wes callit the Bischop of Scotland. Bot we
will return to our historic.
Eftir deith of King Donald, gret truble followit in the realme ;
for Donald of the His had sa mony nobillis tane in this last battall,
and held thaim in sic captivite, that nothir thay, nor thair freindis,
durst attempt ony thing aganis his desu'is : throw quhilk he tuke
the crown, and nocht onlie habandonit all the cuntre, bot thirllit the
nobillis to his assistance. Howbeit, thay lay ay in wait to sla him,
quhen time and place micht appeir. Donald, knawin thair hatrent
aganis him, tuke sic feir of his life, that he gaif na man credit ; bot,
as the use of tyrannis is, had every man in suspitioun and dredour.
Thus grew he, ilk day, more terribill and odius to his pepill, and
governit the realme with na better yeil than he gat it. At last, his
dredour procedit sa far, that he durst cum in na opin place but gard
of armit men about him, with halbertis and axis ; and inhibit, that
ony othir man beir wappinnis saiffing his awin gard. Finalie, he
culd nocht be satlfyit in his minde, quhill he had slane all thaim
that he suspeckit, and confiscat thair guddis, in favour of thame that
assistit to him ; intending, as ane bludy monstoure, to conserve the
crown with siclike cruelte as he gat it. He slew als mony othir no-
billis, be vane causis, to promove men of vile and obscure linnage to
riches and honouris, but ony sicht to virtew : and rejosit in na thing
sa mekill as to gener frequent seditionis amang his subdittis ; traist-
ing, be thair seditioun, to have felicite ; and, be thair concord, to
have trubill in his crown.
It wes said, this ci'uell tyrane Icuch nevir bot quhen he hard dis-
cord and slauchter of his nobillis : and als sone as he hard the same,
he confiscat all thair guddis, but ony sicht to wrang or reason : and
said oftimes, amang his familiaris, Na sicht micht be mair plesand to
him, than to se men murdir othir ; attour, the slauchter of nobillis
and riche men ar richt necessar to the tranquillite of all realmes, be-
caus thay ar ennimes baith to the king and commoun weil.
And quhen this tyrane had roung xii yeris in maist cruelte above
the pepill, but ony titill, he come to Enverlochte, with purpos to
pas in the Ihs ; bot he wes slane, the first nicht he come thair, be
Craithlint, sonne to King Fyndok, afore reheirsit, the xii 3^eir of his
regne. Craithlint, eftir the slauchter of this tyrane, schew to the
nobillis how he had put doun the tyrane, Donald of the His : restit,
thairfore, ganand occasioun to revenge the gret oppression and cruel-
teis done so mony yeris be his unhappy counsalouris. The nobillis,
glaid of this tyrannis slauchter, ruschit haistely to harnes, and slew,
that samin nicht, cc of the principall assistaris to his opinioun, and
the remanent chasit in Athole ; quhilkis wer all slane sone eftir, be
the pepill, quhen thay wer advertist of Donaldis slauchter.
Of King CraitJilhit ; and hoxv the Scott'is and PicMsfell in conten-
tioun be t hair hunting, andfaiicht with gret slauchter on all sidis.
O XALD, the tvrane, slane in this maner, the crown wes
restorit to the blude of Athirco ; for Craitlilint, son to
Findok, becaus he slew this last tyrane sa vailyeantlie,
^ ^ "^^ "^aid king. Craithlint, glaid of this feliche, gaif
thankis to his subdittis; and detestit, belang orison afore the coun-
sal, the tyrany of Donald of the His, usurpar of the crown, but ony
titill ; apd giding the samin with treason, falset, reif, and slauchter
of nobiUis : and exhortit the pepill, sen this tyrane, be his prudence,
wes distroyit, to rejose, and to suffir nane of the said Donaldis blude
on live, in aventure thay nuris sic displesour to thaimself, be thair
non advertence, as sum time did King Donald, fechtand unwarly
with the said Donald of the His : quhairthrow, the nobilite of Scot-
land was oppressit xii yeris with sic tyrannyis, that na man micht
resist the samin. And for thir reasonis, he desirit thaim to assist to
him to repare all oppressionis done be cruelte of the said Donald of
the Ihs : quhilk thingis beand done, all materis micht succede, within
schort time, as thay desirit.
The nobillis, na les movit be his excellent beawte, and lustines of
person, than be his wordis, swore to take his part in al materis
Nocht lang efter, al the linnage of Donald His was socht in aU partis
and slane, but ony difference of thair estait. '
Sic thingis done, Craithlint chesit wise and prudent men to do
justice throw al boundis of his realme ; syne past, with ane certane
his nobilhs, to the montanis of Granyebene, to pas his time in hunt-
ing. In the mene time, come to him, the ambassatouris of Thelar-
gus King of Pichtis, schawing him rejosit, that the tyrane Donald
of the Ihs was slane, and the crown restorit to the native blude •
and desirit, thairfore, the auld band of peace to be renewit, for the
VOL. I. 2d
Weill of baith thair realmes. Thir deslris war plesandly grantit, and
the ambassatouris honorably depeschit.
Nocht lang efter, certane nobillis of Pichtis come to hunt with the
king in Granyebene. The Pichtis, in thair hunting, stentit Strang
nettis on lesuris and medois, and drave the hertis apone the nettis
with thair hunlis : and quhen the beistis escliapit, thay cloithit thaim
with branchis and levis of treis, like stalkaris ; sine slew the deir
with braid aiTowis and dartis, quhen thay war lyand wery. The
Scottis, na thing content of this game, becaus it was contrar thair
lawis ; gart remove thair nettis, and hunt on thair maner, takand the
pray be swift houndis allanerly. The Pichtis, seand thair houndis
of les reputatioun than the Scottis, baith in bewte, swiftnes, lang
renk, and hardiment ; desirit ane certane of every kind of houndis
to be gevin to thaim, that the samin micht be bred amang thaimself.
And quhen thay had gottin every kind thairof gevin to thaim, as
thay desirit, thay stale ane certane houndis, and Avent hame with
the samin, but ony advise of Scottis. Amang thir houndis tane, as
said is, be thir Pichtis, was ane quhite hound, plesand, and mair
spedy than ony othir, quhom Craithlint had in maist delite. The
maister of huntis, astonist throw the wanting of this hound, follow-
it sa scharply, that he fand the samin ; and was sa fervent in reco-
vering thairof, that he was finaly slane.
The skry arrais efter this slauchter, and maid the nobillis and
commonis of Scotland to returne in maist fury to revenge the same
The Pichtis, on the samin maner, gaderit on the tothir side, with
na les fury to resist : throw quhilk followit ane haisty and mische-
vus battall, Avith gret slauchter on ilk side ; nane of thaim knawing
the motive nor occasion thairof. In this unhappy bergane wer slane,
Lx Scottis gentilmen, with gret nowmer of commonis ; and of Pichtis
mo than ane hundreth.
The fame of this unhappy battall, divulgat in the cuntre, movit
the freindis of thaim that war slane, to seik vengeance Avith mair
hatrent than afore. Thus gaderit thay agane on al sidis, and faucht,
but capitane, baner, or ordour of chevelry, neir to the uter distrac-
tion of thaim baith. Alwayis the Scottis war discomfist, mmm of
thaim slane, and mm Pichtis.
Be this slauchter, thir two pepill, that -was sa lang confiderat to-
gidder, fra the time of Fergus, the first King of Scottis, to thir
dayis, ay rising under ane blude, amite and kindnes ; grew in maist
hatrent aganis otheris, for ane sponk of small occasioun of unkind-
nes ; throw quhilk nane of thame apperit to ceis fra uter extreminion
of othir. Followit, sa mony bludy incursionis, day and nicht, that
na houssis, nor respect of age, micht be defence or refuge contrar
thair cruelte and slauchter on athir side.
Hoii) Carance, brothtr to FindoJc, returnit out of Italy ^ xvith gret
riches, in Albion, How he conquest Westmureland, and maid
peace hetioix Scottis and Pichtis.
Helargcs, King of Pichtis, richt agit, and nere con-
sumit be yeris, was sorowfull for this contention falling
betwix the two pepill sa lang confiderat, cumin be sud-
] dane pertinacite of undantit personis : and send his ora-
touris to Craithlint, schawand him na les displesit for the slauchter
and trubill falling to Scottis, than to his awin pepil ; for the same
tendit to the dammage of baith thair commoun welis : attoure, na
crime micht be impute to him; for he nevir consentit thairto. And
sen the said trubill was cumin mair be privat than publict auctorite,
he thoucht that pepill sa lang confiderat, suld put end to thair weris,
and have peace with othir : for, gif thay perseverit with ire and hatrent
aganis othir, nocht sal follow bot uter ruine of baith thair realmes,
and the samin to fall in pray to Romanis. Forthir, he was reddy
to repair al offence and injuris done be his pepil to Scottis; and de-
sirit to have peace, that baith the pepil micht erar returne to con-
cord, for defence of thair realmes, than to Derseveir in battallis, to
the finall eversion of thaim baith.
The Scottis war sa impacient for the recent slauchter maid on thaim
be Pichtis, that thir oratouris micht skarsly parches licence to schaw
thair message. Nochtheles, thay gat finaly presence, and schew thair
desiris to Craithlint, in maner afore rehersit.
It was answerit be King Craithlint, that na thing micht cum sa
displesand to him, as suddane trubill falling amang thay pepil,
quhilkis hes bene so lang confiderat togidder in amite and blude.
And thoucht peace war mair plesand to his pepill than battall, yit,
the recent slauchter is sa deip ingravin in thair breistis, that thay
refuse to gif peace. Nochtwithstanding, he wald gif, of his awin
auctorite, thre monethis trewis; that the nobiUis of baith thair realmis
may be profoundly resolvit to pas and repas, to decerne quhat is to
be done.
The trewis, tane in this maner, war plesant to the King of Pichtis,
beleving ihairthrow to put ane end to thir debaittis, and to all dis-
plesouris following be the same. Yit, nochtwithstanding thir trewis,
sindry incursionis war maid on athir side.
Quhill sic thingis occurrit betwix Scottis and Pichtis, Carance, the
secund brothir to Findok, quhome Ave schew banist afore for his
slauchter, wan gret honouris in Italy. This Carance, efter his pro-
scripption, was ane man of armis in the Romane weris, howbeit nane
knew his nobil blude ; and Avan sic fame be his manlieid and proues,
that na capitane was repute mair worthy to haif chargis be the Em-
Nocht long efter this, Carance was send be Dioclesiane, Empriour,
with ane flote of schippis, to defende the costis of Normandy and
Picardy fra injure of Saxonis, Franchemen, and othir pirattis,
quhilkis invadit the samin with frequent injuris. At his cuming,
he wald nocht jeopard him aganis his ennimes, quhil thay war ladin
ful of riches and guddis ; to that fine, that fra the pray war tane, he
micht be enrichit thairwith. Yit, becaus he nothir deliverit the
pray thairof to the Empriour nor his capitanis, he was haldin sus-
pect, and persewit to the deith. Als sone as Carance understude
the Empriour movit with sic hatrent aganis him, he pullit up sahs,
and come, with his weirmen and riches, be the Ireland seis, in West-
raureland, ane part of Britane nocht far fra the landis of Scottis and
Pichtis, traisting to have sum rescours of thaim aganis the Romanis.
Sone efter, he set his army on land, and Avith smal difficulte gat all
the pepil thairof randerit to him. Sic thingis done, he send his ora-
touris to Craithlint, his nepot, schawand, thoucht he was banist for
suspitioun of the slauchter of his brothir Findok, be invy of wikit
personis, and brocht in gret misery and trubii thairthrow ; yit he
was innocent thairof, and had governit him sa wisly, efter sindry
chargis gevin to him be the Empriour, that he was send with ane
flote of schippis to pecify the occiane seis ; and, be the samin, hes
won gret honour and riches. Yit, becaiis the Empriour was movit
aganis him be invy of detractouris, he was cuming Avith sic army
and riches in Westmureland, that he hes broclit the inhabitantis
thairof to his opinion. Thus had he ferme esperance, gif the Scottis
and Pichtis wald concur with him, to ding the Romanis out of Al-
bion : for the power of Romanis was daily wastit in Britane ; and
sa gret rebellion maid aganis thaim in all partis, that thay micht
send na support in Britane. Thus micht the Scottis and Pichtis
have ane ganand time to ding the Romanis out of Britane, and to
kepe him, thair native blude, in the empire thairof; swa thay wald
remove all hatrent and sedition risin amang thaim, and have peace
with othir.
Craithlint thocht the kindnes of his eme Carance nocht to be re-
fusit, seand him cuming in Britane with sa gret pissance, and reddy
to support him in all dangeris ; and thairfore answerit to thir era-
touris, that he, mony yeris gone, had foryet all offence, gif ony was
maid to his fader, and rejosit nocht htill of the present felicite fall-
ing to his eme Carance ; and wald fulfil his desiris, sa far as he micht,
at al pointis, aganis the Britonis, gif he micht have peace of Pichtis.
And thocht he micht have nane, he suld send in his support, ane
cumpany of chosin men ; bot his self behuvit to abide at hame, for
defence of his realme aganis the said Pichtis.
Carance, glaid of this answer, stuffit al the strenthis of Westmure-
land ; and come, with ane cumpany of weill accuterit men, to the
wattir of Esk, nocht far fra the wall of Adriane, quhare he met
Craithhnt, and fell on kneis at his first meting ; declaring him, be
mony evident reasonis, innocent of Findokis slauchter : and desirit
the king to have him in na suspitioun ; for thocht he was bannist,
be invy and hatrent, among uncouth pepell, yit he behavit himself
in sic maner, that he wes returnit in Albion, baith to the honour of
himself and his freindis. Craithhnt embrassit his eme Carance maist
tenderly, and prayit him to stand gud freinde, as he suld do to him ;
and to leif na thing of his purpose, sen gret lionour and profFet, gif
fortoun war propiciant, micht succede be the samin : and promittit,
gif the Piclitis weris war nocht impediment to him, he suld nocht
faill to support him with his uter pissance. Carance, rejosing of the
kingis benivoience, said, he had sufficient army to expell the Ro-
maiiis out of Britane, and to transfer the crown thairof in the lin-
nage of Scottis, gif Scottis and Pichtis wald assist to him.
Finaly, be prudent industry of Carance, baith thir two kingis war
brocht togidder, accumpanyit with ane few nowmer on ilk sid. And
to bring thaim to the mair sicker concord, Carance began to remem-
bir thaim, how the auld affinite betwix thaim was commodius : be
contrar the violatioun thairof, full of dammage to thaim baith. And
rememberit thaim of thair frequent chevelryis, sa lang continewing
aganis the fury of Romanis and Britonis, in defence of thair realmis
and liberteis, with sic amite and kindnes, that injuris done to ony
ane of thaim war repute equale to thame baith. For thir reasonis, it
was necessar to thaim othir to haif peace with othir for thair com-
moun Weill, or ellis to perseveir in battall, to the distruction of thaim
baith. Be thir and siclike wourdis, the two kingis war persuadit to
haif peace, and to repair injuris on athir side.
Sone efter, viii newtral personis, of gret prudence, war chosin
with baith thair consentis, be quhome the peace was finaly roborat,
and al injuris plesandly redressit.
Hoxo Carance, be support of Scottls and PicJitis, slew Bassiane,
Capitane of Britane, and hike the croicii thairqf; and of his deith.
And how the crown of Britane was restorit to Romanis.
OcHT lang eftir, Quintus Bassianus, capitane of Britane,
rasit his camp to invade the said Carance : for he was
cummin to York with thre gret buschementis of Scottis,
Pichtis, and otheris, his freindis, and gottin the samin
randerit to him but ony offence of the inhabitantis. Bassianus,
nochtwithstanding the frequent rebelhon maid aganis the Romanis
in all partis, yit, to revenge the attemptatis done be Carance, rasit
his army, and parkit the samin within the nicht, betwix two mossis,
on ane strait ground. Carance, nocht x mills fra him, and well ad-
vertist of his doingis, come forthwart in the samin maner to gif him
battall. On the morrow, Bassianus arrayit his folkis, and exhortit
thaim to remembir how thay war to fecht for defence of equite aganis
certanefals conspiratouris; specially aganis the treasonabil murdresar,
Carance, maist odius creatour to God for his detestabil offence. And
forthir, prayit thaim to have respect to the Romane virtew, quhilk
hes ben ay of sa gret estimatioun, baith afore immortall goddis and
men ; that thay micht have, be reward of victory, nocht only infinite
riches, bot perpetuall loving be thair posterite.
On this othir side, Carance was na les diligent, exhorting his army
to battal : saing, Thair ennimes had gret disavantage to fecht mth
thaim, becaus the maist part of thame wer Britonis, havand na les
hatrent aganis Romanis than he hes, and wald leif thame quhen thay
saw ony dangeir occurring : and thairfore, victory wes present in
thair handis, gif thay, with manheid and prudence, fershe ruschit on
thair ennimes.
Als sone as baith the armyis, be blast of trumpat, junit, the Bri-
tonis left the Romanis, and went, as thay had bene fleand, in gud
array to the nixt hill. The Romanis, seing thair sidis nakit be
fleing of Britonis, wer astonist, and more mindfull of thair singular
Weill, than ony glore of victory. Finalie, tliay wer sa dejcckit of
thair curage, that thay wer put to flicht : on quhom followit Carance,
with all his army, in maist hatrent ; and slew thame ay, quhare thay
wer tane,but ony miseratioun. Carance, seand sa huge slauchter maid
be the chace, callit his folkis, be sound of trumpat, to the standart.
In this battall wer slane, Quintus Bassianus, capitane of Britane,
and Hircius, procuratour, with mony othir nobillis and commonis
of thair blude. The residew of Britonis, quhilkis wer eschapit fra
diis battall, wer randerit to Carance ; and gaif pledgis of the noblest
that wer in thair realme, nocht within xx yeris, nor above i.x yeris,
to be his trew subdittis in times cuming. Als sone as the praye of
guddis faUing be chance of battall wes devidit amang the victorius
pepill, Carance past to London : quhair he wes rcssavit with gret
reverence, and tuke the sceptour and diademe of Britane, contrar
the empire of Romanis. Eftir that, it wes maid tributar to Julius,
cccxLvi yeris.
Carance, crownit in this maner, held mm Scottis and Pichtis con-
tinev>^ally about him, in maner of ane gard. The remanent Scottis
and Pichtis returnit hame, richit with the spulye of this last battall.
Than Carance, in more princely reward of thair laubouris, gaif all
the landis lyand betwix the wall of Adriane and Yorke, namit West-
mureland and Cumber, to thair perpetuall dominioun. And throAv
this liberahte, he come in gret hatrent, baith to llomanis and Bri-
tonis. And howbeit he wes oftimes assailyeit be thaim with scharp
battallis, yit he wes victorius at all jornays, and brukit the crown of
Britane be crafty prudence ; quhil at last he wes slane, the vii yeir
of his regne, be Alectus, Romane capitane. This Alectus, eftir the
slauchter of Carance, set his extreme besines, to bring the Britonis
agane to Romane lawis. And quhen he saw thay micht na wayis
be brocht thairto, for the cruell hatrent thay had aganis Romanis,
he maid laubouris to have thair benivolence, and finalie applaudit
to thair opinioun, and tuk the crown of Britane contrar the auctorite
of Romanis. And yit he rang with na better fortoun than did Ca-
rance ; for he wes slane in the samin maner, be Asclepiadotus, the
thrid yeir of his regne : eftir quhais deith, the crown of Britane wes
restorit, as it wes afore, to the Romanis.
Ofgret crnelte done he Diocleslan, Empr'ioiire, aganis Cristin pe-
pilL Hozo Coell vhicust the Romanis, and conquest the crown of
Britonis. How he was alliat with Constantius, Empriour ; and
of the nativite ofgret Constantine.
loCLESiANE, Emprioure at this time, be vassalage of
Constantius, Maximianus, and Galerius, dantit the
warld Avith sindry chances of battall, and wes the first
Romane Emprioure that wes adorit with kingly reve-
rence ; lor, afore thay day is, the Emprioure usit nocht hot saluta^-
tionis. This Emprioure causit riche perle and precious stanis to be
set in his schone, in mair taikin of insolence than ony ornament.
Afore that time, wes na difference betwix Empriouris and uthir pe-
pil, except the rob rial. This Dioclesiane wes sa odious and bludy
tyrane, that xvii.m men and wemen wer martyrit be him, for de-
fence of Cristin faith. This cruelte nocht onlie enrao-it in the eist
and west partis of the warld, bot als in Britane. And, above thir
cruelteis, infinite nowmer of thame wer condampnit to the galionis,
winning of qucrrellis and minis. Be him also wer brint, innoumera-
ble bukis of Cristin faith, contenand the evangelUs of Crist, -with
the actis and epistillis of his appostollis ; traisting thairthrow, that
the faith of Crist suld all uterlie expire. Throw quhilk, the Cris-
tin faith, ouirthrawin with new scurgis and perseverand cruelte, wes
neir perist. Mony haly and relligious men, for feir of thir cruelteis,
fled in desertis and elraige placis ; quhair thay wer exonerit of all
truble, and leiffit ane haly life.
This dispitfull tyrane, Dioclesiane, eftir sindry his triumphis maid
in Rome, for victoryis of divers pepill of the warld, wes trublit, be
punition of God, with mony uncouth infirmiteis, and for slauchter
of sa mony innocent pepill. He become furious at Salonas, and
slew himself be drink of vennome, the xx yeir of his regne ; to be
VOL. I. 2 E
exampill, that na man put confidence of felicite and eternall live in
vane favoui- and assentatioun of pepil. Quhil sic thingis wer done
be Dioclesian, Coel, discending of the anciant and nobill blude of
Britonis, wes sohstit be thaim to rebel aganis the Romanis. Ascle-
piadotus, advertist heirof, met him with the army of Romanis, and
othir that stude at his opinioun. Followit, ane aufull and dangerus
battall, lang fochtin with dovitsum victory : bot at last the Romanis
wer discomfist, and Asclepiadotus, thair capitane, slane.
Coel, eftir this victory, wes maid king : and to stabill the realme
to him in sicker peace, he commandit, be generall edict, all Romanis,
and otheris of thair opinioun, to be slane, quhare ever thay micht be
apprehendit. Constantius, Emprioure, to meit this rebellioun, come
in Britane with mony Romane legionis. Aganis quhome went King
Coel, with ane army of Britonis, to defend his realme and liberte :
nochtheles, he wes vincust, and his army put to flicht. On the mor-
row, Constantius wes informit be the Britonis, that King Coel wes
native prince of Britane, and discending be lang progressioun of the
blude riall thairof : and thairfore, be commiseratioun, he send ane
herald to him, schawing, gif he wald be randerit, as othir Briton
kingis wer afore, to Romanis, he suld be sufFerit to remane in his
auctorite. King Coel wes this time trubillit with gret infimnite,
cumin be surfet cavild and walking, in his weris aganis the Romanis.
Constantius, heirand of his infirmite, past to mak him consolatioun.
Eftir maist tender embrasing, the said Constantius continewit King
Coell in his auctorite ; and tuke his douchter Helene, ane virgine of
maist excellent bewte, in mariage. This affinite maid Romanis and
Britonis to beleve ane finall end to al thair weris. Sic thingis done,
Constantius went to vesy the Romane strenthis in Britane ; and nocht
onlie reparit thame quhare thay wer ruinus, bot stuffit thaim with
new provisioun of men and vittallis : syne commandit the cieteyanis
of every town quhare he come, to be obeisant to King Coell during
his life, becaus he wes freind of the senat and pepill of Rome.
Schort time eftir, Constantius had ane Sonne, gottin be this new
affinite, namit Constantine ; quhilk, for his singulare manheid and
prudence, succedit, eftir his faderis deith, to the diademe imperial],
and wes the first Empriour that gaif peace to the Catholike kirk ;
and dotat it with mony riche templis, landis, and jowellis, be horta-
tioun of the haly Paip, Silvester. Bot we will returne to the marciall
dedis that Constantius did afore this time in Britane.
Constantius, eftir the deith of Dioclesiane, havand Britane, France,
and Spanye, peacifyit to his empire ; gaderit ane army to expell the
Scottis and Pichtis out of Westmureland and Cumber, quhilkis wer
gevin to thaim afore be King Carance. Eftir his cumming to York,
he wes advertist, that Scottis and Pichtis wer stronglie gaderit to
resist him. And becaus he knew thay micht not abid lang togidder,
he thocht best to brek thaim be lang tary. And, to the samin ef-
fecte, he abaid still with sindry Romanis at York, and commandit
the Britonis to pas hame, and be reddy to return quhen thay wer
chargit. Finalie, quhen he had remanit certane dayis in York, ge-
vand his extreme deligence to brek the Pichtis fra the Scottis, he
tuke sic malancholy, becaus he micht nocht bring his purpos to gude
fine, that he fel in ane hait fever, and, the vii day eftir, deceissit.
Quhais powder wes gaderit in ane goldin veschell, with mony smell-
and odouris, and brocht with funerall triumphe to Rome.
This Constantius, as we have schawin, Aves richt thankfuU to
Cristin pepil. Nochtheles, sindry Britonis, traisting him to persew
the faith of Crist with sic cruelte as Dioclesiane did afore, come in
Scotland : quhare thay wer plesandly ressavit be Craithlint, and or-
danit to raaik thair residence in the He of Man, with kirkis ereckit
to thaim in Catholik maner, for devine service. Thus wer the auld
ritis and cerimonis of Gentilis, quhilkis indurit to thay dayis, abro-
gat. The first bischop that wes amang thaim in this He, wes ane
Briton namit Amphibolus : quhilk prechit the evangellis throw all
the boundis of Scottis and Pichtis ; and nocht onlie removit al vane
superstitionis, bot laid the sickir foundement of the Cristin faith.
Craithlint, King of Scottis, dotat this kirk, be his singular devo-
tioun, with mony jowellis and precious ornamentis of gold and silver ;
and maid ane alter of copper, craftely closit with lokkis, in quhilk
wer gaderit, the rentis and malis of sindry landis, quhilkis wer gevin
be the king for sustentatioun of divine serAace. This wes the first
kirk that wes dedicat amang us in Catholik maner ; and first sait of
bischoppis callit Sodoren, howbeit the reason thairof be tint be
roust of yeris, quhilk distroyis every thing. Craithlint, passing his
time in this maner, with rehgious and civil materis, wes ane nobill
prince ; and finalie deceissit, the xxiv yeir of his regne : the first
yeir of the empire of gret Constaiitine, Empriour ; fra the incarna-
tioun, cccxxii yeris; fra the beginning of the warld, v.M.ccccxc
veris ; fra the beginning of the realme of Scottis, dclv yeris.
Cljap* Centlj*
How Fincormak ivas maul Xing of Scottis ; and Octavhis, King of
Britonis. Hotsj Heraileus, Romane Capitane, isoas slane be Oc-
tavius; and the Romanis vincust. How the Scottis and Pichtis
come in support of Octavius, and chasit Traherus in France.
RAiTHLiNT deceissit on this ^nse, succedit, his cosing,
Fincormak ; for thay wer brethir sonnis. This Fin-
cormake wes crownit in the first yere of gret Constant
tine. In quhais time rais gret trubil in Albion : for the
commonis of Britane, havand extreme hatrent aganis the tyranny of
Caius Herculeus, capitane of Britane, chesit Octavius, Prince of
Wahs, to be thair king. Caius Herculeus, to dant this rebellion,
rasit his camp aganis Octavius ; bot at last he wes slane, and his ar-
my discomfist. Octavius, traisting na thing sa gud as to use his
victory with maist rigoure, come to London ; and eftir that he had
gottin all the strenthis thairof randerit to him, he slew sindry nobill
men of Britane, for thair assistance to Romanis : syne persewit the
Romanis to the deith, quhair evu* thay micht be apprehendit.
Constantine, Empriour, to punis this rebellion, send ane vailyeant
capitane, namit Traherus, Avith mony legionis, in Britane ; be quhom
Octavius wes put to flicht, and chasit amang the Scottis. Traherus,
insolent eftir this victory, chargit Fincormak to send Octavius, the
invasour of Romane province, bound to him, to be punist for his
rebellion; uthirwayis he suld be repute ennime to the senat and
pepil of Rome. It wes answerit be Fincormak, that he resset nocht
Octavius to be injurious to Romanis; bot allanerlie, for the auld
amite betwix Scottis and Britonis. Attoure, it micht obscure his
honour and majeste to condiscend to sa manifest prodition, and ran-
dir the man to his ennimes that socht refuge at him. Forthir, gif
Traherus invadit him onehe for that cause, he suld resist the best
way he micht ; bot yit gud wer, afore he movit weir, to degeistely
avise, quhiddir Homanis hes gottin mair schame or honour, mair
profFet or skaith, in thair weris aganis Scottis in al times bygane.
Traherus, na thing satifyit be this answer, come with al his or-
dinance to York ; quhair he wes advertist that Fincormak wes
gaderit, with lx.m Scottis, Pichtis, and Britonis, in support of Oc-
tavius : nochtheles, he went forwart, quhill he come in sicht of en-
nimes. Fincormak, quhen baith the armyis wer arrayit in otheris
sicht, send ane herald, inquiring Traherus, quhat movit him, but
occasioun of injuris, to invaid the confiderat pepil, as thay wer en-
nimes to Romanis. Traherus maid litill answer thairto, bot com-
mandit the Scottis and Pichtis to pas haistely out of all landis per-
tenand to Romanis, and to pay ane yeirly tribute to thair procura-
tour, as the senat and pepill of Rome thocht expedient; and, but
ony more tary, deliver Octavius, to be punist for his conspiration :
othirwayis, thay suld have sone experience, quhat foly is to con-
tempne the empire of Romanis.
Fincormak, havand thir chargis at diffiance, come forthwart with
his army. Followit sone, ane dangerus battall. Alwayis the Ro-
manis had bene victorius, wer nocht ane multitude of landwart men
hapnit to come rinnand doun ane hil, drivand away thair bestial
fra dangeir of ennimes ; and apperit to the Romanis as thay wer
cumin on thair bakkis : and so the Romanis wer finalie discomfist.
In this battal wer slane xv.m Albianis, and xvi.m Romanis. The
chace continewit be Fincormak and Octavius on the Romanis,
quhill thay come to York ; quhair the two kingis wer plesandly res-
savit be the nobillis of Britane, and Octavius restorit to the crown
The nobillis of Britane gaif to Fincormak, for his assistance to
Octavius in the said feild, all the landis of Westmureland and Cum-
ber, with clame and kindnes thairof perpetually, and sweir nevir to
cum in the contrar thairof.
Traherus, knawing na place sicker to remane in Britane eftir this
victory, fled in France.
Hoxo Ocfavius was putjra the crown of Britane be Traherus, Ro-
mane Cap'itane. How the said Traherus was slane, and Octa-
vius restorit to the croun ; and of Fincormdk'is deith,
Hk Romanis vincust on this wise, ane counsal wes set
at York, in the quhilk the nobillis of Britane concludit
to defend thair reahne and hbertie fra injure of Ro-
manis, and to suffir na uncouth blude to beir auctorite,
in times cuming, above thaim. Attoure, it wes concludit to extend
the marchis of Britane to the wal of Adriane ; and to expell the
Scottis out of Westmureland and Cumber, nochtwithstanding the
aith and promise maid to thaim afore.
Quhil sic thingis wer done in Britane, Octavius come, with x.m
Britonis, on the Scottis and Pichtis dweUing in Westmurland ; bot
at last he wes discomfist, and his army put to flicht.
In the mene time, Traherus, Capitane of Britane, quhilk wes
chasit, as we schew afore, in France ; returnit, with two Romane le-
gionis and xx.m wageouris, in Britane : be quhome Octavius wes
discomfist, and destitute of all support and freindis. Finalie, this
Octavius, havand na confidence in the Scottis nor Pichtis, for vio-
latioun of his faith ; come to the mouth of Humber, quhair he puUit
up salis, and went in Nori'oway.
Traherus, eftir this victory, ilk day incressit in sic pissance, that
the Britonis wer randerit to him : nottheles, he exercit gret cruel-
tes on al the nobillis and commonis of Britan ; and finalie, restorit
the crown thairof to Romane empire. And quhen he had stablit
the realme in this maner; throw corruppit insolence efter sahie feli-
cite, he become the maist vicious tyrane that evir had ony charge
afore in Britane ; and invadit the nobillis and commonis thairof with
ithand heirschippis and slauchter. Throw thir tyrannis, followit sic
rebellioun aganis him in al partis, that he wes finalie slane.
Octavius, heirand the slauchter of Traherus, returnit fra Den-
mark in Britane ; and persewit the Romanis with sic cruelte, that
na kirkis nor sanctuaryis micht be refuge to thaim : and maid distri-
butioun of his officis and auctoriteis to his freindis and nobiUis, as
he thocht maist expedient to keip his subdittis in justice, and to
defend thaim fra injure of Romanis. And thoucht seindil ar found
men but insolence, quhen thay find feUcite efter trubill ; yit Octa-
vius was alterit in sic maner, that quhare he was sumtime maist fals
and treasonabill in his werkis, he become maist faithfull and nobill
prince. And sone efter, he send ambassatouris to King Fincormak,
with sindry jowellis, desiring him to have na respect to the offence
maid be him aganis the Scottis and Pichtis in times bygane, bot to
leif in amite and freindschip with him and Britonis in times cuming :
and to haif liis sicker kindnes, he was content that Westmureland
and Cumber war perpetually annixit to the empire of Scottis and
Pichtis, on the samin maner as Carance gave thaim afore to King
CraithUnt. Mony yeris efter, Octavius governit Britane in gud jus-
tice. Quhill at last he was sa brokin with frequent weris, that he
randerit all the strenthis of his realme, to have peace with Romanis
in his eld ; and was content to pay the auld tribute.
Folio wit sicker peace mony yeris efter, amang the Scottis, Pichtis,
and Britonis in Albioun : in quhilk time, Fincormak, richt illuster
in glore of chevelry and civill materis, be lang infirmite generit of
catare, deceissit, the xlvii yeir of his regne ; fra the incarnatioun,
cccLviii yeris.
HoTdi) the heresyis of Arrius wes condavipnit. How Ireland tuJce'the
faith of Crist. How RoviaTc, Fethelmalc, and Angusiane contendit
for the crowne. Hoxio Romaic zoas maid King ; and slane efter,
for his tyranny.
Uring this time, the Cristin faith apperit to rise in
eret dignite : nochtheles, the cursit heretik Arrius be-
et o ^
gan to poison it with vennimus doctrine ; saying, Crist
was nocht the verray Sonne of God, coequall and co-
eternall to the Fader, bot different fra him in substance. Efter
degeist consultatioun, all his opinionis war condampnit in Counsall
of Nicia, with mony othir vane errouris, quhilkis I wil not rehers
at this time : for I have maid this translation mair for pleseir of
lawit men, than ony vane curius clerkis, be quhom all heresyis be-
Ireland, about this time, tuke the faith of Crist, be ane woman of
the Pichtis blude, quhilk instruckit the Quene of Ireland in the
faith ; and scho instruckit hir prince, the king : and sa within schort
time, all the regioun thairof tuke the faith. Mony othir pepill. in
the eist and west partis of the Avarld, tuke the faith in the samin
maner. Bot w-e Avill returne to our history.
Fincormak left behind him two sonnis, Eugenius, of xviii yeris
of age, and Ethodius, nocht ane yeir of age. Thir sonnis of Fin
cormak, for the lawis afore rehersit, micht nocht immediatly suc-
cede to the crown; and thairfore ane counsall was set in Argyle, to
cheis the king : quhilk day, comperit Romak, Fethehnak, and An-
gusiane, contending for the crown ; for thay war nepottis to Craith-
lint, gottin on sindry his brethir ; al thre nere equal in yeris, freindis,
and gudis. Romak clamit the crown as maist nobil ; for he was
not only cumin of the blude rial of Scottis, bot als of Pichtis, and
had thairfore mony of the nobillis assisting to his opinion. Angu-
siane clamit the crown with consent of Fethehnak, and alledgit he
wes ane man of more reason, experience, and wisdome, than wes
Romak; and wes abillar, thairfore, for the ministration of the
In the mene time, Romak gaderit ane band of armit men, to sla
his two cousingis, traisting the more esahe to succeid to the crown.
Thus rais na thing bot ire and hatrent araang the thre cosingis ;
every ane of thaim cruellie set in otheris slauchter, and lauboring
to draw moniast of the nobiUis to thair opinioun. Alwayis the maist
nowmer of nobiUis assentit to Angusiane : for Romak wes ane man
of mair ferocite than wisdome ; be contrar, Angusiane wes more
reasonable, havand nocht sa mony subtel and fals shchtis as Romak
had. The nobilhs, seing thaim abil na wayis to be brocht to concord,
tuke final purpos to devide the realme betwix thaim. Yit otheris,
more prudent men, thocht the samin unproffitable; for it micht rais
perpetual sedit-ioun, in dammage of thair commoun weill,
Finalie, Romak, impacient of lang tary, be birnand desire to have
the crown, gaderit ane army of Pichtis ; and come ^rith arrayit bat-
taU aganis Angusiane, and his othir cosing, Fethelmak. Than An-
gusiane send his oratouris to the King of Pichtis, praying him to
foster na seditioun amang the Scottis and Pichtis, and to solist his
cosmg Romak erar to concord than battall, sen he micht have all
thing according to reason, but ony plee. The King of Pichtis,
thinkand thir desiris reasonabil, tuk purpos to returne hame •
nochttheles, be evill counsall of freindis, he abaid, and gaif unple-
sand answere. This unplesand answer wes nocht onlie occasioun to
the nobiUis of Scotland to assist to Angusiane aganis Romak, bot
als to have the Pichtis at extreme hatrent. Sone eftir, Angusiane,
advertist that Romak lay in wait of his slauchter, gaderit ane army'
with purpos erar to end the mater be swerd, than ay to leif in dan'
geir of his life. Romak, impacient of lang tary, met him on the
same maner. FoUowit ane sorowfull battall. Nochtheles, Angu-
siane wes discomfist, and baith himself and his cosing Fethelmak
chasit in the His; and finding na securite thair, thay fled in Ire
land. -^
Angusiane doung out of Albioun in this sort, mony of the no-
billis assistit to Romak ; and declarit him king. Yit, as the custom
VOL. I. O ^
of tyrannis is, he conquest the realme wekitUe, and governit it on
the same maner ; and had nane familiar with him, bot sa mony as
wer ennimes to Fincormak and liis sonnis. Sic thingis done, he
maid him to vesy all boundis of his realme, doing justice in his ma-
ner. This tyranny of Romak beand divulgat throw the cuntre,
causit Eugenius and Ethodius, the sonnis of Fincormak, to fle in
Westmureland ; and thair finding na securite, thay fled to the He
of Man. Than foUowit gret truble in Scotland ; as proscriptioun,
slauchter, and oppressioun on all the nobillis that favorit Angusi-
ane, but ony difference of age.
The nobillis, impacient to suffer sic cruell tyrannyis, convenit to-
gidder, be secret writingis, to redi-es al oppressionis and wrangis
done be him ; syne gaderit ane army with sic diligence, that this
tyrane Romak knew nocht of thair assemblance, quhill thay Aver
cuming on him in ane arrayit battall, within x milis.
Romak, astonist be thair cumming, fled in Pentland : nochtthe-
les, he was sa ferslie invadit be ane buschement of Scottis that fol-
lowit on him, that he was slane, with sindry otheris Scottis of his
opinion, the thrid yeir of his regne ; his heid borne on ane staik
throw al the army.
Monv gentillmen of Pichtis war slane at this time with Romak,
sic as favorit his governance, and causit him to rage with gret cru-
elte on the Scottis.
E 1
CJia^» Cljuteentlj.
^ozy Angusiane was maid King of Scottis. How Maxinncs suh-
deixH the Britonis be sindry vktory'is. How Scottis and Pichtis
invadit otliir with set battall. How baith thair Kingis zvar siane,
and the Scottis discovifist.
Omak, the tyrane, slane in this maner. Angusiane re-
turnit in Albion, and was maid king. Quhill sic thingis
war done in Scotland, the Britonis grew insolent be
slauchter of Traherus, Romane capitane, and restorit
the crowne of Britane to Octavius, quhilk was than far run in aige :
throw quhilk thay recoverit baith thair munitionis, landis, and li-
Constantius, Emprioure, and sonne to the gret Constantine, send
ane vailyeant knicht, namit Maximus, in Britane, to dant the Bri-
tonis. This Maximus, sone efter his cuming, faucht aganis the
Britonis, and put thaim to flicht. Be this victory he was put in es-
perance to subdew the Britonis, as thay war afore, to servitude.
Octavius, King of Britonis, heirand thir tithlngis, take sic malan-
coly, that he deceissit, the thrid day efter ; and efter his deith, Oc-
tavius, his Sonne, fled in the He of Man : quhare he remanit with
Ethodius and Eugenius, unknawin quhat he was. The Britonis,
nocht mekill astonist be this discomfitoure, gaderit ane new army,
with mair pissance than afore : nochttheles, thay war vincust, and
chasit on the same maner. Maximus, efter thir victoryis, past throw
sindry boundis of Britane, and gat mony of the pepill randerit to
his opinioun : otheris, quhilkis war repugnant, war put to wraik,
and thair strenthis cassin down.
Quhill sic thingis was done in Britane, rais gret trubil in Scot-
land : for Nectanus, King of Pichtis, to revenge the slauchter of his
cosing Romak, wastit the landis of Scotland be sindry incursionis.
The Scottis, to resist this violent dereptionis, war constraint to rise
in battall aganis the Pichtis. Nochtheles, the Pichtis drew ane gret
nowmer of Scottis, quhilkis war movit for slauchter of Romak, to
thair opinioun, and provokit the residew of Scottis, ilk day, to bat-
tal. Nochtheles, Angusiane send his ambassatoui'is to thaim, schaw-
ing him desirus of peace, and gevin to the weill of baith the realmes ;
and desirit thaim to devoid all injuris, and concur togidder in amite,
as thair faderis did afore, for defence of thair realmis. At last,
quhen Angusiane saw his desiris repellit, that his sleuth suld nocht
be occasioun of insolence to his ennimes, he gaderit his folkis, and
went furthwart in gud array. Efter mony singulare battallis of
vailyeant men, baith the armyis junit, and faucht with gret ire and
hatrent on athir side. At last, the Pichtis war discomfist, and mony
of all thair nobillis slane. King Nectanus was chasit, quhill he
come to Camelon ; and sone efter his cumming thairto, he convenit
the residew of his nobillis to ane counsall, and complanit, be lang
orison, baith the slauchter of his cusing Romak, and the noblis of
his realme that war slane with him ; and desirit ane new army, to
revenge the schameful injuris done laitly be Scottis. The Pichtis,
mair set for the kingis foly and plesour, than for thair common
Weill, concludit ane new army to be rasit aganis the Scottis, out of
all boundis under thair empire ; and sone efter, thay come with the
said army to the wod of Calidon.
Angusiane, richt provident in all his doingis, and knawing the
Pichtis sa awfully gaderit aganis him, assemblit his folkis out of all
boundis of his realme, erar to draw the Pichtis to concord, than to
have battall with thaim ; for he dred the Britonis, be perswasion of
Romanis, to cum in support of Pichtis. And for that caus he send
his plesand letteris to the King of Pichtis, praying him to remem-
ber the anciant amite and kindnes sa lang continewing betwix the
two pepill; and to put end to thair weris, and to geif peace to Scottis,
but ony battal, on that samin maner as he war victorius above thaim,
sen peace was necessar to baith thair ariTlyis ; for Maximus, *Ro-
mane Capitane, was wirkand, ilk day, new attemptatis in Britane,
and purposit, als sone^as he hes subdewit Britane, to conques baith
the realmes of Scottis and Pichtis, efter that thay have distroyit
othir with civill weris.
The King of Pichtis, contempning this profitabil counsal, and
havand na thing in les estimalioun than peace, rasit his army aganis
Angusiane. On the tothir side, Angusiane arrayit his army : and
becaus it was necessar othir to jeoparde him to the chance of for-
toun, or ellis to geif backis to his ennimes, with irrecoverable schame;
he exhortit his men to have curage, and set asid al dredour, gif
thay had ony ; remembring the gret spreit and manheid of thair
eldaris, that thay may acquite thair deith ; and thocht thay faucht
vnth. unfortunat chance of battal, that thay de nocht unrevengit of
thair ennimes. Attoure, he prayit thaim to be nocht movit, thoucht
thay be now to fecht aganis the pepill that was sa lang confiderat
with thaim in amite and blude ; sen thay gave na occasioun of bat-
tiJ, and hes left na thing undone, that micht have recounsalit thaim
to concord : for quliilk thay suld beleve, that God, the lufFer of
peace, suld favour thaim in thair just defence. On the tothir side,
the King of Pichtis ceissit nocht to solist his army to battal. Incon-
tinent, the archearis schot on all sidis ; and efter thaim followit men
with licht harnes, and schot incredibill nowmer of stanis and ganyeis,
with corsbowis and slongis : incontinent, thay junit with speris, axis,
and svverdis. Followit ane terribill battall, fouchtin lang time ^vith
doutsum victory. At last, Angusiane, seand the victory inchne
to Pichtis, raif of his coit armoure, and come amang the commonis,
quhare he faucht with perseverant hatrent to the deith. The
Scottis, traisting thair king erar fled than slane, gaif bakkis ; otheris,
perseverant with mair obstinat mind, faucht quhill thay war slane :
and thocht the victory succedit to the Pichtis, yit it was unplesand
to thaim ; for baith the kingis war slane in this feild, with infinite
nowmer of nobillis and commonis slane on ilk side.
The residew of Scottis and Pichtis, quhilkis war eschapit out of
this feild, returnit hame, and wary it thaim that was the first occa-
sioun and motive of battall betwix the two pepill sa lang afore con-
fident togidder in blude, amite, and freindschip.
How Fethelmafi was maid King of Scottis ; and how he slew Nee-
tane. King qfPichtis ; and was slane efter he ihair treason. And
ofmony nohil Clerkis.
Ngusiane slane in this maner, Fethelmak, the third
nepot of Craithlint, was maid king. He gaderit the
residew of Scottis togidder, with htill better fortoun
than his two cosingis did afore : and in the seciind yeir
of his regne, he rasit his army to revenge the injuris done be Pichtis ;
and come in Angus, invading the inhabitantis thairof with gret
heirschippis and cruelteis. The Pichtis, rageand in hatrent for thir
extorsionis, ruschit in thair maist fury to harnes ; and the Scottis,
nocht abasit thairof, met thaim in the samin maner, and put baith
thair wingis to flicht ; sone efter, discomfist the naiddillward in the
samin maner, with gret murdir maid on thaim in al partis. Necta-
nus, King of Pichtis, brothir to King Nectanus afore rehersit, was
brocht out of the feild ; and deceissit, the thrid day efter, be wound
of ane arrow.
The Scottis, insolent efter this victory, waistit Angus and FifTe
with ithand incursionis. The Pichtis, brokin be this last discom-
fitoure, set thaim erar to stop the Scottis fra taking of thair muni-
tionis and strenthis be Hcht berganis, than ony set battal : and to do
al thingis with mair prudence, thay chesit Hergestus, ane man of
sle and fals ingine, to be thair king. This Hergestus, knawing his
pepill sa brokin wath continewal weris that he micht nocht revenge
the injuris of Scottis, kest him to do the thing be slicht, that he
micht nocht do be force ; and conducit two men of Pichtis to dis-
simil and fenye thaim Scottis, that thay micht mair esaly wait ane
ganand time to sla the Kinge of Scottis. Thir Pichtis war crafty
in casting of dartis ; and becaus the King of Scottis tuke delecta-
tioun in that game, thay war maid the mair familiar to him : noch-
theles, thay socht ay ane ganand time and place for his slauchter.
King Fethelmak hapnit to pas to Carrik, quhare he was in gret
sollicitude all that day. At evinhe went to his bed, and commandit
ane harpar to sing ane soft sang, to draw him out of hevy materis
on sleip. Als sone as he Avas fallin on sleip, the two Pichtis afore
rehersit was convoyit be the harpar quhare he lay, and slew him
sleipand in his bed, the thrid yeir of his regne. The wache herand
the granis of ane deand man, enterit haistely in the chalmer quhare
the king Avas Hand bullerand in his blude : incontinent, thay followit
on his slayaris sa scharply, that thay Avar all tane ; and quhen thay
had confessit all the maner and circumstance of this treasonabill
slauchter, thay AA^ar all punist maist cruelly to the deith, and draAAdn
sindry Avith Asold hors. This slauchter of Fethelmak hapnit in the
fift yeu' of Constantius, Emprioure.
About this time, war mony clerkis profound in every science:
as, Victorine, oratoure; Donatus, gramariour, and preceptour to
Sanct Jerome ; Alcinus and Delphidinis, philosophouris ; Avith mony
otheris, quhilkis war ouir prolixit to rehers.
Cfjap* jfifteentB.
How Sanct Reule hrocht Sanct Atidrotcis arme in Scotland; and
how the Jfirl- of Sanct Androwis was dotat be Hergest, King of
Pichtis ; and of the loving thairof.
^ Anct Rkule, the haly abbot, arrivit about this time
in Albion, A\ith Sanct AndroAA'is arme. This Reule
was ane monk of Grece, borne in Achaia, and abbot in
the town of Patras, quhare mony religious men Avar
obeisant under his cure. He was ane of thaim that Avas send be
Constantius, Empriour, to vesy the bhssit reliquies of Sanct Andre.
And quhen the said Reule had done his de\'otioun with maist reve-
rence, he was commandit, be ane hevinly visioun, to take the arme
of Sanct Andro, Avith in fingaris, and in tayis of his fut ; and to
pas with the samin in the far nuke of the warld, namit Albion.
Reule, monist be this visioun, come, with the said rehquies, throw
the seis Mediterrane to Portingale ; and Avith huge pine and trubil.
1 ^
he come throw the Spanye, Franche, and Almane seis, and arrivit
in the town quhilk is now callit Sanct Androwis : quhare thay war
schipbrokin, and na thing savit except ane few nowmer of haly
men, quhilkis come with the said rehquies. Thir tithingis divulgat
in the cuntre, causit the King of Pichtis and his pepill to cum with
riche ofFerandis out of all partis, to adore the reliquies of the haly
appostill, Sanct Andro. The King of Pichtis with his pepil war
ressavit be Sanct Reule and his fallowis, in thair religious habitis,
with sangis and ympnis, and othir divine cerimonyis, as afferit.
Than Hergestus fell on kneis, and with maist reverence kist thir
blissit reliquies, and gaif his palice riall, richely biggit efter the use
of thay dayis, to Sanct Andro, Sanct Reule, and otheris his fallowis ;
and biggit ane kirk, nocht far fra the said palice, dedicat in the ho-
nour of Sanct Andro. Men sayis, it is the samin kirk that standis
yit in the common kirk yard of the abbay, and was callit, in auld
times, the kirk of Sanct Reule ; bot it is now calht the avild kirk of
Sanct Andro. Hergest dotat this kirk with cowpis, challicis, ba-
singis, lawaris, and sindry othir riche jowellis of gold and silver, to
remane thair perpetually in the honour of devine service. The pos-
terite of King Hergestus succeding efter him, and the Scottis, quhen
the Pichtis was exilit of this realme, lies had Sanct Andro in maist
reverence, as patroun of thair realme.
The abbay kirk was dotat efter be King Malcolne the madin, and
King Robert Brus, with rentis, landis, and possessionis, mair large-
ly. This abbay was in governance of ane nobil man, Johne Heb-
burne, priour thairof, in the time of the first compiling of thir cro-
niklis. This priour was ane wise prelat, and decorit this kirk in
with mony riche ornamentis. He biggit ane wall of square stanis
about the kirk. This wall includis the kirk of Sanct Leonard,
quhare the novicis of the said abbay, and uthir scolaris, lernis thair
grammer, logik, theology, with mony othir science of naturall and
morall philosophy ; and lies sic continewal exercition, that mony re-
solute and profound clerkis risis daily in gret virtew throw the samin.
In this kirk, war first preistis calht Culdeyis ; bot now in it, ar Chan-
nonis Regular efter the institutionis of Sanct Augustine, gevand thair
ingine in continewall exercitioun of letteris, and professioun of thair
religioun. Heirfore, gif thow wil have respect to letteral exercition,
thow sail find thair general! study in every science : gif thow will
be contemplative, thow sal find thair maist honorabill service of God,
with hevinly and delitious sang in maist crafty music : gif thovr
wU have sicht to magnificence and curious biggin, thow sal find nane
of mair honestee nor admiration in Ital}'-, France, or Almany, big-
git curiously be this nobill man : quhilk deceissit the yeir afore the
cuming of thir croniklis to licht, to na les dammage of commoun
Weill, than spreding of letteris in this realme. Amang mony othir
his honorabill werkis, it is gretumly to be lovit, that afore his deith
he maid hisnepot Patrik, ane man of singular virtew and eruditioun,
his successoure, to compleit the magnificent werkis that he afore
began. The yeir that Sanct Reule come with the reUquies of Sanct
Andro in Scotland, was fra the incarnatioun ccclxix.
How Eugenius was maid King of Scottis. How Hergest, King of
Pichtis, was confderat with Romanls for distruction of Scottis.
How Maximus, Capitane of Britane, invadit the Scottis withgret
cruelteis and slauchter.
Ethelmak, slane in maner afore rehersit, the nobillis
brocht Eugenius and Ethodius, the sonnis of Fincor-
mak, out of the lie of Man, quhare thay abaid, eschewin
the fury of Romak, Angusiane, and Fethelmak : and
the eldest of thaim, namit Eugenius, the first of that name, was maid
king. Maximus, capitane of Britane, knavving the hatrent betwix
the Scottis and Pichtis, na les desirus to distroy thaim baith than
to agment the glore of Romane empire ; devisit sic ane subtill slicht,
that he micht first distroy the Scottis, and syne the Pichtis. And
to wirk this mater with mair crafty slichtis, he send ambassatouris
to Hergest, King of Pichtis, schawing him richt sorrowfull for the
injuris done to him be Scottis ; and desirit, thairfor, to be confiderat
with the said King of Pichtis aganis the Scottis : quharethrow it
micht happin, that his pepil micht rise in sic pissance, be support
of Romanis and Britonis, that thay micht othir thirll the Scottis to
VOL. I. 2 G
maist vile servitude, or ellls expell thaim, gif thay plesit, out of Al-
bioun, and conques thair landis and roAvmes to tliaim and tliair pos-
terite. King Hergest plesandly ressavit thir ambassatouris, and
gave thankis to God, that send to him support, in sa extreme dan-
geir, aganis his cruell ennimes : and said, It plesit him weill to be
confiderat vnth the Romanis, sa thay wald concurre with Imn and
his pepill to revenge the injuris done be the Scottis. Maximus con-
discendit to thair desiris, traisting the samiu to cum to hie felicite
of Romane empire.
Nocht lang efter, it was concludit, be convention of Hergestus
and Maximus at York, that Pichtis, Britonis, and Romanis, sal be
confiderat togidder in tendir amite, and the Scottis to be haldin as
ennimes to thaim all. Efter this conventioun, Maximus send ane
herald to Eugenius, King of Scottis, chargcand him to I'cdres all
skaithis done to Pichtis, and deliver the misdoaris to King Hergest,
to be punist at his plesour ; uthirwayis, he and his pepill suld be reput
as ennimes to the senat and pepill of Rome. Eugenius answerit.
He nevir offendit the Romanis nor Britonis be injuris ; and thair-
fore, he belevit the Romanis wald nocht be sa wrangus, as to invade
him with battall but reasonabill motive or occasioun. Forthir, he
understude the Romanis has nocht gottin sic humanite and kindnes
of Pichtis, to move ony weir aganis 'the Scottis than present, sen
thay nevir oifendit to Romanis. Alwayis, he was content baith to
geif and take redres with the Pichtis ; and thay quhilkis invadis
uthir with injuris in times cuming, to be punist as the crime requirit.
Forthir, gif the Romanis, be advise of Pichtis, wald invade him but
ony just occasion of battal, he micht do na thing les, than commend
his gud actioun to God, the punisar of wrangis, and do the best he
micht for defence of his realme and liberte : for the Romanis, as
Weill apperis, ar na les set for exterminioun of Pichtis, than of
Maximus, efter this answer, assemblit ane large army of Romanis,
Britonis, and Franchemen, and enterit in Westmureland, ceissing
fra na maner of cruelteis on the inhabitantis thairof ; and garnist all
the strenthis of that regioun with Romane sodjouris. And sone efter,
he come in Annandale, Galloway, and sindry uthir boundis, exer-
cing gret cruelteis on the same maner.
The Scottis, herand sa huge multitude of pepill assemblit aganis
thaim, war afFrayit. Nochtheles, seand na uthir remeid, thay come
out of all partis of Scotland, be command of Eugenius, with na les
manlieid than ardent desire to resist thair ennimes, and faucht with
Romanis beside the watter of Cree : quhare he was put to flicht, and
Jiis army discomfist. Sa gret slauchter was maid on the brayis of
» this rever, that the same was fillit full of deid bodyis. The Ro-
manis followit sa fast on the chace of Scottis, quhill at last thay en-
terit in ane new bergane with the men of Argyle ; for thay war
cumin forthwart to support Eugenius army, knawing na thing of
this discomfiture. And quhen thay saw the Romanis follow with
sic cruelteis on tlie Scottis, thay ruschit with terribil vissage, noyis,
and rummising, on the said Romanis ; and maid sic undemus slauch-
ter on thaim, that the residew of the Scottis, quhilkis war laitly diffait,
returnit to battall, and chasit the Romanis agane to thair tentis, in-
vading thaim with continual] slauchter, quhill the nicht put end to
thair laubour. Thus was the chance of battall variant, the first day,
betwix the Scottis and thair ennimes. The Romanis, nocht knaw-
ing the counsall of Scottis, howbeit mony of thaim war slane, stud
in hovor, nocht knawing quhidder thay wald renew battal in the
samin nicht, or abide the day. Yit, to have diaim reddy aganis all
chance that micht follow, ihay stuffit thair tentis with maist crafty
ordinance. Eugenius seing, on the morrow, his pepill broldn with
sic innoumerable slauchter, raisit his tentis within the nicht, and
come to Carrik : quhair he tuk lang consultatioun, how he micht
arme him best aganis al chance of battal that micht follow. IMaxi-
mus, on the morow, intending to persew the Scottis with new bat-
tall, wes advertist of gret seditioun rising in Britane ; speciallie
amang thaim that dwelt within the Romane provincis. Thir no-
veUis causit him to desist fra his purpos, and returne in Kent. Eftir
that, he garnist all the strenhis of Galloway with men, munitionis,
and vittallis. Thir wer the dedis of Maximus aganis Scottis in the
first yeris.
How Maximus returnit in Galloxvay, to revenge the injuris done be
Scottis aganis PiclUis. How Eugenius come 'with l.m men, to
resist the Romanis, Pichtis, and Britonis. How he was slane,
his brothir tane, and Ms army discomfist